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Authors: Ker Dukey

Deadly (4 page)

BOOK: Deadly
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Cereus was a natural sadist, breath-taking to watch. I introduced her to Georgina, the girlfriend of Jack, a brutal sadist who struggled to find a willing submissive to take his form of release. Anger wasn’t a part of being a Master. A Dominant was supposed to maintain control and look after his subjects, but Jack was all kinds of messed up and his anger earned him a reputation and a ban from most clubs. Luckily for him and me ‘Lair’ wasn’t one of them. I hated all these fucks with their rules and names for what they are; Dominant, Master, they’re just addicts to control.

If fucking a bitch while strangling her gets you off then so be it, if you want to suck a dick and have your ass rammed at the same time then who the fuck cares, you don’t need to label it, it’s all just a craving.

I like the bite of pain, the look on an idiots faces when I don’t call out in agony or use the safe word. I like watching the temper they’re not supposed to have overhaul and take control when they realize that there’s nothing short of killing me that would get a reaction from me. Jack loved it when I showed up, he would make Georgina suck my dick while he whipped me, but this day was for me and Cereus and it was time for my sweet Cereus to learn how to play.

Jack’s eyes almost popped from his skull when he saw my perfect Cereus saunter in, her eyes studying everything on display, her pink, soft tongue swiping out across her bottom lip when her eyes devoured a man between a whores thighs lapping at her filthy cunt.

I remember leaning over her shoulder and whispering, “Does that turn you on?” making sure my tongue swiped her earlobe as I did. Her gasp and then shiver told me where she would prefer my tongue but I was still holding out on her. I enjoy the torment of it and relish the game of her trying to make me jealous with other men when we ventured out. She would use her natural beauty to lure gullible fools to the dance floor whenever I would take her out around the sheep. She would sway her body with theirs, in sync to whatever noise was playing through the speakers. Rubbing her tight, little body on them, teasing, taunting, encouraging them until they overstep and grab at her inappropriately. How could they ever see themselves as worthy enough for such a creature?

They didn’t like her cock teasing; they all wanted to taste something so forbidden to them, wanted to be all up inside her hot, young pussy. That’s when I would introduce myself, or rather my blade to their sternum and she loved to bring out the man in me.


“I need you to answer the question, why do you have Georgina’s licence?” the large man asked, slamming the card down on the table.

Ryan cranked his neck but I almost laughed at this foolish man trying to intimidate me

Didn’t he know who he was in this room with?

“Silence won’t help you here, this woman was found murdered and here you are acting erratic and at the scene of another crime with her licence. Now start from the beginning, how do you know her?”



Shifting to escape the heat of Georgina’s body I push the covers down my own and scrunch my nose up at the wet soaked sheet beneath me.

Her half-hearted groan tells me she still hasn’t recovered from the amount of alcohol we consumed last night. I debate kicking her to the floor so her hot sticky skin doesn’t keep touching me but instead I give in to the light streaming through the window. Sitting up a moan escapes my lips when my head protests the motion. There’s an ache behind my eyes and right then I decide the next place we go will have to be somewhere cold that stays dark in the mornings.

Getting to my feet the crimson stain on my tank top gives me pause. “What the hell?” My hands are coated with the sticky, dried

Not for the first time.

My mind scratches through last night’s memories, clawing from moment to moment.

“Does that turn you on?” Ryan asked causing a knowing shiver to chase my pulse through my body. It didn’t but the warm swipe of his tongue so quick, so light that I could feel so deep it was as if he sucked my lobe into his mouth and bit down.

Taste me.

He had brought me to a dungeon posing as a bar; it reminded me of a torture chamber in an old castle we went to on a class trip back when I was twelve. Albeit there were no naked people chained to walls and fully exposed sexual acts happening there, like there were here.

A rich smell of alcohol and something almost sweet was pungent in the air but it was thick, the sweat mixed bodies causing the atmosphere to feel too hot, damp even. I almost felt lightheaded on the scenes in front of me before I even began to drink. Ryan’s hand entwined with mine making my heart shudder in my chest as he pulled me along a large bar and through a set of double doors into a dark corridor with doors on each side, some closed, others open. More sexual acts assaulted my eyes but one caused me to halt in his grip.

A man tied to what I now know as a rack, he was completely naked only blood decorating his bruised, risen skin. Welts oozing and angry came courtesy of a young, petite blonde woman holding a knife. My eyes grew wide when she bit her lip and held her hand out towards me, daring me to come in and join whatever that was. My eyes soaked up the display, his cock hard pushing out in front of him as an offering. She swiped her hand over his open wounds, coating her hand in his blood and then coating his cock with fast strokes.

“Does it turn you on?” Ryan asked again.

“Fascinates, would be a better term,” I replied meekly, unclear as to why he would bring me here.

He knows you better than you know yourself.

