Read Dazzled by Silver Online

Authors: Lacey Silks

Tags: #desire, #lust, #love, #romantic suspense, #el james, #sylvia day, #adult, #love story, #erotic novel, #sex, #romance, #fiction, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #couples erotica, #Erotica, #new adult, #fifty shades, #sensual, #women's fiction

Dazzled by Silver (7 page)

BOOK: Dazzled by Silver
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“Did I do something wrong?” He narrowed his brow.

“No, you did everything right. I just didn’t expect this tonight.”

“And I was afraid, the way you look tonight, I would have to line up just to touch you.”

He had no clue that my thoughts had only been about him this evening. Everything I saw, heard, and even smelled, reminded me of him. I would have one hell of a time explaining my disappearance to the girls, but then again, my flushed cheeks would provide enough of an explanation.

“We’re still okay for dinner next weekend, right? No strings attached.”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

No strings attached
I thought, although my body felt like it had tied itself permanently to Gabe.

“Do you think you can remember my orgasm now?”

I knew this memory would never fade.




The week without Gabe crawled. He texted every day asking how I felt. How could I tell him every muscle in my body ached for his touch? I tried to lose myself in work, even staying late two nights in the row to help out. On Wednesday after lunch, Cindy knocked on my office door. “There’s a delivery here for you.”

I perked up. I wasn’t expecting anything.

“I don’t think it’s work related.” She grinned, placing a small silver box on my desk.

Excitement roamed in my stomach.

“There’s no name, and the delivery guy was dressed in a suit.” Cindy hovered over me waiting as if I was going to open the box right then.

“Thank you, Cindy. Do you need anything else?” I let the box sit where she’d left it. My knees bounced under the desk as I tapped my fingers on the wood. The beautiful box didn’t need a name for me to know exactly who it was from.

Resigned, my noisy receptionist finally left.

I grabbed the box, shaking it gently beside my ear. Light swooshing sounded from within. My hands began to sweat as I untied the ribbon.

Inside, a handwritten note rested on white tissue paper. I bit my lip. Even Gabe’s cursive writing exuded sex. I inhaled the paper’s natural scent, wishing it was Gabe’s skin, and then read the note.



I’m sorry for ruining your panties (not really). Perhaps you can think of a way I can make it up to you. For now, I’ve kissed every inch of the ones in this box. If you choose to wear them, please think of where my lips have been. Looking forward to our dinner (not a date) this Saturday.

Gabriel Silver


Did he get me panties? I removed the white tissue paper. Underneath laid the sexiest black lace panties I’d ever seen. I looked back to my office door to make sure it was locked, and then examined the undergarment closely. A black bow decorated the top with a small white gem in its center.

A hint of Cupid’s scent escaped the cloth.

He had really kissed them. Without hesitating, I pulled my skirt up and quickly exchanged the cotton panties I wore for Gabe’s gift. My bottom swooshed in the chair as I felt the soft lace hug my hips. I closed my eyes thinking about Gabe kissing them all over. The thought of his mouth caressing the contours of my flesh made me wet. I couldn’t wait to get home to see myself in the mirror and vowed to wear them this Saturday when I met him for dinner. In fact, I’d wash them every night just so I could wear them each day until Gabe returned.

* * *

By nine o'clock on Friday night, the crowd lined the street and curved around the corner from Kissed. I stood at the back, inspecting myself in a storefront glass window. The sheer top of my dress showed off my silk bra just a little, enough to catch a man’s eye, although I was only here because of Kendra’s continuous silence. She hadn’t responded to any of my messages since the opening, and it worried me. I followed the line forward three feet and stopped. I pushed up on my toes, but the front disappeared around the corner. At this rate, it would take over an hour to get in.

My phone vibrated in my purse and my insides flip flopped.

You’re on the guest list. Please don’t stand in line.

I whipped around, searching for my P.I., then quickly typed.

How did you know? Where are you?

His reply was instant.

It was an educated guess.

Did you get your education at Hogwarts?

No, I’m a bit more practical. I like it when you wear dresses, Sam. They have such easy access. Too bad I’m not there.

I narrowed my brow, turning around, then back and finally looked up at the surveillance camera above.

