Read Cuffed Online

Authors: Kait Gamble

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Cuffed (4 page)

BOOK: Cuffed
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But after that speech she’d made about doing this for Julia, Scarlett was stuck for the time being. How would it come across if she just grabbed Jackson and took off in the middle of the Q&A session?

Still, it was the only thing she could think about right now. Scarlett managed to bumble her way through the next few questions and kept from embarrassing herself too badly on the rest. Jackson didn’t fare much better, but no one said anything about their lack of focus. If anything, Rex looked even more like the cat hat had gotten the cream. Or the god who had just taken down his greatest enemy, since the smirk on his face was very Loki-esque.

Jackson wedged his hand between her legs and cupped her intimately, tearing her thoughts away from Rex. As far as she was concerned, he didn’t exist. No one did. It was just her and Jackson and she needed him naked—

But they couldn’t just run out. Not yet. They were going to make money for a good cause,
she was going to tear his clothes off.

He squeezed, rocking his hand back and forth.

If she lasted that long.

Scarlett couldn’t let him have all the fun. She was the one coming across like an idiot. But she wouldn’t be for much longer.

Grazing a hand slowly up his thigh, she brushed the hard ridge of his arousal. Scarlett fought the urge to smirk when his breath hitched. The mic picked it up and he was forced to clear his throat to cover it. That earned them a few glances from their fellow panelists, although there weren’t any comments. Questions from the audience quickly took attention away from them.

Confidence buoyed, she caressed him again. Tracing her fingers along the length of him, she was pleasantly surprised when her trek kept going. And going. And the width? Scarlett’s mouth went dry an instant before it started watering. He was a big boy, indeed. What would he taste like? Would he groan or sigh if she closed her lips around him? What expression would his face take?

Scarlett realized she wanted to know. Just as she wanted to know what it would feel like to have that monster inside her. What kind of lover would he be? Gentle? Rough? Kinky? Adventurous? Her panties grew wetter as she imagined. All she knew was that she needed to find out as soon as possible.

The end of the panel was a blur. Scarlett could only focus on the heat coming off the man next to her and with it the scent of him and his cologne. Or was that aftershave? It didn’t matter what it was, he smelled delicious.

Scarlett followed him and the rest of the panelists off the stage and into the crowd. The camera flashes and snippets of conversation that she made out were mashed into a distorted haze of faces and sounds.

She vaguely remembered telling people about a good cause then palming the questions about donations to Jackson, who already had everything set up. Meanwhile, she watched him smile and cajole, probably earning Carole and Julia more than enough cash to help them out for a while.

If she were to judge from the easy smile and casual conversation he was engaged in, Scarlett would have figured he was completely unaffected by what they’d been doing. However, the grip of his hand, tightly entwined with hers, his thumb caressing hers and the tension thrumming through him were evidence to the strain he felt.

With each conversation they ended, they worked their way closer to the doors of the auditorium. That was until Rex blocked their exit.

“You two in a hurry?”

Jackson practically growled at him. “We’ve got places to be, Rex.”

“Together?” He lifted an eyebrow. “That’s interesting. Mind if I tag along?”

“Get a life, Rex.” Scarlett tried to shove past him, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Got one, thanks. What I don’t have is footage of you two that I can use. Until that happens, I’ll be in your back pockets.” The infuriating smile grew as he spoke.

Scarlett was milliseconds away from slamming her fist into that smirk.

Jackson shrugged. “Have it your way. Just know you’ll be waiting a very long time.” He turned and tugged Scarlett along behind him.

She scowled at the back of Jackson’s head. “You’re going to let him get away with this? You should have just let me hit him.”

“All in good time,” was all he muttered as he wove through the crowd. “I think he needs a dose of his own medicine.”

It wasn’t until the crowd thinned a little that she could see they’d made a beeline to a group of what looked like event organizers who were doing a survey of the room.

Jackson tapped the closest one on the shoulder. “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Rex the Hex over there is about to pull some outrageous prank. I didn’t think it would be particularly safe, so I wanted to warn you just in case things went south. Knowing him, whatever he’s got planned will involve a lot of alarms and panic.”

