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Authors: Natalie Dae

Come Find Me (9 page)

BOOK: Come Find Me
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Kat stilled her movements and reached between his legs and
up to take his cock between her finger and thumb, just below the corona. She
squeezed gently, her cheek resting on his lower back, her pulse thudding in her
ears. She prayed she’d stopped in time, yet deep inside she knew she’d love it
if he came now—that she’d had such an effect on him, that what she had done
turned him on that much.

“Okay,” he whispered. “It’s okay now.”

Kat lifted her face from him and began the slow in-and-out
motion with the plug again. This time she reached around his side and fisted
his cock using the same easy movements. When the plug glided in, her hand
glided up.

“What does it feel like, Dan? Tell me so I can imagine it.”

“It’s…ah, fuck, it’s…so damn good.”

“More. Tell me more.”

“It touches something inside there. Rubs it. Makes me want
to come without touching my cock.”

Makes me want to come too.

Kat’s clit throbbed with such fierce intensity if she gave
in she’d come right now. Juices slicked her inner thighs and if she dipped her
fingers into her folds they’d be drenched in a second. She worked his ass and
cock a little faster now, her nipples strained and aching for his mouth, her
cunt more than ready for him to fill it. With each insertion of the plug while
her other hand pulled down on his shaft,
body jerked.

I’m going to come. Fuck, I’m going to come.

He sucked in a breath. “Fuck! Stop. I can’t…take any more.”

I can’t take any more either…

Kat barked out, “Kneel! Put on the condom. I want your cock
inside me.”

“Jesus, Kat, I’m close to coming.”

“Hold off.”

Dan kneeled and quickly applied the condom. Kat positioned
herself with her back to him, cunt throbbing and clit swelling some more. Her
hard nipples ached and she resisted touching them—if she did, she’d come from
that alone.

Gripping the headboard, she grated out, “Fuck me from

Dan’s hands swept up her chest to cup her breasts and she
widened her legs, offering her cunt to him. His cock slid inside her easily,
her saturated folds more than ready for him.

She drew in a sharp breath. “Hard and fast. I want it hard
and fast.”

Dan shunted in and out of her, panting and moaning,
smoothing his hands down her belly to knead her buttocks. His fingertips dug
into the dip above her hipbones and he pulled her back onto him, holding her
still so he could fuck her with rigid jerks.

Kat glanced down and caught a glimpse of his cock as it
glided in and out, taking one hand from the headboard to rub her engorged clit.
She was so sensitive she gasped and pleasure uncoiled deep in her abdomen. She
pushed her ass back. “More. Harder.”

Her orgasm hit quickly, Dan uttering hoarse endearments as
he came. His cock abraded her inner walls with an intensity that goaded her
pleasure to a higher level. Her head lightened and she sucked in a breath,
releasing it along with a feral growl. Her sheath gripped him in spasms,
milking his cum, her juices flowing. One of Dan’s hands stroked the length of
her spine, coming to a stop on her shoulder where he held her steady as his
hips jerked with the last of his ejaculation. Ecstasy spiraled through her,
snatching her breath and sending her over the edge again.

“Yes! Yes, that feels so damn good.” She closed her eyes and
rode out her orgasm, fingers slowing on her clit as the bliss receded.

Dan gave one last thrust and stilled, his exhalations
feathering across her back. He caught his breath then eased out of her, leaning
forward to pepper kisses on her neck, one hand skating up her belly to fondle a
breast. “I love your little secret surprises,” he whispered.

Chapter Six


Their two hours in the dungeon sped by quickly and Kat
wished she’d booked a longer slot. She’d
herself in there, her
dominance and Dan’s enjoyment of it meshing perfectly. Now, snuggled beside
each other on the return journey, the bus still huffing and puffing along with
the elderly folks muttering about what a disappointment shopping in the town
had been, she closed her eyes and contemplated their life when this week ended.
Browsing stores for sex toys was a definite, and she smiled at the thought of
things she would buy, rushing home to try them out on Dan, their grunts and
moans filling the air.

