Read Dark Desire Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Dark Desire (15 page)

BOOK: Dark Desire
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He loses his smile. “I’m not the psycho Willow; I’m just doing what’s necessary.”

“What have I got to do with it? I did nothing to any of you, I won’t be a slave!”

He laughs again. “As I said, you didn’t figure it out, did you?”

“Figure out what?” I snarl.

“It was never about you Willow, my son focused all his time on trying to protect you, when all along it wasn’t you we wanted.”

“I don’t…”

“You saw my son fighting, did you not?”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“How much did he tell you about my island?”

His island? He runs the lethal island? Oh

“That island is yours…”

“Of course it’s mine. Why do you think I went after you, I knew your father had information and I needed it. I also knew my son wanted that information to bring us down. Why, it was me that started his little gang.”

“He started it,” I protest.

“No, he started it when I gave him no choice. I hooked his friend on drugs and when he got himself into trouble, my son had no choice. He banded together with them and here we are.”

“I don’t…”

It’s all coming together now. Ace was in trouble and Jagger created the gang to help him. He wanted the information from me, so he could stop what his father was running. My father got hold of that information, and that’s how I came into the picture.

“Does he know?” I ask, my voice hoarse.

“No, he knows I got Ace hooked but he has no idea I’m running the entire show.”

“You had Sharleen with you.
” I think out loud.

“Yes, Sharleen always had a thing for me so it was easy enough to use her. I knew Jagger and you had started something, so I sent her in to find out more about it. He loved her
once; I knew he would fall for her story. She got the information I needed to collect you, she got the passcode for the gate and she installed cameras for me to see everything that went on.”

God…that fucking tramp.

“Why have you got me?” I say, getting straight to the point.

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“Not to me.”

“It’s simple, little girl, I have a fighting ring and it will make me big…big money.”

Then it hits me like a brick to the face. It’s never been about me, all this…is for Jagger. He wants Jagger.





To say I’m reeling is an understatement. All along we have been protecting me, when all along they only wanted one thing. Jagger. I can’t believe we were so naive and now his life is in serious danger. Mick told me he is going to use me as a trade, he will let me go when Jagger agrees to fight for him. If Jagger tries to run, he’ll have someone kill me. It’ll work because without Jagger’s protection, I’m on my own.

“He’s your son!” I whisper, horrified.

“Exactly, and he’s talented. I don’t plan on hurting him…”

“You’re asking him to fight for money, he could die!”

“My son is the best fighter there is, he won’t die.”

“Maybe not right away, but there’s only so long someone can survive when they’re getting beaten every day.”

“It’s of no concern to you, when he agrees you can move on.”

“I love him, I won’t just move on!”

“It could be worse,” he snaps. “I could use him for trafficking; or you for that matter.”

“I’d kill myself before you ever got that close.”

He grins. “I heard you had certain…tenancies.”

“I’m not weak, if that’s what you’re trying to play at.”

“No, I don’t think you’re weak, now why would you say that?”

He’s smiling at me
and I want to slap him.

“I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work.”

His smile widens. “What’s that?”

“Don’t play with
me; you’re trying to make me reconsider what I know about myself. You’re trying to get into my mind but it won’t work. Do you understand?”

His eyes twinkle. “
You know Willow, you have spark, I might just use you until my son gets here.”

Use me? My stomach turns. He wouldn’t…would he?

“You even try and I’ll bite off your cock and spit it in your face.”

His eyes grow hungry. “See now you’re just exciting
me, saying those sorts of things.”

“You sick fuck,” I snarl.

“I’m not sick, I’m just a man. Perhaps you should re-think saying words like cock in front of a man who finds you insanely attractive.”

He finds me attractive? What the fuck? Maybe it’s some sort of ‘she belongs to my son and I can’t have her’ thing. I feel my pulse quicken – and not in a good way – when he takes my face again.

“I’m going to kiss you Willow, because you’re just begging me to.”

“Please don’t.
” I whisper, clamping my lips shut.

“Don’t make out like you don’t find me attractive, you and I both know you do.”

“Thinking you’re attractive and being attracted to you are two very different things.”

“Smart girl, but it doesn’t matter either way to me.”

“Don’t rape me, I’m begging you.”

He sits back, his eyes wide. “You think I’d rape you?”

“I know what happens on that island, I also know that you’re not a nice man. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t rape me.”

“You do realize that half the women here are here because they want to be and the other half are so weak minded that they don’t care?”

“THEY CARE!” I scream. “They have just been so fucked in the head they don’t realize it. I won’t become that girl. You try that on me and I’ll kill myself before you can get close.”

He shakes his head, smiling again. “Now Willow, you keep threatening me and I don’t take kindly to threats.”

“Then beat me, or tie me up but don’t you lay any part of that filthy body on mine.”

He leans close
and purposefully slides his lips across mine. I jerk my head back and snap at him, I feel like a rabid dog right now.

“I’ll do as I please, and if you threaten me again, I might reconsider my values on rape.”

Then he stands and walks out, leaving me alone and so fucking scared I can’t think straight. I don’t know what will happen to me now, but I know this, I don’t want Jagger to come here. I’d rather risk my life, then for him to end up where I know he will if he comes to save me. The sad thing is, I know he will save me, because he thinks the same way I do.