The man’s eyes widened. “Thank you. We’ll take care of it.”

As he and his compatriots dashed toward Rex, Scarlett could hear the organizer complaining to them about ‘asinine YouTubers’ and their ‘stupid pranks’ as he pulled out his walkie-talkie and alerted security.

Chuckling, she looked up at Jackson. His gaze was riveted on the other side of the room. She didn’t have a hope of seeing what he did without climbing him like a tree. Something that was becoming way too easy to contemplate. She let out a slow breath. “So now what?”

Jackson waved her question away while he kept his attention on Rex. He waited a split second longer then dragged her to the side of the stage and through the emergency exit. The alarm immediately sounded, rending the building with its piercing wail. A quick peek back as the door closed showed security rounding on Rex.

“That was awesome!” Scarlett grinned up at Jackson. She didn’t get a chance to say anything else.

Jackson picked her up and pressed her against the wall of the building. With an anticipatory grin, he dropped his mouth down to hers.

The gasp he drew from her opened her mouth enough for him to slide his tongue in to twine with hers, teasing and dueling as he proceeded to kiss the breath out of her lungs. He drew back to refill his lungs before plunging in again—licking, nipping and tasting like a man starved.

He found the way under her shirt and his hands lit a blazing trail over her skin. And God, how she wanted more. It wasn’t until she heard the telltale sound of frantic whispering, giggling and photos being taken that she realized what she was doing. There she was, pinned against an alley wall with her legs wrapped around a ridiculous anime super hero, kissing him as if her life depended on it, and people had caught it on camera. It was absurd and insane. And she could barely make herself care.

“What hotel are you in?” Jackson ground the words out as he slowly slid her down his body. He kept a hold of her once her feet were on the ground, as if he were steadying them both.

Hers was too far away. She shook her head. “It’s at least a thirty-minute walk.”

“No good,” he muttered. “Mine’s onsite but I’m sharing with some buddies.”

Scarlett was almost beyond caring. “Where are they?”

“Don’t know. Probably in line to buy stuff.” He’d already started walking, presumably in the direction of his hotel. “Does it matter?”

“Not really.”

Chances were, they weren’t going to be there, and if they were, they wouldn’t be for long. She started running, pulling him for a few steps before he gained the lead with his long legs.

Chapter Four




It took them minutes to get to the towering hotel. A dash through the lobby led them to the elevator. Sadly, there was already someone in it. And with each floor, inexplicably, more and more people seemed to be getting on. They knew they were going up, right?

Jackson situated them at the back of the box. He held Scarlett by the hips in front of him, pinning her tightly against his erection.

By the time they reached his floor, Scarlett’s knees were threatening to give out. But she wasn’t going to let that happen until she was ready. That meant being in his room, naked. Preferably pressed skin to skin with him.

Scarlett watched impatiently as he wrestled with his keycard. When he finally managed to swipe it and get the door open, he kicked it wide then tugged her through.

He tore off the top hat and mask then tossed them over his shoulder. “Anyone here?” he called out, checking to see if his roommates were lurking. Jackson waited a nanosecond. Hearing nothing in reply, he went to work on his shirt, tearing at it with clumsy fingers in his rush. “God, why do these need so many buttons?”

“I think you look great.” Scarlett smiled and pushed his hands aside. “Let me.”

She slowly shoved the jacket off his shoulders, sliding it down his arms and let it fall to hang from the handcuffs.

“No time.” He chuckled and picked her up, hitching her legs around his waist. Jackson quickly closed the gap between them and the bed and fell onto it with her. “As much as I love slow seduction, I don’t have the patience for that right now.”

Laughing, Scarlett watched as he twisted aside and eagerly shucked his shoes, trousers and boxers. Unable to do anything but watch, she took great pleasure in witnessing more of his skin being exposed.

Then it was her turn. While she tore her boots, jeans and panties off as fast—yet as gracefully—as she could, she could feel his gaze on her. Like Jackson, half-dressed was as far as she could get. She should have felt utterly ridiculous, but she didn’t. Scarlett’s only focus was on the mouth-watering man next to her.

