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Authors: Unknown

Devi (2 page)

BOOK: Devi
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“January,” she broke in, eyebrows lifted.

January flushed and asked in a whisper, “He’s behind me, isn’t’ he?”

“I’m afraid so.” Devi lifted her gaze to the amused brown eyes watching her, and felt a kick to her gut. Her palms were a bit sweaty as she locked gazes with him.

January dropped her head to the table and refused to lift it.

Licking her lips, Devi asked, “Can I help you?”

The man stepped closer to her, a smile on his face, and she shivered slightly.

“I was told I could find Devi Petner up here. Is that you?”


He handed her an envelope. “Just need your John Hancock.”

She pulled a pen from her coat to sign the paper he held out, and clicked it while her gaze drifted back up to the man standing so close to her.

His dark pants and light shirt highlighted his muscles. His skin was tanned and all she wanted to do was touch it. The name badge on his shirt read ‘Rhodes’, and she said it a few times in her head while she signed.

“Here you go.” Devi returned the paper.

His fingers grazed hers as he took the sheet back.

“Thank you.”

He smiled, showcasing a dimple in his left cheek, before he turned and walked away, leaving her staring at his retreating figure.

“He’s gone, January,” she informed her friend.

“I can’t believe he heard me. Look at you, staring after him. See? It wasn’t just me—that man is fine!”

And he was. Before he turned the corner, he paused and looked back at them. When he nodded his head, Devi’s belly clenched again and she could totally understand what January had been saying.

Devi was baffled and at a loss. No man had ever affected her like this. But the way he’d said her name…it had made heat uncurl in the most private parts of her body. She wanted more. And now she was staring after him, like every other woman in the vicinity.

No one watching her could even have begun to believe that her true identity was Renpet, goddess of time, immortality and the cycle of life and death. To those who had worshipped her in the past, she had been known as the Mistress of Eternity.


Rhodes Liatos chuckled as he headed back to his truck. That poor woman had been so embarrassed when he’d approached behind her and heard her comments. The other one, though…she was no laughing matter.

It had been hard to be professional while staring at her. Never before had a woman intrigued him so much from the get-go. She was a little thing—he’d bet she’d barely reach his shoulder, and he was two inches over six feet. Her black hair had been drawn back into a loose bun that sat at her nape. She had well-defined features and skin the colour of polished rosewood. His fingers had itched to touch it and find out whether it was as soft and smooth as it looked.

She had full, kissable lips and a small nose. Her eyes were large, dark brown and framed by thick, curvy, sooty lashes. Her hands were delicate and her nails had pale pink polish on them.

He’d noticed that there was no ring indicating marriage. She did wear two rings, though, one on each thumb. One dark and one light.

Dr Devi Petner was definitely a woman he had an interest in seeing again. And, from the intense way she’d studied him, he’d bet she felt the same. If only he didn’t have more deliveries to make today. He paused with one foot on the step and almost headed back to her to ask her out.

“I’m working, I can’t,” he muttered, and climbed into his truck.

Still he hesitated. There had been this draw between them, one he’d never felt before, and he wanted to see where it would lead.

Finally, he forced himself to get back to work, deciding that, if it was meant to be, they would run into one another again.


“What’s on your mind, Rhodes?”

The question snapped him from his mental undressing of Devi Petner. Smothering his frustrated groan, he closed his locker door and gave all his attention to Dave Hendrickson, another driver.

“Thinking about the weekend,” he said evasively.

“Big plans?”

“Hope so.”

I wonder if her breasts will overflow my hands. I couldn’t tell with her wearing that shapeless lab coat.

Dave’s eyes widened. “Hot date? Come on, man—tell me about her. I’m living through you, here.”

Rhodes chuckled. “Nothing to tell…” He paused for dramatic effect. “Yet.”

“You dog, man. I bet she’s hot.”

Hot wasn’t the word. He couldn’t explain it. Devi had this aura that had called to him on so many levels. All he knew was that he wanted to get to know her better. Much better.

“She’s…yeah, she sure is.” He hefted his bag and smacked Dave on the shoulder. “I’ll see you later. Have a great one.”

