Read Desperate Seduction Online

Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Programming Languages, #Computers

Desperate Seduction (7 page)

BOOK: Desperate Seduction
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Walking to the kitchen, she dumped everything into the trash. Forget eating. If things looked any more negative, she’d throw up.

Why the hell had he gone from hot to cold? What had she done to turn him off?

Had it been the masturbating? The phone call? Maybe Blake didn’t like forward women. Maybe he wanted her timid…shy…

No way. Not her. She couldn’t live the rest of her life pretending to be something she wasn’t. Could it be that they weren’t so well suited after all?

Then why did she feel so positive about their future together?


Alyssa Brooks

A single hot tear rolled down her left cheek and she fought to dam the flood of emotions. Leaning against the counter, she drew several deep breaths.

Should she call him again?

As if in answer, the telephone rang. Oh my God! Was it him? She raced across the room, all but tripping on her own two feet to grab the portable off the couch. “Blake?” she half screamed, half cried. Her foot caught on something, sending her rolling to the floor with a loud thump. “Ouch.”

Blake gave a lighthearted laugh. “Glad to know you miss me.” His voice was smooth, suave, in control. The bastard! What was he up to now?

She swallowed. “Why didn’t you come to dinner?”

“I won’t make apologies.” He paused, letting her hang. “It was your fault.” No! Don’t let it be that! “What? Blake…”

“I am teasing you unmercifully, but I can’t help it. You’re so cute.” He chuckled and she wanted to reach through the line and slap him. “I’m glad to know you care. Now, will you come pick me up from the police station?”

“The what? Blake, that’s not funny.”

“I know and unfortunately, I’m not kidding. I don’t know why I’m laughing either, except when you’ve had a day like mine, there really isn’t much else to do.”

“What happened?”

“I was daydreaming about you and rearended a guy. Thankfully the only injury was to my pride. The police insisted on a blood test, thinking I was drunk or on drugs.”


“Well, because the guy I hit was like the twentieth car behind a long line at a light and I never even hit the brakes. Not to mention I was too preoccupied to change from my uniform. Not every day a black belt in a cowboy hat goes plowing through traffic at twenty-five miles an hour.”



Desperate Seduction

He lowered his voice. “I could hardly explain that I was daydreaming of you and your little sexy call and that butt plug. But now that I’ve proven I’m not a drunk, just an idiot, they’re releasing me. Can you come save this jerk?”

“Oh goodness, of course. I’ll be right there.”

“I’m at the station on Court Street. Thanks, Claire. See you in a minute. Love ya.


Blake hung up, not waiting for her response. Thank God too, because her tongue was tied in a knot. He loved her? Did he really just say that? Or was it just a casual toss off?

The speed of her heart jump-started, accelerating to unsafe illegal limits. She shook as she pulled herself upright, a silly smile spreading on her face.

Thank God! Blake had been in a car accident!

Not that she’d wanted him to wreck, but it meant all her worries were for naught.

She hadn’t quit her job in haste.

She raced to her bedroom, quickly changing from the negligee to a pair of shorts and tee shirt. As she bent, the plug reminded her of its presence. She wondered if she should remove it, but quickly decided no. There was something naughty about venturing to a police station with it in. She felt bad and she loved it. Besides, imagine Blake’s surprised face when he realized she’d actually kept it in all day. No doubt he expected that she would’ve long since removed it. He probably wanted an excuse to spank her.

He could do that anyway.

Dressed, she grabbed her purse and keys, all the while singing to herself, “Love, love, love, da da dum, love, love, love…”

* * * * *

A warm, wonderful emotion filled Blake as he held Claire’s hand. Together, they strolled toward her blue Neon parked directly out front the police station. Her fingers 53

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clutched his, as if letting go would mean losing him. Every couple of seconds, she stroked her thumb along his palm, sending shivers up his arm.

To think, three days ago he’d planned on setting Claire straight about the lack of possibilities between them. Now…

He simply smiled to himself and opened the driver-side door for her. “I won’t ask to drive.”

She laughed, sweet and lighthearted, reminding him of a dove. “Good thing.” Sitting in the driver’s seat, she started the engine as he walked around to the passenger side of the car. His hat brushed the interior’s roof as he sat and put on his seatbelt, resting his hand on her thigh.

