City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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"Hanger, this is Jacey Thomas. She's the doctor here and one of my best friends."

"Nice to meet you Jacey." Once again we go over what has happened the pass four days.

"Come back to an exam room, I'll check you out. Make sure everything is okay."

"She don't need you to check her out. I've been having a doctor look after her. He stitched up her head and he's been giving her pain meds as she needs them. "

She looks at me and for a split second, I see the worry. Then it's gone, replaced by a smile.

"Well, Hanger. I'm glad you found her and have been taking care of her. She's like a sister to me. I don't know what I would do without her." I can’t tell if she’s just being polite, or if she’s serious. I just nod and say, "You won’t have to worry about that. She will be staying with me and she'll be safe."

"Can I come see her sometime?"

"You can come see her whenever you want. I'll have her call you."

We say our goodbyes. "Are you ready to go back?"

"Yeah." With that we head to the clubhouse.


We get to the gate of the compound, we pull up and a guy lets us through. I take in my surroundings. There's a lot of bikes lined up along the building I came out of earlier. I see cabins off in the distance to the right and on the other side I can see what looks like a garage with huge metal roll down doors. The building I was in earlier looks like a warehouse with no windows. I see a logo painted on the doors of what looks like a garage and the side of the warehouse looking building, it's the same logo that’s on my shirt. It's a devil's head with the horns, with an evil look in his eyes and a nasty smirk on his lips, with two silver revolvers crossed behind it, across the bottom it says Satan's Sinners M.C. outlined in red. Hanger parks his bike and turns to look at me.

"Umm... I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be kinda crazy in there. I want you to be prepared. You’re gonna see a lot of bikers, naked women, people having sex, and probably some “party favors”. If you don't wanna stay and hang out, let me know and we can go back to my room." I just nod my head. He takes my hand and leads me inside. Sure enough he was right. It's a lot to take in, but after the shit that's happened in my life. Not being able to live for myself, I feel like getting kinda crazy. I can tell he is gauging my reaction. Little does he know, it’s not bothering me. It's smoky in the bar, there are half naked women walking around and sexual acts taking place all over. Yeah, this is gonna be a fun night. Time to finally start living my life the way I want to.

"I think we should have a good time. Plus, I feel like I wanna get drunk. You said you were gonna introduce me to everybody, well let’s get to it Big Guy." I give him a smile and he smiles back.

"Alright then, Crazy Girl, come meet my brothers. Most of them are all patched members except Ghost, Bam Bam, Romeo, and Writer, they are what we call prospects. The prospects have to work towards getting their patches. Romeo's on a special project right now for his."

"What kind of project?" I give him a curious look because I really have no idea what he's talking about.

"Club business, Babe, I can't tell you."

"Alright then." I say as I shrug my shoulder.

He introduces me to Gunner, Ripper, Bear, Hacker, Hunter, and Ghost. Holy shit! I've never seen so many hot guys before. They could all be a walking magazine cover. He then takes me over to the bar where I meet Doc and Bam Bam. The rest of the guys follow.

"Gunner, I see on your vest it says, Vice President, which makes you like second in charge right?" They all start laughing at me. I put my hand on my hip, and give them my best evil glare while trying not to laugh at myself, "What are you guys laughing at?"

Gunner replies "Yeah, Zoey. I'm second in charge, but this isn't called a vest it's called a ‘Cut’. You stay with us long enough you will learn the lingo."

"Well, it looks like I might be here for a little while at least." I say as I glance over at Hanger.

Gunner is really is good looking. With all that long hair, that’s shaved on the sides and muscles but good god those eyes. They are so blue and mesmerizing. It would be so easy for someone to get so lost in them.

Ripper seems older, tall maybe 6’1”, with almost shoulder length blonde hair, a blonde beard, the prettiest hazel eyes, and he’s muscular. The patch on his cut says Treasurer. I can see why Chatty fell in love with him.

Bear is just huge, I’d say around 6’6, with muscle on top of muscle, with black hair a little gray at his temples it's not too short or long and curls at the ends. He has a few days old salt and pepper beard that not many people can pull off, but on him it works and the clearest brown eyes. You’d think with the gray coloring in his hair and beard he would look old but he doesn’t. His cut says Enforcer, I’m thinking that has something to do with all that solid muscle he’s carrying around, and that look of business in his eyes. They never stop moving and scanning the doors. Jacey would totally go for him.

Hunter is more lean, yet just as tall as most of the other guys, he’s covered in tattoos all the way down to his knuckles, with longer brownish red hair, a full beard that’s groomed nicely it’s the same color as his hair, and pale green eyes. His cut says Tracker.

Hacker’s also full of muscle, about 5’11. He has short salt and pepper colored hair, with dark stubble, a small gap in his front teeth that most couldn’t pull off, but he does, beautiful green eyes. His cut says Sergeant at arms.

Ghost is just as tall as the other guys but super lean. He has long blonde hair that’s darker at the roots and his beard is dark brown. If he didn’t have that beard he could totally pass as a surfer. Oh My God! His eyes are a crystal clear blue like the ocean. His cut says prospect really big on the back and a smaller patch that says the same on the front. The one thing all these guys have in common besides the good looks are the tattoos. They are all wearing t-shirts of different colors and some have writing or pictures on them, with their cuts but you can see the tattoos coming down their arms, some of the guys even have them on their necks and hands. They all have on jeans and black riding boots on. I look over to Doc, he seems to have more of the military look. He’s clean cut. I don't see any tattoos on him. There is something hard and haunting about his eyes though.

