Cowboy Love in Peril [Love: The Cowboy Way 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Love in Peril [Love: The Cowboy Way 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Buddy—we gotta take a shower first. You stink, and I’m pretty sure I don’t smell much better.”

Wade scooted away. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“I...I don’t mind,” Kimber said, a little pissed at Brandon for mentioning it. They could’ve been rolling around in a pig sty all day for all she cared. She wanted them. Now.

Brandon laughed, totally ignoring the irritation in her voice, and kicked off the rest of his clothes to follow Wade into the en-suite bathroom. With nothing else to do but wait until they were done, Kimber picked up their dirty clothes and threw them in the hamper, then walked into the bathroom, intending to sit in the wicker chair she kept there for when she bathed the twins. She stopped halfway across the room, any thoughts of sitting down forgotten at the sight that greeted her. Wade and Brandon were washing each other.

They seemed unaware of her presence and totally at ease, despite the fact they both had raging erections. Kimber’s throat went dry as she watched them run soapy hands over their own shoulders, backs, and thighs, bubbles sliding down into crevices that she ached to explore with her tongue. Still they didn’t touch each other in an intimate way.

Kimber wondered how they could bear it—to be so physically close, and as in love with each other as they were with her, yet never allow themselves to have sex without her anymore.
Why did they deny themselves these days?
She was gonna have to talk to them about it. Their relationship with each other was every bit as important as their relationships with her, and Kimber hated that she might be the reason they fought against the insane chemistry between them. Neither of them had a problem with stepping back and letting the other have some one-on-one time with her.

Brandon got a handful of body wash and scrubbed at Wade’s dripping wet hair, staring into his face and grinning when Wade complained about the lather getting in his eyes. Brandon stepped away and washed his own hair while Wade rinsed the suds out of his, then he moved closer to Wade, pressing him up against the tiled wall as he stepped under the gushing shower head. Kimber saw Wade’s hands bunch into fists and she knew the urge to grab Brandon would be near killing him. Brandon’s biceps flexed as he scrubbed at his hair, his gaze locked onto Wade’s, his cock grazing gently against Wade’s hip as he moved. Wade took it without complaint, the expression on his handsome face a warning to anyone who knew him that Brandon could have his fun, but Wade would make him pay for it.

Brandon reached down and turned off the water, and Kimber could see from Wade’s rigid posture that it was taking every ounce of his self-control not to grab Brandon and thrust into him. Their gazes locked and held for a second, and then Wade noticed Kimber watching them and stepped out of the cubicle.

“If I’d known you were here, I’d have dragged you in with us.”

“Ah, but then I wouldn’t get to watch,” Kimber whispered against Wade’s lips, “and you know how I love to watch.”

Brandon slid up behind Wade, barely visible over the huge curve of the taller man’s shoulder, and grazed his teeth across the expanse of toned flesh. Wade groaned and reached back to clasp Brandon’s hips, the pair of them happy to allow their caresses to become sexual now Kimber was near, it seemed.

Wade hissed through gritted teeth when Brandon reached around to grab his cock and began tugging on it hard and fast. He surged forward, still in the other man’s grip, and nudged Kimber up against the wall. She braced her hands against Wade’s chest as he tore at her shirt, exposing her bra and dragging it up to release her breasts. He groaned and dropped his head, latching his hot mouth over one of her nipples while his fingers burrowed through the layers of her clothes to find her throbbing clit. Kimber jerked at the first, frantic touch of his hand and opened her legs wider.

Brandon came around to stand beside Wade and added his gentle kiss to the sensations overwhelming Kimber. He tugged her skirt up and pulled her panties to one side, giving Wade better access to her moist pussy—access which he took instant advantage of as he dropped to his knees. Wade’s thumb thrust into her cunt as his demanding mouth clamped on to her clit and he began to suck on her. Her lips parted in a gasp and Brandon’s tongue slid between them, surging in and out, almost matching the rhythm of Wade’s hand. He tugged on her nipples, twisting one a little and sending a small but delicious jolt of pain racing from her breasts to her groin. The first, hard pulse of an impending orgasm stole her breath and she slumped against the wall, unable and unwilling to stop Brandon and Wade doing what they wanted to her.

