Read Corporate A$$ Online

Authors: Sandi Lynn

Corporate A$$ (17 page)

BOOK: Corporate A$$
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Chapter 35



Sharing a room with Fiona was going to be extremely difficult. I had a hard enough time controlling myself around her as it was, and to be in the same room with her for an entire night might send me over the edge.

Opening the door, we stepped inside.

“Not bad,” Fiona spoke as she walked over to the kitchen area and opened the refrigerator. “Yes! There’s liquor in here.” She smiled. “Oh, and they even have room service.”

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

“Yes. I’m starving.” She sat on the bed and looked over the menu. “And I’m tired and I want to take a shower.”

“Then tell me what you want and you can take a shower.”

“Can we get the cheese board?” she asked.

“You can get anything you want.” I smiled.

“The cheese board, the lobster salad, and blueberry pie.” She handed me the menu as she got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

After placing the order, I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and sat on the bed with my back up against the headboard. When the bathroom door opened, I looked up to see Fiona walking out in a pair of short pajamas, drying her hair with the towel.

“Don’t say a word.” She pointed at me. “This is awkward enough.”

“Why is this awkward? We’ve had sex multiple times. I’ve seen every inch of you.”

“But we aren’t having sex anymore, you’re my business partner, and our relationship is strictly professional.”

“So. We still had sex.” I smirked.

“Stop saying that.” She walked back into the bathroom.

My cock was trying to get hard, but I had to quickly stop it when there was a knock at the door.

“Room service.”

Getting up from the bed, I opened the door and a young man wheeled in a cart.

“Where would you like this set up?” he asked.

“This table over here is fine.” I pointed.

After setting up our dinner, he left and Fiona walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of Grey Goose from it and sat down.

“This looks delicious. What did you get?” she asked as she looked at my food.

“The roasted chicken BLT.”

“Oh. That looks good too.”

“Would you like a bite?” I asked as I held the sandwich up.

“No. I’m good with my salad.”

For the first few moments, we ate in silence. There were so many things I wanted to say to her, but I couldn’t.

“I’m sorry about the office,” she spoke.

“About the redecorating?”


“To be honest, I don’t think it looks bad and I’m not mad. I know you did it on purpose.”

“You’re not mad?”

“No. I knew you wanted that reaction out of me, so I gave it to you.” I smirked. “And to be fair, I’m sorry about the painting. I’ll have it taken down when we get back.”

“You did it on purpose to get back at me.”

“Yeah. I did.” I smirked as I took a bite of my sandwich.

“God, Nathan.” She laughed. “How old are we?”

“I know, right? But I do want you to know that I have never acted like this before. You, Fiona Winslow, are teaching me your bad habits.” I winked.

“Me? You’re a supposed adult. You should know better. Me, on the other hand, I still have some growing up to do.”

“I think I like you just the way you are.” I smiled.

She looked down and didn’t say a word. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but it was something that just flew out of my mouth.

“Have you ever had a girlfriend?” she asked unexpectedly.

“No, and I’m not the romantic type either.” I finished my sandwich.

“Why?” She cocked her head. “Seriously. Let’s just be honest with each other.”

“Why what? Why haven’t I ever had a girlfriend or why am I not a romantic guy?”


I shrugged and leaned back in my chair, draping one arm over the back.

“Relationships complicate a person’s life. There are too many rules and expectations. Women expect things from a man that I just can’t give.”

“But if you love someone, those things are easy to give,” she spoke as she took a bite of her blueberry pie.

“Love is overrated. People are taught to first follow their heart instead of their head, and to live happily ever after is just a myth. If you follow your heart first, you’re setting yourself up for failure and disappointment in the future.”

“Huh?” She cocked her head.

“Did you love John?” I asked. “Be honest, Fiona.”

“No. I liked him, but I wasn’t in love with him.”

“Then why did you stay with him for a year?”

“I don’t know. My mother had just passed away and I met him and he was nice. We got along, had stuff in common.”

