Craving the Alpha: Part Three: BBW Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance (Lycan Lovers) (2 page)

BOOK: Craving the Alpha: Part Three: BBW Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance (Lycan Lovers)
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“Whaaa…!” I was in shock. “Did you just say what I thought you did?” I couldn’t believe it. “If we go to Ft. Detrick, they will turn us into lab rats—testing us, poking us, prodding us! And what if their experiments don’t work? What if they turn us into half man, half beasts?”

Deep in my mind though, I wondered if their experiments could work? What if I went to Ft. Detrick and they had some antidote for werewolves; some transfusion that would suck the werewolf juice out of me and inject “normal” people blood back into my body. What if they could turn me back into a “regular” person? Instead of filling me with happiness, the thought actually filled me with dread.

It was crazy, but I had to admit it. I didn’t want to become “normal” again. I loved the freedom of being in my wolf. How could I ever capture the release of howling at the moon, or the feel of the breeze and smell of pine as we raced through the forest? How could I smell the musky scent of Markus fully if I was only a human?

And what about Markus? Being a wolf was core to his being. I loved being with Markus in his human form, but I loved being with him in his wolf also. It was a sublime experience—exhilarating, sensual, freeing…

“No! No, you can’t…” I had to talk some sense into this man. Didn’t he realize going to Ft. Detrick to serve as werewolf guinea pigs would be a huge mistake? “We would probably be injected daily, tested, and, and…” And then I realized Markus was cracking up. He was in a fit of laughter, almost doubled over. “Oh shush!” I muttered, realizing he had just suggested going to Detrick to get my goat. I let out a long exasperated sigh.

“See, didn’t I tell you that you would love being a werewolf?” he chortled. “Of course we are not going to Detrick. Do you think I could stand see them do experiments on you, my beautiful girl?” He lightly stroked the side of my neck. “Besides,” he added, ruffling my hair, “I love you as a woman
a wolf—watching you transform is pretty damn

“Markus!” I sputtered. “You…” I started to chastise him, but all I could do was shake my head. It was hard to be mad at Markus. He was so gorgeous, with his beautiful, tawny skin and beefy, powerful muscles peeking through his tee. His amber eyes sparkled as his face lit with laughter. It was good to see him enjoying the moment and not worrying about tomorrow. “I’ll get you back for this one,” I teased. “You had me going there for a minute.

He laughed. “Come on girl,” he said, nestling his hand in the curve of my back. “Let’s go find a place to crash.”

Reluctantly, I looked away from the building with the bed and breakfast. I was exhausted and I could just imagine the posh luxury of staying there, nestled in a comfy bed with plush pillows and an oversized comforter. The owner probably brought tea around in the morning too. “English breakfast for me,” I’d say, and “yes, please, I will have a croissant with butter and jam.”

But, I knew we didn’t have B&B money. They probably weren’t even open for business at this time of the night. We needed to find something cheap—and fast before I fell down with exhaustion.

We had to walk a few miles to the outskirts of the downtown area to find a hotel. Finally, we found one that looked clean and possibly affordable. Markus pulled some rumpled bills out of the duffel. There wasn’t a lot of money, but with what Susan had given us, there was probably enough to get by for a few days.

By the time we entered the hotel, Markus was practically dragging me along. The lobby was empty so we walked right up to the check-in area. There was one lonely clerk with a sour expression on his face manning the desk.

“Can I help you?”

“We need a room,” Markus said casually, fingering the bills.

“You came at a great time. We have a special going on, rates include a free buffet breakfast each night you stay. Your credit card please, and would you like a king sized room or two queens?” the clerk asked.

“We don’t have a card with us,” Markus responded.

The clerk tilted his head and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“No credit card? We need that for incidentals. Well sir, I’m afraid that…”

Markus decided to try a different tactic. “Look, I really want to be with this sweet thing here.” He flashed a hand in my direction. “She needs me bad. Can you help a man out?” He winked at the clerk.

The clerk looked over at me shivering in the lobby, a gleam of perspiration covering my skin. My clothes were plastered tightly to my body from the sweat. He probably thought I was a sex maniac.

