CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) (18 page)

BOOK: CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk)
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“You right about that.” Monty gave Rico dap.

“So, what’s up for tonight?” Rico asked.

“I’m just going to relax and enjoy being a year older. I’m blessed, ya know. I got a pocket full of money, a down ass chick that’s pregnant with my baby, pussy flying in front of me from one corner to the next, and my mama and my sister are back living like they supposed to be. I’m doing
good, man. I can’t complain. It’s a new year and I’m going to be straight and ready to pass on the torch by the end of it. So, get ready if you want it. But, let me tell you, pimpin’ ain’t easy.”

“Man, are you serious? You ain’t trying to pass on the torch,” Rico responded as he was trying to feel Monty out. “Who would wanna pass up all that pussy? Not
no straight man I know.”

“Yeah, well, I done 'bout wore myself out. It’s still exciting, but not like it used to be.”

“I mean, I get my share and then some. But, I usually am the pay master because I always felt like I had it like that. You get paid and you still got it like that. Damn, man, I should’ve started out like you, not handing out cheese.”

“What are you getting into right now?” Monty asked. “I’ma ‘bout to run over to the club and see what Mona and mama
is doing. Come on, man, ride with me.”

“Hold up, man, let me grab my cap right quick.” Rico jumped up and went in the house. Monty got up and walked over to his whip, then opened up the door and got in. Rico came back out of the house and got in with Monty before he drove off.

Monty and Rico walked inside of the Touch of Class, looking around. Catherine and Mona did a bang up job. There were New Year’s themed items along with birthday hats sitting out on the bars and a free bottle of Moet sat on each table in the club. There were thousands of very colorful balloons floating all over the place. Monty enjoyed the scene as he smiled and walked around.

“Hey, son,” Catherine said as she walked up behind Monty. “How do you like the place?”

“I love it. You and Mona out did y’all selves. It’s a lot of balloons in here.” Monty looked up at the ceiling.

“You see the shooters up top? They’re going to shoot out
confetti when your birthday comes in at midnight. Now, that was your baby mama’s idea,” Catherine said.

“Oh, yeah?
She didn’t tell me that. Where is Mona at?”

“She went on over to Candy’s so she could get something done to her hair. She helped me here then left. I was just still around making sure the caterers made it here on time and set things up the way that I want them to. Candy also has a guy setting up a sculptor with your picture inside of a big piece of ice.”

“Y’all doing it big, then,” Monty continued. “I love this whole lil’ set up, Mama.” He kissed Catherine on the cheek.

“I’m glad you do. We put a lot of work and money into this party for you. But, you truly deserved it. I pray this year brings you everything you desire to have and a healthy little baby.”

“I’m about to go. I need to run by the mall right quick and find a nice cap to wear tonight. But, thanks, Ma. I like this a lot.” Monty and Rico headed toward the exit.

“See ya later, Cat,” said Rico. “I do love how y’all hooked this place up.”

“Thank you, Rico. We’ll see you tonight. Make sure my son is here at ten o’clock sharp.”

“Yes, ma’am, I will. We’ll both be on time. Ain’t no way in hell we’ll miss this shindig.” Rico laughed as he and Monty gave each other dap.


Chapter Sixteen


Monty pulled up to Candy’s house at nine thirty, got out of his car, and knocked on her door. She opened it and Monty did a double take. She looked like a younger Gabrielle Union standing there with a beautiful smile on her face and those deep dimples showing.

“Damn, baby, you’re looking good.” Monty kissed Candy on her soft, strawberry tasting lips.

“Thanks, baby. You’re looking good, too.” Candy smiled while looking at Monty in his fresh black and white Rocawear gear, matching cap, and brand new white Air Force Ones.

“Are you ready?” Monty asked as he held Candy around her waist.

“Yep, I’m ready. I was just about to leave and head on over to the club because Mona said she was riding with your mama.”

“Well, I stopped by to take you to the club with me.”

“Oh yeah?” Candy kissed Monty on the lips. “I’d be delighted to go with you.”

“You are looking good as hell,” he stated, then checked out her short white mini dress. The V neck sagged down low, giving her breasts the best of compliments. The top part hugged her just right and elegantly covered her baby bump while the bottom wrapped around Candy’s nice size hips like a sash. Her thick, pretty legs extended from a pair of matching white pumps which gave her a lot of sex appeal and Monty was happy to have her on his arm. “I couldn’t go to the party without apologizing about earlier. I want you to know I really want us to work things out. So, it wouldn’t have been right to attend the party without taking my lil' bust it baby, right?” Monty smiled at Candy.

“Well, I’m ready. So, let’s go. And, I’m sorry, also. I forgive you, as usual.” Candy grabbed her white hand purse and walked out of the house holding onto Monty’s hand.

They rode to the Touch of Class and Candy smiled to herself because she was happy to be going to the club with her good looking man.
I’m happy to be bringing in the New Year with my Boo,
she thought while reaching over and touching Monty’s hand. He smiled since he was very happy to have her with him on that special night. “So, what are your pawns going to think about you walking up in the club with me?”

