Read Damned Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

Damned (26 page)

BOOK: Damned
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We speak to JR briefly. He is a large burly man, with flaming red hair and lots of tattoo’s. He takes the bike and helps Jax out of the docks once the crew arrives. When we are an hour or so out on the water, we breath a sigh relief and then call a meeting in the dining room. Jax flicks on the television and sure enough; his face is all over the news and so is mine.

“Princess Jade has been taken by pirates. Today at eight thirty am, gaurds of the royal palace in Russia ambushed hotel Marinara, to find their princess. They were shocked to find her being held by a band of pirates. They escaped through the roofing and the police are on the task of finding the princess and bringing her home. Her parents are beside themselves with panic. If anybody has any information they are encouraged to call the police. Eight men lost their lives today.”

I stare stupidly at the reporter speaking. Kidnapped by pirates? Being held captive? No, no they had it all wrong. I glance at Jax, who looks mad.

“Jax…they know what you are which means they will gather ships.”

“I know that.” He snaps and I look away.

“Fuck, Cap this is bad. They will have half the navy out here looking for her.”

“I fucking know, give me a minute.”

I feel so guilty then, so terrible.

“I’m sorry; I understand if you want me to go back,” I whisper. “I would never endanger your crew Jax.”

“Lilyahna Jade, shut up.”

I gape; he remembers my real name? “W-w-w-what? Don’t call me that.”

“You will stay, we will fight. I just don’t want you to see…more death.”

“I want to stay.” I say firmly.

“Fine but when we fight, you are downstairs.”

“So Cap it is done?” Rusty asks.

“They won’t beat us when we are turned.”

“Nay, I suppose they won’t.”

“Well men, get back to it. We will just put our trackers on and keep alert. Oh, Jade and I…are…err kind of seeing each other now so please, treat her with the same respect you treat me.”

“Congrats.” A lot of voices say at once, with smiles.

I am shocked Jax said that, but I don’t say anything. I smile, thank them all for their kind words and begin towards my room. Jax grasps my arm.

“Where you going little LJ?”

“Stop calling me that, I am going to my room.”


I blink. “So I can freshen up.”

He shrugs. “Ok mate, see you later.”

God, this man will be the death of me. Truly he will. I walk to my room and strip off, stepping into the shower and enjoying the warm water cascading over me. I notice I am bleeding, and it hit’s me, oh crap, I have not been on any contraception. Jax will kill me. In a panic, I get out, get some protection and dress. So I have my period; that is a good thing right? I hesitantly make my way towards Jax’s room; he will yell at me for this, but I have to tell him. I walk in, and he is sitting at his desk, he glances up and smiles.

“Hey baby.”

“Hey Jax…ummmm…I wanted to err talk to you about something.”

“What’s up?”

“Well, it is…well…” I take in a deep breath. “I am not on contraception, and I am bleeding which is a good thing I think but…I am not protected and I know you hate that.”

He nods. “Go and see Sam, she will fix you up.”

“You’re not mad?”

“No, I didn’t ask either.”

“But…I could be…”

“Pregnant? I doubt it. Go on, see Sam and let me know.”

Why is he so calm, so collected? I feel something is amiss, but I choose not to argue.


“We can use condoms mate, it is not too bad.”

“I thought you hated them.”

“I will survive for a week or so.”

“Ok well, I guess I will go and see Sam.”

He nods and turns back to his desk.

“Hey Jax?”

“Yeah baby?”

“Are we…ok?”

“Sure.” He answers, staring at me as though I have asked a stupid question.

“You just seem different.”

“I thought you wanted me to be different.”

“I never said that, I love you for who you are. Don’t change ok?”

I turn, walk out the door and make my way to Sam’s room. She is on the phone, but when she sees me she says a quick goodbye and hangs up.

“Hi honey.”

“Hey Sam, I was wondering if you had any err contraception? I’ve run out.”

“Oh sure, what were you after?”

“Ummmm, anything.”

“What about the Depo? It lasts three months.”

“Sounds good.”

She rushes around and comes back with a small needle and canister. She sits me down and begins cleaning my arm.

“So you and Jax?”

“I guess so.”

“You’re not happy?”

“Sure, he is just strange at the moment. He is so against it all and then suddenly he is all lovey dovey with me.”

“And that is bad because?”

“It’s not him.”

Sam nods. “I get your point but be careful not to confuse the situation. If he is being compassionate then let him, don’t push him to be something that will hurt Jade.”

“No, you are right. It just feels strange.”

“The chase is over, it always does.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“He called you Lilyahna Jade, what was that?”

“It’s my real name.”

“Oh, it’s not Jade?”

“No, I hated my first name so I swapped it.”

“Nice, little sting love.”

I feel the sting of the needle, after a second she wipes it over. “All done, use protection for a week ok?”

“Sure, thanks Sam.”

“Anytime honey and don’t worry about Jax, he will adjust. It is odd for him too.”

I smile and thank her again, before walking back to my room. Mid way there, I am confronted by a raging Gazelle; she grasps me and slams me against the wall.

“Listen here barbie, Jax is mine. He is only with you because he thinks you care, we all know you don’t. Stay the fuck away from him or I will finish you, I promise you now. I will kill you if need be, oops Jade fell over board. BACK OFF!”

“Go fuck yourself.” I snap, and she punches me, hard. I feel my jaw crack and blood pours down my cheek.

“Stay away Jade or you will pay. Oh and you ran into a door.”

She lets me go and turns, hurrying off. I fall into my room, god I can’t catch a break. I go into the bathroom and touch my sore jaw. Magic, I wipe the blood and notice the purple swelling. It would heal soon enough. I hear a knock and began to panic, oh no.

