Read Courting His Royal Highness Online

Authors: Amy Hahn

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

Courting His Royal Highness (3 page)

BOOK: Courting His Royal Highness
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“Max,” she moaned softly. “Oh, Max.”

She could feel his smile against her skin. He pushed away the bodice of her Regency-style dress. She felt the cool October air upon her skin. And then she felt his tongue, moist and hot, on the swell of her breast. She cried out in pleasure. His mouth closed over her nipple, and she writhed against him.

“Yes, oh, yes,” she murmured.

Her hands tangled in his hair. Her heartbeat accelerated. She wrapped one long leg around his waist, pulling him closer with the pressure of her calf until his hands cupped her backside. His fingers inched the silken fabric of her gown up the curve of her leg, and she purred in delicious rapture when she felt the tips of his fingers tease the lace edging of her underwear.

Suddenly, common sense loomed its sensible head.

“Max.” It was a breathless sigh.

“Yes, gorgeous?”

His fingers caressed her inner thighs. She trembled and clutched at his broad shoulders. Her insides turned to liquid honey.

“Protection?” she whimpered.

He drew back. His ebony eyes smoldered. “Not with me. Not here.”

Her heart plummeted. She couldn’t in good conscience make love to a strange man without a condom. She splayed her fingers across his chest.

“I don’t have any either. I’m not the type of girl to sleep around. And I didn’t expect to meet someone like you at this party.”

“Someone you couldn’t resist?”

She saw his teeth flash in the shadows. Her heart flip-flopped. Gosh, he was sexy. And she wanted him. Oh, boy, did she want him. At that moment he seemed just as important—if not more so—than the air she breathed.


“Come up to my room.”


Max pressed hot and urgent lips against hers. She shuddered and returned his kiss. It was deep and thorough and unbelievably erotic.

“Upstairs. I have all we need in my bedroom.”

His husky voice tickled her ear. She turned her face to him, and he captured her lips with his again so she couldn’t breathe. It was heavenly. He was irresistible, and she didn’t even know his last name. Her mother would faint dead away at her behavior.

“Okay,” she murmured.

He took her hand and led her across the pool area, through the lobby, and to his seventh-floor room. They almost lost control in the elevator. His searching, passionate, hot kisses drove Chloe out of her mind. She kissed him while he fumbled for his room key, brushed her hands over his pulsating arousal, unbuttoned his shirt, and whispered seductive words into his ear. When at last he swiped the key and pushed open the door, he pushed her into the room roughly, slammed the door behind them with his foot, and crushed her to the wall.

“You drive a man mad.” He began to undo the long row of buttons down her back.

She laughed. It was a low, sultry, spicy laugh unfamiliar to her ears.

“Got to get this dress off.” He unhooked the last pearl button, and the dress slid forward.

Chloe watched him in fascination. He pulled the dress from her body. It shimmered in the soft light drifting through the window and landed in a pool at her feet. The fairy wings, connected to the dress, glowed in the midst of ruby softness. Her bra soon followed. Max dipped his head and started to suckle her. Her cries were impossible to stop. His fingers wrapped around her wrists, and he pinned her to the wall.

“Max!” she screamed. She felt she would climax simply from his foreplay.

He practically tore her lace underwear from her pulsing body, kissing her bare shoulders and her belly and the gentle swell of her hips.

He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the king-size bed, where he dropped her upon it and then vanished for a moment. She lay sprawled across it, encased only in her thigh-high black stockings, every inch of her skin tingling and alive. Light shone from the bathroom. She saw his reflection in the mirror as he rummaged for the condom.

“Found it.” He held the small package up triumphantly, switched off the light, and returned to her side.

“I feel lonely all naked by myself.”

“Well, we don’t want that.” He smiled at her again, that amazing, sexy, adorable smile.

It was Chloe’s undoing.

“I need you now, Max. Now.”

“And I need you.”

She kissed him hard. He shrugged off his tux jacket and white shirt; then he ripped open the package at the same moment Chloe unzipped his pants. He was naked as a jailbird in no time and armored for penetration. Chloe couldn’t wait any longer. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and they tumbled onto the bed in a flurry of entwined limbs, scorching kisses, and caressing hands.