“Oh, that’s how it is.” The clerk chuckled and gave us a lascivious glance. “Mmmhmm,” he licked his lips slowly, his eyes rolling over my curves. Winking, he took the bills from Markus and handed him change. “I’m going to put you two up in the fantasy suite at no extra charge. It’s got a king sized bed, pull out sofa, mini fridge and...”

Markus cut him off as he took the room key. “Appreciate it, thanks man,” he said.

The clerk continued on, “You’re gonna love the shower!” he yelled as we made our way to the elevator.

“You want to be with this sweet thing?” I said teasingly as I pulled Markus into the elevator with me. As the doors slid closed, I pushed him against the back wall of the elevator. I gave him a slow, deep kiss, my tongue exploring his. Markus slipped his hands under my shirt, his strong, warm fingers sliding under my bra, reaching for my breasts. A hot tingle flashed through my tummy and I could feel myself getting wet as he played with my nipples, rolling them between his fingers as he continued to kiss me. Too soon we arrived on the 21st floor and the elevator landed with a thump. I quickly pulled my shirt down as the door opened but it was of no use. My nipples jutted through my unlined bra and my skimpy tee like pencil erasers, which didn’t go unnoticed by the businessman getting on.

“Let's get to the room, Markus.” As tired as I was, Markus’s caresses had given me a second wind and I could hardly wait to feel every inch of his muscular body pressed next to mine.

We walked down the hall and unlocked the door to the fantasy suite. I wasn’t sure what I had anticipated for a fantasy suite, but I just knew this wasn’t it. It was a nice enough room with a king bed, small table, comfy side chair, mini fridge, and a huge window, but where were the candles, flowers, and plush pillows that I had seen in suites on TV shows? I glanced out the large picture window. There wasn’t much of a view either. There were no other buildings as high, but looking down the focal point was the back parking lot with a small, grassy area off to the side.

Markus pointed up to the ceiling and gave me a wicked grin. The ceiling had a huge mirror positioned strategically over the bed. I gave him a gentle shove. So, that’s why this was called the fantasy suite. However, when I pushed open the bathroom door, I saw the real reason.

It was gorgeous, light and airy with a huge whirlpool tub, marble countertops, and sparkling chrome fixtures including a pulsating showerhead. Thumb sized samples of shampoo, lip balm, conditioner, soap and body lotion were spread elegantly on the counter, and a stack of fluffy white towels and two plush robes were hanging on the door. What is it about hotel bathrooms that makes everything feel so luxurious, clean, and fresh?

I knew where I was headed. I couldn’t wait to wash the grime off my body. “Markus, I’m taking a bath.”

“Sounds good, Kristen. I’ll join you.” The memory of Markus exploring my clit and fucking my brains out in Susan’s oversized tub rushed to my mind and a shiver of delight swept through my body, but I knew there would be plenty of time for that later. Right now I wanted to get clean, chill for a few moments, and then I could enjoy Markus and all he had to offer at my leisure. Not to mention, I needed to tend to a little grooming, and Markus did not need to see that for sure.

“Sweetie, this is going to be a private bath—but I’ll join you soon.” 

Markus growled. “Ok, ok. I’m going to get some ice. There are some water bottles next to the ice bucket on the dresser. It says they are complimentary.”

“Take your key,” I said, pressing it into his hands. “I’ll be relaxing in the bathtub when you get back.” As Markus left the room, I turned on the taps in the tub. Just the sight of the hot water rushing through the large basin was enjoyable. It’s funny how you really don’t appreciate the little things like a hot shower or bath, lying on a comfy bed, or cracking open an ice cold beer on a hot day until you don’t have them anymore.  I pulled my clothes off, catching my reflection in the mirror. Wow! There are things you technically don’t have to have,
but it’s hard to
live without them—like a razor!

My pits looked like a small jungle. I’m sure Markus liked a lot of fur on his she-wolf, but probably not so much on his human woman’s underarms. But, there was nothing I could do about it. I didn’t have a razor with me!

I had just dipped a toe into the water when I heard a hard rapping on the door. Markus had his key—so who could it be? Was it possible Dorian had found us? I couldn’t think how. So who was it? The rapping continued. Whoever it was probably knew I was in here, but I had to stall them till Markus got back to help me.

“Just a minute,” I called out nervously. I turned off the taps and quickly threw my top and jeans back on, stealthily easing my way toward the door. I squinted, peering through the peephole to see who was on the other side. Startled, I jumped backwards as a bloodshot eye stared directly back at me.



