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Authors: Frank Schaeffer

Crazy for God (26 page)

BOOK: Crazy for God
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John Sandri and Gracie Holmes at our wedding reception.
Jessica and baby Francis, Chésières, Switzerland, 1973.
Genie with my paintings at the opening of my first show at the Chante Pierre Gallery, Aubonne, Switzerland, 1972.
Dad, me, and Billy Zeoli (right), 1974.
Jessica, Genie, and me on the set of
How Should We Then Live?
1974 (Genie and Jessica are “Roman martyrs”; credit: Mus Arshad).
I’m directing Dad,
How Should We Then Live?
1974 (credit: Mus Arshad).
Dad dusting “David” on the set of
How Should We Then Live?
1974 (credit: Mus Arshad).
Genie and the children return with me to my beloved Portofino, 1976.
One of the seminars for
How Should We Then Live?
Dr. Koop, Dad, and me on stage at
Whatever Happened to the Human Race?
seminar, 1979.
Dad (with the bust of Marcus Aurelius) on the set of
How Should We Then Live?
Book cover of one of our bestsellers.
Francis, Dad, John, and Genie gather around the bowl of water in which Dad has just baptized John in our kitchen, 1981.
BOOK: Crazy for God
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