Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Relax, Miguelito, I’m not going anywhere.” He pressed another inch into him. “Or clench if you want to make it more difficult. You’re here and you’re mine and I’m not waiting any longer to fuck you.”

Every word inflamed Miguel. He clenched the muscles in his ass a bit, enhancing the sensation of invasion. Julien chuckled against the back of his neck. “What am I going to do with you?” He retreated and then jerked his hips forward, driving into him.

Miguel gripped the binders like a lifeline. If only he’d let Julien do them up, he wouldn’t have to worry about holding on. Julien rocked against him, pressing inch by inch until he was completely seated.

“There we go,” Julien crooned as he stroked his fingers along the sides of Miguel’s hips and waist. Miguel could feel the tremor of anticipation and tried to pull forward and force Julien to move.

A sharp slap against his hip made him gasp. “I’ll move when I’m ready to, Miguelito.” Julien grasped his hips in a tight grip. “Next time, I’m binding your hands above your head. I’ll take the whip to your ass and leave marks for us to enjoy for days.”

Miguel shuddered at the prospect of feeling the hot sting of a tail again. “I want Kass to watch.”

Julien stilled behind him. “Why?”

“I want her to see.” Miguel had a hard time trying to think of the words in English. He wanted to babble on in Spanish and make them understand. “If she saw the truth of it, she wouldn’t be afraid.”

Julien pulled back, and for a moment Miguel though he was leaving. Then he slammed his entire length back in. “Yes!” White-hot flames licked down the backs of his thighs and up his spine at the intensity. “Again, please again.”

Julien retreated his length and then stabbed him again, driving him up onto his toes. “You’re mine, Miguel. You and Kassandra belong beside me and under me, and I swear I’ll stop at nothing to obtain that.”

That simple declaration was what Miguel had waited years to hear. He’d carried a torch for Julien big enough that he’d watched the woman he loved in order to keep her safe. Julien rocked against him, and Miguel met his thrusts.

They set up a violent rhythm that made the cross creak on its foundations. Miguel imagined fucking Kass as Julien took his ass, and the mental image was so vibrant that he could almost hear her cries of ecstasy. His own cries grew with the inferno burning inside of him.

“That’s right, Miguelito.” Julien smacked his ass, one side then the other. “Grab your cock and stroke it. I want you to come on yourself as I fuck you.”

Miguel grasped his cock and roughly stroked it, angling it up toward his chest. It only took a matter of seconds before he felt his body respond in a burning rush. Julien bit down on the muscle that attached his neck to his shoulder. The extra sting was all he needed, and he felt the warm droplets splatter against his chest and shoulder. Julien slammed into him once, twice, and then growled. Miguel felt a liquid heat burst inside of his ass before Julien wrapped his arms around him, hugging him close.

“Don’t move, I’m not certain my legs won’t give out if I try to step away.” The words were spoken against his skin as Julien pressed kisses along his shoulder.

Miguel wrapped his hands behind him, encircling Julien’s waist. “We’ll hold each other up.”

They embraced as their heartbeats slowed to something resembling normal. “Let’s go crawl in with our woman.” Miguel whispered his request. He still wasn’t entirely certain that Julien wanted to share her with him like that.

“She might try to kill us when she wakes up.”

A rush of emotion pounded against Miguel’s chest. Had he finally found a home? A family? “We’ll distract her.”

“Stay here for a moment.” Julien opened a small door that revealed a wash basin and cloths. He wet a cloth and then wiped Miguel’s sweaty, cum-spotted skin, in between pressing hungry kisses to his lips.

“I can clean myself.” Miguel tried to grab the cloth, but Julien held it away. “I want to.”

Knowing that look, Miguel leaned back against the wood structure and let Julien clean him up and help locate his clothes. As Miguel dressed, Julien cleaned himself up and pulled his pants on but didn’t bother with a shirt. He showed Miguel where a laundry chute was located next to the sink and threw the cloth.

Then he took his hand and pulled him down the hall to his room. The door slid open with a soft
and then closed after they entered. Julien engaged the locking device as Miguel quietly removed his clothes. He’d expected the room to be dark, but a small, luminescent orb sat in the corner, giving a hint of illumination to the room.

“She doesn’t like the dark,” Julien whispered beside his ear. Not that Miguel thought it mattered. Kass was so sound asleep that he doubted a bomb would wake her up. Julien stripped completely, so Miguel followed suit. Normally, he slept in his clothes because one never knew when one had to get up and run. The idea of being completely safe and secure was foreign to him. But, he couldn’t deny the allure of the idea.

Julien grabbed him and pressed a soft kiss against his lips. “Good night, Miguelito.”

“Good night, Señor.” He didn’t mind bowing to Julien tonight because their relationship was unique. He bent to Julien tonight but Julien would bend to him next time. They crawled in on either side of Kass, each of them wrapping an arm over the other on her stomach. Her sweet scent calmed him. This was what life could be for him. Once that alchemy package was found and delivered, Miguel looked forward to many nights sleeping like this.

Chapter Seven

Kass knew Julien would keep a close eye on her, but this was more than she bargained for. Both Miguel and Julien were curled around her, their legs tangled with hers. Her back rested against Julien’s chest while Miguel’s face was unsurprisingly at her breast. A light sheet lay over the three of them, not that she needed any more warmth. Sleeping between the two of them made her feel like she stood on a tropical beach.

