Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series)
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  I set the phone on the counter
, and turn around to face the mirror again.  Ian wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on the top of my head.

"Hey you, look at me."
I move my eyes to his in the mirror.  "I have a new purpose in life, you know.  I will always keep you safe, and no one will ever hurt you again." He sounds so sure that I believe him.  "I. Love. You. Aubrey Jackson, you are mine." His deep blue's have me mesmerized as he vows to me his forever.

"Ian, when you say things like that I believe it."  Is he to
o good to be true.  Did I really just meet this amazing, loving, caring, and can't forget gorgeous man only a week ago.

"That's because it's true.
I will never live in this world without you.  So for my own survival I have to keep you safe."  He's still not wearing a shirt, he's only in his jeans, and god does he look good.

He turns around to walk into the bedroom and I see the red streaks
going down his back.  I can't help that every time we have sex I have the urge to mark him.  He doesn't seem to mind, and I have a few marks myself.  He has given me a few little hickeys by my breast and on my lower belly.  Last night he even put one on my inner thigh just below my sex. 

I walk behind him
, and before he puts on his t-shirt I rub my hands on his back over the red streaks from my fingernails.  "Do these hurt, baby?" I ask now kissing them.

"No, I like it.  You'
re just marking your possession.  Sometimes when my shirt rubs them I feel them, and it reminds me of you and what we were doing when you gave them to me," he says turning his head so I see the side of his beautiful face and his dimples. 

"Is that what you a
re doing when you give me these?" I stand in front of him and unbutton the first two buttons of my silk shirt.  I pull it open to reveal the little red marks on my chest.  He just gives me a wicked grin and lowers his mouth to freshen up the one that is starting to fade.

"You are mine," h
e says as he finishes his handy work and pulls on his shirt. "And this is better than the alternative." He raises his eye brows at me.

"Which is?"

"A tattoo that says Property of Ian Brady, you touch you die."

I laugh out
loud and it feels good to do so.

"I love that sound baby, we need to work on you laughing more."






Chapter 3




As we drive to the mansion
, I hate that Rex is sitting beside me and Aubrey is in the back.  She insisted on it and I'm sure it was a pride thing she was trying to give Rex.  There's not much conversation as we drive, and when we pull up to the house the SUV is still there.  It's accompanied by another one.  I called in 4 more guys, and from what I've heard from them so far, they've had a fun night of Tandi screaming at them to get out.  She threatened often to call the police, but never did.

Walking into the house
, we are greeted first by Kory, a giant of a man that has worked for me for about five years. 

," he nods, "welcome to the crazy house." He jokes, but doesn't smile.  It's pretty typical Kory behavior.

"So where are the crazies?"

"When they're not here yelling at us to get out of their house, they are in the den working on that vault. They are a pair of dumb fucks. Oh sorry, Miss Jackson," Kory apologizes for his language. Aubrey blows it off with a wave of her hand letting him know that it's fine. 

We walk into the den and see the idiots hard at work.
Matt is drilling on what looks like a joint of the vault and he's sweating. Tandi is standing over him looking very anxious.  The drill is making the worst screeching sound.  When Tandi notices us she pats Matt shoulder to stop. 

"Oh my god, it's Rex Olsen."
Tandi's mouth is wide open, and she starts fixing her hair. She pulls her shirt down to reveal more of her cleavage. 
You have got to be kidding me
. She walks toward us, only looking at Rex as she saunters seductively, licking her lips as she goes.

Aubrey looks up at me,
and rolls her eyes.  That makes me laugh.  Rex starts laughing too.

"Back off dirty bitch,
" Rex grates before she takes another step.  She halts in her tracks with a shocked look on her face.

"So are you ready to deal?" Matt is now standing and wiping his hands on a towel looking smug. 
Oh I will be wiping that smug look of your face soon you stupid grease ball

"Not so fast asshole
," I step in front of Aubrey to keep his slimy eyes off my girl.  "We need to see the tape first," and there it is, Tandi looking panicked at Matt. 

"We don't have it
yet, but Jim is selling it. We will buy it and expose Aubrey for the slut she is!"  Matt yells. They have no idea what is on that tape.  They think it is some sort of mutual sex tape.  Rex pounces before I can, and has Matt down on the ground with one swing.

"You fucker!
You have no idea what you're talking about, you little prick!" Rex is standing over a terrified Matt, his nose bleeding.  Aubrey looks at me panicked, and I am pissed that it wasn't me that laid him out.

," Tandi says frantic at the escalation of the situation.  "All we want is what's in the vault. Give us that and we will be gone. You'll never hear from us again." She's still trying to get hers. She is one dumb, stupid bitch.  "We won't buy the tape. I even drew up some papers," she says grabbing a contract of some sort of the table.

"Do you even know what
is on the tape, you dirty whore!" I shout at her. 

"It's this slut......"  S
he stops when Rex stands up and throws his anger her way. "It's a tape of Aubrey having sex with her boyfriend's dad. That's what he said."  Shit. So he did rape her and is now trying to sell it as a sex tape, no doubt seeing in the papers that she inherited millions and is now trying to get his.
Oh he will get his alright, as soon as I find the fucker

"Listen you stupid cow."
Now Aubrey is mad.  Her cheeks are bright red and she has fire in her eyes.  "What you think is a sex tape is actually a tape of an assault, and a rape of an 18 year old girl by a 40 year old man." 

?" Her mouth is open again in shock. 