“Let’s get home.”

“And you’re sure you’re okay?”

“You’ve asked fifteen times already. I’m fine. Everyone else is fine. My car is not. I needed a new one anyway. One more fitting for a family.” He could literally feel Claire beaming from his words. Damn, he hoped he’d be able to give her the kid she so wanted. If not, they’d just need to find another way to have children. If they saved long enough, maybe they could afford some sort of treatment or adopt.

She drove toward home and he turned the radio to something light and jazzy.

“Did you save dinner for me?”


“You threw it out, didn’t you?”


He squeezed her thigh. “Bad girl, Claire.” He shook his head. “Uh uh. Not trusting me, sexy phone calls, you really want that spanking, don’t you?” She gave no reply except for a shy smile. Blake couldn’t help but eat it up.


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He traced his finger along her thigh, inching higher and higher, until his fingers slipped up under her shorts. He caressed the edge of her panties, slipping one finger into her silky folds. Immediately she pulled away, though he was loath to abandon her damp pussy. Did she have any idea how warm—welcoming—that part of her was?

She slapped at his hand. “One accident is enough.”

“I’m hungry,” he stated, matter of fact like, staring at her like she was a meal.

“At this point, all I can offer is leftover Chinese and myself.” His finger resumed its path. “Yummy. I’ll take both.” She turned into their neighborhood and shifted in her seat as if uncomfortable. A couple seconds later, she wriggled her fanny again, her antsy actions cluing him in.

He couldn’t believe it. “You still have the plug in?”

“Yes. It’s driving me crazy. But, in a good way.” She laughed softly. “I quit my job because of it.”

“Yeah right.”

“I did.”

“Yeah right.”

“I’m not kidding. Tomorrow, day three, I’ll be ripe and ready for you as soon as you wake.”

Well shit. Claire quit her job? He couldn’t believe it.

This was perfect. He squeezed Claire’s thigh and his heart swelled. With exception of the accident, the puzzle pieces of life and love he had struggled with for years seemed to be falling into place. Everything was fitting together perfectly.

This was perfect. He had great sex and a wife and kids to look forward to. And the cherry on top? He’d just added secretary to the list.

* * * * *


Alyssa Brooks

At least the table was still set, Claire pondered as she heated the leftover Chinese food. They could still have their romantic evening, though she did wonder what the MSG in pork fried rice might do to one’s sex drive. It better spark it or she’d never get takeout again.

Not that anything could diminish the arousal heating her body from the anal plug.

The microwave dinged, the light in it flashing out. Before she retrieved the food, she paused a moment to straighten the negligee. She’d changed into the sexy outfit again as soon as they arrived home. She had to admit strutting around in something like this was fun. How many times had she caught his gaze devouring her?

The thin straps of the shoulders fixed in place, she swung open the microwave door, cradled the hot pint in her palm and headed out to Blake.

He flashed a smile as she entered the room, a habit she was beginning to enjoy. She wanted lots of smiles in her life now. They needed to work on that.

“Watch it, it’s hot. I just hope I didn’t dry it out. I added a bit of ketchup. Hope you don’t mind.” Leaning over Blake, she scraped some pork and rice on his plate.

His hands grasped her waist, yanking her onto his lap. Locking her in his strong arms, he supported her as she twisted to look him in the face.

“You’re hot, my dear and I sincerely hope not dried up.” Claire wiggled, causing the plug to press against a sensitive knot deep inside her. “I don’t think that’s an issue.”

“Good.” Lifting the fork, he fed her a bite of food. “Won’t it be wonderful, when we can play this little game at the studio? You wear the plug and suffer with desire in my office as you file for me and I’ll satisfy you in between classes.”

“Are you offering me a job?”

“Are you eating rice?” He offered her another bite.

“Smartass. You are such a wise guy, you know?” She sighed. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”


Desperate Seduction

“You like me in my uniform, don’t you?”


“Just imagine, seeing me in it everyday, being able to have me fuck you in it… just imagine Claire.” His palm splayed across her thigh as he nibbled slowly along her neck.

Tingles crawled through her and her loins flared.