I tore my eyes from the room and followed Ryan to another room. A tall man stood just inside the doorway, his eyes lit up when he swept his gaze over me. A blonde woman was on her knees before him bent down in a praying position, while another blonde was naked and bound to a rack, just like the bloodied man a few rooms down.

“You found someone willing?” Ryan asked.

“For a price,” the man replied, his voice a deep timber. His eyes came back to me and narrowed as a crooked smirk tilted his lips. He was tall, stood the same height as Ryan, his frame slightly wider. He had dark hair slicked back from his face, and dark blue eyes sparkled with interest.

Look inside him Cereus, bathe in his crimson river.

“I want her on a chain from the ceiling not a rack, and alone, this will be just me and Cereus.”

“Cereus,” the man repeated after Ryan’s words, he made my own name sound dirty on his tongue. Grabbing the blonde at his feet by her hair and yanking her to her feet, he left the room. The girl didn’t even whimper when I know that must have been painful.

“I don’t like him or the way he says my name and looks at me.” I voiced my distaste.

Ryan’s breath lit up my skin, the warmth of his body against mine as he crowded around me. “Do you want me to cut out his tongue? Scoop out his eyeballs with an ice cream scoop?”

I studied his dark probing eyes for a few precious moments.

Did I want him to do that? Just how messed up was I now?

Too messed up to go back.

Ryan’s humorless laugh made me jump. “Maybe you want to do it yourself? I’d never let him touch you my sweet, sweet Cereus.”

His heat left me as quick as it came and I was now watching him untie the woman and fix her hands to metal cuffs hanging from a chain in the ceiling. Her body bounced as he moved her, her breasts big and heavy, her thighs thick, she was pretty in a natural kind of beauty. My stomach clenched when Ryan cupped a handful of her exposed breasts, squeezing it hard before he closed his mouth over it and bit down firm causing a shooting pain through my own. Her eyes watered and a small moan slipped free past her lips but it was tiny in comparison to the pain he must have inflicted. Ryan’s lips were tainted red when he spoke to her. “Real? That makes a change.”

I watched mesmerized as he began stripping his clothes from his body. Smooth skin, defined over taut muscle kept me transfixed on him, my mouth watering to taste him. He was lean, every inch of him smooth and picturesque. I wanted to draw him like this.

Completely bare to me.

“Lose the clothes Cereus,” he demanded.

What’s happening?

I must have taken too long because after a few seconds his fingers brushed up the sides of my body, pulling the top from me before dropping down and removing my shorts and panties. I was going to faint, his breath dispersed over my mound. He was so close and I nearly came just from that. It was brief and a second later he was unclasping my bra and tossing it with the pile into a cabinet. Was it wrong that I wanted to launch myself at him, wrap my legs around the slim waist and grind myself over his impressive cock?

Yes it is very, very wrong.

His eyes swept my body but didn’t linger on my exposed flesh. He moved around the room, opening drawers from a cabinet tucked away in the corner. “Take this.” He handed me a small blade, the handle was normal sized but the blade was no bigger than my thumbnail. He grasped my naked hips from behind and stood me in front of the naked woman, so close I could see all the raised follicles scattering her skin. She had a sweet scent, candy.

My eyes scanned her body and that’s when I noticed little scars over her skin, faint but definitely there. A hissing sound rang out from behind her causing her to blink. I looked behind her to see a glorious Ryan holding a whip. His flaccid cock heavy and long made me bite my lip. Did our naked forms not turn him on?

He needs more than that.

His arm pulled back and the whip with it, curling in the air like a dancing snake before whipping forward, kissing the air and snapping across the back of the woman. Her gasp and feet shifting forward caused the small blade I was holding to penetrate her stomach. Slipping in like she was made of butter. Supple, warm butter.

Hiss, snap, stab. Hiss, snap, stab.

Her crimson blood pooled at our feet in offering, the atmosphere thick with pleasure and sadistic satisfaction. Every murmur from her pink plump lips was a gift. My eyes watched with pleasure as the sweat dripped from Ryan’s body with every stroke of the whip. His hand unclasped and the whip dropped to the floor, his cock stood hard and proud now causing an ache I knew he wouldn’t sate. His hand gripped his girth and he stroked himself, moving closer to close the small gap between him and her - and me.

Within moments he growled and began directing his release over her back. She winced when his hand rubbed in his cum.

I wanted to kill her.

She was pale and her breathing came in heavy spurts, her weak legs failing her. But he gave her a part of him, and now I wished it was me strung up and bleeding... Or him.

He directed me over to where our clothes were and instructed me to dress. It was over as quick as it started and I wasn’t sure what he expected from me, or even if I fulfilled it.

Taking me back through to the bar we met up with the guy and the blonde that was in the room before us. Shots were passed around and the petite blonde finally looked up at me with small glimpses before diverting her eyes to Ryan. She was beautiful in a Cinderella type beauty, big blue eyes, small nose, and ruby red lips.

BOOK: Deadly
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