Read Dancer's Heart Online

Authors: R. E. Butler

Tags: #wolf shifter romance, #shifter romance, #wilde creek, #reindeer shifter

Dancer's Heart (3 page)

BOOK: Dancer's Heart
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He crawled onto the bed and laid her down,
caging her with his arms. Her scent hit him hard as she sighed
against his lips and let her head fall back on the pillow. Her blue
eyes were dark with passion, heavy-lidded and sexy as hell. She was
his perfect angel, fallen from the heavens just for him. He
couldn’t believe how fortunate he was to have found her.

“Adam,” she whispered, her fingers sliding
through his hair and her nails scraping his scalp. “I want this so
badly. Make me yours, please.”

His throat tightened with emotion. She was
laid bare before him emotionally, and he let go of the tight hold
on his own emotions.

“I never knew if I’d have a mate of my own.
My scars,” he said, closing his eyes for a brief moment, “they make
me feel like I don’t belong anywhere.”

“You belong with me.”

“I do,” he said, meeting her intense gaze.
“I’m not just lucky enough to have you as a mate, I’m fortunate
that the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen in my life is my
truemate, the one female on the planet meant for me.”

She blinked as tears filled her eyes. “You’re
going to make me cry.”

He kissed her, tasting the salt of her tears.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said against her lips. “I just want you
to know how important you are to me. I swear to spend the rest of
my life making you happy.”

She nipped his lower lip and arched her brow
as he met her gaze. “You can start by losing your pants.”

He loved that she was comfortable enough with
him to tease him even though they’d only known each other for a
little while. “I hope you didn’t plan to get any sleep tonight,” he
said as he eased from the bed and shoved his jeans to the floor,
stepping out of them. He climbed up the bed as she scooted back,
and knelt between her spread legs.

“Nah,” she said, reaching for the bottom of
the shirt she wore and lifting it slowly. His brain fizzled out as
he watched her gradually bare herself to him. Her pussy was bare
and glistening with arousal, and he wouldn’t have been able to look
away for anything.

His hands tightened on her knees as she
pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it away. She leaned back
on his pillow and rested her hands on top of his. He slid back on
the bed, easing down between her legs. His muscles ached as he
moved, but he pushed past the pain to focus on Dani. He looked up
the length of her body and found her smiling in anticipation. She
sank her teeth into her bottom lip, and he growled softly before
flicking his tongue out to graze her clit. She inhaled sharply, her
nipples beading tightly as her hands slid into his hair and tugged
him forward.

She moaned his name as he kissed her pussy
and pushed her thighs further apart to expose her more fully to
him. He licked her clit, rubbing his tongue along either side
before sucking it into his mouth. She groaned and tilted her hips.
He flicked the tip of her clit as he sucked, wiggling the tight bud
while she writhed under him.

He released her clit and slid his hands
underneath her, lifting her to his mouth as he stroked his tongue
into her. Her sweet taste saturated his senses, driving him wild as
her thighs tightened around his head and her fingers twisted in his
hair. He growled as he licked her and she moaned loudly, rubbing
herself on his tongue. Laving her pussy from bottom to top, he
swirled his tongue around her clit and took it into his mouth once
more. She released his hair and gripped the slats of his headboard,
crying out as she came.

“Adam, Adam, please,” she groaned, as he
pushed his tongue into her wet heat, drunk on her scent and

He lifted from her and saw her knuckles were
white as she gripped the headboard, her mouth open and her lower
lip plump from where she had been biting it. He’d never seen anyone
as beautiful as Dani, flushed from climax and wanting more.

He kissed up her body slowly. Her skin was so
soft, and she deserved to be worshipped from head to toe. He
nuzzled her stomach, kissing her navel and moving leisurely up her,
stopping to nuzzle and lick her nipples. She caged his hips with
her legs, twining her ankles together at the small of his back. He
slid his hands underneath her and gripped her shoulders as the head
of his dick touched her pussy. She was slick with arousal, and the
tight heat of her pussy was almost enough to make him come as he
pressed slowly into her.

She tugged him closer with her legs, lifting
her hips and urging him forward.