Kimber’s fingers latched on to whatever she could reach and some part of her brain warned her she was digging her nails into Brandon’s flesh while tearing at Wade’s hair. She tried to release her grip but then another, stronger spasm rocked through her, pulling the walls of her pussy up tight and dragging Wade’s thumb further inside. Her knees began to shake and for a second, she feared she would fall but she couldn’t speak to tell them...couldn’t do anything but writhe and groan under their combined touch. Wade’s huge hand splayed across her ass, supporting her a little, but when his mouth kept up its relentless torture, she knew he wouldn’t be able to hold her weight while she thrashed above him much longer. Brandon seemed to sense she needed help and clutched her under the arms, just as her legs gave out. Kimber rode out her orgasm suspended in mid-air, the two men holding her up against the wall until the last of her spasms faded away. Her skirt and shoes were tugged off and discarded by Wade, the blouse and bra by Brandon, and then he picked her up and took her back to bed.

Wade crawled up beside her, his cock grazing against her thigh as he moved in closer. Brandon didn’t take his usual spot on the other side of her. Instead, he climbed in behind Wade. Kimber turned toward them, enjoying the thought of what she and Brandon could get up to with big, beautiful Wade sandwiched between them and at their mercy, for a change. Wade had such a dominant sexual air about him, and he was always the one running the show, in bed at least. Kimber didn’t mind at all, and Brandon sure as hell didn’t seem to.

Both men were facing her and two pairs of adoring eyes — one set gray, the other green—watched her closely, probably waiting until they thought she’d recovered enough to continue. Kimber leaned over, kissing first Wade and then Brandon, her breasts brushing over Wade’s chest and causing him to shudder below her. Kimber turned her full attention on him, acutely aware of his strange mood. She’d rarely seen him so tense, and it worried her a little. Once she and Brandon had done their bit to take his mind off whatever was eating at him, she was gonna make Wade ’fess up and tell her what was going on.

Leaning into him, she pushed him onto his back as Brandon slid out of the way to make space for him to lay flat. Wade’s gaze flicked from Kimber to Brandon and back again, a small frown creasing his brow as if he wondered what they were waiting for. Kimber crawled on top of him and pressed her body into his, enjoying the hard jerk he gave when she grazed her wet pussy along the length of his prick.

“Get the condoms and lube,” she whispered to Brandon, who was watching the pair of them with such a look of envy on his face she knew she couldn’t make him wait too much longer. Kimber let her clitoris glide over Wade’s cock again, smiling with satisfaction as he convulsed beneath her. She did it once more, and he let out an almost feral growl, his hands suddenly closing around her hips. Wade lifted her up in one smooth move and thrust her down onto his waiting cock as his pelvis surged upward to meet her.

“Wade!” Kimber meant to give him hell for not allowing her to set the pace for a change, but the hot, dark look he gave her as he bit down on his lip and thrust into her again stole her breath and her ability to think straight. Brandon crawled up behind her and nibbled the back of her neck, his hands caressing first her breasts, then her waist, and coming to rest on her hips. He lifted her gently, then pushed her downward, almost forcing her to ride the cock buried inside her. Wade slotted his upturned fingers between the wet folds of her pussy and pressed on her clit as Brandon increased the tempo, driving her down on to Wade’s prick, harder and faster.

“Brandon, I want you inside me when I come. Please hurry...I want...”

The words died in her throat as Brandon pushed her forward to lie on top of Wade and spread the cheeks of her ass. Kimber held her breath, her face pressed against Wade’s chest, the sound of his racing heartbeat almost drowning out his ragged panting. She heard the crinkle of a wrapper, felt the cold shock of the lube, and then gasped at a delicious stretching sensation as the head of Brandon’s penis penetrated her ass. Once the tip of him was inside, he leaned forward to rest his hands on the mattress on either side of her and Wade and gave her the first, gentle thrust. Kimber shuddered as Wade began to move his fingers over her clit and drive his cock inside her so hard that he tossed her and Brandon around where they lay on top of him. All three of them groaned, swore and shuddered in response and, when Kimber’s orgasm started, so did theirs. Wade roared out his release below her as Brandon grunted in her ear, while Kimber barely made a sound as she struggled to keep breathing while her pussy convulsed so fast and hard.

