Read Cum For Bigfoot 13 Online

Authors: Virginia Wade

Tags: #kidnapping, #orgy, #erotic romance, #bondage, #bigfoot, #sasquatch, #alpha male, #backdoor sex, #monster sex, #breeding sex, #sasquatch horror, #sasquatch erotica, #erotic nightmares, #lusty campfire stories

Cum For Bigfoot 13 (5 page)

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Chapter Six




I snatched the gun from the grass, holding it
in front of me, hearing shuffling sounds in the next cavern. A
patch of brown darted towards me, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
It was Lendal. He snorted, his nostrils flaring.

“We come back!”

“Are you alone?” Bubba Jr. appeared a moment
later; his fur was coated in snow, which had stuck to him in
clumps. “Where’s your daddy—” The wail of a Sasquatch cut the air
like a knife. Leslie jumped to her feet, and Leonard opened his

“That has to be Kat,” said Leslie. “She found
Archie. She’s grieving because he’s gone.”

“That sucks.”

“Was she his mother?” asked Nick.


“Hey!” called a female voice. “Where are
you?” It was Zelda.

“We’re in here!” I shouted. Lendal bounded
out of the room, presumably to get her. She appeared a moment
later, with a large backpack strapped around her shoulders. Her
feet were incased in boots, and she was bundled up from head to
foot in winter gear.

“How are you guys?” She dropped her things,
undressing. “Damn it’s hot. Who’s that?”

“One of the bad guys,” said Leslie.

“How’s Leonard?”

“Not good,” I said. “He took a bullet. Leslie
couldn’t get it out. How’s Pooky? Is he okay?”

“Oh, yeah. He healed up nicely. They’re
outside burying Archie and Tate. Kat’s all torn up about Archie.
She’s devastated.”

“You missed all the excitement,” grumbled
Leslie. “We were attacked by a dozen men with guns. A helicopter
dropped them off. The apes killed most of them.”

“That’s it for us. We’re finished.” Her look
was grim.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

She eyed me. “This is gonna get blown wide
open now. There’s been too much carnage. There’s no way to keep it
quiet. The government won’t be able to put a lid on it. I’m gonna
make a call.”

“Don’t bother. I already talked to Dr. Haynes
using this guy’s phone. They’re on the way, but the weather’s
moving in.”

“It’s gotten worse just the last hour.”

“Where were you guys?” I asked.

“In a shelter, but it was hardly sufficient.”
She glanced at her surroundings. “It’s so warm here. I can’t get
over it. Like a oasis in the middle of a frozen wasteland.” Her
attention fell to Leonard, who lay unmoving on the grass. “I gotta
take care of that boy. He’s looking bad. Porsche would never
forgive me, if he died.”

“What can we do to help?” asked Leslie.

“Boil some water. I gotta get that bullet

We worked on Leonard, who had fallen asleep.
Zelda cleaned the wound and dug out the bullet, which had embedded
in fatty tissue. Once he had been sutured and bandaged, she gave
him a shot of antibiotics, via a hypodermic needle. By the time the
fire had been lit, Lendal and Bubba Jr. returned with a bundle of
fish, which they had caught in the river from the gorge on the
other side of the mountain. The boys had gutted them; the fillets
were ready for grilling.

Kat’s intermittent howls rang out, echoing
from a distance. She continued to grieve the death of her son. It
was disheartening to hear, because the pain in her voice was a
reminder of all that we had lost to the ruthless Bigfoot hunters.
Nick lay on the grass with his head propped up on his backpack.

“What’s up with that guy?” asked Zelda.

“He’s one of the GrabBear people,” I said.
“He broke some ribs.”

“Lemme have a look.” He eyed her approach,
his expression remaining neutral. “This is gonna hurt you way more
than me.”

“No doubt.”

She felt his chest, while he grimaced. “Does
it hurt to breathe?”


“How about here?”



“Not as bad.”

“You got one broken for sure, but the others
might be bruised.”

“Shouldn’t we wrap them?”

“No. We don’t wanna constrict your lungs.
That could lead to pneumonia. I’ve got some aspirin. It’ll help
with the swelling. I might have some painkillers. Let me see.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re an English guy, huh?”

“Yes, but please don’t hold it against me.”
His grin was lopsided.

“You should’ve known better to come out here
and attack us.”

