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Authors: Angelique Voisen

Cinder and Char (3 page)

BOOK: Cinder and Char
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Char’s tongue fucked him thoroughly until he grew heavy and breathless with need.

If this was just the start of Char’s possession of his body, then Cinder couldn’t wait to feel the prince’s enormous prick angling towards his willing ass.

Cinder wasn’t sure why, but he was beginning to crave the prince’s rough but sure touches. Knowing the other man wanted him on such a level made him heady with desire. It made him cease thinking.

Char kept one hand on his nape, while the other slid to the bulge of his latex-encased cock. The prince didn’t slide his hand inside his half-opened suit, although he could’ve done so to ease Cinder’s itch. Instead, he rubbed at Cinder’s throbbing member, silencing Cinder’s moans and gasps with his heated mouth.

When it came to sex, Cinder was always the one in control, but ceding his control entirely to Char was incredibly arousing. He pushed himself into Char’s hand, wanting to tear the latex fabric off so his naked cock could feel the texture of Char’s fingers. Char continued to caress him while his hungry mouth nipped on the bare skin of his shoulders and chest.

Cinder was nearly driven mad each time the bristles of Char’s stubble scraped his smooth skin. The other man was so raw, so masculine, and every inch primal. When Char’s amazing mouth closed over his left nipple, he arched his back at the sudden pleasure flooding his core.

“Cinder, I want you to come for me.”

Char’s deep, dominant command was enough for his traitorous body to obey. His cock began to empty into the tight latex, flooding him with sensation. Char’s grip on him tightened, holding him as Cinder rode his orgasm out.

When he came to, gasping and panting like a spent animal, he found Char stroking lazy circles on his back.

“Bastard,” Cinder whispered. “Stop playing around and just screw me.”

“Why would I do that, Cinder? Like you said, I only have you for three weeks, and I intend to enjoy every second of you.”

Those large hands hooked into the hot pink fabric pooling at his waist and with a small measure of strength, simply began to tear it off him.

“Hey! This is one of my favorite bodysuits.” Cinder slapped at Char’s hand, but he felt like a puppy pawing at a wolf.

Char caught his wrists easily and Cinder realized he was now sitting completely naked on his lap.

“I’ll buy a hundred more of these. In hot pink, magenta, orange, whatever. I’ll provide anything you want or need.” Char nuzzled at Cinder’s neck, and looked annoyed when Cinder put a hand on his cheek.

“What now?”

“It’s only fair I see your goodies too.”

“Fine. Besides, I want to see your face while I fuck you anyway.”

“What?” Cinder yelped when Char easily lifted him by his waist and settled him down on the couch. Logical thoughts refused to come when Char starting giving him one hell of a strip tease.

Cinder’s mouth watered at each piece of clothing Char dropped. Underneath what must be his planet’s drab, but thankfully tight military uniform, was a smoking hot body. Cinder felt like a greedy little kid at a candy store as he appraised the hard planes of Char’s pectorals and his tight abs.

His eyes finally settled on the steel-hard monster curving upwards between Char’s legs. It was beautifully thick and long, and Cinder wondered it would fit into his tiny hole. His lips felt dry.

“Daunted?” Char was fumbling around the cabin and managed to produce some lube. Why there was lube within easy reach, Cinder didn’t know. Perhaps the man brought all his lovers here, but right now he didn’t care.

“Not the least bit.” Cinder let out a surprised sound when Char was suddenly by his side, gently pushing his chest down so Cinder lay flat on his back on the couch. Then Char was parting his legs, tracing a finger down his embarrassingly thickening cock, to his asshole.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Cinder,” Char said eventually. “But I want to fill you up completely, fuck you raw until your body knows who it belongs to.”

Cinder bit his lip. He didn’t want to tell the prince it wasn’t what he was worried about. Although he should been, given he was about to surrender himself to the throes of animalistic passion with a shifter. Shifters, especially dominant alphas, weren’t like normal men. They could last an incredibly long time.

What really concerned him was how badly he wanted to feel Char buried deep inside him. Once Char claimed his body, he had a feeling his heart wouldn’t hold out long. Char wasn’t like any of the men Cinder had been with before.

There was just something about the prince’s brand of possession that called to him, making him willingly submit.