Jackson rolled her under him, sliding a hand down over her bared hip and thigh before dipping between to tease her with his fingers. His weight pressed the breath from her lungs and she only got dizzier as he kissed her. He tasted delightfully like coffee and some sort of candy that she didn’t have the brainpower to figure out at the moment. She only cared about tasting him more.

He groaned when she tangled her tongue with his. Taking advantage of having him naked from the waist down, she closed her hand around his erection, squeezing and pumping him the way she had wanted to back in the auditorium.

“Shit, Scarlett,” he groaned.

Biting her lip teasingly, he retaliated. He pressed a finger, then two, into her. Jackson slowly crooked them and rocked his hand, coaxing the most incredible sensations and sending them ricocheting through her.

Panting for a breath, Scarlett pushed him back so she could wriggle downward. Jackson rested on his hip, his dark eyes pinned on hers as she smiled up at him wickedly. Understanding dawned on his face before pure lust took over. He carefully made sure her arm wasn’t trapped before falling onto his back and allowing her to have the run of his body.

Scarlett let her gaze rove over his delectable form. The open tuxedo shirt was parted enough for a tantalizing view of his muscled chest. He wasn’t bodybuilder bulky. Far from it. His body was lean—defined—with more muscle than she’d thought. She had imagined what he would look like earlier, but her imagination had nothing on the real thing. Her hands itched to touch him, and she did nothing to try to stop herself from exploring the intriguing muscles.

She traced the ridges of his abdomen and followed her fingers with her tongue. Scarlett couldn’t help the surge of pride and power as he tensed beneath her. His breath came out as a hiss. When she reached her goal, he stopped breathing altogether and waited, his entire form taut with anticipation.

He didn’t have to wait long. Scarlett caught his gaze and licked her lips with a slow stroke of her tongue. Jackson muttered something that sounded like an oath as his eyelids closed. She smiled and lowered her head. Closing a hand around his rigid cock, she slid the head of it over her lips before flicking her tongue to taste him. The salty pre-cum beaded there was quickly replaced with more, and she swiped the tip again, earning another groan.

Jackson brought their joined hands up to grip her hair. Scarlett took the encouragement and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth. He reared his hips up off the bed, pushing himself farther into her mouth. The size of him made it difficult to go too far. Not that he seemed to mind.

Scarlett licked light circles, sucking intermittently. She delighted in the sounds he made, the bowstring tension in his body. Jackson’s grip nearly tore the bedsheets while he tangled his other hand in her hair, holding her close, prompting her movements. He pushed her down over his straining shaft twice more before his hand tightened almost painfully. She could see, as he pulled her away, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he fought for breath—for control.

He flipped her under him and positioned her so that his cock lay snug against Scarlett’s moist slit. Jackson used his free hand to search through a duffel bag until he found what he needed. He tore open the little foil packet and had the condom on in record time.

Dragging himself back and forth over her clit, he smiled when she cried out. “Just wait until I get deep inside you.”

She didn’t need words. Scarlett clawed her hands in his hair and brought him down for a searing kiss as she hooked a leg around his hip and pulled him over her—into her.

The sensation of him entering her—stretching her—was incredible. He rocked back and surged forward again and again, gaining more depth with each thrust, until they were hip to hip and Scarlett was filled beyond anything she had experienced before.

He lifted his head and locked his gaze onto hers, his eyes dark and fathomless. A satisfied smile curved his lips and, as if he read her mind, he whispered, “So good.”

It was better than good. And she wanted more. She needed him to move. Nipping his bottom lip, she arched her back. “Think we can make it better?”

“Hell, yeah.”

He drew back slowly, and when she was about to protest, he plunged right back in, starting a hard, relentless rhythm.

Scarlett met him thrust for grinding thrust. Each one brought her rapidly toward a shattering orgasm. Just as she reached the edge, he slid a hand in between them and grazed her clit with his fingertips then drove into her deeply.

The intense friction was enough to seen her skyrocketing in to orbit. Screaming, she convulsed around him, under him.

BOOK: Cuffed
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