Kat laced her fingers with Dan’s and squeezed, happiness
overflowing. “I don’t want this week to end.” She opened her eyes and stared
out the window at the white clouds.

“Me neither, but it has to.” Dan kissed the top of her head.

“I wish we were rich so we never had to work and could spend
all day together.”

“Maybe I can convince Harry or Mike to exchange their
cubicle for my office.” He laughed. “Like the boss would allow that. I’ve
always been jealous those two worked on either side of you. Smelling your
perfume, hearing your skirt rustle. They have a thing about you, you know.”

“What?” She sat upright, eyes wide and mouth agape. “You’re
kidding, right?”

Dan shook his head. “Nope. Heard them discussing you once in
the kitchen while they made coffee.”

“What did they say?”

“Stuff you probably don’t want to hear. Kind of demeaning.
It took all my control not to turn around and give them hell. If I did, they’d
have guessed my feelings toward you and maybe pushed harder to get your
attention. I didn’t want that.”

Kat grimaced at the thought of Harry, with his body odor
problem and crass comments. She shuddered. How had she not noticed he liked
His leers…I thought that was just the way he was with every woman.
And Mike was just as bad—minus the body odor. “God, that knowledge makes me not
want to go back to work.”

“But I’ll be there. And I’ll make sure they know exactly
what went on this week.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “Exactly?”

He chuckled. “Well, maybe not
, but they’ll be
under no illusion that you’re available.”

“Good. If they come near me with their lecherous grins and
ribald quips I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

“Just shows they have good taste in women though.”

Kat nudged him in the ribs. “The same could be said for the
girls at work. All of them, including the married ones, talk about you. Wishing
you’d sweep them away, take their clothes off and—”

“Uh, that’s quite enough!” Dan scrubbed his face with one
hand. “No one there even comes close to being my ideal woman except you. And
after the eye opener the past couple of days have been, you’re more perfect
than I’d hoped.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“And a slap to your ass.”

Kat laughed. “Yes, and that.”

She drifted into a world of her own, wondering if she should
try for that promotion she’d coveted since joining the company. It would mean
her own office, well away from those jerks. She’d head a team of cubicle
accountants, dealing with a set of clients directly instead of reporting to her
team leader, Fran. The extra wages would come in handy too, especially with all
the things she intended to buy. A massage table would fit nicely in her empty
spare room—except they’d use it for more than just massaging. Did she dare to
have iron rings attached to the walls? She could picture Dan chained to them,
her whipping his ass and thighs until his knees buckled and he cried out for
her to stop. Despite being fucked more times in two days than she had in a
fortnight previously, Kat squirmed in her seat, cunt aching to be filled again.
Did finding the right partner do that? Make you want them all the time? Would
that need remain over the years—and god, she hoped they stayed together long
enough for her to find out—with them teasing one another at work then rushing
home to act out their desires?

I think it will. This isn’t just some novelty, the blush
of the first few days in a relationship. I feel it inside, that I’m meant to be
with him, was meant to have the job I have so I met him.

She smiled, her belief in fate strengthened.

“What are you smiling at?” Dan lifted her chin so she looked
at him.

“Oh, just things.”

“Ah, playing games again?”

“If you like.” She giggled, giving him a brief kiss.
“Seriously now. You’ll find out exactly what I was thinking when we get home. I
have plans for my spare room.”

“Hmmm.” He eyed her skeptically. “Prompted by the room we’ve
just left, I take it?”

“Maybe.” She smiled.

“So kink sessions will be held at your place then?”

“That would depend.”


“On whether you have a spare room too.”

“I do, and it’s filled with junk.”


“But it can be emptied and filled with other, more
interesting things.”

Uncaring whether the other passengers disapproved, Kat
kissed him long and hard, love blooming so fiercely it hurt her chest and
swelled her throat. He cupped her cheek, fingertips tracing the outline of her
ear, and she wrenched her mouth away, the emotions too much. She buried her
face in his chest, one hand clutching his shirtfront.

“Are you all right?” he whispered, his cheek to her brow.

Kat nodded. “Yes. Just a little overwhelmed—in a good way.”

