Confessions of a Sex Demon (4 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Sex Demon
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Maybe he’s a trap-and-set-free kind of psychopath. Love ’
and leave ’

The scissors slid against her skin and snipped the last bit
of fabric. The corset fell away from her body. Her breasts sprang free, but he
didn’t touch her, not with his flesh. Instead, Lennox dragged the cold metal
over her chest, lingering over her nipples. They hardened as the sharp edge
tickled her sensitive skin.

“Your body betrays you. You crave your abductor, don’t you,

She avoided his gaze by staring at the ceiling. Zahra could
feel the heat from his intense appraisal of her body as he guided the shears
across her pants. Apparently, he was leaving no clothes for her to try to
escape in. It was becoming clearer by the moment that he had no plans for her
to leave.

Once again, the cold metal caressed her skin as tight fabric
was cut from her body, one leg at a time. For the first time, Zahra wished she
was wearing underwear. Not even a tiny barrier stood between them. A cold draft
tickled the space between her legs. Her captor said nothing.

She looked to where Lennox stood at the foot of the table,
but the tight bonds left her with a limited view. The cold point of the
scissors trailed down her stomach past her bellybutton. She shivered as Lennox
traced it over the folds of her womanhood. The metal clattered to the ground
and she felt his cold hands grip her thighs. The scarf tied around her mouth
muzzled the groan that escaped. Anticipation surged through her body. She
couldn’t help it. Her succubae needs were already rising to the occasion,
betraying her mind that screamed to try to get free. Her body demanded release,
but not from the bondage.
The kind of release that only
Lennox could bring.
She imagined his hard cock slipping between her
folds. Mortification crept over her as she felt the spot between her legs go

Lennox’s hands gripped her thighs and Zahra heard his knees
drop to the ground.
One hand spread her
womanhood while the other fondled her clit. The tiny bud swelled and throbbed
under his touch. Lennox found it with his fingers and squeezed. His touch was
both gentle and aggressive as he pinched and then released, leaving her body
begging to know what came next.

His hands gripped the inside of her thighs and spread her
once more. His breath escaped, branding her skin with intense heat. Now he
would enter her. She couldn’t see him, but she knew it came next.

A hot molten softness melted against her wide-open core.
Zahra’s legs fought to squeeze shut against the
onslaught of pleasure, but the bonds held her in place.
Why hadn’t he sought
his own release?
Instead, Lennox’s hands held her wide open so that every
sensitive inch was exposed, waiting for his tongue to glide and trace like
liquid fire.

He did just that. Lennox’s hot tongue massaged her womanly
lips once more. The area tingled with intense need and she swelled with
wetness. His tongue halted, but just when the pleasure came to a skidding stop,
his lips descended on her once more. He groaned against her flesh, the soft
buzz sending vibrations through her core. Ecstasy came flooding toward her.

Just when stars began to form across
her vision and her core throbbed for release, she felt Lennox pull away. She
panted against her gag. He’d built a firestorm of pleasure only to leave her at
the edge of a precipice. Despair tore through her body as the comedown wreaked
havoc on her sexual need. As a succubus, the pain was unbearable. She cried out
in agony.

Lennox’s deep baritone voice whispered with unexpected
malice. “You see? This is what I have in store for you. I’m well aware of what
a sex demon needs to survive. I brought you here to torture you. I shall take
you to the brink only to keep you from your livelihood. I’m going to watch you
wither away.”

A tear escaped down Zahra’s cheek. What had she done to
deserve this? She had a feeling she’d never know.

Chapter 5


After leaving Zahra bound and gagged in a separate room,
Lennox tried desperately to sleep. But all he found were nightmares. It was a
familiar scene. Lennox strode through the meadows of wheat with the sun beating
down on his skin. The metal bundled to his back caused sweat to plaster his
clothes against his body. The walk from the nearest village was long, but he
made the trip to sell more of his blades. He’d been away nearly a week and he
was eager to return home.