“That was never the plan. We only wanted a
live specimen.”

As if on cue, Wolfie crawled onto his
stomach, which made Nick groan. The little ape squealed for
attention, grunting and gesturing, requiring Nick to scratch the
back of his head. His protests silenced, as he purred nosily.

“You’re doing a great job babysitting,”
quipped Zelda. “Keep up the good work.” She dug through her
supplies. “Try not to cough, if you can. No rough movements. Keep
as still as possible, all right?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“It hurts like hell, doesn’t it?”


After the fish had been grilled, Bubba, Kat,
and Dale appeared, their fur dripping with wetness. They had bathed
after being outside. Dale and Kat sat together, with his arm around
her shoulders. The female ape seemed traumatized; her eyes were
glistening. Nick gazed at her with interest. Kat was the only
female Sasquatch for hundreds of miles, as they were rare.

Pooky appeared a moment later, and he
sniffed, his senses finding me instantly. I sat with Leslie, who
was feeding Wolfie. The ape that had kidnapped me bounded over, his
black eyes glinting. He fell to the grass, dragging me onto his

Oh, Good Lord!
His face was in my
neck, his tongue flicking across my skin. “Lena! My Lena!”

“Stop that!” I pushed against him, but he
held me close, determined to sniff me all over, which was bizarre.
“Well, he sure is better.”

“Yeah, he recovered right after the first
dose of antibiotics,” said Zelda.

“They had said there was a female, but to
actually see one is astonishing,” murmured Nick.

“If she had been here last night, your guys
could’ve killed her too,” grumbled Leslie. “Nice thought, huh?”

He remained quiet after that statement, the
ugly truth hanging heavily in the air. Pooky was incorrigible; the
ape was so happy to see me; his cock was rigid beneath my butt. The
ragged refrains of his breathing filled my ears, while he nuzzled
and nipped at me. I knew exactly how I would spend my
evening…pleasuring an incredibly horny beast, and as soon as we had
eaten, he lifted me in his arms, striding from the cavern.

“Have fun, lovebirds,” giggled Zelda.

“You bums! Won’t anybody save me?”

“You’ll enjoy every second of it,” laughed
Leslie. “Don’t even pretend you won’t.”

Leonard was in no position to fight for me,
since he was sick and sleeping. Bubba had a pipe hanging from his
mouth, his posture was hunched, and he looked exhausted. Digging
out a grave in the middle of winter was an extraordinary feat, and
it had tired Dale and Kate as well, but Pooky seemed fully
energized and ready to celebrate our reunion.

He took me to the next chamber, where the dim
glow from beneath the water was the only light in the room. The
humidity was considerable, and I stripped out of my clothing
quickly, while Pooky jumped in. The bottom was shallow and deep in
parts; the Sasquatch stood in the middle, where his shoulders were
above the waterline.


When I had first been kidnapped, he had been
frightening, and I had been terrified of what he would do to me,
but I had learned quickly that he was a lover, not a fighter, as
were most of this tribe of Sasquatches. Leslie had explained that
there were other, less friendly clans, like the
, which were said to be cannibalistic, but
were a breed apart and entirely devoted to
the ladies, whom they loved and respected.

I sat on the edge of warm rock and slid into
the heated water. There were particles of twigs and dirt floating
from an earlier bath, and I sliced my arm over the surface to move
the debris to the edges of the pool.

“Good water,” Pooky rasped, his black eyes

“It is.” I went under, emerging with wet
hair. “Did you miss me?” He nodded vigorously.

“What did you miss the most?”

“Pretty pussy.”

“Oh, my God! You total horndog!”

“Pooky love pussy.” I playfully splashed
water his way, and he grinned looking almost comical, exposing
oversized teeth. “Whooaarrr…”

Staying in the wilderness was not an option
for me. I knew I would return home soon, but I would miss these
crazy, horny antics. The tribe was more fun than any friends I had
ever had. Being with them was more entertaining than a girl’s
sleepover or a trip to an amusement park. When I returned to the
“real world” I would have to keep my adventures a secret, but a
part of me would miss all of this. I hadn’t really suffered with
the creatures, although an arrow could have killed me during
Operation GrabBear. They had kept me warm and fed. They had taken
care of me, and, even Lendal and Bubba Jr., who were so young,
still knew how to fish and build shelters and take care of
themselves. Porsche would be so proud of her little boy. I’d miss
Wolfie too. He was an adorable little teddy bear, and he would grow
just as quickly as Lendal had.