Oh my God, was it Dorian? I didn’t want to peer through the peephole again. The eye had freaked me out enough. As I tried to gather up the courage to take another look, the door pushed forward. Ice bucket in hand, Markus held it open as a man wearing a simple dark shirt and slacks walked in pushing a cart with a small tray on it. Noticing the look in my eyes, Markus put his arms around me. 

“Hey baby, it’s all good. He is just here delivering a treat for us. It’s a freebie—part of our fantasy package,” Markus added.

I looked over at the man pushing the cart and frowned. What kind of room service waiter puts his eye to the peephole? Broken red
capillaries, capped by a reddish nose etched his cheeks. His bloodshot eyes peered at Markus expectantly
as the smell of alcohol emanated from his body. Ugh. It was obvious he’d had one too many drinks today, and many days prior.

I breathed a sigh of relief. The past few days had been crazy and I was always on edge, expecting danger to be lurking around every corner. Thankfully, this was just some nosey waiter with a bad hangover looking for a tip.

I glanced over at the silver-plated tray. It held a small assortment of sesame crackers, cubed cheese with a Dijon mustard dip, a stem of plump green grapes, and best of all, a split of champagne with two flute glasses. It looked divine. I was so ready for a nibble and something delicious to sip.

Markus gave the waiter a small gratuity sending him on his way. He unwrapped the foil from the bottle and popped the cork, pouring me a glass. I watched as the bubbles fizzed, floating to the top.

“Here you go, doll,” Markus said handing me a glass. “To my beautiful Kristen,” he said, clinking his flute against mine.

I smiled back at him. God, that handsome hunk made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I savored the bubbles sliding down my throat. It was so good to unwind.

“Now I really
taking a bath,” I said, walking over to my duffel. I pulled out the extra clothes I had to change into, and as I did Todd’s army knife fell out. I had forgotten we had it, but it was good that we did, that could come in very handy.

“You won’t have those clothes on very long, so why bother putting them on?” Markus said, giving me a coy look as his brown eyes twinkled. He ran his index finger over his full lips, flashing a sexy smile. “Mmm, mmm, good.”

“Humph!” I gave him my haughtiest stare. “So you think you are going to get lucky tonight?” With that comment, I imperiously picked up the army knife and flute but left the clothes on the ground. You bet your ass he was going to get lucky … and so was I. Taking a sip of the champagne, I headed back to the bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes and ran the water again, waiting until it was warm. I squeezed a tiny bit of shampoo into the sink, added some water and dropped my shirt into the basin. I rinsed it out, squeezing the water from it, and hung it to dry on one of the towel hooks. Taking a small sip of the bubbly liquid, I immersed myself in the tub and relished the warmth. Taking a bath made me feel human again.

After I had soaked for a while I reached for Todd’s knife. The little bugger was a bitch to pull apart but finally I was able to pull out the scissor tool. I used it to carefully clip away the hairs on my pits and afterwards I moved it down to trim the hairs on my bush. Before leaving Camp Vickers, Todd had said I should use it to cut my hair to give myself a disguise. I don’t think this was what he had in mind; but he was right—everybody should have an army knife. They sure did come in handy.

After I had soaked for a while, I got out of the tub, patted myself dry and put on one of the plush white robes hanging on the bathroom door. Feeling refreshed and relaxed, I joined Markus in the room.

Markus was ready for his shower and he swiftly pulled off his pants and shirt in front of me. I couldn’t help but admire his strapping frame. His broad shoulders capped a set of hard, chiseled pec muscles that tapered down to his rock hard abs. Beefy legs with well-developed calves led up to firm, muscular thighs. Between his legs was his enormous cock—mmm, even at half-mast Markus was huge, with a thick shaft and long length most men would envy. His balls were large and meaty—so lickable.

Markus poured me a little more champagne and then headed for the shower.

I flicked on the TV but there was nothing much on, so I walked over to the large, glass window that was framed by heavy floor to ceiling drapes. Looking out the window into the distance I could see lights from the town. Right beneath the window it was dark. A solitary lamppost illuminated the grassy area nearby, but in the night sky it was hazy.

