Dalton, Tymber - Bightmares [Deep Space Mission Corps 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Bightmares [Deep Space Mission Corps 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You guys going to sit there and stare, or are you going to get naked?” she teased.

“Get naked,” they all echoed. The twins laughed while Aaron rolled his eyes and sighed.

“And so it begins,” he said with a playful smirk. “I’m telling you, Em, twinspeak gets really old, really fast.”

The men quickly stripped. Aaron knelt over her and kissed her. He teased her, gently tracing her lips with his tongue, his touch so light it almost tickled.

Emi wrapped her arms around him and sighed as she felt Ford and Caph massage her feet and legs. Aaron lifted his head so he could look into her eyes. “Tell us what you want, babe.”

“I want all of you.” It didn’t matter to her how or where, as long as they were together. At any time during their mission she could make love with any of them, but to have them all at once, even if just the feel of their flesh against hers, completed her.

Aaron kissed her again, then blazed a hot and moist trail with his lips along her jaw, behind her ear, down her neck to the base of her throat. She closed her eyes and reached out with her empathic senses, drank in their passion and love. It only compounded her desire.

Aaron didn’t stop there. He moved lower and latched his mouth onto one of her nipples while he teased the other with his hand. He used his tongue and teeth to bring the one to a hard peak. Then he switched to the other and repeated the process. She felt her clit throb in response, every pull of his mouth on her breast triggering a responding pulsation between her legs.

He continued his southerly journey until she felt his hot breath on her clit. He pushed her thighs wider apart with his palms and gently nuzzled his lips against her.

As one, Ford and Caph changed position. Each man latched onto one of her breasts, drawing a long, low moan from her. She twined her fingers in their hair and held on. How could she not love this exquisite pleasure?

Aaron teased her clit with his tongue while Ford and Caph stroked her body with their hands. Raw passion singed her nerves. It felt like their hot touch was everywhere at once. Aaron wrapped his hands around her thighs as he settled himself between her legs. His tongue plunged deeply inside her before he returned to tracing slow, lazy circles around her clit. Back inside her again, teasing, not giving her enough friction to get off even as he pulled her closer to the brink.

Ford lifted his head and used his fingers to torment her nipple. “Look at me, babe,” he said.

Unable to resist, she forced her eyes open.

In the dim light, or maybe because of his own desire, Ford’s blue eyes had taken on the color of infinitely deep ocean seas. “Does it feel good? Do you like feeling his mouth on you?”

She nodded, his words further inflaming her.

“As much as I love being the one to make you scream, I love seeing you like this, watching one or both of them make love to you. Is he fucking you with his tongue?”

She nodded, speech escaping her.

“Is he sucking on your sweet clit?” As he said it, Aaron did it, making her arch her back to get more contact.


Caph moaned around her other nipple as his stiff cock rubbed against her thigh. Just listening to Ford’s pillow talk could nearly make him come.

“I bet that beautiful pussy of yours is totally wet, isn’t it?”

Caph moaned again, louder, and started shifting his hips against Emi in earnest.


He lowered his face to hers, his lips not quite touching. She felt his breath against her lips. “Come for us. Scream for us. Give it all to us, we want it.”

Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt it start. An erotic bubble of need and passion rapidly swelling until it burst. Her eyes clamped shut as she cried out. Ford kissed her, fucking her with his tongue and swallowing her passionate sounds as she lost control of her muscles and felt like her insides had been replaced by hot lava.

Only when she couldn’t take it anymore, her cries replaced by soft mewling noises and breathy protests that she was done, did Ford and Aaron both lift their heads from her body. Ford rained kisses on her forehead, across her closed eyelids, the tip of her nose. Aaron nuzzled his face against her thighs, kissing her there, gently kneading her flesh with his hands.

Caph’s agitation only increased with her release. She felt slick, warm moisture, pre-come from his cock as he ground it into her thigh. He softly moaned around her breast.

Ford moved out of Aaron’s way as the other man sat up and positioned himself between her legs. His cock felt hard and stiff as he pressed against the entrance to her pussy.

“He’s gonna fuck you good, baby,” Ford said as they both watched Aaron prepare to take her.

She shifted her hips, trying to nudge Aaron to do it, to fuck her, to fill her to her very core.

Then he slowly sank his entire length into her. He held still, his eyes closed, savoring the sensation. As he paused like that, Emi felt something else from him, an emotion, a thought she couldn’t quite grasp clearly enough while caught in her own passion.

He opened his eyes again and stretched to retrieve something from beside the bed, just past her head. He pressed it into Ford’s hand as he leaned over and deeply kissed him. “Do it,” he hoarsely said. “I want it.”

She sensed Ford’s shocked surprise, almost enough to snap him out of his own passion. “You’re sure?”

Aaron closed his eyes and nodded before he rested his head on Emi’s chest, between her breasts.

Caph changed position, his head nestled against Emi’s shoulder, face-to-face with Aaron. He draped an arm over Aaron and nuzzled his forehead with his lips while Emi wrapped her arms around him.

Ford, apparently stunned, glanced at Emi, as if needing confirmation from her that he’d heard Aaron correctly.