Chloe was hot and moist and ready for him. He was hard and throbbing, and she guided him with insistent hands towards her center.

“No more foreplay,” she whispered. She gazed into his blazing eyes. “Now.”

He plunged deep inside her and she closed around him, welcoming him home. His mouth smothered her scream of ecstasy as his long, driving strokes caused her insides to tremble and pulse. Her body moved in perfect sync with his. She thrust up against him, sheathing him deeper inside her. When her head hit the headboard, she hardly noticed—her body was a river of pleasure. It was pure bliss. It was like touching a bit of heaven. Nothing could compare.

He held her close against him, raising her body to meet his. One of his hands cradled her head, the other her lower back. She climaxed first, and her orgasm sent her sprawling back onto the bed. He came seconds later, collapsing on top of her heaving body.

For a moment, neither said a word. Chloe could hear his rapid breathing and feel the erratic pounding of his heart. She held him gently in her arms, kissing the top of his dark head. He was beautiful—the most beautiful man she had ever been with—and she didn’t want to let him go.

“Stay with me.” He elbowed his arms on either side of her head.

She glanced over at the clock. Only ten o’clock. She had two hours to spend in the warm cocoon of his strong arms. Looking back into his handsome face, she knew leaving now was not an option—she needed a good cuddle.

“I’ll stay.”

He kissed her. She kissed him back.

“But I have to leave at midnight.”

He pulled out of her body with tantalizing slowness and curled against her, spooning her tenderly. She sank against his strong frame, closed her eyes, and released a happy sigh.

“You are amazing.”

His complimentary whisper made her smile. “Thanks.”

His lips brushed her collarbone. “I mean AMAZING.”

She giggled, making small circles on his forearm with her fingers. “Thanks. And no words can describe you.”

“And you thought I was cocky about knowing how to dance,” he uttered into the curls of her hair. “Now I’ll really be impossible.”

A comfortable silence descended around them. It wasn’t long before Chloe heard his breathing slow. She called his name softly, but he didn’t respond. She turned slowly towards him and found his eyes closed—he was fast asleep.

For the next two hours she watched him sleep. She kissed his nose and his lips and the curve of his cheek. And on the stroke of midnight, she rose from the warm bed and grabbed her discarded wardrobe, which was littered all across the floor. As she slipped into Queen Mab’s velvety dress, she spied a magazine on the nightstand beside Max’s bed and skimmed her fingers across the glossy cover. Her eyes widened when she spied Max’s face. His charismatic smile caused her heart to flutter.

“What the—?” She picked up the magazine and walked to the bathroom, pulling the door halfway closed behind her and flipping on the light. She gasped in surprise when she read the headline:
Romalia’s Prince Max Stars in Reality TV Show

“Omigod!” The magazine nearly slipped from her fingers. She glanced back at the bed, where Max was still snoring peacefully. Apparently he hadn’t heard her startled outburst.

Why didn’t I recognize him? He’s the most famous prince in the world, and I didn’t know who he was

“I just slept with the world’s most famous bachelor!” She clutched the magazine so tightly the pages crumpled. “And he might be my co-worker!”

She was shocked, completely floored. This was not the best way to begin a professional working relationship. Chloe sat down on the toilet and flipped the magazine open to the article. She quickly skimmed it and was relieved to read he denied any truth to the rumor he was slated to star in an upcoming reality show.

Well, he didn’t actually deny it. He stated he was not going to comment on the subject. The show’s title wasn’t listed.

“It’s only coincidence,” Chloe murmured aloud into the quiet room. “He couldn’t possibly be starring in the show I’m hosting. It just isn’t possible.”

But it could be. She knew that. It
too much of a coincidence. She didn’t know much about the EVE Network’s show due to the fact there was extreme secrecy connected to the project. Even she, the hostess with the mostess, was left in the dark. However, she did know two things: one, it was titled
Courting His Royal Highness
, and two, it was about a famous royal bachelor and his dating escapades.

Chloe suddenly felt very ill. This was definitely not the best way to start on the right foot at her new job. She had never wanted to be one of those girls who slept her way to the top. She refused to be categorized that way.