It was early in his marriage and Lennox had plans to buy his
wife the ring that he hadn’t been able to afford in the past. He’d been saving,
not only for a jewel fit to be worn by so beautiful a face, but also for a new
home fit for his wife to make comfortable. She was worthy of more than the shack
they’d been living in. They would finally have a home in the countryside to
raise children.

The thought made him smile as he neared the village. His
wife’s face filled his mind, an image of her holding a tiny babe. Chubby little
fingers pulled on his wife’s long blonde locks. She was his angel, and she
would give him a family that would be what men dream of.
have a child with the angel...
It hadn’t happened yet, but his heart
swelled at the thought.

Entering into town, Lennox decided he could spare some coin
on flowers for his woman. The brilliant pink petals reminded him of the soft
lips he kissed every morning before leaving to work. Making his way to the
small home within the village, Lennox received several looks from townspeople.
He should have known then that something was wrong. Looks of pity, and even
amusement, had been directed his way before he arrived home. But all he had
been able to think of was laying eyes on his wife.

What he had found shattered his world. All he saw of his
angelic wife was her blonde locks spilling down another man’s back, her legs
wrapped around his naked waist. The flowers fell to the floor, only to be
replaced by a sword in his hand. He’d plunged it into the man, watching his
wife cower at the fiend’s side in tears. She’d cried for the bastard.

In his enraged exodus from the village, Lennox had learned
that the filth had been visiting his home ever since he’d left, and that the
creature was an incubus. The sex demon had seduced his wife. And so he’d have
to pay.

Lennox awoke from his tormented slumber wrapped in sweat and
filled with anguish for happiness lost. He’d make the sister of the incubus
suffer. Zahra would feel his pain.

* * * *

Zahra wasn’t sure what time it was when Lennox walked back
into the room. She heard his soft footsteps and she swore the air stilled as he
entered the room, or maybe it was just her breath. Her skin was still naked
against the cold table, only a flimsy blanket had been placed over her for the
night. Lennox must not have known it, but she didn’t need the blanket; as a
succubus, her body ran much hotter than a human’s.

“I must really get you going if you’re already
for more.” Her sharp words echoed in the dark room, but
received no immediate response. Instead, his footsteps fell closer and closer.

Craning her head to the side, she
saw him approach. His gait was slow and the harsh planes of his face were set
with determination. Lennox would not be speaking. He would be doing. Her body
betrayed her and a fresh wave of heat rose within her. Her breasts swelled
under the blanket and she was glad he couldn’t witness the response he

Lennox arrived at her side and Zahra noticed his closed fist
was dripping liquid. Before she had time to question, the blanket was tugged
off of her. Her nipples hardened as the evening chill hit her skin. Zahra
didn’t bother struggling against the bonds, but lifted her head off the table
to find Lennox between her legs again. He leaned over her body and glared down
at her. Never before had she felt so hated. His pale blue gaze was slivers of
crystal directed at her through the darkness.

“So are you just a psychopath or is there a method to your

She screamed as Lennox rubbed a cube of ice across her
nipple in response. The cold left a trail of tiny daggers prickling her flesh.
It was pleasure and pain in the best way. The only problem was she knew there
wasn’t going to be a happy ending. As her feminine lips swelled with need, she
cringed for the pain she knew would come later.

Lennox drew the ice across her chest to the other nipple
which had already puckered in anticipation. As the wet crystal slid across her
bosom, she felt her peaks harden even more. Her swollen tips ached. And then
his teeth descended on her. Lennox’s lips were soft and gentle as he suckled
her. The flood of heat mixing with the cold wet danced against her skin, making
her arch involuntarily.

Teeth nibbled on her soft flesh and a groan escaped into the
darkness. The sensual growl shocked her—it’d been hers. The sharpness of Lennox’s
teeth held her nipple prisoner inside the hot warmth of his mouth. His other
hand expertly maneuvered the ice down her stomach. The skin went taut as the
freezing crystal slid down her skin toward the apex of her legs. Her own body
created liquid heat to rival the cold stream running down her flesh. The
psychopath was making her hot. Damn him.

