Craig, Dede - Three Kisses of Lust (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Craig, Dede - Three Kisses of Lust (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Oh my God,” she whispered, her gaze fixed on his. She rose slowly to her feet, her hand still in his.

“I’m flattered of course, but Aidan will do.” He smiled and winked, his hand gently cupped around hers.

Gia pulled her hand away from the intense heat of his and licked her lips. “I’m so sorry, I thought that, that—”

“It’s okay. We get that a lot. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Gia. You are gorgeous.”

Gia stared up at him, her gaze darting across his face. From this close, she was shocked at how exactly alike they looked. If it was not for the small telltale signs on Liam, the scar, the mole, she would have never been able to tell them apart. For all intents and purposes, it could just as well have been Liam standing in front of her.

“Have you been waiting long?” he purred, and even the tone of his voice was exactly like Liam’s, warm, honeyed, and sexy as hell.

She shook her head slowly then sat down, her eyes still on Aidan. She wasn’t sure if she should stay or leave. This was too weird. Even knowing that they were identical twins had not prepared her for this. She shook her head in disbelief.

“You did know we were twins, right?” He arched his brow.

She swallowed, battling to regain composure. As shocked as she was by their likeness, she could not shake the embarrassment of having flashed him only moments ago and now he was standing there as if nothing had happened. But that was not her fault, was it? Liam could have at least warned her that Aidan was around, that he might be here tonight.

And, oh Lord, she had to admit, Aidan was obviously just as hot as Liam, and though her mind knew the difference, her body was a throbbing question mark of clueless frisson. She found herself as inexplicably attracted to Aidan as she was to Liam. Even that smoky, seductive look in his eyes, eyes that ravished her earlier, that were ravishing her now. God, what was she thinking? This was his brother. She had no right to even go there. She cleared her throat before responding.

“Yes, I’m sorry, I knew you were twins. I’m just shocked at how alike you look. It’s mind-blowing.”

“In a good way?” He smirked.

She frowned. “Does it matter?”

He shook his head and smiled. “Not really. Would you like a drink?” He arched his head toward the decanter on the table.

She nodded slowly. She sure needed it. If anything, to quell the mixed emotions of humiliation, shock, and intense wanting that were suddenly whipping at her insides. How could her body betray her so easily? This was Liam’s brother, his twin on top of it. It was Liam she was attracted to, that she had made love to, that she wanted, not Aidan. The self-reminders flitted into empty space in her hazy mind then quickly disappeared.

Watching him as he walked, her eyes raked lazily across the tight muscles on his back and his arms. As he poured the clear drink into two empty glasses, his forearms rippled, and she rolled her lips. Shit, why did he have to be so hot?

He turned and cocked his head with one corner of his lip curled, holding the glasses in his hands before offering her one.

Gia grabbed the glass and gulped the single shot. She winced as the bitter spirit slammed against her throat, and she half gagged.

“Perhaps I should have watered it down for you.” He smiled. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she said as she raised her finger and moved it along the rim of the now-empty glass, watching the motion. She was inexplicably aware of her hands and unsure what else to do with them. And just as aware of his gaze which was burning into her, beckoning for her to look up. Even though she knew that looking at him might just be her undoing, she did it anyway and immediately lost her breath.

He was standing in front of her, one hand on his glass and the other hanging at his side. His head was hunched down as he looked at her, his moist lips parted.

“So you’ve met Liam. How did it go?” he said, his voice so soft that she strained to hear it.

Gia blanched. How did it go? Fucking amazing, she thought. “Okay,” she said.

God, what was wrong with her? One look at Liam’s
-model brother and she was suddenly monosyllabic?

An unexpected, stormy shadow crossed Aidan’s face before he spoke. “Did you fuck him?”

With her jaw dropped, Gia glared at him. Seriously, she thought. “That is none of your business,” she stammered, sounding more breathless than annoyed. Why would he ask her that? And why was he looking at her as if she had somehow betrayed him?

He tilted his dark head back and the light from one of the lamps illuminated the tensed line of his jaw. “I can sense him on you, smell him on you. You did, didn’t you?” he whispered and licked his lips.

She frowned and looked down, unable to answer him and unable to repress the sudden rush of blood to her pussy, throbbing it back to life. And why did Aidan care? Of course she fucked his brother, and just the memory of it made her wet for more. She took a deep breath, willing her body to control itself. This was insane, certifiable.

She stood up to walk toward the table, and her arm brushed against Aidan’s.

As it did, a lightning jolt from his warm skin bolted through her, and she gasped from the shock.

Reaching the table, she placed her glass down before putting her hands on the edge of it, her back to Aidan.
Just breathe, Gia
. She tried to focus. The air was sticky with heat, yet she couldn’t help feeling a chill stretch across her spine, and small bumps raised across her skin. Slow footsteps made their way toward her.

From the heat at her back, she knew that Aidan was behind her. She turned around slowly, and there he was, his body mere inches away from hers, and she gulped. She stood frozen for what he was going to do. He was so close.

She watched the heavy muscles in his chest tense as he leaned over her and placed his glass on the table behind her.

His body was so close, but not close enough. Her breathing stopped, and she braced herself, unable to focus on anything but him. He smelled shower fresh with a tinge of vodka and mint.