“Take me, Char,” Cinder whispered as he looked into those intense, hungry amber eyes.

Cinder shivered as large hands began to trace the flesh on his inner thigh and up his waiting hole.

“There’s so much of you I want to taste,” Char murmured in an uneven voice.

Char fingered the sensitive bit of flesh before applying a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and Cinder’s slit. Char massaged the flesh, slipping one and then two fingers in, making him groan.

“Char, please.”

Cinder could feel Char scissoring his way in, preparing him for access. He closed his legs firmly around Char’s waist, making the prince chuckle.

His fingers felt like steel on his legs, and Cinder felt him nudge several inches of his cockhead in. Cinder gasped when Char continued to slowly push his way in, moving his way past the ring of muscle and deeper into his eager hole.

“You’re so big,” Cinder managed, trying to relax the muscles of his ass at the slight burn.

“Take all of me in, baby,” Char commanded, fingers deliciously digging into his thighs. “Feel me inside you.”

“I feel you.” Cinder sighed with relief as Char began to move, withdrawing and hammering into him with deep and leisurely strokes. The burn gave way to an intense grinding pleasure. Cinder began to lift his hips, eager to receive Char as the prince began to increase his pace.

Char began to slam into him, harder and deeper, furiously stroking the fires burning deep inside Cinder. Char closed a hand over Cinder’s weeping cock and began to fist it as he continued hammering himself into Cinder.

“Oh, Char.” Cinder screamed as those fingers tightened. The dual sensations of Char’s fingers servicing his prick, and the prince’s hungry cock thrusting into him was too much for him to bear.

“Come for me, Cinder.”

Again, Cinder splintered at that command. Pleasure flooded through his core and spread to the rest of him. He was vaguely aware of Char gasping as he drove in deep. The prince’s warm cum began to fill him as his sac finished emptying.

“That was…” Cinder fumbled for words, but Char pressed a finger to his lips.

Cinder licked his lips wickedly and began sucking on Char’s thick digit.

The prince groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me, Cinder.”

Char didn’t leave immediately. While Cinder was sure his men had knocked on the cabin door a few times, the prince told them to leave him alone. Char carried him to the cabin’s bathroom and began to clean them in the shower before settling him against his chest, in an enormous, no doubt expensive, jetted tub. Warm water began to caress Cinder’s skin, making him sigh.

“I could get used to this,” he murmured. Cinder settled himself more comfortably against Char’s broad chest.

“You could, could you?” Char asked, sounding amused.

Cinder refused to answer him.

Damn. He was beginning to like Char’s fingers rubbing circles on his back. Even if Char was one possessive bastard, it looked like he was going to thoroughly enjoy being spoiled.

Chapter 3

Char couldn't completely focus on what his lieutenants were saying about the landing conditions on Planet Woof. He was too busy noticing his new mate trying to contain his eagerness as he peered out the airship bridge's domed glass windows. Although Cinder tried to look indifferent, Char could see how stretched his seat belt was, and how he craned his neck to its limits.

He couldn't blame him. The planet’s luscious, savage and wild jungle terrain looked back at them from the windows and vid screens flickering on the bridge.

Aside from Cinder’s homeworld and the shitty mining planet Char had rescued him from, he doubted Cinder had many off-world experiences. Char intended to change that. As soon as he settled government and clan politics, he could take Cinder on a proper honeymoon throughout the Ever-after Galaxy.

"My homeworld is not all wilderness," Char remarked.

He reached over the space between them and placed his hand possessively across Cinder's wrist. Feeling Cinder's pulse leap to the surface of his skin at his simple touch, Char let out a guttural sound. He heartily approved of the way his mate's attention was now centered on him and him alone.

"We shifters do keep up with the changing times. Beyond the rural towns and villages there are more modern cities closer to the capital where we’ll be staying.”

Char stroked the tender bit of skin thoughtfully for a few moments, enjoying the sound of Cinder’s uncomfortable whimper.

“Admittedly, we’re a little behind on fashion since we don’t require clothing when we’re in our bestial forms, but there are a few shops for tourists.”

Char wasn’t sure why Cinder’s body suddenly stiffened. Before his mate could draw away from him, Char tightly grasped the other man’s wrist and lifted it to his mouth. His beast edged closer to the surface of his human skin, forcing Char to open his mouth at an obscene angle.