Nice one, Magnum. It’s not fair you can see me, and I can’t see you.

It’s still just Gabe. I have one more meeting to go to. Make your way up to the front. And Sam, please try not to have any orgasms without me.

Are you asking me not to drink?

I giggled looking up at the lens as if it was Gabe’s face. He made me feel alive and giddy like no one ever had before.

No, I’m asking you to stay clear of Kendra’s bedroom. I’d like to be the only one who makes you come. Got to go now.

Gabe knew about my night with Kendra? I couldn’t breathe. How could she? And why? All color must have drained from my face as I pushed past the line to the front.

Inside, the club pulsed with more life than it had two weeks ago. Lights flashed, and blasting music pounded my eardrums as I strolled toward the bar. Girls dressed in provocative outfits moved in waves to the beat. I began to smile and understand why Kendra hadn’t returned my calls.

I sat at the bar in the same spot I had met Gabe.

“What can I get you?” the bartender asked, smiling at me.

His blue eyes reminded me of Gabe’s. There was something kind about his face, unlike the
I’m so hot
attitude of many bartenders. He seemed like an easy person to talk to.

“Fuzzy navel.” I left a twenty on the bar.

“It’s already paid for.” He pushed the money back.

I wondered who’d been so kind and scanned the partiers to my right.

“Thank you,” I answered. “Do you know by whom?”

“It’s on the house.”


I turned back to the bar and sipped my fruity drink, lost in the music. The voluptuous blonde bartender worked the end of the bar tonight, lining up more than twenty Sambuca shots. Its anise scent drifted past me as a hint of a rose joined the aroma.

Kendra held a flaming shot in her hand as she mingled and drank with the crowd.

I furrowed my brow at her playful attitude. And here I thought she was too busy to call me back! Ready to jump off and grab my friend to have a word with her, I swiveled on the bar stool.

“Hey, Sam.” A familiar voice froze my blood.

Casey, my ex-boyfriend stood a foot away, grinning. “I never pictured you coming to a club like this. You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” He scanned me from the bottom up, his gaze resting on my cleavage. His alcohol breath hit me like an oncoming train.

“Hi,” I managed, holding my breath. I quickly scanned for an escape route and wished Gabe was here. Part of me wanted to flaunt him at Casey. Another part of me didn’t want to talk to the man who made me feel awkward and used. At this point I was sure I’d only stayed with him out of loyalty. And as time passed, he became my mission to make our relationship work. I failed to realize that a dog would always be a dog, and Casey... ...well, he’d still be a dog. “My friend owns this place. I’m here to support her.”

Casey swayed on his feet.

“If I had known you like clubbing I would have called. We could have some fun for old time’s sake.” The back of his hand grazed my bare shoulder.

My sweat turned into icicles all over my body as he stepped closer. “Casey, I’m not interested, and I’m here with someone,” I lied.

“Can’t see him.” He leaned in to whisper in my ear. “And your mouth must miss my cock. What do you say, Sam? One more BJ won’t hurt anyone.” He pulled my hand down to his crotch to feel the limp muscle.

I drew my arm back as if I was burned by fire. “You’re drunk.” I pushed at his chest, but he forced himself even closer.

What did I ever see in this guy?

“Oh, come on. You know you want to.” He grabbed the back of my neck and began pulling my head down toward his crotch.

I was forced off my seat and, following my instinct, felt my knee connect with his groin.

He doubled over, and I was sure I’d bruised my knee and killed a few million of his swimmers.

“You bitch!” He swung his arm at me.

I closed my eyes, ready for the impact, but it never came. Instead, I smelled Cupid’s sweet musk mixed with cinnamon and opened my eyes.

“You dare raise your hand at her?” Gabe held Casey’s wrist, slowly bending it back, making him lower to his knees.

“The cunt kneed me!” He gritted through his teeth, holding onto his crotch.

Gabe’s arm rippled as he put Casey in his place. “She should have castrated you. Apologize!” He forced Casey’s arm back until a yelp of pain escaped his throat.

“Fine. I’m sorry.”

Gabe let go of Casey’s arm. “I see you near her again, and you won’t call yourself a

Casey slowly squirmed up off his knees, the pain on his face growing with each movement.

