Read Curtis Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Erotic romance;Contemporary;contemporary romance

Curtis (9 page)

BOOK: Curtis
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By the time they reached the bed, her
blouse was off and her bra was opened. Curtis was suckling at her nipple as he
took them to the mattress.


Curtis’ mind was a whirl of activity. Her
taste made him think of things he’d never dreamed, her warmth made his mind
fuzzy, and her sounds, the small sounds of pleasure, made him harder than he’d
ever been. But when she wrapped her legs around his waist when they made it to
the bed, all he could think of was

There were no words between them now. Need
had taken over his body and he was going to give her all he was. His heart
already belonged to her and now it seemed his body would also. Never had he
ever wanted a woman like he did this one.

Pulling from her she whimpered and he
nearly returned to her. But he wanted to look at her this time, wanted to see
her beautiful body and savor it. He kneeled next to the bed and unsnapped her
jeans. He watched her face as he moved the zipper down the teeth.

“I’m going to enjoy fucking you. But I
want to taste you again. I want to feel you come in my mouth again.” He stood
and pulled her jeans off as well as her panties. Her panting breaths made her
breasts sway and he reached down and took the hardened peak into his mouth. Letting
it go with a pop, he licked the abused area and stood over her nakedness.

“Please. I want you.”

He nodded at her. But he wasn’t going to
be rushed, not this time.

“Curtis, please. I need to feel you
inside of me.”

“I will be soon enough. I want to lick
you all over.” He took off his shirt and tossed it toward where he’d thrown her
clothes, then his pants and boxers. He stood before her hard and naked. “But I
plan to take my time.”

Settling on his knees again at the
bottom of the bed, he put her legs on either side of his hips. She was
beautifully trimmed and he could see her wetness as it dripped from her curls. His
cock ached to be inside of her; pre-cum dripped from his head and he ran his
thumb over the swollen member. When she took his hand into hers. He nearly came
when she took his thumb to her mouth and suckled it clean.

“Christ.” He wasn’t going to get his
wish. “I’m going to make you pay for this, love. You’re going to get the
fucking of your life.”

Leaning forward and holding onto his
cock, he rubbed it into her cream and moaned when she tried to bring him into
her. This was going to be much faster than he’d wanted, but to have her beneath
him was more than he’d ever dreamed. Taking her mouth again, he slid into her
heat and stilled. She’d been a virgin and he’d just taken it without thought.

“Baby, be still. Please. If you
continued to move like that I’m not going to be able to be gentle.” He rocked
into her again when she dug her nails into his arms.

“Don’t stop. Curtis, if you stop now, I’m
going to hurt you.” He moved into her again and watched her face. There was
only pleasure there and he moved again. “Please, more. I need more.”

He reached behind her and grabbed her
ass. If she wanted more, who was he to say no? Sliding his fingers down her ass,
he held her to him as he pounded into her. She’d be sore tomorrow, but he
wanted her too badly now to be gentle any longer. When she screamed out his
name he nearly joined her, but he wasn’t finished yet.

Her face was beautiful while she came. She
was lovely anyway, but her face in complete rapture was one he’d never forget. Sliding
his fingers into her tight hole, he watched for any sign that he was hurting
her and smiled when she moaned again.

“You like that, don’t you?” She nodded
and gripped his shoulders as he slid deeper with long, slow strokes. “Your
sheath is tight around me, Kylie, like it was meant to be wrapped around my


He chuckled at her. She was a greedy
little thing and he leaned down and kissed her quickly on her mouth. Then made
his way to her pert nipple and took only the tip into his mouth.

“Curtis, please.”

“Please what?” he asked her as he
stopped moving. “Please nibble at your nipple again? Please fuck you until you
can’t walk? I would love to do both those things to you, but you need to come
again for me.” He moved slowly again and watched her face tighten. “You want to
come, don’t you, baby? Come for me and I’ll fill you with my cum.”

