Read Dangerous Pleasures Online

Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

Dangerous Pleasures (10 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Pleasures
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“I will,” she told him, and, entering her suite, she closed the door behind her. She wanted to rush, but she didn’t. She was excited to get back into the Channel, but she was already sensing a potential addiction to it. She would prepare herself for bed in an orderly fashion. Removing her elegant black dress, she carefully hung it up. She put her pearls away in the little chamois bag they came in. She set her sandals in the closet. She hadn’t worn stockings tonight. Her legs had a light tan, and it had sufficed. Stripping off her bra, she put it in the drawer. Her briefs she consigned to the small white plastic garbage bag she had brought to serve as a laundry container.

Going into the bathroom, she peed and then tried the bidet. The warm water bathing her was delicious. God, she loved this place! After drying herself off, she washed her face and hands, then brushed her teeth. Returning to the bedroom, she put on her silk-and-lace nightgown that had been neatly laid out on the turned-down bed. She set the chocolate aside on the nightstand and climbed into her bed. Then, picking up the remote, she pressed the open/close button, watching as the wall slid open to reveal the flat-screen television. For a long moment she held the remote. Should she press A and return to her fantasy of Beauty and the Beast? Or should she program another fantasy for B? She recalled a favorite novel of hers,
The Kadin
. It might be fun to be a sultan’s sex slave. She had to remember to ask Nora how to delete a fantasy when she got bored with it.

But the Beast had been so intriguing last night. Her thumb pressed A, and Annie found herself once again hanging naked in the darkened cell. Her body was immediately hot with her rising desires. The door to the little chamber opened, and the Beast entered, carrying a torch that he placed in the iron holder on the wall. He turned and looked at her. Reaching out, he examined one of her breasts.

“I see the marks of my men on you,” he said. “They should not have been so rough, Mistress Anne.”

“Did you send those men to assault me?” she asked him.

His big hand smacked her bottom with two sharp slaps. “You must ask my permission to speak, Mistress Anne.” Then he sighed. “You understand nothing of obedience, do you? But are you capable of learning, is the question we must answer.”

“May I speak?” she asked him.

“‘May I speak,
my lord,
’” he admonished, smacking her buttocks again.

“May I speak, my lord?” she rephrased her query, wincing.

“Be brief, Mistress Anne,” he said.

“Did you send those two men?” she questioned him.

“Aye,” he told her.

“May I speak, my lord?” she asked again.

“Excellent! You can learn,” he praised her. “Aye, you may speak.”

“Why did you send them?” Annie asked.

“You must be taught, Mistress Anne, that I now own your body and soul. You must be taught and brought to perfect obedience to my fancy. I can and will do whatever I choose with you. If it pleases me to permit two of my men to fondle you, to frig you, then I shall have it done, because you are my possession. And after I have had your virginity, and taught you to please me, I may share you with my friends. Or if you cannot be brought to an exquisite refinement of sexual pleasure, I shall simply give you to my soldiers for their delectation, as I have the other young women who have come into my possession and disappointed me. Are you capable of understanding what I have just told you, Mistress Anne?”

“Yes, my lord, I am,” Annie told him. God, he was masterful! Arrogant, too, but perhaps she could change that. She imagined that the other girls had struggled to please him, and wept when he had been displeased. She would be different. She would learn, but she would also be strong without defying him. She imagined such an attitude would intrigue him.

The slight smile again. “You already comprehend that you may answer my questions without requesting permission to speak. Excellent!” he said.

“May I speak, my lord?” Annie said.

“Nay. For now I would enjoy the beauty and the symmetry of your body in the silence of this chamber,” the Beast said. Grabbing the chain, he raised her up a few feet. “I am told your cunt is large, but tight. Let us see if my men speak true.” Reaching into the pocket of the shirt he wore, he drew out a phallic dildo.

Annie had heard of such things, but she had never seen one. Her blue eyes widened. A question formed on her lips, but she bit it back before she made a sound.