"Hi, Doc, I'm Zoey. It's nice to finally meet you. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me." He gives me a smile while shaking my hand.

"No problem, Zoey. I'm just glad that you’re okay. If you need any more pain meds or anything else let me know."

"Alright, but I think I'll be fine now." I look over at Hanger then nod to the bar he nods his head yes and I make my way over to the bar and ask. "Hey. Bam Bam, can I get a Blue Moon and a shot of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey? If you have it."

"Coming right up, Zoey." Bam Bam is tall, lean, with dark brown hair and eyes, dark five o'clock shadow, tan skin, with a sharp jaw and nose.

I down the shot. It gives a little burn but is so sweet. I'm bringing the beer up to my lips when I look over and stop short.

"Hanger, who is the guy sitting over there? He looks so familiar." I point to the left of the room with my beer bottle. Hanger takes my free hand and we walk over. "Zoey, meet Romeo, these two are Lilly and Shug.” He motions to the girls sitting with Romeo. “They are what we call club whores." I give him an odd look and tilt my head. I would not be ok having that title but whatever. Who am I to judge?

"Nice to meet you guys." The girls don't say anything, but I really look at Romeo and my mouth drops to the floor. I say, "I’ve met you before, you were the server at
. That night you said your name was J..." he cuts me off before I can finish what I was saying.

"Yeah, Love. That was me, but you can't call me by that name here. My name is Romeo, okay? I'm glad you’re up and moving around. We've been worried about you. I knew that guy was an asshole."

"Umm… Yeah, alright. Yes, he is a complete dick. I can see, why they call you Romeo. I bet you break hearts everywhere you go." He is hot, that's for sure. My eyes definitely weren't playing tricks on me that night. Like the rest of the guys, he's got the tattoos. Where the hell did all these guys come from? It’s like being at a casting call for tall, muscular, bad ass, tattooed models. I'm one lucky bitch to have ended up here. Even though all these guys look good as hell, none of them compare to Hanger.

"You could say that. Maybe we should hang out sometime." He gives me a grin, I smile back, until he looks over my shoulder and his face drops. I look behind me and Hanger is standing there with an angry look on his face. With his arms crossed over his chest, and he growls. Yes, I said fuckin' growls. "You watch what you say, Romeo. She's off limits. So back the fuck off.” Then he looks at me and motions to the door. “Let's go outside Zoey." I bite down on my lips and drop my chin to my chest to try and suppress the laugh that wants to come out. I can’t get over the fact that this man just growled at another man and told him I’m off limits. When we get outside we head for the gate. I wonder why until we come to the guy that let us in earlier.

"This is the guy I wanted you to meet. His name is Writer, he's deaf and doesn't know sign language. None of us do either, so he has to write everything down. Maybe you could teach him." I look at Writer and put my hand out to shake his, then make a gesture for his pen and paper. When he pulls it out, I write my name and ask if he would like to learn sign language. I hand it back to him and I watch as he reads it. Then he's looking back and forth between Hanger and me. He then nods his head and a slow beautiful smile forms on his face. He would be perfect for my sister. He has short dark hair, clean shaved face, cupids bow lips, deep green eyes, he has gauges in his ears, and I can see his arms, hands, and neck are almost completely covered in tattoos. He is beautiful with soft features to his face but manly at the same time. I write on the paper that I will meet him tomorrow afternoon, then I hand it back to him. He reads it and gives me a nod.

We go back inside and get more drinks. I’ve got a good buzz going on when a woman walks up to me and sits at the table we're at, "Hey, Babe. I'm gonna go to the bar."

"Okay, Hanger."

"Hi, I'm Zoey."

"Hey, I'm Chatty. It's nice to finally get to meet you."

"Oh. You’re the one that helped clean and dress me. Thank you so much for that, and the clothes that was nice of you."

"It's nothin' Zoey. You'll be borrowing a lot of my stuff until we can get you shopping. So as you now know I'm Chatty. I work in the bar. I'm Rippers Ol’ Lady, we are also married. I'm twenty five and until you came along I was the only woman around here. So I'm glad you’re here. We gotta stick together against all the whores around here. So what's your story, girl?"

"Oh, I got some clothes from my sister today, so I won't have to borrow much. It really means a lot that you are letting me borrow your things."

I see why they call her Chatty. Boy this woman can talk, I like her though. I tell her my story and when I'm done I look at her and she looks at me with pity.

"Don't do that. Don't pity me. I'm gonna be fine and I think we are gonna be really good friends."

"Yeah we are." I look around the room and I just can’t help myself I look at Chatty and ask

"So, why does everyone call those girls ‘club whores’?"

"Because that's what they are. They are here to fuck. It doesn't matter to them who, and most of the guys here have been with all of them at some point or another. They don't like me though, because they can't have Ripper. I can't stand their asses because they still try to get him. Those bitches have no shame."

"That's just nasty. They fuck all these guys and don't care? Gross. I got introduced to a lot of the guys but who are the rest of them?"

"They are what we call ‘hang a rounds’ they party with us but they aren't part of the club. Now that that’s out of the way. Let’s go dance." She doesn't wait for me to reply, she grabs my arm and hauls me to the dance floor.

I'm pretty well lit, and they keep bringing me drinks. So what else to do but drink them. Even better they are bringing me Blue Moon, which is my favorite. I love dancing. The song, Where It's At by Dustin Lynch,
comes on and we just go out there and have fun with it.

"Hey, Zoey. You’re a good dancer."

"Thanks. So are you. I love to dance." I throw my arms up in the air and move to the beat of the music while we both laugh, this is so much fun.

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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