Her body bowed beneath his and he felt
her climax as her channel milked him. His balls seemed to fill instantly and
then spew forward. His own climax ripped from him as he threw back his head. Christ,
it felt as if he was coming with his entire body.

He rocked into her tight. His cock felt
fused to her and he thought it the best feeling in the world. When he felt as
if he’d been drained of every drop of energy, he dropped down onto her and then
rolled them to his back. Her body draped limply over his. He hoped to Christ
the house didn’t catch on fire; he was a dead man if it did. There was no way
in the world he was moving anytime soon. When she stirred he reached for the
side of the blanket, pulled it over them both, and closed his eyes.

He needed to talk to her, ask her about
whomever it was she’d been telling to go away, but not now. He wanted to bask
in the relaxed feeling of being sated. Sated with the one woman he’d never
thought to have. He thought about Daniel for all of a second and decided that
he’d deal with him later. He was simply too happy right now to care.

When he woke, she was gone. He looked
around the room and noticed that she’d folded his clothes and put them over a
chair. He stretched hugely then reached for his pants. He found he wanted her
again and decided that he’d see if she wanted to shower too. He’d have to be
gentle this time…if she let him. She’d be sore from their lovemaking and he
didn’t want to hurt her more. He was nearly down the stairs when he saw the
note. He was frowning when he picked it up, knowing that it wasn’t going to be
a heartfelt love letter.

“My father has been hurt. I’m at the
hospital with him. Please lock up when you leave. I’ll see you around.”
Then it was
signed with a single
. He wadded the sheet up and started to toss it
away when he decided to keep it. He started for the stairs again when he saw
what she’d been up to.

Packing. She was packing up her
belongings and from the labels on the boxes, thinking she was sending them out
west. Well, not now, she wasn’t. He didn’t want to think about his own packing
and the boxes that now sat at the bottom of his stairs to be put into storage. Nor
the call he’d made to the realtor to sell his house. This wasn’t the same. He
could help her. He raced up the stairs and into her shower. Time was wasting.

The hospital was a hive of activity. There
were police everywhere as well as his family. He wondered about that for a
second until his mother saw him and came toward him. She engulfed him into her

“I was going over to see if he needed
anything else. And there he was all broken on the porch. Who would do such a
thing to a poor old man?” She sniffled a little then looked up at him. “She’s a
mess. I don’t know what to tell her. She keeps saying she’s sorry to him.”

Sorry? He knew that she’d not had
anything to do with her dad being hurt, but he did think about the person she’d
been trying to get rid of when he’d shown up. He kissed his mom’s cheek and
went to find out where Kylie had gone.

He found her in a room all alone. He
didn’t think she’d heard him come in until she spoke. And when she did, he didn’t
know if he wanted to pick her up and hold her or bend her over his knees and
bust her ass.

“I know we had a deal, but I can’t sell
you the newspaper. I will have to…I need to break our contract.” He watched her
stare off into the room and turn her cell phone in her hands. “I’m really sorry
about that, but I have to do this.”

He moved into the room and closed the
door behind him. He thought about turning the small lock, but didn’t, and moved
to kneel in front of her. He brushed the tears from her cheeks and took her
phone from her. He put it into his pocket to see later who, if anyone, had
called her.

“Who is threatening you, sweetheart?” He
wasn’t surprised when she didn’t answer, but he wasn’t giving up. “I can’t let
you out of the contract, Kylie. Nor can I help you if you don’t tell me who
hurt your dad.”

She looked at him then away again. He
could see the fear in her eyes and hoped that whatever happened he could help
her with. If he knew his family as well as he did, they’d want to be there for
her as well.

“I don’t know what you mean. And I need
to break it if only to see if I can pull…do this on my own. I’m not without
resources, you know.” He heard the bite in her voice and knew if he grinned at
her, she’d knock him on his ass. “The Hunters aren’t the only game in town.”