Seeing it, he nodded his approval, telling her, “It is made of ivory, and replicates my own organ when fully aroused. I will not insert it all the way, for I do not wish to disturb your virginity, which my men tell me is lodged quite tightly. I simply wish to see if you are actually capable of accepting my penis. When I decide to fuck you I will not dally about. Open your mouth now and suck on it while I prepare you. You will also be taught to suck my cock before I inject you with it. Sucking a cock is a great skill, Mistress Anne. You have a most luscious mouth, and I anticipate that you will excel at this art,” he told her, and he pushed the phallus between her lips.

It stretched the edges of her mouth almost painfully, and Annie struggled briefly to find her breath. It touched the very back of her throat, and she fought down her gag reflex. Finally comfortable, she sucked on the ivory dildo, becoming more and more aware as she did so of his fingers playing between the folds of her labia, teasing at her clit, pinching it, and then he pushed his fingers a tiny way into her vagina. She was squirming against his hand, desperate for more.

He smiled his faint cruel smile and withdrew his hand from between her thighs. Then he chained her legs to the wall, spreading her wide. “You are an eager little bitch, Mistress Anne,” he said softly as he drew the ivory phallus from her mouth and began rubbing it against her throbbing clitoris. “Shall I give you a little taste? But just a little, mind you, my pet.” Slowly he inserted the head of the dildo into her vagina.

Annie shuddered, moaning with her need, and tried to force her body down upon the ivory, but she was restrained tightly.

The Beast laughed. “Do you want more, Mistress Anne? You may answer,” he told her. “Do you want more?”

she gasped.

“You must beg me for it, my pet,” he said in a soft, deadly voice.

“Please, my lord! Please!” Annie whimpered.

“Please, what, Mistress Anne?”

“Please give me more!” she begged him.
“I need to be fucked!”

He reached out and stroked her thick chestnut hair as he inserted the phallus but an inch more. Then he slowly twirled it about within her vagina. “That is enough now,” he told her, withdrawing it and setting the ivory aside. “My men say you took three fingers, and you took nicely to the phallus tonight. I shall very much enjoy having you in my bed. You are learning obedience quickly, Mistress Anne.” He freed her legs once more, and then, reaching down with his hand, he released his penis from his trousers. It had been twitching and swelling until he found it uncomfortable to be so constrained.

Annie’s eyes widened. Her lips formed a small O of both surprise and admiration. He was enormous, but then, given his height and frame he would be. The men who had come to her in the dark had said it was a foot long, and it certainly looked it. She could not take her eyes from it, for she found it both an object of power and of beauty.

“You are staring,” the Beast said. “Remove your gaze from my cock, wench! You are not yet permitted to look upon it.” He slapped her lightly upon her cheek to gain her attention, and then he sighed. “I can see you must be strapped again to instill obedience in you, Mistress Anne.”

“I want you,” she whispered desperately. She could just imagine that great penis filling her, making her scream with pleasure, making her come until she was weak.

“Tsk, tsk. But another infraction, you wicked girl!” He smacked her butt several stinging blows, and then, taking his tawse from its place on the stone wall, he laid it across her buttocks until her bottom was burning. As he punished her his cock grew larger and larger until it was hard and thrusting straight from his trousers.

Unable to take her eyes from it, Annie moaned more from her need for him than from any pain she felt from the leather. She had never in all of her life imagined such delicious, such wicked torture, and she was loving every moment of it. Nat’s passions had been born out of his love for her, and hers for him. This was entirely different. It was depraved, perverse, and yet she wanted it.
My God!
What emotions had she been suppressing all of these years?

“You will have to relieve me, you wicked little bitch.” He groaned as he lowered her to her knees. The straw beneath them was rough. “Open your mouth, Mistress Anne, and suck me. You will do so until I bid you to cease.”

Obediently she parted her lips, and he pushed his penis between them, pulling his foreskin back as he did. Annie began to suck him. She pulled strongly on his length. Her tongue slid around the head of the penis. The ivory phallus had prepared her for his size, but not quite his length. Still, she drew him in deeper. She wished that her hands were free so she might touch him, but she knew her mouth was doing its job when he moaned low.

His voice was thick as he praised her. “That’s it, my pet. I knew you would be good at this exercise. You are not yet ready to be fucked, for you have still not attained perfect obedience, but you are close, I suspect.” His fingers dug into her head as she sucked him.

