Conscience (The Bellator Saga Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Conscience (The Bellator Saga Book 2)
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Jack kissed her neck. “I’m always impressed by you.”

She tugged his tie off and tossed it behind her before standing up and taking off her jacket.

“Is this how you treat your powerful men?” Jack asked.

Caroline lifted up her foot and used the sole of one of her pumps to push him against the backrest. She’d been waiting for this night for ages. All that time away from each other, all those campaign stops and puff pieces had led them to this. She was going to make sure whatever they did together would be seared into his memory forever.

Jack stripped the shoe from her foot, smiling when she lifted up her other leg for him to repeat the process. “Oh, baby,” he said. “I love when you get so insistent.”

“Then you’re going to have fun tonight.” She hitched her skirt to her waist and straddled his thighs again, leaning back to take a swig of the champagne straight from the bottle.

He laughed. “Is that the kind of dainty behavior the people of the Commonwealth should expect from their first lady?”

“Probably.” She took another giant slug and handed him the bottle. “This is good. Nice and sweet.”

Jack set it on the table next to the chair. “Unlike you, my uncouth consort, I only drink my wine from proper stemware.” He started unbuttoning her blouse, peppering her with kisses.

“Hey,” she said. “If you’re going to start undressing me, the least you could do is give me back my beverage.”

He pulled the blouse down over her shoulders. “Plenty of time for that later. “

“You don’t want to get drunk and screw?”

“Again, plenty of time. The night is young. And I suspect you’re in a good place anyway. Isn’t this your second bottle?” He nuzzled her breasts through the lacy material of her bra.

She’d lost count. Did Moscato count as champagne? “Maybe,” she said. She gasped when he tugged her bra down to suckle on her nipple. A very effective distraction while she attempted and failed to pull down his suspenders. “You make it hard for me to take advantage of you when you keep doing that.”

Jack gave her another deep kiss.  “Patience, baby. Patience.” He picked up the bottle of champagne and took a long drink before setting it down on the side table awkwardly.

“Don’t spill it,” she warned.

“I won’t,” he promised. “Got to keep you liquored up so I can do decadently sinful things to you all night.”

She could still taste the sweetness on his lips when he kissed her again. Caroline laughed against his mouth. “Are we classing up this joint or what?”

He stood up with her in his arms, spinning her around on the floor before unzipping the back of her skirt. “Remember what I told you about talking too much?”

“Not really. I try not to let you get in a word edgewise.”

He let the skirt fall to the floor and patted her ass gently. “Maybe this powerful man needs to remind you that sometimes you need to hush and let him do his job.”

“Do I have to call you Mr. Governor in bed?”

He turned her around. “Not unless you want to. And I bet you want to.”

“Maybe after the inaugural.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I meant what I said tonight, Jack. I am so proud to be your wife.”

One of the many things she whispered into his ear while she was trying not to get too weepy. She was proud, she was happy, she would follow him anywhere, she was so goddamn glad that the campaign was finally over. He laughed at the last one. Caroline hoped that would be the image on the front of all the papers tomorrow morning: photographic confirmation of John McIntyre reveling in a hard-fought, joyous victory.

Jack smiled. “I know. But I still like when you tell me.”

Caroline yanked his suspenders down and unbuttoned his shirt. “It’s been a good night, huh?”

He undid his cufflinks and let the shirt slide down his arms, then removed the white t-shirt underneath. “Indeed it has. About to get better, I hope.”

She knelt down to work on his pants. “You bet it will.”

“I haven’t taken off all your clothes yet.” Jack preferred that she get naked first so that he could take advantage of her. She generally wasn’t one to complain.

“Plenty of time for that,” she said absently, unzipping his fly.


She sighed, tugging his pants and boxers down. “What’s the problem now?”

“I don’t think-”

Her aggressiveness wasn’t ramped up nearly enough. If she was going to maximize the experience tonight, she’d have to up her game. She rose to her feet. “Get on the bed.”


She shoved him in the chest, gently. For now. She’d get rougher if she had to. “Lie down. Arms above your head.”

He sucked in a breath, his abs tightening. A glorious sight. She’d aroused his curiosity. Good. It pleased her even more when he actually did what she said, stretching out naked and magnificent on top of the sheets. Except he was still wearing his socks. Jack had the habit of wearing disgustingly old socks, and she hassled him constantly for it.

She took each sock off one by one. “Now that you’re a big important governor, will you
wear those new dress socks I got you?”

“My socks are fine,” he said, eyeing her breasts.

He said that every time she brought it up. “They’re gross.”

He reached for her and she leapt off the bed. “No one sees them,” he said. “I could have left them on.”

“Not if you want to get laid. I’m all for acting out notable porn scenes but I’m not fucking a man wearing holey socks.” Caroline scanned the room. So many possibilities. What a time to leave the handcuffs at home. Inspired, she grabbed his suspenders off the floor and straddled him on the bed, grabbing his wrists. “Are you up for something different?”

He had to know what was coming. And he was curious, but not necessarily eager. “Fucking try me,” he rumbled.

Caroline weaved the suspenders in and out of the wooden slats of the headboard, securing his wrists to the bed. “You’re going to learn what it’s like to lose control.” She rocked back against his cock, which was half erect. She’d remedy that situation soon enough.

He closed his eyes. Jack would never admit whether he enjoyed himself in this sort of situation, but any questions on that topic would soon be rendered moot. She kissed her way down his abdomen until she reached his erection, full and exquisite. That hadn’t taken long.