Her lids drooped as the scent washed over her, intoxicating her senses. She followed his face as he straightened and stared into his eyes.

Aidan looked down at her through his lashes, the dark pools of his eyes glazed and half closed.

“You didn’t answer me,” he whispered.

His breath fluttered across her face, and she blinked, trying to focus on what he was asking, what he had asked. Her mouth watered, and she swallowed, unable to respond, rooted in place, unable to move an inch.

“Did you enjoy it, Gia?” He bent his head forward, and his lips were a hair away from hers, so that he was speaking almost into her parted lips.

She was panting, unable to control her racing breath in tandem with her pounding heart. She could feel the top of her dress pulsing in rhythm to her heart, hear it from where she stood, knowing that he could hear it, too.

He licked his mouth, and the tip of his tongue brushed over her lips.

The sensation was maddening, sending shivers of venomous lust coursing straight to her core. She could barely breathe, barely think. She watched his mouth as it moved, forming words that sounded so far away.

“Did your wet pussy enjoy his cock? Did you ride him, Gia? Did you scream his name?” He leaned forward, and licked her bottom lip

She gasped into his mouth. She moved her gaze to his eyes, staring at him, staring at her, both equally transfixed. Oh God, Aidan was just as breathtaking, just as dazzling, just as sexy. His eyes held the same pained hunger as Liam’s, as if she were the last drink that could quench his dying thirst.

Her heart was slamming against her rib cage, faster than the rush of blood racing to her head, locked in his stare. The air was charged with electricity, sizzling madly against her senses. What was she doing? He was Liam’s brother. She had to look away, positively had to tear herself away from him. But oh Lord, she just couldn’t.

She parted her mouth, then swept her tongue over her lips, and looked at him. His cupid’s bow was slightly moist, and just looking at it made her want to run her tongue across it.

What was wrong with her? How could she possibly entertain the thoughts that were on the brink of taking her to a danger zone she was not sure she was armed for?

With their eyes still locked into each other, she gasped as he moved his warm hand around to her lower back then slowly up along the length, under the waves of her hair, settling at her neck.

“Did you enjoy his big dick fucking your pussy?” he whispered, his eyes laced with rabid desire. He exhaled and lowered his eyes before continuing. “Would you like
to fuck you?”

No, her mind moaned, begged, screamed. But her cunt, oh God, her cunt screamed yes. But she couldn’t. This wasn’t right. But was it so wrong? her body argued. They weren’t a couple, she reminded herself. She had just met Liam. Now she was just meeting Aidan. Was that so wrong?

“Let me fuck you, Gia,” Aidan moaned and moved his mouth to hers, biting softly on her lower lip, pulling it slightly.

“Oh God, we can’t, but—”

“But what? But you want to?” His hands moved up to the back of her head, raking through it.

Aidan’s fingers against her scalp were like a thousand heated needles, igniting a fire that raced down the length of her body. She whimpered against the throb of her clit, the ocean wetness of her pussy, and the room seemed to spin around her.

“Tell me you don’t want me, too. Tell me you don’t want me to take you right here, right now.”

But she couldn’t. Instead, she shook her head slowly, her eyes brimming with tears of unbridled desire for this gorgeous, hot-blooded man with a cock she already knew could fuck her to ecstasy.

“So do you want me to fuck you, Gia?”

He slowly bent his mouth to hers and licked her mouth with the tip of his tongue. He moved his hand to her thigh, slowly inching her dress upward. “Do you?” he whispered.

“Yes,” she said quietly under her jagged breath, and swallowed. For the life of her, she could not move. She could barely breathe. She tried to will herself to stop him, but she could not. Would not.

Her body was consumed by a maddening fire of lustful craving. She knew it was wrong, knew that Liam could walk in at any second, but her body refused to obey any logic, heeding only to the master of rabid desire that lashed at her core. She was frozen.

Aidan smiled, and his eyes swirled with a primitive, carnal darkness. With his gaze still locked into hers, he slowly bent his knees, bringing his hands to the sides of the hips as he lowered himself in front of her. He tore his gaze away from hers and lost it in her swollen pussy.

The look on his face spoke of a sexual hunger so voracious that it took every inch of willpower she had not to ram her wet pussy onto his wanting mouth. Instead, Gia closed her eyes and arched her head backward, knowing exactly what was coming, and oh God yes, her body screamed. It would be her.

His hands gripped at the hem of her dress before he shoved it up. She dared not look. She knew she wouldn’t be able to control herself. Wouldn’t be able to stop herself from fucking his tongue, denying him the pleasure of controlling it.

She squeezed her eyes, and pushed her hands to her sides, clenching the edge of the table. Her dress was at her waist and his hands at the sides of her thighs, and she bit down on her lip, waiting.

Then it came. A moist flick against her thick pussy folds, and then against her pulsing clit. She was dripping with anticipation, her core almost painfully aching for more.

She moved her pelvis, enjoying the sensations coursing through her. She bit back a scream as another moist and hot flick of his tongue rocked her mind to oblivion.

BOOK: Craig, Dede - Three Kisses of Lust (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
7.77Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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