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Authors: Kristin Miller

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Kristin Miller, #mountain town, #Romantic Comedy, #small town romance, #innkeeper, #sweet romance, #rockstar hero, #Contemporary Romance

Crazy in Love (19 page)

BOOK: Crazy in Love
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Dane believed the same—at least that’s what she’d heard from the women he used to date—but he’d never approached her or made a move.

Didn’t he know how much guiltless
they could have together?

“I’ve got twenty on Brackett!” the blonde next to them shouted, jarring Lucy back to the auction. “Do a twirl, Joey!”

Smiling, he put up his hands. “I’m flattered, ladies, but the MC is auctioned off last! It’s the chief’s turn now. Who’ll start the bidding at one dollar?”

As he scanned the crowd with those big puppy-dog eyes, Lucy wondered why Joey wasn’t married yet. There were dozens of women in Blue Lake who would kill to have a guy on their arm who was anxious to get married and have children. He either had a whole lot of baggage he’d somehow managed to keep private (not an easy feat in a small town like Blue Lake), or he was horrible in bed.

Hard to believe the last part could be true, but what else could it be?

Within a few seconds, the bidding topped out at fifty dollars, and the chief jogged back to his office.

“For a second there,” Lucy said, leaning over to whisper into Rachael’s ear, “I thought you were going to buy him for me.”

“Thought about it.” Rachael shrugged her shawl-covered shoulders. “But I like him better.” She nudged her chin at Joey, who’d knelt at the front of the runway.

“He’s a huge improvement from the beer gut before him, but you can’t be serious.” Something tightened in Lucy’s middle. Had she forgotten to eat lunch today? “That’s a bad idea and you know it.”

“It’s one date, Luce, and it’s for charity!”

“All right, but don’t come crying to me when I break his heart in two and stomp it through the gutter.”

Lucy ordered another beer. This time when the waiter brought the drink, he placed a plastic dish filled with different kinds of truffles in the center of the table. She dived in immediately, feeling the buzz from the first two beers begin to warm her middle. The chocolate was soft and sweet with a hint of raspberry. Absolutely delish.

As Joey stood from the edge of the stage, the chief returned and took the microphone from his hand. “Before we end the evening, it’s time for Joey to step up! What do you think, ladies?”

The crowd went wild. Joey brought up his hands and backed away as if he didn’t want to take his turn, but the roar of the crowd brought him back front and center.

“Joey Brackett has lived in Blue Lake his entire life!” Bud boomed, his lips practically swallowing the microphone. “He’s never been married, works hard at the station, and owns a cabin outside of town. He’s the ultimate family man. Perfect catch for the lady wanting to settle down.”

Oh yeah. Perfect catch all right. For someone else. Although Bud’s words spoke of stability and future, they sounded a heck of a lot like chains and obligation. As if she didn’t get enough of that already.

With Dane, there’d be no risk in going on a date or two or three. No threat of him falling in love with her and pressuring her to get married and settle down. But she and Joey were truly mismatched. Complete opposites. He was Mr. Nice Guy and she was a man-eater to the core. He wanted long-term and she wanted something fun and carefree.

She’d destroy him.

“On second thought, I think this is a bad call, Rach,” Lucy thought aloud. “Probably the worst ever.” She shoved a truffle into her mouth.

“Two hundred dollars!” Rachael screamed, holding up a fistful of cash.

Lucy choked on the chocolate and chased the gooey clump with a swig of beer. She reached out to clutch Rachael’s shoulders, but her friend was already on the edge of her seat and pulling away, her arms waving in the air.

Joey’s gaze flashed their way, a hopeful glint in the dark depths. “Two hundred to Rachael McCoy!”

“Not for me,” Rachael corrected, leaning toward the stage. “I’m bidding for Lucy Stone!”

His expression changed. A smile curved the corner of his lips, revealing a tiny dimple on his right cheek. God, he really was a specimen, wasn’t he? Early-thirties. Tall, dark, and handsome. A shadow on his chin and a gleam in his eye. Her skin flushed and heat flooded her center, taking her off guard. Did Dane have the same heated gaze? The same primal intensity? They were twins, so they should have the same smoldering traits, shouldn’t they? She hadn’t seen Dane in a long while, but she shuddered at the thought.

