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Authors: Tracy Rozzlynn

Tags: #Verita

Concisus (29 page)

BOOK: Concisus
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“Good thinking.” Dr. Brant takes the equipment and heads toward the field lab. “I know my leaving technically breaks quarantine, but I can’t stay in here without the chairman knowing I lied. The two of you didn’t have any direct contact with any strange insects of animals did you?”

“No,” Ryan and I both answer.

“Good enough.” As Dr. Brant leaves, I hear her mutter, “This is so screwed up.”


The worst part of being stuck in the field lab is the lack of information on Andi. Molly and Jake stop by the first night to see what happened to Ryan and me. Through the door we explain that Dr. Brant is herself again. Molly and Jake then describe the near food fight scene between Andi and Jeremy as he tried to get her to eat some berries. He finally picked up the spilled berries from her bed and left the room, but he purposely missed one and watched through the doorway as she ate it.

“It’s a good thing those berries taste good, otherwise she’s have to be force fed.” Jake jokes. “When Jeremy went back into the room, Andi actually asked if he had some more.”

I relieved by the news, but even more impatient to find out if the berries will work.


The next day Molly stops by to tell us there’s no change with Andi.

The day after that Jake stops by with the same news.

The rest of the week the two of them take turns giving us the bad news—no change.

By the time we get out of quarantine, I’m convinced the berries have failed. I feel foolish for getting everyone’s hopes up on what amounted to a hunch.

Ryan and I decide to visit Andi. I’m sure all she’ll do is scream at me, but at least she’ll know I’m still here for her, when she’s ready.

When Ryan and I enter Andi’s room we have to squeeze our way in to get a spot near her bed. Everyone’s around her is giggling and chatting loudly.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

Andi points down at her foot and proudly announces, “I wiggled my big toe.”

A toe wiggle may not seem like an accomplishment, but to me, it’s everything. A delirious grin spreads across my face.


* * * * *

About the Author

Tracy Rozzlynn writes YA Science Fiction and Fantasy. She lives in New England with her daughter and several pets.


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Currently Available


The first book in the Verita Series


The first book in the Fast-Track Trilogy


Coming Soon

Darkened Shadows

The first book in the Darkened Trilogy


The second book in the Fast-Track


BOOK: Concisus
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