Rhodes left before more questions were forthcoming.

Sliding behind the wheel of his vintage Corvette—normally he drove his Cherokee, but it was in the shop, so he’d pulled this out of the garage—he couldn’t stop his mind from drifting back to Devi one more time. The way her full lips had formed words, how her tongue had sneaked out to dampen them. The way her eyes had sparkled as she’d listened to her friend talk.

“Pull it together, man,” he said to himself.

The engine turned over with a smooth purr and he shifted into gear. Leaving the parking lot, he headed for his next stop.


* * * *


After returning from a six-mile run, he had just opened his car and withdrawn a bottle of water when a voice made him jerk upright, nearly smacking his head on the doorframe. He tensed as if preparing for battle.

Rhodes pivoted, searching for her. He knew it was Devi’s voice.

There. He pinned her with his gaze as she came into view from one of the side paths. She was with two others, but they headed off on their own, which left her alone—with him.

He knew the moment she realised it was him. Her mouth formed a little and absolutely adorable ‘O’. He hungrily ran his gaze over her. She was clothed in a tight, light blue top that showed off her toned and flat stomach. Short white shorts showcased lean legs, and she had on matching shoes and socks.

Her gaze moved up his body and it responded as if she’d actually touched him. She tossed her head, her ponytail swinging, then walked towards him.

He couldn’t be sure it wasn’t simply a trick caused by the low light of the evening, but her eyes seemed to glow, almost as a cat’s will at night when they’re hit with light. It was eerie and for a time he hesitated, sensing that there was more to this woman than met the eye.

It faded before he could think much of it, and a siren’s smile lifted one corner of her all-too-kissable mouth.

She halted before him and plucked the water bottle from his hand, uncapped it and took a healthy swallow. “Thanks,” she said, eliminating the lone, tempting drop on her lower lip with her tongue.

He reclaimed his bottle when she offered it back to him. “I didn’t expect to see you again today,” he commented, taking a drink himself.

“That statement implies you figured on seeing me again.”

“I did. I do,” he amended.

“I don’t even know your full name,” she whispered, stepping closer still.

“Rhodes Liatos.”

She studied him. “A Greek surname. Were you born there?”

She prowled around him like a predator stalking its prey. So close to touching, yet not.

“No.” His voice sounded deeper than normal. “The States. California, to be exact.” He stared down at her, realising he’d been right—she didn’t even make it to his shoulder. “What about you?”

“Egypt is my land of birth.”


She shrugged. “To those not born there, I suppose so.” She lifted her head and locked gazes with him. “Are you going to ask me out this time or not?”

He smiled at her straightforwardness. From any other woman it would have turned him off, but, coming from Devi, he liked it—a lot.

“I’m getting around to it.”

“Good,” she replied, watching him from beneath half-lowered lids. “Good night, Rhodes Liatos.” Devi backed away, did an about-face, and strode off without a backwards look.

“Wait a sec!” he yelled after her.

“Call me.” She rounded the corner and disappeared from view.

He ran to the curve, only to discover there was no sign of her at all. No cars in the area—nothing. Muttered curses accompanied his trek back to his car. He reached into his pocket for his key and frowned in confusion when he withdrew a business card. Plain white, it read ‘Devi Petner’ in centred block letters, and underneath that, ‘Paediatrician’. Her business address and phone number were in one corner. He flipped the card over and found a handwritten phone number.

“What a woman,” he said, replacing the card in his pocket and withdrawing his keys. He had a smile on his face for the entire drive home.

Chapter Two




The following afternoon, Devi lay in her hammock, enjoying the idyllic day. Her doorbell chimed and she sighed, reluctant to get up.

“It’s open,” she called out.

The familiar masculine scent that had surrounded Rhodes told her who it was before he’d even made it through the house. Turning her head, she watched him step out onto the patio.

“Kind of dangerous, don’t you think, just inviting people in without knowing who it is?” he asked, giving her a disapproving look before putting a bouquet of flowers on the table.

She almost laughed at that, but smothered it. He was concerned about her. How cute.