Eventually the mind-blowing spasms gave way and she collapsed on top of Wade. A few seconds later, Brandon pulled out of her, groaning as he did so, and rolled away, pulling Kimber down into the space between him and Wade. She lay in the semidarkness, holding their hands and waiting for their breathing to return to normal. After a few minutes, she turned to Wade, giving him a nudge in case he’d fallen asleep.

“So are you gonna tell me what’s on your mind?”

Wade rubbed a hand across his eyes, yawning widely before answering. “Just a few money worries, nothing too serious though. I just hate dealing with banks. Those bastards won’t be happy until they’ve ruined every rancher in the state.” He smiled, and rolled over to face her, propping his head up with his hand. “What about you—did you and the girls have a good day?”

“The receptionist at the medical center thinks I’m a whore,” Kimber said, to the surprise of all three people in the bed, and promptly burst into tears.

Chapter Two


“So, you’re just not gonna mention it?”

“Mention what?” Wade shot Brandon a sideways glance, dragging his attention away from the engine of the truck he was working on just long enough to lose his grip and take a chunk out of his finger with a wrench. He straightened up, clutching his hand as he grimaced, and caught his head on the hood. “For fuck’s sake, Brandon! Can’t this wait?”

Brandon held his tongue and fought back the urge to laugh, knowing from experience it was best to give Wade a wide berth when he was pissed about something. When the other man had wrapped a dirty rag around the cut and stop prowling back and forth across the barn like a caged panther, Brandon tried again. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Wade grinned. “Although I think you’d better just tell me what’s on your mind, before I end up in traction.”

“I’m worried about Kimber. She was real upset by what that woman said to her.”

Wade shrugged, and turned to look down into the engine bay again. “I know, but I figure it’s something we’re just gonna have to live with. People in small towns gossip too much.”

“That simple, huh?”

Brandon crossed the barn to stand over Wade.
God, but he pissed him off sometimes
. Pragmatism was an admirable quality but not what was needed right now. The woman he loved—the woman they both loved—was in pain.

“Well it ain’t any more complicated than that. We can’t stop folks talking, and we’d be damned foolish to try.”

“That’s fine for you, and I could care less what others think, but what about Kimber? Okay, so it turned out in the end that she wasn’t
called a whore, but she might as well have been. Hell, you know what that woman was getting at. And what worries me is that what happened at the medical center was nothing compared to what her family might say if they find out about me.”

Wade eased out of the gap over the engine bay, finally giving Brandon and the topic at hand his full attention. He slung an arm over Brandon’s shoulder. “You gotta learn to relax. Nobody is going to find out and if they do, we’ll tell them it’s none of their damn business, okay?”

Brandon shoved Wade away from him, wishing that, just for once, he wouldn’t treat him like he was some whiny little kid who needed constant reassurance. “This isn’t about me. This is about Kimber. That receptionist really did no more than ask if Kimber was married to the kids’ father. Sure, she was being nosy, but it was a legit question.”

Wade picked the wrench up from where he’d thrown it to the floor. “It was the first time she’s been asked straight out like that. She’ll be ready when it happens again.” He moved back toward the engine of the truck, about to dive under the hood again, but Brandon grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

“And what about the kids? Don’t you care they might face a lifetime of the same thing?”

“Of course I care.” Wade shrugged off Brandon’s touch, his anger surfacing again. “What the hell kind of thing is that to say to me?”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just...I don’t know. It’s just, I get this feeling that you think everything’s gonna work out okay purely because you want it to.” Brandon wrapped his hand around the back of Wade’s neck, trying to rub away the tension he could see tying Wade in knots. “If your love for me, Kimber, and the kids was all it took to solve our problems then I wouldn’t have anything to worry about. But the world doesn’t work that way.”

BOOK: Cowboy Love in Peril [Love: The Cowboy Way 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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