She remembered waking up to the sound of Julien’s soft snoring at her back years ago. It gave her a sense of security she hadn’t, until now, realized how much she missed. Miguel smacked his lips together and then rubbed his face against her breast and smiled in his sleep. She almost laughed at the sight.
This is a dream.
It had to be. Last night in the observation room, and now…She didn’t remember crawling into bed afterward, but she must’ve.

As far as dreams went, this was certainly an improvement over what usually greeted her when she closed her eyes. A soft golden light illuminated the room, highlighting the men’s features, but didn’t make it overly bright. She shifted her weight and moved her arm up to Miguel’s shoulder. Both men huffed and shifted with her, settling back down a moment later.

Her fingers lightly stroked Miguel’s silky hair. She could get used to this, sleeping safely ensconced between the two of them or trapping one of them between her and the other one. She looked over at the desk and thought about the package she’d hidden in there. She needed to get that to Dev and Gil as soon as possible, which meant she needed to get back to her ship. She’d stashed a carrier device in there. It would be tricky launching it from
but not impossible. She could launch it from her ship easily enough.

But if I’m on my ship, then I should leave.
It surprised her that escape wasn’t her first thought. Lying here in the dim light, warm and safe, she wished it could all be real. If she thought that Julien wouldn’t come at her with his whip and Miguel didn’t have a dozen ulterior motives, she would stay. But eventually they would wake up, the distrust would start, then the fights, and then…She needed to be out there, fighting against the slavers, destroying the pits and dens where they horded the people they sold.

A soft caress along the side of her breast drew her attention downward. Miguel looked up at her. His dark-brown eyes looked black in the dim light. “Bad dream?” he whispered so quietly she almost missed it.

She shook her head. Even she had to accept that she was awake now and everything that had happened was not a dream. Looking down into Miguel’s gaze made it all real, and she wasn’t quite sure how to cope with the truth of it all. She’d allowed this man liberties with her body that she’d refused any other man and all within hours of meeting him. There was something that felt familiar about him. She knew she should be wary, but instinctively she felt safe with him.

“It’s easier to accept than obsess over the past.”

“It defines us.” Kass still felt like the street urchin who’d been abducted by slavers. Even if she hadn’t been through that, she probably would’ve ended up in a brothel to earn money.

Wrinkles appeared in Miguel’s brow. In the dim light she wasn’t certain if he was frowning or confused. “Your actions define you, Kassandra. The past is a teacher.” His voice was quieter than a whisper, but his words hit her as if he’d shouted them.

He pressed a kiss between her breasts and then rested his cheek against them. “Go back to sleep. It’s too early to worry about such things.” He patted her hip and then stretched his arm out so it lay across her, and he rested his hand against Julien’s body.

Kass continued to lightly stroke Miguel’s hair and listened as he drifted off to sleep. His breathing evened out, and his arm felt heavier on her body. While they slept she thought about what he’d said. If she defined herself by her actions now, then what did that make her?

She’d left Julien, not because she didn’t love him but because she needed to prove to him that she could survive on her own. A stronger woman would’ve forced him to acknowledge that he belonged to her. But even though he’d pledged himself to her, she felt like that dirty street urchin, useless to do anything but be taken care of. What if she claimed them now? She’d make them both see her as a strong woman, able to take care of herself, able to save those that weren’t as strong as her. Yet.

Sleep crept up on her as she thought about what she wanted in life. When she drifted off and the dreams came as they often did, this time she fought back and won.

* * * *

Walter Miller squatted in his perch and watched as the crew scurried around beneath him like little mice. They had no idea of the predator in their midst. Despite being caught by the big oaf yesterday, Walter wasn’t dissuaded. He had a job to do and would be paid handsomely for it. No great reward came without risks, but he wasn’t daunted.

There was no threat here worth his concern. Big mountain of guards aside, that dumb oaf got lucky. Walter underestimated how fast he could move. If anything, getting caught helped him. He’d been taken to the upper level and shown the way through the labyrinth of corridors to the captain’s inner sanctum.

He hadn’t been given any information about the maze of the secure level, but he knew many who would pay and pay a lot for a map. That map he almost had complete. It wouldn’t take much to finish it off. He didn’t have any more problems.

There were only a few men on this ship who would be able to track his whereabouts, and he now knew who to avoid. It wouldn’t be long now. He finished wiring the device in his hands and inspected every inch. There was only one chance for this to work and for him to get paid.

He froze when he saw Kassandra Kincaid rush toward the stairs below him. She looked so very angry. He hoped that whatever had befallen her was particularly evil. Women such as her needed to know their place, and the captain wasn’t strong enough to take her in hand. Perhaps she would be the first to die.

* * * *

Kass stood at the portal where her ship should’ve been docked. Fury streaked along her system like an icy wave.
I’m going to shoot him this time
. He had no right to do that. She spun on her heel and marched back through the loading area. She only recognized a few faces from the time she lived here before, and even then she didn’t know their names. She had allowed Julien to make her decisions and hide her away in the upper levels.

But, as she finally realized in the middle of the night, she was not the same woman she was then. She had evolved and was better for it. Julien hadn’t realized it, and up until now she’d suppressed that part of her she’d finally developed. That was about to end.

BOOK: Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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