He kissed her throat with a growl. “You’re
killing me, Dani.”

“Yes, say that again.”

He chuckled. “Which part?”

“My name.”

He slid inches deeper into her, his heart
hammering in his chest and his wolf rubbing against his skin.
“Dani. My. Fucking. Dani.”

She let go of one of the slats and gripped
his shoulder, her fingernails biting into his skin as he slid all
the way home inside her. He went still, their bodies wed as tightly
as possible, and licked her throat, feeling her pulse flutter under
his tongue.

Lifting his head, he gazed into her eyes as
he slid from her pussy until only the thick head of his cock was
inside her. “Dani,” he murmured, pressing into her once more,
watching her eyes dilate from the pleasure.

She hummed, biting her lower lip. “Faster.

He wanted her to come; he was greedy for her
pleasure. Sliding one hand down to her ass, he squeezed her cheek
and then tilted her hips up. She gasped in surprise and then
moaned, her legs falling open as he pulled from her pussy and then
thrust in faster. Her eyes glazed over as he began to move more
quickly, holding her close and rocking into her.

Her eyes shuttered, and he nipped her throat.
“Keep them open,” he growled, fucking her harder and faster. She
let go of his shoulder and returned her hand to join the other one
gripping the headboard over her head. She gazed into his eyes, her
pussy gripping his cock as he pushed her toward climax.

He twisted his hips until he heard her breath
catch and knew he’d hit the right spot, and then he took her as
fast as he could, driving into her until her pussy clutched him
tightly and she shrieked in pleasure. He couldn’t hold back his
release; he let go, crushing her against him as his cock spilled
inside her. He shouted her name as his fangs erupted from his gums
and his wolf rose to the surface.

She tilted her head and bared her throat to
him, her hands sliding into his hair as she said, “Make me yours,

He sank his fangs into her throat as gently
as he could. She moaned, her pussy squeezing him once more, as he
tasted her blood and marked her completely. He pulled from her
throat and nicked his tongue with his fangs, covering the marks
with his blood to help them heal in a way that would scar
permanently. As he nuzzled her throat, he could think of nothing
except the future that lay ahead of them; Dani as his wife and
mate, children filling the house, and a life together full of love
and happiness.

He rolled to his back, and she followed,
curling against him like a warm and familiar weight. She rested her
head on his shoulder and linked her fingers with his.

“When can we do that again?”

He chuckled and tilted her chin up until he
could see her eyes. “Anytime you want.”

“All the time. I want to do that
the time.”

“I’m so glad I found you, Dani.”

“Me too.” She sat up and straddled his legs,
planting her hands on the bed on either side of his stomach. She
gazed at his dick, which thickened as soon as she locked eyes on
it, and grinned. “Having a truemate rocks.”

It sure as fuck did.


* * * * *


It was pretty clear to Adam that his
sweetheart was not a morning person. She groaned when she rolled
over and a beam of sunlight hit her in the face, which caused her
to roll back over and pull the covers over her head. He was in bed
with his mate, and he decided not to waste the opportunity to wake
her up fully. He tucked himself against her back and brushed his
fingers down her stomach with a feather-light touch. Then he teased
her clit, lightly rubbing the bud until her breathing started to
quicken and she slid her leg back over his to open herself more
completely to him. He kissed her throat, nibbling on her neck as he
fingered her pussy and thumbed her clit until she was panting for
breath and making sexy moaning sounds. Her back bowed, and she
threw back the covers as she came, gripping his wrist and canting
her hips to take his fingers deeper.

He flexed his hips and pushed his dick into
her, linking their fingers on her stomach as they moved together.
She squeezed his hand tightly, lifting it to her mouth to kiss his
knuckles. He bit down lightly on her neck as he came, groaning
against her flesh as his dick emptied inside her. He’d never felt
so connected to another person before, and he knew it was because
they were truemates. They were meant to be together, despite being
from two very different places.

She rolled to her back, her eyes bright and
her skin flushed with passion. “That’s a great way to wake up. I’ll
definitely be a morning person if your fingers are my alarm

He chuckled, leaning over to kiss her before
slipping from the bed. “Whatever my mate wants.”