“Does it look like I care about that, Candy? I don’t know if you believe me or not, but I really want to be with you. I don’t ever want you to leave me. I’m trying my best to show you how much I wanna be with you. So what if they see you. They’re going to be jealous as hell once they see who I got on my side. You are my baby’s mama, and they need to know it. I have no future plans of being with no one but you.” Monty attempted to pour some of his heart out.

“You can be so sweet to me when you wanna, and I love you.” Candy smiled while putting Monty’s hand on her stomach.

Monty and Candy pulled up to the Touch of Class and saw that the line was all the way around the building. Everybody was talking and laughing, seeming like they couldn’t wait to get inside for the big birthday bash to bring in the New Year.

Monty got out of his Tahoe, walked around to Candy’s side, and grabbed her hand after he opened her door. Candy felt like she was in heaven as Monty entered the club hand in hand with her. She knew women were jealous of her being with Monty because she saw them whispering amongst each other as they moved through the crowd. She thought every woman wanted to be in her shoes as he was indeed the best looking man in the place.

When the loud mouth DJ made it known that Monty was in the house, the crowd went wild like he was some big time celebrity. His kin people started walking up to him, giving him hugs and kisses on his cheek, then guys walked up and gave him dap. Candy started feeling like she was Monty’s wife as all the groupies whispered and stared at her. Some even rolled their eyes, but Candy didn’t care because she was the one on Monty’s arm.

“Baby, you alright?” Monty asked, and then leaned down and kissed her in front of everybody. She began to smile from ear to ear. She was very happy at that point of the night.

“Yes, I’m alright,” Candy replied over the blaring music. “I see Mona and Cat over by the bar. I’m going to go over and chill with them. You just mingle with your friends. I won’t be too far.” Candy kissed Monty on his lips and turned to walk off.

“Alright, don’t let me catch you drinking nothing,” Monty yelled.

“Do I look that crazy?” Candy responded, continuing to head over by the bar.

Trina, the waitress, walked over, handed Monty a bottle of Moet, and he turned it up. He felt good, looked good, and he knew it, so he began to really enjoy himself since he popped an X pill before he picked Candy up and he had already drank two shots of Patron. Melinda spotted Monty and walked over to him. She gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. He smiled as Melinda began to dance up on him.

“I see you brought a date in here with you. Is that your lady?” she asked while continuing to slow grind.

“Yeah, you can say that. So, how about show a little respect and back up a bit,” Monty said. He was still aware of what was going on so he looked around to make sure Candy didn’t see Melinda all up on him.

“I didn’t mean anything by dancing up on you. I just figured she had gone somewhere and sat down.” Melinda backed up. “I’ll let you handle your business, and I’m pretty sure I’ll see you around soon enough.” She walked off and immediately got in some other dude’s face, and then began to pop it on him.

Monty and Rico stood up in the VIP section and looked around at all the people in the club. “Damn, man. This is some party,” Rico said, smiling. “I figured it would be crowded, but this joint is fully packed. You sure your name ain’t Jay Z, man? I would have said Puff Daddy, but you ain’t wearing his gear tonight for a change.” Rico and Monty laughed.

“Naw, man, I’m sure. It is mad thick in here, though. I’m
really enjoying myself,” Monty stated just as Paris approached.

“Well, hey, fellas. What’s happening?” Paris asked, while kissing Rico in the mouth with a long, wet kiss.
“Happy birthday, Monty,” Paris said while hugging Rico around the waist, attempting to try and make Monty just a little jealous.”

It ain’t so happy now.” Monty walked off, leaving Paris and Rico standing there looking crazy. Monty walked around mingling as he was searching for Candy. Then, Symone walked up to him. She was looking real fly in the same orange dress Candy wore on her birthday, and even though she was hot in it, it wasn’t as hot on her as it was on Candy.

“Hey, birthday boy!
What’s up?” Symone asked, and then flashed her pearly whites before hugging Monty.

Damn, she smell good,
Monty thought as he hugged her back. “Thank you,” Monty said as he smiled. “What’s up? I thought you moved away from here. I hadn’t heard from you in a while.”

“Yeah, I have moved away. But, I just came back because I’m here helping my friend get settled in since she just moved to town. It’s my good friend from college. The one I told you about some time ago.”

“Oh, she done moved here already?” Monty asked while slyly combing the crowd for Candy.

She just got here today, and so did I.”

“Oh, is she here? I wanna see her. You know, I just wanna see how she looks.” Monty was still curious to know what the chick was working with.

“Well, she didn’t come because she had so much stuff to unpack, but I promise you’ll be more than satisfied.” Symone began to smile.

“If you say so, then I guess I believe you. What’s her name?”

“You can call her Sunshine. That’s her text messaging signature.” Symone grinned a little bit.

“Oh, so she got it like that, huh? Make a nigga wanna leave his family and shit?” Monty said as he grinned back. Now, he was even more curious to know who the chick was.