This can’t be happening. He just can’t be the prince of my show. No way. Fate wouldn’t be so cruel.

But common sense told her he most likely was. After all, she had met him at the party. For what other reason would he be a guest at EVE’s annual Halloween bash?

to be the royal blue-blood who was to star in
Courting His Royal Highness

She stood, tossed the magazine onto the counter, turned off the light and opened the door. Then she tiptoed past the bed and exited the room as quickly as she could. She was too mortified by her passionate actions of a few hours before to look back at the sleeping prince.

As she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby, she noticed how her fingers shook. In fact, her entire body trembled. And it wasn’t a result of passionate lovemaking. She couldn’t wait to go home. She’d had enough excitement for one evening.

Sam greeted her at the entrance to the hotel. He tipped his hat to her. “Did you have a good time, Miss Tanner?”

“I did.” She ducked quickly into the backseat, hoping he didn’t catch the blush highlighting her cheeks.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Two

She was the sexiest woman he had ever encountered. She gave a new name to desire. He felt as though he would never be able to drink his fill of the mysterious and passionate Chloe, a.k.a. Queen Mab of the Fairies.

Max groaned and rolled over onto his back. The bed seemed immensely lonely without the alluring Chloe sprawled out next to him. He glanced over at the clock—it blinked back at him that the time was 10 a.m. He had a meeting scheduled for noon. But the last thing he wanted to do was talk business. He groaned again and buried his face in Chloe’s abandoned pillow. He could still smell her scent, a faint combination of apples and cinnamon.

The fragrance was an instant catalyst to memories of the previous evening. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as images of long dark hair and black eyes filled his mind and more erotic scenes played like a movie in his head. He saw Chloe writhing excitedly beneath him, her soft, breathless voice urging him to make love to her, her arms wrapped around his neck, her lips hungrily devouring his, her hips rising up to meet his every thrust.

And just like that, he was turned on again.

A knock at the door brought him out of the dreamlike state. Max cursed his aroused condition, grabbed his discarded boxer shorts off the floor, and slipped into one of his favorite T-shirts. It was overly large and hid his erection from sight.

He tried to think of something other than the sexual, lustful, irresistible Chloe. He would only waste time thinking about her. It had been a one-night stand, nothing more and nothing less. He doubted he would see her again. Good grief! He didn’t even know her last name.

Max pulled a shaking hand through his dark hair before peering into the security peephole. His personal assistant stood out in the hallway, looking not at all pleased. Great. Eric Von Stratton. Definitely not the first person Max wanted to see the morning after a night of mind-blowing sex.

He sighed and opened the door.

“What happened to you last night?” Eric Von Stratton plowed past Max into the room.

Max rolled his eyes heavenward. “And a good morning to you, too.”

Eric sniffed imperiously. He pushed up his round glasses and flipped out a large black book. “You were supposed to be networking last night. I didn’t expect you to vanish after only a couple of hours.”

Max ignored his accusing gaze. “Breakfast?” he asked. He closed the door, walked past Eric, and then sat on the bed and picked up the phone. “Well?”

“I’ve already had breakfast, thank you very much.”

“Well, I haven’t and I’m hungry.” Max quickly put his order in. His stomach grumbled rather loudly at the mention of French toast and scrambled eggs.

“So, where were you?” Eric looked down his nose. “And don’t tell me you were with a girl. I’ve grown tired of that excuse.”

Max grinned. Eric had been his closest friend since the age of four. They were as different as night and day, but Max couldn’t do without him.

“Then you don’t want to hear why I left the party early.”

“You attract women like honey attracts bees. But you refuse to choose one and settle down. No wonder your family is fed up with you.”

Max waggled his eyebrows. “I can’t help it if I’m attractive.”

Eric smoothed his perfectly pressed suit. “You’re a cocky bastard. Of course women find you attractive—you’re royalty. They all want to be princesses. Every little girl dreams of it.”

Max stretched out on the bed. He propped up pillows against the headboard and laced his fingers behind his head. “She was spectacular.”

Eric raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” He grabbed a chair and sat down, placing the oversized black appointment book on his knee. “So, tell me about her.”

BOOK: Courting His Royal Highness
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