“I want to stay in bed with you.”

“I’d love that, sweetheart,” he said.

“I have a feeling that there’s some wolfy
thing we need to do, though.”

He nodded. “I need to let my alphas know that
I’ve found you and set up a time to meet with them.”

She sat up. “Will they let me stay?”

He frowned, stopping in the middle of tugging
up his jeans. “Why wouldn’t they?”

“I’m not a wolf.”

“That doesn’t matter. You won’t be allowed to
join the pack, but we’re truemates, and they can’t – and won’t –
separate us.”

“Oh, okay.” She smiled in relief. “I thought
you might want to come back to my sleuth to live, and it would be
cool if you did, but I like it here already. I’d like to stay.”

It was his turn to be relieved. When he’d
woken up that morning and stared at his gorgeous, sleeping mate,
he’d wondered if she would want to go back to her home. He wouldn’t
fault her for that – it was her home and her mom was still there –
but he had hoped she would want to stay. He enjoyed living in Wilde
Creek, but the truth was that anywhere with Dani would be home for
him. The address didn’t matter, only that they were together.

“We don’t have to decide today, sweetheart,
but if you’d like to stay in Wilde Creek, then that would be fine
with me. Right now, though, we’re on our honeymoon, so let’s just
enjoy it.”

“Okay. Honeymoon?”

“Technically I guess you might call it the
mating-moon?” he said with a chuckle.

“Mating-moon. I like it.”

He finished pulling on his jeans and leaned
over to kiss her. “How do you like your coffee?”

“Lots of milk and sugar. Do you want

“Just keep your sexy self in bed until I get

She leaned back against the pillows, looking
like a fallen angel. “Hurry back.”

He groaned and forced himself to walk out of
the bedroom instead of climbing back next to her and seeing how
many more times he could get her to scream his name. After starting
the coffee, he grabbed eggs and bacon from the refrigerator and
loaded up two skillets on the stove. While everything cooked, he
called Acksel on his cell.

“Good morning, Alpha,” he said when Acksel
answered. “I found my truemate last night and I wanted to let you
know. Her name is Dani Grayson.”

There was a long moment of silence, and then
Acksel cleared his throat and said, “You did? That’s great,

“What’s great? Who is it?” Brynn

Acksel explained and Brynn squealed in
excitement. “Tell him I said congratulations and I can’t wait to
meet her.”

Acksel chuckled. “I take it you heard

“I did, thank you both.”

“Of course. I’m sure you’re enjoying your
time with your new mate. We would like to meet her. How about seven
on Monday night? You can bring her to the house and we’ll have

“That sounds great. See you in a few

“Take care of your new mate.”

“I will, Alpha.”

Adam ended the call and tended to the food on
the stove. He placed the cooked eggs and bacon on two plates and
set them on a tray. After making toast and fixing the coffee the
way Dani had said she liked it, he carried the tray into the
bedroom and set it on the bed next to her. When he joined her, she
said, “You made breakfast too? You’re too good to be true.”

“Oh?” he asked with a laugh.

“Sure. You’re sexy as hell, you rocked my
world, and you can cook. You may be the perfect man.”

“Only maybe?”

“Well, I haven’t seen if you leave the toilet
seat up or not.”

“I’ll be sure to put it down for you.”

“Well, that seals it, then. You’re

His wolf pranced in his head. “I think you’re
the perfect one, Dani. Beautiful, sexy, and you taste like sugar
and peppermint.”

Her cheeks pinked. “Thank you for breakfast,

As they ate, she told him about her journey
with her brother. “We’d only been on the road for two days, but it
felt like a lot longer. Row only wanted to camp. I couldn’t get him
to agree to a hotel.”

“Not much for camping?”

“I don’t mind some aspects of camping, but in
the snow? Not so much. I would go stay in a cabin, or go camping in
the summer or the fall, but not tent-camping in the winter. It’s
just too cold. Even with our extra warm sleeping bags and a heater,
I still had to sleep in all my clothes, and I couldn’t get
comfortable. You’re not a camper, are you?”

He laughed. “No, sweetheart, I promise.”

BOOK: Dancer's Heart
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