"So unless you
want to go to prison for black mailing the girl that was beaten and raped on that   tape, I would suggest you get out my house, and fast!"  She yells and I can see her trembling, but that's my girl she is strong.  She is not going to be pushed around by anybody. 

"But the vault
..." She just won't give up. It is killing her not knowing what is in the very large, protected vault. 

Tandi, I understand your frustration, really I do." Aubrey is calmer now, and I'm not sure where she is going with this.  "I mean you had to suck old man cock until your jaw hurt, but you have lost this one.  It's time to try your luck with the next poor geezer."
That's my girl, god I love this woman
. I laugh and Rex joins me, the pride in our eyes apparent at the way she is handling herself. 

"And Matt, you will sel
l your shares in the company. You will no longer be on the board." She adds as an afterthought.

"I will not
," he spits out.

but you will. Or you'll be in jail for extortion and black mail with material pertaining to a sexual assault. I don't know if you are familiar with Texas law, but the assault happened there.  They really don't like slime balls like you." Amazing, the girl just keeps amazing me.  "Now get out of my house!" She shouts. 

"But....but our stuff
," Tandi sobs.

"I will ship
it." Is all she says, and as I escort them out away from my girl. 

w were you contacting Jim Olsen?" I ask them as I nod for Kory to help them out the door. 

"We didn't, he contacted us from a pay phone.  He was supposed to be in touch again yesterday
, but he never called," Tandi says grabbing her purse and she starts shoving knick knacks in it. 

"If you want to avoid jail time, you let me know if he contacts you again."
I hand them my card.  "I will even make it worth your while, if you cooperate."  I give them a look that lets them know I am speaking of money.  "Like Aubrey said yesterday, you can take the Mini Cooper.  Neither of you had better contact her again.  If you need to tell her something, you go through me first, understand?"  They both nod and Matt is spitting nails, dried blood on his face from where Rex cocked him.  He gives me a look like he's not done. 

I grab him by the nape of his neck squeezing him to att
ention and I whisper in his ear, "I'm playing nice right now Matthew Earl Wilson, social security number 441-95-8749, birth date November 4, 1964, son of Earl Gene Wilson and Sonya Grace Wilson of 221 Ocean Dr. Jacksonville, FL.  Father to one Jessica Grace Wilson social 968-65-7529 and I could go on and on." He's tense now and is trying to turn his head to look at me, but my grip is too strong. "Just give me one reason to not play nice, and I will make your life a living hell." I let go of him with a shove, and he and Tandi scurry away like the rats they are. 


When we get back to Aubrey's apartment she seems exhausted.  Not liking that Rex is still here, I hint around about when his flight is. 
Three's a crowd, sexy Rexy

"Can I have a moment alone with my baby girl?"
Rex says, asking me to leave the room in a not so subtle way. 

"I think I will stay
, if that is all right with you?"  I grate. 
I swear if you don't quit calling her that......

"Actually it's not.
I have some things to say to her that don't concern you." He takes a step closer to me trying to intimidate me.  Okay, so I was wondering if it was going to have to come to blows or not.  He already told me he loved her and I let that slide
.  But hell if I'm going to let you talk to MY girl alone

"Boys stop it,"
Aubrey scolds, sitting on the couch looking annoyed.  "Ian, just give us a second." She says glancing up at me.

r 4




Ian is pissed as he huffs out of the room.  I sort of knew this was coming, but I need to say something to Rex also. 

"Baby girl, I want you to come back to Colorado with me.  I can't protect you if you are so far away."  Rex sits next to me placing his hand on my knee.  I know that Rex still has feelings for me, and I will always love him.
We've been through a lot together and have been best friends for years. 

"Rex, I'm not going to Colorado.  I am in love with Ian."
Those few words and he looks like I punched him in the gut.  "Rex, you know I will always cherish our friendship, and we have our son that will always bond us, but you know as well as I do that you are not the settle down kind of guy." 

"I would be with you, I know it.  You're the only woman I have ever loved, and probably will nev
er love anyone the same way," he says giving me his best puppy dog eyes, which usually has him getting his way, but I am immune to them now. I've seen him use that same look on too many women over the years.  It's not special just for me. 

"No you wouldn't, you know as well as I do that you are having way to much fun w
ith different girls every week." I chuckle at the hurt look on his face.  "Stop that, you know I'm right." I swat at his arm. 

Shit, he's using my name, now he's serious
.  I know every time he calls me baby girl it is like nails on a chalk board to Ian, but when he says it all is normal with us.  "Please just promise me that no matter what happens with Ian that I never lose you from my life."  He is serious, more serious then I have seen in a long time. 

, Rex, have you ever let one of your little flings keep me from you?"

"Hell no, but they don't mean anything to me.  This is the first time I've ever seen you serious with someone since..... well since us."

"So are you saying that if you find someone that you are serious with you would stop talking to me?"

"Hell no!

"Well, what makes you th
ink I would stop talking to you?  I've already told Ian you will always be in my life.  He's not particularly happy about it, as you may have noticed, but he knows," I tell him, which seems to appease him for now.  Ian walks back in the room just as I am giving Rex a hug. 

Ian grates. 

"Relax mate
, she was just giving me a goodbye hug." Rex stands up facing Ian.  "She's got it bad for you. You're one lucky son of a bitch." Rex takes a step forward taking Ian's hand and leaning in.  "If you hurt her, I swear.... I'll fuck you up."  He warns with a loud whisper. 

BOOK: Deep Blue Hold (Deep Blue Series)
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