“Do you like being tied up?” she asked.

Jack shifted in his restraints. “Not particularly.”

“Your body tells a different story.”

“My dick was like that before you lashed me to the bed.”

She ran her tongue around the head of his penis, stroking his shaft with her hand. “You’re a liar,” she whispered.

He pushed his hips up in what proved to be a fruitless thrust, and she sat back on her knees.

“Did you want something?” she asked sweetly.

“Untie me.”


He was practically growling at her. “Untie me so I can fuck you.”

Caroline ran her tongue up and down his cock, kissing the head. “So impatient,” she murmured, changing course and straddling him, rubbing her clit against his length. He groaned. She knew he could feel her wetness even though she was still wearing panties.

She smiled. “You like that, don’t you?”

He yanked at the suspenders. “Need to touch you,” he grunted.

“Not now,” she said, slipping back and forth against his cock. “Later.”


She slid back onto the mattress, teasing him again with her tongue. “Remember all those women who were throwing themselves at you during the campaign?”

He groaned again. He hated that topic. Jack’s campaign manager had delicately removed several interns from the staff who had taken a less than professional interest in the candidate. Between the college girls and the middle aged swoony women, Caroline ran out of patience as the months wore on.

“I don’t see how that’s germane to our current position,” he said.

“You mean,
current position?” she asked, trying not to laugh.

“It’s not – they have nothing to do with us. They never did.”

She alternated kissing and licking his shaft, and he groaned again. “Do you think they could have given you what I do?”


“Do you?”

“I don’t-” He was gasping for breath, reacting to her touch. She’d reached another gear already and was pretty proud of herself. “They never stood a chance. I only see you.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Caroline, please-”

“Please, what?”

He glowered at her. Jack didn’t like when she turned his games around on him, but she still occasionally tried anyway. It was fun to shake things up, and the night always ended up with her getting fucked properly.

“You don’t want to go there,” he said.

“Go where?” she asked innocently, licking his cock again.

“Don’t play a hand you weren’t dealt.”

Was he implying that she couldn’t make him lose control? She knew of only one surefire way to make him shut up. She sucked him deep to momentarily silence him. He was pissed, no doubt about it. But he was really fucking turned on and she wanted to see how far she could take things. And she was drunk enough not to care about the hardness hitting the back of her throat. All she cared about were the noises he made, which couldn’t be categorized as words.

The headboard creaked. He struggled against his restraints, even now. She closed her eyes, concentrating on what she was doing. If she timed it right, he wouldn’t be able to stop her. She could blow his brains out using just her mouth and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. And he was close, so fucking close. She knew the signs.

She heard a snapping noise and a creak and felt a hand on her hair. Caroline opened her eyes to see Jack glaring at her. She tried to keep going, but he sat up and yanked her head backward, apparently not caring that her teeth were perilously close to his most precious organ.

“You are very naughty,” he gasped, rolling on top of her on the bed, pinning her hands above her head. “I told you to stop.”

“You didn’t mean it.”

“You know I did.” He bit her neck. “You’re going to pay for that.”

He wasn’t going easy on her. She hoped there wouldn’t be any teeth marks left behind. Those were hard to hide. “I-”

“I think you should apologize,” he said. “Teasing the fuck out of me like that.”


“You will. By the end of the night, you will.”

An enticing threat. Caroline decided to keep pushing it. “Not a chance.”

“There are a few things you need to know,” Jack said, ignoring her protest. He slid his cock back and forth against her damp underwear. “Your jealousy is unwarranted, but extremely attractive. Your desire to control me is quite alluring, but unnecessary. Also, your knot tying skills are subpar.”

She started to struggle in his grasp and he pressed her wrists back down onto the mattress. “Furthermore, I will always be stronger than you, but I will never use it to harm you. Understand?”

She went limp and he smiled, thinking he’d won. He lowered one hand and slid it inside her panties, starting to rub her clit. “You’re going to explain to the hotel staff how we fucked up the headboard,” he said.

Was he serious? “I am not.”

He laughed, removing his fingers and rubbing them together. “You are. And you’re so fucking wet, I think the idea excites you. You
to explain. Just so they’ll know what we do to celebrate happy occasions.”

In actuality, that was one part of their lives she would always want to keep private. And she wasn’t entirely sure he was kidding. “You did it. You can explain.”

He slid his fingers inside her again. “Maybe I will. Did you have fun, teasing me like that?”

It was impossible not to smile. “Yes.”

Jack withdrew his hand. “Why didn’t you stop when I told you to stop?”

“I didn’t want to.”

“That was very naughty of you. Are you sorry?”

She smirked. “No.”

He rolled off of her, still determined as all hell. It made her tremble, just a little. “Take your clothes off,” he said. “Now.”

His voice was harsher than she’d ever heard it before. Maybe she had pushed him too far. “I-”

“Get up. I’m not going to repeat myself.” He stared at her. “Do it.”

Fine. He wanted a show, he could have a show. She scuttled off the bed onto shaky feet, taking a few steps backward. She started with her blouse and bra, took off her underwear, and began removing her garters, giving him an insolent look.

“That’s how you want to play it?” he asked softly.

Caroline was prepared to give the brattiest command performance he’d ever seen. “I’m sorry, did you want me to leave those on?” She rolled down her nylons and tossed them on the floor next to the rest of their clothing, then marched over to the bed and straddled his legs, tugging on his erection. “Fucking try me,” she whispered.

BOOK: Conscience (The Bellator Saga Book 2)
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