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Authors: Mallory West

Deviance Becomes Her (2 page)

BOOK: Deviance Becomes Her
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My name is Martine.” He offered his hand. “I live nearby. This is my hangout. A few of my friends are at the bar,” he indicated with a flip of his wrist in the direction of three more Latin men blatantly staring at them hungrily. “Do you think you might want to party with us?”

Barbie and Pam looked at each other trying to interpret each other’s thoughts. Normally they were on the same page. Barbie gave a slight nod.

Sure. I think we could manage that,” Pam answered as she accepted her fresh drink and the two plates of appetizers that arrived. “Have a bite?” she offered to Martine.

He delicately took one of the mushrooms stuffed with cheese and spices. He popped it into his mouth, smoothly and sensuously, as the two women watched closely.

Okaaaaaay,” said Pam taking a drink and playfully fanning her face with her hand. “We’ll be ready once we get some food into us.” Barbie was still entranced from the display of that mushroom delicacy vanishing into Martine’s sexy mouth.

Perfect,” said Martine. “We are at the bar and will come get you when we are ready to leave. Anyone want to dance?”

Barbie stood up after chewing and swallowing her mushroom. “I do!”

Pam leaned back in her seat and watched them dance to the sexual swell of the music
. Damn, this band is good!
she thought as she bobbed gently to the beat. Barbie looked delicious in her red dress showing off her incredible body. She and Barbie did not get top dollar for their modeling at beer shows for nothing.

Barbie and Martine ground against one another as though alone on the dance floor. Pam could almost feel Martine’s hard cock pressing against her own ass. She fidgeted in her seat, popped another mushroom into her mouth, and glanced at the bar. Martine’s friends were feasting their eyes upon her. She felt a little flash of apprehension, but quickly brushed it away.

Martine and Barbie returned to the table. Flushed and tipsy, Barbie leaned over and placed a messy kiss on Pam’s cheek. “This is my best friend in the whole, wide world. We met when we both got hired on the same day…been best friends ever since!” she said with a drunken giggle and hugged Pam tight. Martine sensed this was the time to strike.

Ladies, again, I would like to invite you to come to my place and have a good time.” He nodded to his friends at the bar who were quickly finishing up their drinks. “Are you ready to party?”

Pam looked over at his friends, and once again felt the hot flash of apprehension. She placed her hand on Barbie’s thigh under the table and squeezed hard.

I think we’ll pass. We’re coming back tomorrow night and we will probably see you again. It’s only our first night out on the town.”

Barbie fidgeted, swayed a little drunkenly in her seat, and replied, “But Pam, I really wanted—” Pam squeezed her thigh harder. Barbie shut up.

Ohhhhh ladies.…” Martine spoke with a sexy, lazy smile. “That’s too bad…you don’t know what you are missing.” He pushed his chair back from the table, leaned back, and dropped his hand to his thick cock outlined under his linen trousers, stroking it lovingly. “Wouldn’t you love to have some of this?”

Barbie stared and visualized what lie beneath the light colored material. Pam was adamant. “Maybe tomorrow night, Martine. Just not tonight,” she stated flatly.

Martine stood, his cock fully outlined, primed for action. “Well then, ladies, I am truly disappointed, but we will be here tomorrow night and maybe at that time we can have a happy ending.” He politely nodded and headed for the bar to pick up his buddies. In another couple of minutes, they were all filing towards the exit without a backward glance.

Well, aren’t you the party pooper!” Barbie exclaimed, thoroughly disappointed.

I didn’t feel it, something was off. Four guys and the two of us? Who knows what was waiting back at his place?” Pam explained with a frown knitted between her brows. “More guys? Let’s just be careful, okay?”

Alright,” Barbie murmured as she picked at a piece of tasty chicken off a small skewer. “The appetizers are good.”

Excuse me,” a deep melodious voice came from behind them. A good-looking, older man stepped around to face them. “I was wondering if I might be able to buy you lovelies a drink?”

Not to turn away another admirer, Pam replied, “Of course you may.” The man caught the server’s eye and indicated by the nod of his head to bring another round.

Boldly, he sat down in the newly vacated chair. “Was that young man giving you trouble?”

Oh no…he was nice enough, just invited us back to his place, but we said no. Maybe tomorrow night…it’s our first night out here in town. We’re on vacation,” Pam explained as she quickly took in this stranger’s good looks: tanned, with silvery, short-cropped hair. He wore obvious expensive labeled clothing. A couple of large gold rings adorned his middle fingers, and his open Ralph Lauren navy polo shirt revealed a heavy gold chain with a large ingot around his neck. The man had money.

His unreadable, hooded dark brown eyes held hers until she felt a slow heat begin in her cunt. He had a faded scar running along his left jaw line, about six inches long. It gave him a mysterious, yet dangerous aura.

Drink up, girls,” he said raising his cocktail glass to them. “This is my hangout on Friday nights; lots of enjoyable, professional people come here. I noticed you two as you came in. I watched you dance with the young man and it looked like he was trying hard to convince you to go with him. My name is James, James Welborn. You can ask anyone behind the bar if they know me.” He nodded confidently in that direction.

I have a place not far from here, and also a yacht for which I’m known to have some pretty good parties on the water. I’m not trying to get you two alone and have my way with you like that other young man.” He flashed them a smile that did not quite reach his eyes.

Something about him intrigued Pam. Not the money, not his good looks or demeanor. Just something was drawing her in…something she could not explain. “When is your next party?” she found herself asking.