And then Annie felt him stiffen, and she knew he would climax within the warmth of her mouth. She sucked harder, swallowing the fierce, thick bursts of cum that he released to her, and she couldn’t stop sucking even after she had greedily sipped every drop of his juices.

He groaned, retrieving his penis to place it back in his trousers. Then, bending down, he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head up, kissing her hard. His mouth took hers in a fierce, possessive embrace. His tongue thrust deep into her mouth, caressing hers for the longest moment. Annie kissed him back hungrily. She had needed this more personal contact. The Beast was only a man, and she suddenly realized that she meant to tame him even as the girl in the fairy tale had tamed her Beast. But first she must gain his trust. The mouth on hers drew away. He pulled her up again so that her feet grazed the floor, and then he left her without another word, taking his torch with him.

Annie hung from her golden shackles, her bottom, her vagina, and her mouth sore from the Beast’s ferocious attentions. She had learned in her Human Sexuality class in college that gentle punishment was sometimes used to increase sexual pleasure. It had always seemed odd to her, for she and Nat were lovers in every sense of the word. They needed nothing but each other for their mutual pleasure. Yet she had to admit to herself that she was enjoying his torture. Again she wondered why she felt this way. However, she had to admit to herself that the Beast was not cruel. She wondered what would happen to her next. The evening was, she sensed, only half over. It certainly couldn’t be any later than midnight. What more was to come?

The door to her prison opened and closed quickly. And then Annie felt herself being bathed with a fragrance-filled soapy sponge. Every inch of her was washed, and then buckets of warm water were splashed over her. Her body was carefully dried with soft cloths. The door opened and closed again as a small figure scuttled through, carrying several pails and cloths. Annie hadn’t been able to decide whether the creature was male or female.

Then, to her surprise, the Beast returned. He set his torch in the holder and, reaching into his tunic, he drew out a beautiful bejeweled collar, fastening it about Annie’s neck. Lined in the softest silk, the collar settled upon her collarbone. Next the beast attached a delicate gold chain to the collar. Releasing her from the manacles, he said, “You will come with me, Mistress Anne. If you remain obedient for the next hour or more you will be given your own chamber in a tower, and not returned to this dungeon. If, however, you are disobedient, you shall be whipped publicly and brought back here. You may answer me now. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my lord.” Annie said.

“Excellent, my pet. Come along now.” And the Beast led her by the chain from the little round cell and up the stairs.

She was naked. As they exited the dungeon into a main corridor of the castle Annie looked nervously about, but the servants they passed paid her no attention at all. But then they entered the great hall, and it was filled with rough men sitting at trestle tables beneath the high board. As they passed between the tables many of the men reached out to touch her, pinching her buttocks, grabbing at her breasts. The Beast ignored them, and Annie took her cue from him, hurrying behind him although she was a little frightened.
I can end this at any time,
she reminded herself.

“You will sit on the dais at the side of my chair, by my feet,” the Beast said as they reached the high board.

Annie saw there was but one high-backed oak chair set behind the high board, directly at its center. Reaching it, she obeyed his instruction. At least she was not so easily available to the hot eyes and crude remarks of the soldiers in the hall. The meal was served. Annie could see the servants coming up to the other side of the Beast’s chair and offering him bowls, plates, and platters of food. She had seen a gold plate and a bejeweled gold goblet before she had seated herself at his feet.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded her now and again.

Annie would obediently raise her head up and open her mouth to receive some tidbit of food. Once she raised her head to his command and he transferred some sweet wine from his mouth to hers. It was a most sensual experience. When he had finished eating and the dishes had been cleared away from the high board, the Beast pulled Annie up and settled her into his lap, where he fondled her breasts absently as a minstrel played his lute and sang. Now and again he would put a sweetmeat into her mouth. He began to frig her, pushing three fingers deep into her vagina slowly, then increasing the rhythm until she was whimpering softly. He withdrew the three fingers and sucked on them as his eyes met hers. “You taste delicious,” he told her. “And you have really been very good, Mistress Anne. You have exhibited perfect obedience tonight. Would you like to be rewarded? You may answer all my questions without further permission.”

BOOK: Dangerous Pleasures
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