I don’t realize until I’m being pulled off, that we were on a ship. When I step into the light of day, my eyes widen. We’re on an island alright, but it’s basically been built as a small town. Houses, shelters, heck even cars are spread about. I know why Jagger was so determined to find out about this place; heck I know why the cops wanted this place. It’s mind blowing.

Mick pulls me and forces
my legs to move. Sharleen is standing beside him and she’s giving me that horrid, evil smile she has so carefully practiced. We walk past many people, it would almost seem normal, if you didn’t know what went on here. Mick pulls me to a large stone house, and the man standing at the door greets him. When we step inside, I look around and my eyes widen.

The house itself is huge, with stone walls, high ceilings and cement floors. It’s not fancy in any sense, but it’s huge. There is basic furniture filling the rooms, but nothing spectacular. Mick leads me down a long hall, and then he punches some numbers on a keypad and we step into a secured room. Four men and two women are in that
room and I feel bile rise in my throat.

The sight
before me truly changes my life. Two women are on their hands and knees, their heads bowed. Two of the men are leaning back on the couch, puffing cigars and resting their feet on the women…as though they’re foot rests. I swallow, suddenly realizing the situation I’ve been put in. Mick pulls me closer to the men and his fingers tighten around my arms.

“I have her,” he says simply.

The four men scour me with their gazes; two continue to puff on cigars.

“He’ll come for her?” One says.

“Yes, I’m very sure he’ll come for her.”

The men nod, but I can’t take my eyes off the women on the floor.

“Like what you see, darling girl?” One of the men purrs and I snap my head up.

You fucking monsters!”

They throw their heads back and laugh.

“Mick, it seems you need to teach your guest some new manners.”

“Seems so,

“Is she going to join us then?”

“Like hell!” I snarl. “I’ll never get on my knees for any of you.”

Mick’s eyes flare and he turns to me. “Now we can do this the easy or the hard way, the choice is yours little girl. You can do as I say, and be mine and mine alone, or I can share you. What’s it going to be?”


Sharleen laughs bitterly. “You think he’s kidding, don’t you?”

“Sharleen, perhaps you can show her what goes on around here and maybe she can make the choice on her own.”

Sharleen smirks, and then suddenly she’s on her knees. Her hands go to Mick’s jeans and I look away. What is she doing? What the fuck is she doing? She reaches inside his pants and pulls out his
erection; I think I’m going to throw up.

“Sharleen belongs to
me; she pleases me where I ask, when I ask. If she doesn’t, then she belongs to them. Watch my dear, watch your options.”

I can’t, I just can’t look. Mick grips my chin and yanks my head around, but I clamp my eyes shut.

“Open them or so help me God I’ll chain you and let everyone in this place fuck you before the night is through.”

, I open my eyes. Sharleen is sucking Mick, her head bobbing up and down on his erection. He’s a stony as a wall, standing and staring into my fear stricken eyes. It’s as though he feels nothing at all, it’s as though she’s just…an object. She sucks harder and I feel sick, I want to curl up and spew the contents of my stomach all over the ground.

Mick grunts, and then I watch Sharleen frantically swallowing.
Sweet Jesus. I’m going to pass out. Mick is still gripping my face, his eyes are still pinning mine with that deadly gaze. Then, he jerks my head around to the other four men.

“Now this is what happens if you don’t serve me like Sharleen just did. Boys, by all means, show her.”

One of the men bark a command, and the two girls sit up. Their eyes are empty and hollow. I see nothing there. They’ve been stripped bare of their souls, and concrete blocks have been replaced. One of the men grips a blonde girl by her hair and raises her up. She doesn’t even whimper. He orders her to strip and she does. When she’s naked, he lays her out on the table.

Two men begin unbuckling their belts and I want to turn away, but Mick’s threat hangs in my mind. Tears thunder down my cheeks as I watch the men pull out their erections. The first drives his into the
girl’s mouth, while the other impales her from behind while bringing his belt down over her backside. I whimper and more tears stream down my face as the man tangles his hands in her hair and pulls so hard pain flashes across her expression.

“Stop, please,” I cry.

“Seen enough then, have we?” Mick says, his voice calm and cool.

“Yes, please stop.”

Mick clicks his fingers and the men pull out of the woman. I look away, horrified. I know that’s the mildest part of being a sex slave and that alone has me wishing I could fall over and die right now. The men yank their pants back up, and then one kicks the girl in the back of the knees when she stands, and she crumbles to the floor and takes her kneeling position in front of him once more. Oh God, what has happened to these poor girls for them to be so empty?

“Now the choice is yours, you can have me as your Master or you can have many men, what’s it going to be?”

“N-n-neither,” I whisper.

Mick wraps his hands in my hair and I scream. He shoves me to the ground and yanks at my pants, pulling them down. I scream, but he’s too strong.

“Who wants to fuck her first?”

“Please,” I cry, wiggling. “Please, only you Mick, only you.”

He pulls me up so fast I’m sure my hair tears out. “Good.”

The other men laugh, and I want to scream. How sick…how horribly sick. How can any human being find this
act ok? Mick crushes me to his chest, soothing me with useless words. All I want to do right now is stab him, I want to take him down and make him get on the floor and be fucked like a dog.

“Sharleen, make my bed, I’ll be needing it tonight.”

Sharleen’s face crinkles with jealousy. “But baby…I thought…”

“Don’t you fucking question me. You’re no
t the only girl in my world at the moment, so do as I fucking say or I’ll let these men have you for the night.”

BOOK: Dark Desire
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