“So you followed your heart? You were upset because your mom had just passed away and he made you feel better, right? You were blinded by him because you needed someone to take away the pain. Now, if you would have listened to your head, you more than likely wouldn’t have entered into a long-term relationship with him. Because I know somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew that jumping into a relationship so quickly while still mourning the death of your mother wasn’t smart. But you let your heart take over. A heart that needed to be healed. Plus, didn’t you tell me that you would have noticed he was cheating on you sooner, but you were too involved in trying to get that promotion at work?”


“See. You put your career in front of your relationship. You held that at a higher standard. That’s what people do, Fiona. Nothing lasts forever. Something always becomes more important. That’s why it’s best just to go out, have some fun, and live life to the fullest. I don’t believe you need love for that.”

“Okay. And what about you not being a romantic guy?” she asked.

“If I’m romantic, won’t that lead women on? Why do that to them when I have no plans on taking it any further than just sex?”

“I get what you’re saying, Nathan, I really do. But I disagree with a lot of what you said.”

“And that’s fine. You don’t have to agree. You asked and you wanted me to be honest with you, so I was. I think two people can be together and have a good time without the hassles of a relationship or commitment.”

Who the hell was I trying to convince? Her or me?

“So really what you’re saying is sex is all that’s required with someone?”

“Well, not just sex. Companionship is nice too. Going to dinner, out for drinks, holding an intelligent conversation, and then sex.” I smirked.

She sat there nodding her head as she pursed her lips.

Chapter 36



I didn’t know if growing up without a mother contributed to his attitude towards love and relationships, or if it was what he saw growing up with his father. Things were much clearer now that we had had this conversation. But then why couldn’t I stop falling for him? What was the old saying? “You always want what you can’t have?” I wanted him, but I knew I could never have him completely. Somehow, I didn’t think that was going to stop me from wanting every inch of his sexy body now and again.

I got up from my chair, poured myself another vodka, and took it over to the bed.

“I’m going to finish this up and go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”

“Okay.” He walked over to the pullout sofa, took the cushions off, and attempted to pull the bed out. “What the fuck?”

“What’s wrong?” I asked with a slight laugh as I watched him struggle with it.

“It’s stuck. I can’t get it out.”

I had a dirty thought. It was the vodka that made me have it.

“That’s so hot.” I laughed.

He turned and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

“What’s hot?”

“It’s stuck and I can’t get it out.” I continued laughing. “Sounds very sexual.”

“You have a dirty mind, Fiona. Now come over here and help me.”

“Oh, big strong man needs help pulling out a sofa bed,” I spoke in a low voice as I got up.

“Really?” He cocked his head at me. “Get on that side and pull.”

No matter how hard we tried, the damn thing wasn’t budging. Nathan pulled a little too hard because one of the springs broke off in his hand.

“Great.” He rolled his eyes and I couldn’t help but laugh.

He set down the spring and walked over to the bed and climbed in on the other side from where I had sat.

“Excuse me? What are you doing?”

“I can’t sleep there, so I’m sleeping here.” He smiled.

“The hell you are,” I spoke as I put the cushions back on the couch. “There. All made up for you.”

“You’re crazy. I’m not sleeping on that couch. For one, it’s not big enough, and two, sit on it and feel how hard it is.”

I busted out into laughter again and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“You’re drunk. I can’t believe you right now.”

“I’m not drunk. Maybe a little tipsy, but definitely not drunk.”

He sighed as he took off his shirt and pulled the sheets up over him. “Good night, Fiona.”

“You’re breaking your rule about sleeping with someone in the same bed overnight.”

“We didn’t have sex, so it’s different. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.”

“That’s right. You will stay on your side,” I spoke as I pulled the extra pillows from the closet shelf and propped them up in between us.