Grasping the glass of wine, she took a large gulp. The liquid burned her empty stomach, in moments fogging her inhibitions. She couldn’t control her thoughts as they rushed her mind, her imagination going wild. He was so hot in his uniform. She pictured herself bent over his desk, her skirt high in the air. How he’d ram into her, hard and fast, papers flying everywhere as they rode on a magic carpet ride to ecstasy, all the while turned on by the risk of being caught…his thumb flicking her nipples, his finger teasing her ass, his…

“I suppose,” she managed to admit as she jerked from the reverie. She leaned her head back to allow more kisses and his lips were magic, slowly, deliberately nibbling along her neck. His teeth grazed her skin as he suckled and teased her with his mouth.

“Not good enough.” His hand cupped her breasts, his thick-skinned fingers caressing her peaked nipples through the lace of her outfit. The attack on her neck increased as he sunk his teeth into her flesh and sucked. “Agree to work for me.


She took another large gulp of wine, feeling giddy and intending to tease him. But suddenly, his fingers clamped around her nipples, pinching hard.

“Okay, okay,” she pleaded, though she really didn’t want him to stop. “I’ll be your secretary.” She couldn’t help her slight giggle. “I want to anyway. I was just joking—” He squeezed his fingers tighter. “Promise.”

Claire clenched herself, arousal shooting through her loins, making her pussy sweat with need. My God, she wanted this man. Needed him. So much, she was going crazy.


Alyssa Brooks

Blake slid his hand down her belly, cupping her mons. His thumb slid under the lace thong and caressed her clit. “You’re a naughty girl, Claire, teasing me like that.”

“I am,” she cooed saucily, deliberately toying with him. If only they were at his house. Unfortunately, she’d left the love paddle there.

“I think you need a spanking, don’t you?”

“Oh yes.” A thrill shot through her. “Please.”

“Over my knees.” His other hand traced her backbone. “Now.” Anticipation ripped through Claire. Tickles filled her stomach, her pussy pulsing with desire. She turned, scooted off his lap and stared at his legs. Talking about feeling naughty. Was she truly setting herself up for a spanking? Did other women feel so hot and ready at the thought of having a man’s hand on their bottom?

Her ravenous cunt responded in answer. It didn’t matter. She was hungry for the sting of his blows. She wanted this. Him.

Slowly, she lowered herself across his knees and his left hand cupped her cheek.

His thumb caressed her skin, his touch driving her insane.

Blake tenderly explored her, tracing the deep crack between her ass cheeks. With his forefinger, he caressed and traveled its length, then grabbed her bottom and squeezed.

His touch was so soft and loving. She never expected the sudden, stinging slap as his palm raised then bit into her. She arched, squealing. His hand came down once more, then again. She lifted and cried out at each slap, pretending they hurt, but truly loving each smack.

Each time she arched, the plug shifted within her, pressing against a pleasure spot deep inside her. Her pussy yawned and begged for fulfillment, so dripping wet she could feel her desire running down her legs.

Blake paused and she raised her ass, ready for the next slap. Instead, his hand came down softly, once again exploring her cheeks. Now reddened and throbbing, the soft 58

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skin was even more sensitive to his touch. Every stroke of his fingers was fire that ignited sparks, making her feel alive. Sexy. Loved.

Ever-so slowly, Blake slid his fingers into the crevice between her buns, finding her anus. He paused over the hole, making it throb for his touch.

Gripping the jelly end of the plug, he carefully, slowly, pulled it from her. With his other hand, he found her clit and massaged the nerve-infused bud. Pleasure peaked in her, making her teeter on the edge of an orgasm without so much as a cock in her. The plug came free, leaving her throbbing in desperate need.

God, she needed to be filled. Her cunt. Her ass. She wanted him in her.

Sliding his hand under her belly, Blake lifted her torso. “Get up.” Obeying his command, she stood.

His eyes drifted over her body. “Get rid of that silly negligee.” He didn’t like it? It was the first she’d ever bought, but she’d thought it very feminine. Pretty. Flattering. She—

“I want to see you bare, head to toe. Nothing in the way.” She could certainly accommodate him with that. She started to remove the skimpy covering, lifting it to pull over her head.

BOOK: Desperate Seduction
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