“Are you all right?” Gabe smoothed the back of his hand over my cheek.

My body trembled. “Yes.”

A shadow moved behind Gabe’s head as Casey swung his arm.

“Watch out!” I screamed, but Gabe was already moving before Casey’s punch connected with his head.

My P.I.
Casey in the gut.

With all the air knocked out of him, the dweeb bent over.

Gabe waved at a couple of bouncers who rushed at his command. “Get this jerk out of here and make sure he never shows his face again.”

They dragged Casey away, his eyes rolling back in their sockets.

I threw my hands around Gabe’s neck and melted into him. “You’re here.”

He wrapped his arms around me. “Shh, it’s okay. He’s not going to touch you again. No one will.”

I leaned against him, his strong body calming the trembles. Gabe stroked my back and kissed the top of my head. And I felt like I could stay in his arms for as long as I wanted and he wouldn’t budge.

“How did you know he was going to hit you?” I asked, finally pulling away.

“Mirrors.” Gabe pointed to the bar where shelved bottles were reflected.

“How are you here? I thought you were traveling.”

“I came back early. This evening’s meeting was cancelled, and I wanted to surprise you.” He leaned in close and whispered, “I couldn’t wait to see what you’re wearing under that dress.”

I bit my lip. “Take a wild guess.”

Gabe kissed my earlobe. “Nothing?”

I giggled. “No, but that can be arranged.” I wasn’t sure what made me feel so at ease when Gabe was around. I hadn’t felt this safe and important in a long time.


“How was your trip?”

“Not something I want to discuss.” His eyes glossed over with worry.

“I’m a good listener.”

“I may need to take you up on that, but not tonight. I’ve heard you’re a good dancer.” He pulled away and twirled me in a circle.

“This is still not a date.” My fingers weaved with his.

“Of course not. It’s just two friends bumping into each other.”

“Thank you for standing up for me.”

“You have nothing to thank me for, Sam. I just wish I had been there earlier so he wouldn’t have touched you at all. Was that your old boyfriend?”

“Yes, we dated a while.” I rolled my eyes like he didn’t know. By this time I wouldn’t be surprised if Gabe knew what I had for breakfast a month ago.

“And it didn’t go well?”

“It did at first, but I was tired of—” How could I tell Gabe I hadn’t felt like blowing Casey anymore, or paying for every dinner, or not receiving the same physical attention I’d given him?

“Of what, Sam?”

“It doesn’t matter. He’s history.”

“Good, because I’d hate to think I had competition.”

I laughed. “I’ve never met anyone who could compete with you.”

“You’re being too generous, Sam. I’m not perfect.” Gabe tapped on the counter and the bartender poured him a club soda.

“Oh, yeah? What’s not so perfect about you?”

“For one, I live and breathe my job, neglecting my personal life.”

“That’s called ambition.”

“I’m a little obsessed about those closest to me.”

“I call that caring.” I squeezed Gabe’s hand.

“I mean it, Sam. I take what I do seriously. In my line of work, things tend to get dangerous. Enough about me. I was hoping I’d get to see your moves tonight.” He took a sip of his soda and his gaze moved to the dance floor.

“My moves aren’t free, Mr. Silver.” I smiled. Gabe was perfect for me, he just didn’t realize it.

“Name your price.”

I did a double take at his serious tone and thought about my true price and how steep it was. We could end up sleeping together but somehow, in Gabe’s company, sex was beginning to slide down my price list. Okay, maybe not too far down. “You don’t leave my side until dawn,” I said.

“Your wish is my command.” He bowed like a courtier, and then pulled me toward the dance floor. “Now, let’s have some fun.”

Gabe seemed lost in the atmosphere the minute he stepped onto the parquet. It was as if he was blending into the crowd, trying not to be noticed, like a professional undercover cop.

We pushed past dancing pairs of girls flaunting their skanky moves, toward the middle of the dance floor. He kept a firm grip on my waist as he twirled and spun me. Our bodies connected with the rhythm. I could feel when he wanted me to turn, sway, come closer or pull away.

“Where did you learn how to dance?” My scream over the music was barely audible.

BOOK: Dazzled by Silver
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