“I know what you mean. This is surreal, isn’t it?”

“But very real at the same time.” Kat stared outside, seeing
the cows and horses she’d spotted from the top of the hill. “We’re nearly
there.” She sat upright and looked at Dan. “We need to go to the cabin. There’s
something I want to do.”

Dan smiled, the kind that showed he thought she had sex on
the brain.

kind of something—something else.”

“Are you going to share?”


He sighed mock dramatically. “So this is the way it’s always
going to be, is it? You keeping secrets until it’s time to reveal them?”

the time, no. But this time, yes.”

The bus heaved to a stop with a hiss of brakes and the
of the door opening. Kat hooked her strap over her shoulder and rose. Again she
waited for the other passengers to pass before stepping into the aisle and
taking Dan’s hand. Once off the bus, she led him across the road to the
mountain trail, her mind full of sentiment and swirling emotions. She tightened
her grip on his hand to convey her feelings—that she loved him, never wanted to
be without him—and a huge surge of love swept through her, confirming that her
decision to take a holiday and his arrival here was the best thing they’d ever
done. Thinking about it now—their connection—she guessed they would have
revealed their feelings at some point anyway. They were too strong to disguise
forever. She smiled, squeezed his hand again, then climbed up the mountain and
stood on the ridge in front of the cottages.

Dan stared at the town below. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It is. I dreamed of doing this with you my first night

“You did?”

Kat nodded. “Back then, if someone had told me it would
happen I’d have told them they needed to visit the funny farm. And then when
that room service trolley arrived… God, you have no idea how much I hoped it
was you who’d sent it. Except when I saw the rose I thought you’d ordered it
from home.” She turned and walked toward the cottage. “Come on. I want to give
you something.” At the door, she waited for Dan to unlock it then stepped
inside the still-darkened living room. She opened the drapes, letting in the
late-afternoon light, and moved to the desk.

The yellow rose lay on the desk where she had left it, the
petals a little wilted, much like she would have been if Dan hadn’t joined her
here. She contemplated picking a fresh flower, but the symbolism of those weary
petals encasing the fresher, vibrant ones within struck her as poignant. She
lifted the rose and the outer petals fell away. That bloom was her, the old now
gone and only the new remaining. Turning, she handed it to him. “Press it,
won’t you?” Tears stung her eyes and she willed them not to fall.

Dan strode toward her, taking the stem between the finger
and thumb of one hand. He embraced her, saying nothing, but it didn’t matter.
That he understood the significance of her gift was enough. Long moments passed
with Kat’s cheek pressed to his chest, her arms encircling his waist. The throb
of his heartbeat thudded beneath her ear and she closed her eyes, drowning in
the sound, the feel of him, their closeness.

“I’m not taking this gesture the wrong way, am I?” he asked.

Kat lifted her head to look at him. “How did you take it?”

“You told me about your nanna, remember? And that she gave
you a yellow rose before she died. I was thinking… I mean, you didn’t give it
to me because you’re thinking of—”

“God, no! No! I’m not going anywhere.” She blushed at what
she wanted to say next. What if he thought her a sentimental fool, expecting
too much, assuming what she wanted mirrored his dreams? Taking a deep breath,
she told herself to just say it. With Nanna she hadn’t had time to say how she
felt. She didn’t want to make that mistake again—and she had nearly repeated it
the last two years by keeping silent on how Dan filled her mind. “I wanted you
to have it so that…so that when we’re old, if I die first…” She swallowed the
lump in her throat. “You’ll always have this memory. Will always remember me
when you look at the rose.”

Dan crushed her to him, arms tight around her. “Jesus
Christ, I love you. I don’t want to think of losing you, not when we’ve just

“I know but—”

“Shh.” He stroked her hair. “God willing, we have many years
ahead of us before we get to that point. I’ll press the rose, all right? We’ll
buy a book especially for it. Maybe add more as the years go by.”

His words burrowed into her, spreading well-being and safety
throughout her body. Dan’s belief in their relationship matched her own, and if
they always thought this way, they’d get through anything, wouldn’t they?

BOOK: Come Find Me
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