Absorbed in my thoughts, I didn’t hear Markus come up behind me. Freshly showered, he looked soft and cuddly in the hotel robe he was wearing. He started nuzzling the nape of my neck and a little shiver rushed through my body as I felt his lips softly caress my skin. He was so close I could feel his cock swelling as it pressed against my butt cheeks.

“You taste so good baby,” he growled. He pulled back the collar of my robe a little, smothering my neck with more soft kisses. Reaching his hands round to the front of my robe, he loosened the sash and let it drop to the floor.

“Wait, Markus, let me close the drapes.” I started to pull away from him but he held me back.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Holding me firmly, yet gently with his strong hands, he pulled the robe off of my shoulders, letting it fall off my body. He moved my hands up, putting one, then the other against the glass window.

I gasped. Except for my stars and moon chain necklace dangling against my breasts, I was now totally naked, my boobs front and center in the huge clear window where anyone could see me.

“Markus we can’t…”

“Shhh,” he hushed me. “Let the whole world see you are mine. Besides, we are so high up no one can see us.” I could feel the hardness of his cock pushing harder against my bottom.

He lowered his hands, gliding them over my breasts and releasing them as he gently pressed me forward against the window. Though my breasts were lightly squished against the pane, my nipples grew turgid as they pushed against the cool touch of the window glass. He pulled my hips back towards his and slowly ran his shaft up and down my butt crack.

“God, you feel good,” he moaned. He slid his hands down my hips, and knelt down, lightly flicking his tongue along my ass. With my tits and hands pressed against the glass and my legs splayed open, Markus knelt to the floor and inched into the narrow space in front of me. He started licking my clit, his talented tongue moving back and forth, slowly savoring every crevice, every fold while his beefy hands firmly grasped my butt cheeks.

I closed my eyes, moaning as he explored my pussy deeply. It felt so good. I didn’t care that I was buck naked for everyone to see. I wanted his luscious tongue to never stop licking my insides. But, just when I thought I was going to explode, he stopped.

“Just a minute, baby,” Markus said. He grabbed one of the chairs from the table, positioning me on the chair so that my butt and hips were jutted out towards him. Then he pushed his dick slowly in my pussy doggy style, filling me fully with his huge cock.

“God, that’s good,” he exclaimed as his throbbing cock moved in and out of my clit slowly, teasing me.

“I need more, Markus. Fuck me, fuck me hard. Oh God, harder!”

Markus quickened his pace, burying his penis deep into my pussy over and over.

“Oh my God!” the feel of his shaft was driving me wild with pleasure. He was relentlessly pounding me and I loved every second of it.

I could feel my clit quiver in anticipation as my climax approached. Spams rocked my muscles as I felt my orgasm take over, and I was in a state of pure bliss. Markus couldn’t hold back, either. He erupted, his creamy, white fluid oozing from his still semi erect dick.

My body was spent with pleasure; I was bent over on the chair, my legs dripping with cum. Marcus wrapped his arms around me. “You’re so beautiful baby.” He kissed me gently. Come on, let’s go to bed.” He pulled the drapes shut while I cleaned myself up in the bathroom.

When I came out, he was lying on the oversized bed, his head propped up by several plump pillows. The fluffy white duvet was pulled over his chest and he called out, “come here, baby,” huskily.

I picked up the stem of grapes from the silver tray and popped them on the side table next to the bed. Sliding into the cool sheets beside him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, and placed my head on his broad chest.

We talked about the events that had transpired over the past few days. It was good to talk about what had happened; it helped relieve some of the stress.

Markus plucked a grape off the stem and popped it in my mouth. “Yum!” I said, savoring the burst of
juicy sweetness on my tongue.

“I hope the breakfast buffet is as tasty as Zach’s peanut butter sandwich,” Markus joked.

“Hopefully that waiter won’t be there serving it,” I said ruefully, thinking of the bleary eyed man who’d bought the champagne and food to the room.

“He’s probably just on night duty. But, maybe we should get skip breakfast and get an early start?”

“An early start?” I asked, puzzled. “You mean—on a job search?”

Markus eyes met my gaze, his expression serious.

“Kristen, I miss my clan. I—
belong with the Lycans. Kristen—we need to go back to Camp Vickers!”

BOOK: Craving the Alpha: Part Three: BBW Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance (Lycan Lovers)
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