Today, Rhodes wore khaki slacks and a dark blue polo-necked shirt. Licking her lips, she swung her legs over and got up from the comfort of her hammock. He glanced at her and swallowed. Hard.

She knew it was her outfit. Cream-coloured gauze woven with gold threads made up her halter-top dress with its deep V-neck. Although the material reached the floor, slits in the skirt ran up to the tops of her thighs. With each step she took, one leg flashed through. And she knew it looked good on her—hell, it had been made just for her.

“Cat got your tongue, Rhodes?”

His forehead had a sheen of sweat on it.

“No. That’s… It’s… Damn.”

“I take it that’s a good thing,” she said with an assured smile.

“Oh, yeah,” he rumbled. He flexed his fingers like he wanted to grab her.

“Thank you.”

He had to tear his gaze away from her nearly exposed chest. “What for?”

“The flowers. They’re beautiful.”

He acted as if he’d forgotten he’d even brought them. “You’re welcome,” he muttered, his gaze on her.

“Something I can do for you, Rhodes?”

“I came to ask you to dinner.” His voice still not as smooth as it had been.

“You didn’t call.”

“I wanted to see you.” His eyes burnt feverishly. “Luckily, I’m a resourceful man—you didn’t give me much to go on.”

“You are that. I knew you’d find me if you wished to see me.”

Warmth surrounded her at his admission. “I’ll go get changed.” She moved past him and headed towards the sliding door, then paused and glanced back over her left shoulder. “A little help?”

He approached and stood behind her. His size made her feel dainty and protected. Without a word, she moved her hair out of the way. Her skin tingled from the light brush of his fingertips as he undid the bow holding up her dress.

“There you go,” he whispered in her ear, his breath teasing her skin.

“Be right back.”

She let go of her hair and it swung back into place, covering her to the small of her back. He gasped as she left him there, in between indoors and out. Alone except for her dress, which had pooled at his feet.

In her bedroom, she stood before her tri-fold mirror and stared at her reflection. Her nipples had beaded the moment he’d entered her house. On the whole, she had no use for mortal adults. The children she still held out some hope for, but adults, she…

Well, that had been until Rhodes. She smoothed her hands down over her breasts and cupped them. The tips peeked out between two fingers on each hand. How would his hands feel? Would he kiss her breasts? Tug on the points?

She tugged on the tips and a groan slipped out. Her eyes drifted closed before she forced them back open. Lowering her hands, she ignored the needs of her body in favour of deciding what to wear tonight.

With a wave of her arm, she attired herself in a black and red halter-neck dress with a handkerchief hem. She left her hair loose around her face and put herself in black heels. Still staring at her reflection, she added some jewellery to her outfit. A gold necklace with a ‘Forever’ heart pendant with diamonds. Her earrings were gold drops with black and white diamonds.

Her cartouche was around her wrist on a gold bracelet. She took one final look at herself, wiped from her expression the desire she had for the man waiting for her, and left the room to find him.

Be good through dinner, then we can see where it leads.

She tried to convince herself, but fell short.

Rhodes had brought the flowers inside and was in the process of putting them in a vase when she walked into the kitchen. He glanced at her and gave a low whistle. Wiping his hands on a towel, he strode towards her, grabbed her by her upper arms and drew her in close.

“I was this close to following you to the bedroom,” he whispered. He nuzzled her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple.

“You should have. Although we’d not get dinner.”

He lifted her chin with his index finger. Lowering his mouth, he pressed light, feathery kisses along her jaw. The final one, upon her lips, made her sigh with pleasure. He skimmed her lower lip with his tongue, then the seam, then delved inside.

She opened with a moan of pure pleasure. This was what she wanted. Her pussy pulsed with longing and she moulded her body more tightly against his. He stroked along the insides of her mouth with his invading tongue and she purred, arching even closer.

He broke the kiss and stared down into her eyes, still cradling her face in his palms. She could feel the calluses on his skin and it made her quiver with longing. He caressed her skin with his thumbs.

“We should get going,” he muttered, still holding her gaze.

BOOK: Devi
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