Maybe after she went out on a date with Joey, she could get the 411 on his brother. See what kind of women he liked. She could casually mention she would go out with Dane, too. If he’d only ask her. If she and Joey went on a real date, it’d be rude to mention his brother, but their date would be for charity purposes only. They’d start as friends and part as friends.

“Okay, Rach!” Lucy tugged on her friend’s sweater, painfully aware that Joey hadn’t broken eye contact. Her hands were clammy, so she rubbed them on her jeans. “I’m in!”

“Hell yeah, you’re in.” Rachael dug through her purse and fished out another hundred. “I’m buying you a man!”

By the time Lucy’s cheeks burned red with the promise of finally bedding Dane, the auction had ended. She vowed then and there to get her paws on the elusive playboy. But first, his brother would have to be hers for one day and one night.

Lord watch over Joey’s helplessly romantic soul.





When I Fall in Love, a Blue Lake short story



Coffee shop owner April Cassidy isn’t looking for love.


She’s simply looking for someone to be her date for her parents’ vow renewal. When Mason Henry, freelance photographer and total hunk, asks her to show him around the picturesque town of Blue Lake, April agrees. She’s eager to spend the day thinking about something other than how to tell her meddling Grams that she’ll be going to the ceremony solo.


Mason can’t stay in Blue Lake, and April has no intention of leaving. With only one afternoon to spend together, can Mason convince April that what they share feels a little like love?





One Sweet Day, a Blue Lake short story



Candy shop owner Laney Owens has a penchant for falling for Mr. Wrong. After her boyfriend broke up with her in front of the entire town, all she wants to do is bury her head in a carton of Chunky Choco Monkey.


She needs a different perspective, and a new shot at life.


Ski instructor Charlie Vonn has had his eye on Laney since she opened up a tasty candy shop beneath his studio apartment. But Charlie is stuck in the dreaded Friend Zone, and Laney is ready to leave town.


With one day left until Laney closes the Sweet Tooth Candy Shoppe and moves back to the valley, can Charlie convince her that life in Blue Lake could be sweeter if they were together?








First, I must thank the crazy-talented ladies in the Lucky 7 Bad Boys anthology: Charity Pineiro, Sophia Knightly, Tawny Weber, Nina Bruhns, Susan Hatler and Virna DePaul. I knew some of you before the Lucky 7 Bad Boys box set was created and others are newfound friends. I’m so happy to be on this journey with each and every one of you. You made the project easy and fun, which is not an easy feat.

Thanks to Kim Killion at Hot Damn Design for designing such beautiful covers for both the Lucky 7 Bad Boys box set as well as Crazy in Love.

Hugs and love to my early readers and critique partners Aggie Smith, AJ Larrieu, and Lisa Sanchez. Thank you for being so willing to read at the drop of a hat. You’ve all earned honorary halos.

Many thanks to Gordon Kennedy and the crew at GK Music for letting me pick their brains about musicians. I think they wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of a few questions (“In a band, what’s the name of the guy who plays the guitar? The lead? The first?”), but they didn’t. Thanks for bearing with me and letting me write a few chapters in your studio.

Much love to my incredible support group of family and close friends. I may’ve been a cheerleader, but you all make a damn fine squad.

As always, thanks and mad love to Justin, Kelli and Gavin. Without you priceless three, I’d be lost.



About the Author



New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Kristin Miller has had a passion for language and literature her whole life. Born and raised in northern California, she often made up stories about faraway places and edge-of-your-seat adventures. After graduating from Humboldt State University, Kristin taught high school and middle school English, married her college sweetheart, and had two beautiful munchkins. In 2008, she took time off from teaching to raise her children, and started writing while they napped.

She is the author of dark and gritty paranormal romances for Avon, light and snarky paranormal romances for Entangled, and is venturing into the sassy world of contemporary romance. Most of books include take-charge alpha males and independent women; all of them contain love that moves mountains.

Find more information about Kristin and upcoming titles on her website:

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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


Chapter One


About the Author

BOOK: Crazy in Love
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