Climbing into bed, I lay on my side, facing his direction with his back towards me. The pillows were low enough where I could see every defined muscle in his back. I studied them as well as his muscular arm, which rested over the sheet. I wanted to reach out and trace them, but I couldn’t. Damn him for doing this to me. Closing my eyes, I finally fell asleep only to be woken up by the intense pressure in my bladder. Stumbling out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom, turned on the light, and sat down on the toilet. Reaching for the toilet paper, I screamed at the sight of, I kid you not, the largest and blackest spider I had ever seen. Spiders were my fear. Don’t ask why because I couldn’t tell you. I hated them and had near panic attacks whenever I saw one.

“What’s wrong?” Nathan ran into the bathroom and looked at me as I jumped up from the toilet and cowered into the corner.

“A spider! Kill it! Hurry! It’s crawling away!” I shouted as I pointed to it.

He grabbed a Kleenex from the sink and grabbed it, throwing it into the toilet.

“There, all gone. You can come out of the corner.” He smirked.

“Are you sure it’s gone?”

“Fiona, I flushed it. Come look for yourself.”

I stretched my neck far enough to look down at the toilet to make sure it wasn’t floating around.

“Thank you.”

“You’re that afraid of spiders?” he asked.

I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“What do you do at home when you’re by yourself?”

“I keep a can of bug spray in every room of the house. When I see one, I spray it to death and then suck it up with the vacuum.”

He let out a laugh as I stood there rubbing my shoulder, leaving the bathroom.

“What’s wrong?”

“I was so tense, now my shoulder hurts.”

He walked up behind me, placed his hands on my shoulders, and began massaging them.

“Relax. There’s no need to be tense. The big bad spider is all gone.”

I was tired and I didn’t care if his hands were on me. They felt good, too good. If he kept it up, I was probably going to have an orgasm. I wanted one. I needed one. My heart was still racing and not from the spider.

“All better?” he whispered in my ear as he continued massaging me.

“Yes, but now I’m having some pain in my middle back.”

“Right here?” he asked in a low voice as his hands moved down.

God, I was in heaven. “Yes. Right there.” I was in a trance.

“Take off your shirt and lie face down on the bed,” he spoke. “It’ll be easier.”

I didn’t want him to stop because it felt incredibly good, so I took my shirt off and did as he asked, resting my head on my arms. He straddled me and began massaging my entire back. His strong hands manipulated me in every possible way. I felt his hard cock press against me. I knew damn well where this was going, but I was so relaxed, I didn’t care. I was listening to my body and telling my brain to shut the fuck up.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

“No,” I moaned.

His fingers gripped the sides of my panties as he slowly pulled them down, while his tongue slid down my spine. After removing my panties, he spread my legs and dipped his finger inside me.

“You’re so wet.” He moaned as his lips pressed against my back.

I let out soft moans as he explored my insides. I’d deal with the aftermath of my emotions tomorrow. For now, I was taking in every bit of pleasure he was giving me. He climbed off of me, took down his pants, and rolled me onto my back. Our eyes locked onto each other’s as he brushed my hair from my face. Without saying a word, he gently thrust inside me. Our eyes stayed fixed together as he slowly moved in and out of me. He lowered his head and brushed his lips against mine. My fingers dug into his back as our kisses became heated. His thrusting increased and I was on the verge of an orgasm.

“You feel so good,” he spoke breathlessly as he broke our kiss. “I never want to stop making love to you.”

My legs tightened around him as the wave of an orgasm flowed through my body. Letting out several moans, he pushed deep inside me one last time and halted, releasing himself inside me. He collapsed and swallowed hard while his fingers tangled through my hair.

Now what?
I thought to myself.
He can’t leave. I can’t leave
. I was scared as a nervousness crept up inside me. He pulled out of me, threw the pillows in the middle of the bed on the floor, and told me to get under the covers. His tone was demanding.

I got under the covers as did he and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly into him. I could feel his heart beating a mile a minute against my ear. He had just entered into new territory and it appeared to have made him nervous as hell.

BOOK: Corporate A$$
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