Barbie had been sitting quietly at her side, also intently watching this man. She, too, was feeling somewhat drawn to him. He had a nice body, which she could see by the fit of his polo shirt. Handsome, but it was something else. Something else was drawing her as she watched him sensuously stroke the side of his cocktail glass with one long, manicured finger.

As a matter of fact, I am having a party tonight. My parties start late, real late. Why did you ask?” He looked directly into Pam’s face without blinking, as though his eyes were smoldering precisely into her inquisitive mind, mesmerizing her.

Um…well, I thought maybe we might want to come…if they are as popular as you say they are, and the bartenders know you and all,” Pam said slightly squirming in her seat. She definitely wanted to party with him. He was incredibly captivating and something emanated from him — not cologne, but rather intoxicating, something reminiscent of
! That was it…he oozed sexual magnetism. She looked over at Barbie and saw the odd look in her eyes. She obviously sensed it as well.

You’re welcome to join us. The party starts at the stroke of midnight.” He glanced casually at his rose gold Patek Philippe watch. “That’s in another hour and a half or so. I don’t live that far from here. Would you like to come to my home first? My yacht is docked right out
back. People usually begin arriving a little before midnight. That’s when the party gets rolling.” Pam looked at Barbie. Should they? Shouldn’t they? Their mutual eye contact screamed

We took a cab over here from the hotel, so I guess we need to ride with you?” asked Pam. She gathered her small purse, as did Barbie. They rose to leave, never giving a thought to going off with a stranger.

* * *



On the ride to his home in James’s Bentley Mulsanne, the girls were excited. Something was going to happen tonight; they didn’t know exactly what, probably get laid, but not sure. James was an enigma for certain. Riding up front, Pam could still get a whiff of the aroma James was exuding, and it was almost making her giddy.

Barbie, in the back seat of the luxurious auto, was staring out the window at the variety of dazzling lights of the nightclubs, people laughing and talking as they strolled from bar to bar. Finally, the lights were behind them, and the gaiety slipped away as they cruised further out of town on N. Roosevelt Blvd.

James turned down Hilton Haven Road and drove for another few minutes before pulling up to the large iron gate that was opening slowly for the car. Pam could barely see the expansive estate at the end of the long curving brick-paved drive, due to the heavy foliage and trees looming in the darkness.

James finally parked directly in front of a wide stone stairway and helped each of them out of the vehicle. He led them up the stone steps to the tall, wooden front door. They entered into the stone-floor foyer.

I don’t have a housekeeper on Friday nights or party nights,” James explained as he led them into a large living room. The décor was casual yet expensive with cream marble tile flooring; a large colorful tapestry hung on one wall, plush deep burgundy leather seating. A huge rock fireplace ran along one wall, and live good-sized potted trees and plants were dotted about. A wall of glass overlooked a lush backyard lit with lamps around a large pool. They couldn’t see what lay beyond due to the darkness.

Please sit down. The other guests will be arriving before too long. Would you like another drink? Or glass of wine?” He swept an offering hand towards a built in bar. The women each opted to continue their drinks of choice of the night. James quickly went to work and provided them with perfect dirty martinis.

This guy is too much
, thought Pam as she sipped her delicious drink. The sexual attraction was getting extremely strong for her at this moment. She and Barbie were reclining on a long, buttery soft leather sofa. James sat down on the ottoman in front of them and sipped his scotch. He just gazed at the women without speaking, making them feel especially horny and restless. His scent was so irresistible.

Well.…” Pam started, the silence too much, “Um…what are we going to do now? Until the guests get here?” She drummed her fingertips upon her knee.

James continued to look at her with those sexy eyes and sipped his drink. He spoke, “We can relax. Let’s go out back and you can see the yacht, we can board if you like. My guests know to come to the back gate and board. They all have an access code to get onto the property.”

He’s so damn mysterious
, thought Barbie hotly.
Obviously, he

s not into us, he hasn’t even made a move!

They finished their drinks and walked out onto the back patio where their breath was taken away at the incredible sight. Several yards away, beyond the huge illuminated swimming pool, was the enormous anchored yacht, lit up with soft golden lights. It looked like a floating hotel!

Isn’t she a beauty?” James mused to the girls as he stared at his beloved yacht. “Meet

Ohhhh, I’ve never seen a yacht up close or this huge!” Pam exclaimed in awe. “This is where you have parties?”

Sometimes. I have special parties either in the house, or on the yacht. Sometimes we take her out to sea overnight. Only my exclusive friends come to the overnight, and sometimes the party goes on for a couple of days. I think you’ll like my friends,” James said as he slipped an arm about Pam and Barbie’s waists, hugging them tight. They leaned into him completely surrendering to his influence without truly realizing it. He released them and with a flourish of arms said loudly, “Come aboard!”

James beckoned as he led the way alongside the enormous vessel and helped them walk up the small gangway. Once on board he showed them around. “My friends should be arriving soon.” The 116 Lazzara yacht was amazing. He led them through the main salon and kitchen area.

She sleeps eight comfortably, and of course, my crew of three have their own quarters,” James explained. “But we’re staying docked tonight. There is a special party tomorrow night and I thought maybe you might be interested in coming after you meet my friends.”

Pam nodded and shrugged her shoulders for a ‘maybe

. The girls were awed by the lovely décor and how much it looked just like a luxurious inn. Polished hardwood walls and floors gleamed warmly. He led them past the salon and a bathroom, opening another door.

And here is my special room…you might find it entertaining.” He pushed the door open wide and revealed a king size bed. The deep red, satin spread glowed warmly in the soft overhead light. The matching heavy drapes were pulled closed, giving the room a cozy feel despite its spacious size.

BOOK: Deviance Becomes Her
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