Lennox finally released her nipple from the erotic clutches
of his mouth. His soft lips kissed her curves, inching up her collarbone. For a
madman, he was incredibly gentle. His slow ascent to her neck only made her
relax into his touch more. He suckled the tender flesh of her neck. Just when
she forgot she was his captive, he moved the melting cube of ice between her
legs. She let loose a pained scream. His torture of ecstasy brought her to the
brink. The icy cold between her hot folds was nearly too much to handle.

But then he stopped.

“You’re easy, succubus.”

“What can I say, Lenny? Flabby psychopaths make me hot.”

She heard a grunt. Finally, she’d gotten to him. Score one
for the sex demon.

“There is nothing soft about this body. However, I won’t be
lowering myself to prove it to you.”

Good news, because although she desperately needed release,
she’d rather chop off her foot than feel him inside of her.

Lennox walked away and stood in the corner of the room.
Zahra had no choice but to lie there, tied to the table while she felt his
hateful glare focused on her body. Her chest heaved as she panted, still
reeling from the near climax. Her body slowly began to hollow out. With each
rise and fall of her breasts, Zahra’s body weakened. A feeling of hunger
settled in her gut, aching almost as bad as the swollen area between her legs.
Since she’d never had a problem finding release, Zahra was unsure how long the
weakening would continue before she finally withered away.


Reality came crashing down on Zahra. She had to survive, not
just for herself, but for
. Zahra wasn’t sure
what was worse, the thought of her sister relapsing into bad habits, or being forced
by Bane to pay out her debts. Both made Zahra want to scream. She had to think
of a plan before she got any weaker.
hung in the balance.

* * * *

Lace tickled Zahra’s feet and she woke with a start. Her leg
jerked in response to the tickle and she realized her legs were no longer
bound. Zahra kicked at Lennox frantically, but his sure grip caught both her
legs and held her back down.

“Do you recognize these?” Lennox’s voice was a low warning,
a dare.

She cringed with recognition, seeing her favorite pair of
underwear in the grip of her captor. “If you wanted to see me in black lace,
all you had to do was ask.”

“I think you know that it’s not the color that drew me to
these. You had quite the assortment of sex toys. I helped myself while you were

“You ass!”
Zahra kicked out once
more and bucked against the table.

Lennox darted blows as he slid the tiny panties up her legs,
pulling them tight against her center. She continued to kick, but Lennox
grabbed her ankles, one by one, and tied her back down.

“I had nipple clamps and all kinds of sick crap that’d
probably get you off. I’m surprised you missed them.”

“I didn’t.” The short reply was both dangerous and erotic.
Wetness began soaking the lacy panties.

In the darkness, Lennox’s eyes glinted like moonshine
dancing on a dark river. The gaze betrayed no hint of what he had planned.
Vibrations exploded from her favorite thong. Who knew the damn thing would lead
to her slow demise. The vibrator built into the thin fabric slapped at her
tender flesh, immediately sending spikes of ecstasy through her body. And then
it stopped.

“Tell me about your kind.”

“Well, we like long walks on the beach, a good fuck under
the moon, and anal sex every solstice.”

The vibration exploded once more. The panties that Lennox
had pulled tight against her skin caused her clit to swell with need. And then
it stopped. Lennox fingered the control, glaring at Zahra through the dim room,
lit by only a few candles flickering ominously in the corner.

“Let’s try this again. Tell me about your kind.”

Zahra exhaled as pain stabbed through her core. The buildup
of need was breaking her down from the inside. “We’re just like you and
everyone else, but have different needs to survive. The limbic system of our
brain is more fragile. We have higher levels of dopamine. When the components
in desire are not met, our bodies break down.”

“It’s not just science,” Lennox said through clenched teeth.
“Science doesn’t compel you to fuck another man’s wife.”

“So you’ve been fantasizing about me with another man’s
wife, have you? Well I confess, it’s been requested on occasion.”

BOOK: Confessions of a Sex Demon
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