She smiled and nodded a little, silently mouthing, “It’s okay.”

Ford slowly sat up and changed positions to kneel behind Aaron. He dropped the bottle of lube that Aaron had handed him to the bed. Taking his time and moving slowly, he started stroking Aaron’s back, from shoulders to waist to ass, kissing him, loving him.

Aaron kept his eyes closed and his forehead touching Caph’s as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth a little.

Emi, absorbed in this more as spectator than participant, shared Ford’s happy surprise. One of the first things she’d learned about her men was the sad fact that “Cap doesn’t bottom.” Not until they’d shared their crew story with her, about Kels’ death and Aaron’s vicious torture at the hands of the raiders, did she understand why. Before that time, Aaron had no trouble playing the bottom or top role, enjoying both.

For the first time since then, he was asking to rejoin them in this way.

Emi focused on Aaron’s energy but kept her eyes locked with Ford’s. Aaron did want this, desperately, having missed it all these years but unable to consider enjoying it before now. After a few minutes, when she gave Ford another slight nod, he picked up the lube and used some to slowly work one finger into Aaron’s dark hole.

Ford stopped when Aaron moaned, but Emi nodded again, encouraging, when she knew Aaron’s sounds were from pleasure, not pain.

Carefully, gently, Ford worked to loosen him. Aaron’s breathing quickened as he continued to rock his hips against Emi, his cock even harder inside her.

When Ford added a second finger, Aaron gasped and lightly breathed, “Yes!”

“You like that?” Ford softly asked.


Ford stroked his back with his free hand. “I want to love you like this again, Aar. I’ve missed this so much. I want to show you how much I love you.”

Aaron moaned again, encouraging him to continue.

She tightened her grip around both men. Caph fully realized what was happening and had stopped his frantic dry-humping against Emi’s leg to focus his attention on Aaron. He twined his fingers in the other man’s hair, kissed him, softly whispered to him as Aaron kept his eyes closed and held on to Emi.

By the time Ford reached three fingers, Aaron was begging for more. When Ford felt Aaron was ready, he slicked his cock with lube and positioned it at his ass. With one last, reassuring look at Emi to confirm it was okay, he slowly pressed forward.

Aaron thrust back to meet him with an inarticulate cry. “Yes!” he sobbed. “Yes!”

Emi and Caph both tightened their hold on Aaron, loving him as he started moving his hips in synchronized time with Ford’s thrusts.

Ford stroked his hands down Aaron’s back. “Are you okay?”

“Don’t stop!”

Caph recaptured his mouth. Emi felt mesmerized, awestruck by the loving passion engulfing the three men, so thick it almost formed a visible aura around them. They’d needed this, the last missing piece to help them shed whatever pain still haunted their souls. Especially Aaron.

Finally convinced Aaron was okay, Ford was drawn into his own passion. His eyes closed as his lower lip caught under his teeth. It wouldn’t take him long to come, not as close to the edge as Emi sensed he was.

Aaron didn’t so much fuck her with his cock embedded inside her as he drew safety and comfort from her, enjoying this long-missing pleasure.

“Jesus, I love you, Aar,” Ford whispered. “Goddamn, I love you so much.”

Bless his heart, she sensed Caph wanted to jump in there as soon as Ford finished, but she knew he would wait to see if Aaron wanted him to. “We’ve both missed you,” Caph whispered to Aaron. “I used to love it when you’d put me in the middle and he’d fuck me while I fucked you. Remember that?”

“Gods, yes!” Aaron gasped.

Emi felt her own sex throb at that mental image, of the larger man sandwiched between the others.

Holy crap!
She couldn’t wait to see

“I can’t hold it,” Ford said.

“Do it,” Aaron told him. “Please!”

Emi felt the bed shake as Ford’s thrusts came faster, harder, until he gave a cry and fell forward onto his arms to keep from crushing them all, gasping and panting.

Aaron’s hips still worked his hard cock inside Emi.

“You okay, Aar?” Ford asked, worry now tainting his post-coital energy.

“Yeah,” Aaron whispered. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Caph. “You.”


Aaron kissed him. “Yeah. Right now. I want you, too. I need you.”

Ford carefully withdrew and stepped into the head to clean up. By the time he returned, Caph had positioned himself and slicked his shaft with lube. Ford lay where Caph had, his arm around Aaron as he softly whispered to him.

“We love you, man. We love you so much.”

Caph carefully pressed for entrance. Emi felt his keen worry, even more than Ford’s. When he looked up, she met his gaze and smiled. “It’s okay,” she silently mouthed, not wanting to interrupt them. This was their healing, and she was happy to take a backseat to helping Aaron cross this bridge, however he needed to do it.

Slowly, he pushed his thick cock inside Aaron. Aaron stilled his hips for a moment until Caph was positioned. “Do it, buddy,” he said as Ford stroked his back. “Fuck me.”

Caph carefully held Aaron’s hips while he slowly thrust.

Ford tangled his fingers in Aaron’s hair. “Come for him. I remember how much you enjoyed his cock. You used to love sitting back on his lap, leaning against him while me and Kels sucked your cock and played with your balls.

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Bightmares [Deep Space Mission Corps 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
8.76Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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