To his relief, Cinder didn’t draw away.

Char’s tongue darted out and he began to lick at Cinder’s skin. Damn, the other man’s scent and taste drove him mad. His skin had a nice mix of sweet sweat, salt and faint traces of floral cologne Char now recognized. Char closed his eyes momentarily to enjoy the sensation of Cinder’s pulse jumping at the contact of his mouth.

“Are you mocking my sense of style, Char?” Cinder demanded. “If you must know, I rank my dancing, my clothes, heels and accessories above men, even drop-dead gorgeous brutes who happened to be princes.”

“I know, Cinder.”

Char blew across Cinder’s skin, delighted by the other man’s shiver. He made sure his eyes were level with Cinder’s, so the other man could see the ferocity of the passion there.

“I’m not going to get in between what you love, or even attempt to change you. When I said I want you, I mean I want everything of you.”

Cinder let out a shaky breath. “I hate what you’re doing to me, Prince Char.”

“Char. Just Char.” Char’s lips caught two of Cinder’s fingers. His mouth latched onto them and began to suck. “What are you so afraid of, Cinder?”

“This strange and inexplicable animal magnetism I have for you.”

If Char didn’t possess superhuman hearing, he wouldn’t have caught Cinder’s shameful admission. Slight fires of anger licked inside his belly. Didn’t Cinder know how much of an honor it was, to be mated to him? Both men and women shifters would give anything to be with him, but Char had a feeling Cinder wouldn’t be impressed with the knowledge.

Char took a deep breath and culled his anger. He gripped Cinder’s face and forced the other man to look at him.

“You’re mated to me, Cinder. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Confusion rippled across Cinder’s features, but before Char could continue explaining about what it meant to be mated to a shifter, one of his lieutenants interrupted their conversation.

“Alpha, they’ve cleared our arrival on the main landing docks.”

“We’ll talk about this later,” Char said, letting go of his willful mate.

“Oh joy,” Cinder muttered under his breath, but Char chose to ignore him.

The ship began its smooth descent, piercing seamlessly through the planet’s cerulean sky. The sight of his green homeworld made the longing in Char’s heart cease aching. It had been too long since he'd last set foot on his own planet. Char couldn’t wait to feel the earth under his paws or breathe the untainted fresh air of the land as wind rippled across his fur.

The ship cruised past the dense forest terrain and began sweeping past the cluster of cities circling the capital. Cinder leaned in close to the windows again. Char chuckled under his breath. He was too amused by the glare his little mate gave him.

Soon enough, the ship landed on the airship dock reserved for the ruling members of Clan Charming.

Char expected to see the rest of his lieutenants waiting for his arrival and some of the wolves of his clan. Knowing his mate might be overwhelmed, he’d specifically requested a small receiving party, but it wasn’t the uniforms of his private guard awaiting them.

Hard, scarred, and unfamiliar shifters wearing the wrong colors trained laser assault rifles at them. The shifters were wearing green, his younger brother Ulfric’s colors.

He could feel the uneasiness of his men and their growing aggression as they formed a protective shield around him and Cinder. Char had grown up and trained with each one of them. He knew they’d give their lives for their alpha in a heartbeat, but they were sorely outnumbered and he didn’t want them to die unnecessarily.

“What is the meaning of this?” Char demanded.

Ulfric Charming, second in line to the throne, dislodged himself from his guards and waved a lazy greeting. Ulfric was similar to him in looks, build, and size. They were always mistaken for twins, but their physical appearance was where their similarities ended. Ulfric would resort to anything, including dishonoring himself and the clan, to obtain power.

“Welcome home, brother. You departed in such a hurry you left the clan open for a take-over.”

“If Father were still here—-”

“Keep up with the times, Char. After Father died, you instantly left on a foolish quest across the galaxy to find your mate. Did you expect we’d all wait here patiently like meek lambs for your return?”

Char let out a silent curse. He’d never gotten along with Ulfric, but he thought they had gotten past their competitiveness and animosity during the past year when they had to work together while their father was dying. They even found some measure of peace after uncovering several political schemes from rival clans who intended to overthrow their ruling clan—or so Char thought.

BOOK: Cinder and Char
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