“Um, yeah?”

“It’s me, open up.” Jax calls.

“Shit.” I curse, then curse again.

“Are you ok?”

“I am busy Jax, I will see you soon.”

He opens the door, wrong answer. When his eyes fall on my bruised jaw, his face hardens.

“You’re hurt.”

“I fell into the door.”

He walks over and grasps my face, turning it from side to side. “Bullshit.”

“Jax please, it is nothing.”

“Who did it?”


“Who fuckin did it?”


He roars a curse, then turns and tears out the door. I rush after him, begging him not to worry, but he bursts into the dining room, grasping my arm as he does. He swings me in front of him and in front of a stunned Gazelle.

“See her face, you ever fucking lay another hand on her again I will slit your god damned throat Gazelle. I only fucked you because I had nothing else and believe me; it would be nicer to fuck a cow. This girl is mine; you hurt her again, you will pay for it.”

“Y-y-y-y-yes Cap.”

“Back the fuck off.”

He takes my hand and yanks me back out the door; I follow him up on deck, where he paces about angrily.

“Jax don’t worry about it, I am fine.”

“All this shit, it is over the top.”

“If you don’t want this, just say so.”

“I want this Jade, stop your crap.”

“I am just saying, god, you are so angry all the time.”

“I’m angry, I’m too nice. Make up your fucking mind.”

Before I can answer, I feel something shove me in the shoulder, lurching me forward as though I have been thumped. I see my blood splatter all over Jax’s front; I recall staring into his eyes, unsure and confused. His face drains entirely of colour; it is covered in my blood. I can hear screaming; lots of it as my body just falls forward. Jax catches me, and it is then I finally feel the pain, the searing, burning pain that tears through my chest. I open my mouth, and a strangled scream comes out.

I hear a thump, as two boots land beside Jax. I can feel his body stiff; his hands grasps for his gun while holding me at the same time. Who is on the ship? How did they get here? I am on fire, but I can’t move. My body is screaming; the pain is so intense I can’t focus, can’t breathe.

“Well hello Jax, it is always a pleasure.”

I catch a blurred glimpse of the man who has landed on the ship. He is tall, blonde and quite handsome. Evil eyes, he has really evil eyes. He is holding a gun towards Jax’s head; I gasp and squirm. Jax lets my body fall, standing in front of me as he shifts to protect me. His gun is now aimed at the man, the two of them stand, both holding guns up.

“What the fuck do you want?”

“Oh now don’t be like that and what is it you have here…” He grins, glancing down at me.

Jax snarls, stepping in his way and covering me further.

“Well well, isn’t that just interesting. MEN.”

Six men land on board; one of them crushes a shoe into my back, pressing me to the cold ship floor. I scream in agony as my body is squashed onto the hard surface. Jax turns, staring at me with a pained expression. I can see his confusion and his anger. His eyes flame red and he grows taller, broader and claws spring from his fingers.

“You touch me Jax, and he will finish her. What’s it going to be? You either give me what I want, or I crush her where she lays.”

Jax doesn’t move; he doesn’t kill that man where he stands. Why won’t he kill him?

“Ahhhh, finally, I have found it. I always knew something would crush you. Is this it Jaxy boy? This girl? Shame, the old girl you had is getting a little boring, I was hoping you could take her back.”

Jax growls, his fists clenching so tightly, I am sure the gun will snap. I struggle to move from the foot holding me to the floor, the pirate has a gun to Jax’s head. He is going to kill him.

If I kill you,
the entire crew lose their captain, they have nothing to live for. Boo hoo, I get what I want, and we all live happily ever after. I just wonder, how long I can prolong your death? I have been waiting long enough.”

“NO!” I scream, twisting as he presses the gun to Jax’s head. “Jax fight, FIGHT.”

“Aw, she wants to give her life for yours. Noble. I might just keep her; she looks like a damn tasty fuck.”

Jax hisses and lashes out, slamming a fist into the pirates face. Before I can react, the pirate lifts his gun and shoots Jax in the shoulder. Jax roars and takes two steps back, grasping at his arm and his gun tumbles to the ground. “The next one is in the heart pirate.”

While he is busy with Jax, I manage to twist my body and pound a hard fist into the pirate who is holding me; it lands right on his shin. He roars and falls backwards, before the blonde pirate has a chance to realize what is happening I have grasped Jax’s gun from the floor and aimed it towards him. I pull the trigger before I manage to think about what I am doing; he falls to the floor in a slump, but I can see he lives. Jax spins around then and kills the remaining four men with such ease; it makes me nauseous. It is graphic, far too graphic.

I feel my body attempting to heal itself, but I can’t focus, it is not quick enough for the amount of blood I am loosing and my head lolls to the side. Jax comes over, and I panic, crying out. He scoops me into his arms, and I wriggle.

“Don’t hurt me.”

“I won’t hurt you,” He says, in that scary demonic voice. “SAM.”

He runs me to the stairs, in the background I can hear shooting, cannons firing, yelling and swords. It becomes a muddled sound, loud and piercing. I see the crew changing, and the sight has me whimpering. They are enormous and deadly. Oh god. Sam appears, her face draining of colour as she hesitates.

“Shes been shot, I won’t hurt you.” Jax growls.

I feel my eyes closing; all I want now, is to run to the darkness that threatens to over take my body. It looks warm there.

“Don’t you damn close your eyes, Jade look at me.” Jax roars. He slaps my cheeks, shaking them until I open my eyes and stare up at him. I am numb now; I can’t feel anything.

“Jax, I will take her.” Sam offers, reaching out to me.

“Don’t you let her die Sam.”

BOOK: Damned
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