“No. But I have already filed the
paperwork and as of you leaving my office yesterday, I own the building, not
the Hunter Corporation.” She looked at him and stood quickly, nearly knocking
him over. “Kylie?”

“Will it say that? That you own the
building and not the Corporation?” Before he could answer her, she continued. “If
that’s what it says then he’ll come for you next. Not just the Hunter Company,
but you the man. What the hell were you thinking taking on…you’re going to get
yourself killed, you know that?”

He knew just when she figured out she’d
been talking out loud. The look of horror on her face was telling and he stood
up to pull her into his arms. When she backed away, he had to take several breaths
before he spoke without thinking.

“I’m not going to let anything happen to
you. Nor to your dad anymore. You have to tell me what he said, what he
threatened you with so that I can help you.” She started shaking her head
before he finished. “You can’t think I’m going to let you do this on your own

“Nothing has changed. We…we can’t see
each other any…we can’t be anything to each other. And he told me to keep my
mouth shut or he’d kill him next time. As it is now, he’s going to be…I don’t
have the money for this.” She broke down and he was able to hold her finally. “I
don’t want my father hurt. I don’t want to move away. What am I supposed to do
with a house that’s worth two hundred thousand that has a mortgage of over five
hundred thousand? He’s going to kill us both.”

Her sobbing nearly broke his heart, but
he held her. When she sagged against him, he picked her up and held her in his
arms as he sat in the chair she’d been in. He pulled out his own cell phone
after she’d fallen asleep and called his brother.

“I’m in the last office at the end of
the hall near the entrance. I have something I need for you to do.” He looked
down at her when she stirred and lowered his voice more. “I also need for you
to put someone in front to watch over Mr. Washington.”

“Do you know who hurt him?” He grinned
at Jesse’s question and the excitement in his voice. “And do I get to play with
the big boys?”

“Yes. I have a phone I need you to look
at. Also, her dad’s phone. See if there are any matches to any on hers. I have
a feeling that he’s called her since she came here so it might be easy for
hers. Her dad’s phone might be trickier.”

Jesse snorted. “Maybe for some, but not
me. I’m nearly there. Am I walking in on something that’s going to scar me for

“No. And be quiet. She’s asleep and
going to be mad enough at me if she finds out I’m not taking no for an answer.”
As he closed his own phone, he thought he heard Jesse laugh, but wasn’t sure. He
opened the door a few seconds later.

After Jesse took the phone and left,
Curtis took her over to the small couch and laid her down. She wasn’t heavy,
but he needed to use his hands to look some things up. Pulling out his phone
again, he signed onto the network and began looking into all the information he
could about the
Washington News
. There had to be something there.

Chapter 8


Eric was nursing the bruise on his hand
when Mary came in. She was fussing about something and he found that he was
about to pull his gun out and use it on her when she said something that caught
his attention.

“What did you say?”

She looked up from the pillow she was
fluffing when he asked her again.

“Did you say that someone named Hunter
bought the building?”

“Yes. My friend Lily said that he
purchased it for a lot more than she thought it was worth, but that’s the rich
for you. She said that a single Hunter, not the Corporation, owned it now. They’d
already started moving things out when the ink was barely dry on the deed. Got
himself a deal on the taxes, too, because he plans to make it a business that’ll
hire a few more people.”

She still had the pillow in her hands
when she sat down. He got up to pace and realized that the pain in his hand had
worsened rather than abated. He took another five pain relievers and drank down
a large gulp of bourbon. Her tisking at him nearly had him snarl.

“I need you to find me a doctor that’ll
come here and not ask any questions. And he’d better know that when he leaves
here, he’d better have a poor memory of what he did.” He took out an envelope
of cash he always had in the drawer to use. “Call that friend of yours and see
what she can find out about the Hunters’ purchase. I want to know just who
bought it and how much they paid for it.”

BOOK: Curtis
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