“She only knows you by Mo Money because I told her the same thing I’m telling you. Now, if y’all wanna exchange names after y’all meet up, then that’s on y’all. I did my part. I want to see you tonight so bad, and when I heard about your birthday party, I thought we could make that happen. But, I see you brought a date with you. So, I know that ain’t happening. Too bad, because I really did have a special birthday treat for you.”

“Yeah, I bet you did,” Monty replied as he was checking Symone’s fine ass out. “Well, you’re right about tonight. But, if you’re in town long enough, then hit me up later. I’ll check you out then, okay?” Monty began to walk off. “Oh, and have a good time. Everything is free for a change,” Monty sarcastically said before he grinned and walked away.

Monty looked over on the far end of the bar and spotted Candy, who was sitting there with Mona, but already eyeing him like a hawk.
I wonder if she’s been watching me the whole time,
Monty thought as he began to make his way over to her. Monty walked up just as Karen came out of nowhere and seductively whispered in his ear. She didn’t even notice Candy because she was too busy trying to get a word in while Bruce wasn’t around.

“I need to see you ASAP.
Happy birthday, baby.” Karen walked off quickly and Candy began to mean mug Monty.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Candy said to Monty since he acted as if nothing happened. “You mean to tell me she’s just gonna try me like that?” She became upset. “She just acted like I wasn’t even sitting here. I do know that all your skanks saw who you came in here with. Those tramps betta be glad I’m pregnant, or I would really turn your birthday party out.”

“Baby, please, don’t act like that. She was just telling me happy birthday, that’s all.” Monty tried to lighten the situation.

“You’ve been getting a lot of that tonight, haven’t you?” Candy asked. She was being sarcastic, but brushed it off as she remembered Monty was in the club with her, not them.

“Come sit in VIP with me. It’s eleven thirty and the New Year will be in shortly. I would like for you to be out on the floor with me as the ball drops so that I’m holding you close in my arms. Nothing would make me happier than to be holding you as the New Year come in. I just wanna enjoy this moment with you. I’m feeling so good right about now and it would be nice if you felt the same way.” Monty held Candy around the waist.

“I do, and you know I love you. Nothing would make me happier than to be in your arms when your birthday comes in and to be able to kiss those soft lips of yours as the ball drops.” Candy was happy again.

Usher featuring Beyonce,
Love In This Club Part 2
played at the stroke of midnight, and Monty and Candy were in the middle of the dance floor sharing a romantic kiss. Candy held him around his neck while he was palming her ass. They rocked from side to side in a very slow like groove. Everybody screamed and hollered as the drifts of sprinkled confetti fell from the ceiling. Then, every one began to sing
Happy Birthday
over the music. Monty, who was in heaven, held his baby mama close to him. He felt the love from her and from the crowd as well.

Melanie sat back as she looked on the dance floor at Monty while he enjoyed himself with Candy. She hadn’t had the chance to even get close to him because he had been too busy with every other chick and nigga who was up in there. Melanie wished that she could get with Monty tonight, but he was clearly tied up.

Paris pulled Rico out on the floor right next to Candy and Monty as she was still trying to make Monty jealous, but he payed her no attention and continued to hug on his Queen. Mona pulled Ross out on the floor right next to Rico and Paris as she was trying to make Rico jealous, who really wanted to dance with her. Rico stood there watching Mona and Ross. He became very jealous and found himself walking off and dragging Paris by her hand along with him.

Symone left the club early because she knew that she and Monty weren’t going to hook up for the night, while Melinda sat back and waited for a golden opportunity to get Monty off to himself so that she could try to persuade him to leave with her.

And, poor Karen sat next to Bruce wishing that she could be with Monty instead of his big ass, but smiled and played it off as she thought.
I’ma have to hit your fat us up again soon, because I get tired of your big, slow breathing ass on top of me thinking you doing something. If you looked and fucked like Monty, it’d be all good between us. You fat bastard!
She looked over at Big Bruce and slyly rolled her eyes as she turned up her drink.

The party ended around three and everybody left to head toward IHOP. Monty and Candy walked out of the club hand in hand like they were the love birds of the century while Candy enjoyed every moment. She felt like a queen, and Monty was her king. He stopped several times to tell people good night and thank you, but she didn’t mind standing there with her man. She was hoping his pawns were around somewhere hating that they couldn’t be the ones on his arm. She and Monty finally made it to the Tahoe, and he was such a gentleman to open her door for her. Candy smiled as she climbed inside.

“Happy birthday, baby,” Candy said. Monty walked around the front, and then opened up the driver door. Once in, he cranked up the whip and they exited the Touch of Class parking lot.

As Monty drove, he looked over at Candy. “I’m very glad I spent this night with you. You are looking so good. It felt good to know that you were in the party with me.” Monty smiled and held Candy’s hand.

“I gotta tell you that tonight, you really showed me how much you care for me. It has made me the happiest person in the world. I could tell that your pawns are really just that and I’m your one and only queen. If I didn’t know it before, then I know it now. I love you.” Candy seemed sincere.

BOOK: CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk)
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