Pooky held out his arms. “Lena.”

I swam to him, knowing that for tonight, I
would give myself to my kidnapper. He could have me in any way he
wanted. This naughty thought sent a rush of heat through me that
had nothing to do with the hot spring.



Chapter Seven




Pooky grabbed me; his nose was in my neck.
“Pretty Lena.”

I grasped at his broad shoulders, my fingers
sinking into wet fur. “You’re such a dirty boy.” Understanding me
perfectly, he grinned. “What do you have in mind?”

He swam with me, taking me to the other end,
where there was an underwater bridge connecting the cavern to a
short tunnel, leading to an exit. “Come with me.”


“Under water.”

“You mean to the other side?” He nodded. “I’m
not a good swimmer.”

“Pooky take you. You hold your breath.

A rush of excitement sent my heart racing. “I
was wondering where it went. I didn’t have the guts to go through
it myself.”

“We go.”


He held me tightly. “You breathe now, Lena.
Hold it good.”


“One, two, three, go!”

He dragged me under, while I opened my eyes
seeing gray rock. The Sasquatch was remarkably adept at swimming,
considering the sheer mass that was his eight-foot tall frame.
Within seconds we emerged into freezing air, although we were warm
under the water. We floated in an outdoor pool surrounded by the
mountain. There was a gap to one side, where I assumed they went to
fish. The glowing ball of the moon hung overhead, which reflected
off the snow and created a fair amount of muted light. Several pine
trees were coated in snow, and it fell around us, melting the
instant the flakes hit the water.

“This is really cool.”

“Good cave. Perfect cave.”

“You might have to use this one every winter
instead of the other one.”

He nodded, reaching for me. “Pretty girl and
pretty cave.”

“Oh, Pooky.”


He held my face, kissing me, his glossy black
lips sliding over mine. I closed my eyes, enjoying the gentleness
of his approach and setting aside the fact that I was actually
kissing a Sasquatch. Besides the furry quality of his cheeks, it
felt just like a regular kiss, although his tongue was amazingly
long and thick. His arms closed around my back, drawing me nearer,
as his cock pressed into my pussy. We remained entwined like this
for long minutes, our tongues meeting and thrusting.

A gust of wind blew in a shower of snow. The
top of my head felt cold. “We should go back.”

“Hold your breath, Lena,” he rasped.

“Okay. Ready.”

He grasped me, dragging me under, as we
darted through the tunnel that emerged into the heated chamber.


“Good.” He lifted me from the water, setting
me on the rocky edge; my legs were pointed in his direction.
“Pretty pussy.”


“Pooky hungry,” he growled. His eyes twinkled

Just thinking about that long, slinky tongue
was enough to make me shiver. I laid back, offering myself to him
while he separated my thighs. His heated breath hovered over my
mound, while the tip of his tongue touched me. The wetness of the
treatment was bliss, and, once he had begun to move in earnest, he
pushed against the nub of my clit. He drove inward then, spearing
me with every inch of his flesh, while my eyes rolled to the back
of my head. His thumb drew circles around my clitoris at the same
time. These apes knew exactly how to please a woman. Buried to the
hilt, he rubbed against something incredibly stimulating.


I grasped at his scalp, feeling matted and
silky fur, while thrusting my butt off the rock, wanting him to
fuck me deeper. His face was hidden in my pussy, his eyes were
closed, and that tongue continued to prod against my G-spot with
almost laser accuracy.

“Oh, my…ooohhh…”

He wouldn’t let up for a second, which was
astonishing, and, as he continued to lave, I felt the impending
orgasm gathering up the energy to overwhelm me. He seemed to want
this to happen because he was determined to pleasure me to bliss,
sliding in ever deeper, encouraging a sensual response from my
womanhood. I flung my head back, hitting the rock.

“Ouch! Oh, fuck! Omigod! Pooky!”

I was done for. My entire body strained, my
hips thrusting upwards, and my head throbbed from the injury it had
sustained, but the pleasure made the pain worth it. The most
enormous orgasm ripped through my system, as I convulsed
helplessly, my breasts jiggling from the violent thrashing of my

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