Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble) (9 page)

BOOK: Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble)
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Moving up behind her, he positioned himself against her slickness and moaned.  "Jesus, you're so wet..." he
said and rocked his hips against her slick folds a few times.  He leaned over her back and spread her legs wider, then licked his way up her back moving his hand between her legs to find her heated core.

"I need to feel you," she begged rotating her hips against his hand.

"I want you to come for me again...for real this time," he said hotly near her ear.

"The last one was real..."
she protested her breath coming in gasps.

"Nah, you didn't scream my name," he said and his laughter vibrated against her back
, as he circled her rhythmically.

The beginnings of another orgasm built inside of her and Jenny sucked in a sharp breath and moved against him faster reaching for the peak just out of her reach.  

Suddenly, every nerve in her body was on fire and waves of pleasure shot from her core throughout her system, drugging her senses.  She bucked back against him, and he inserted one finger inside of her, then added another, stretching her long dormant muscles, and her release took on a new dimension.  Jenny's muscles clutched him and she felt herself falling, then flying toward the abyss of another release.  Before she got there though, he pulled back from her and she moaned in protest.

"Condom," he said then slid out of the bed and picked up his pants.  Quickly, he pulled a foil packet out of his wallet and tossed it onto the bed, then rejoined her and sheathed himself. 

"I want to feel you come around me," he told her in a voice dark with desire.  His hands moved to her cheeks again and he kneaded her.  "Did I mention what a beautiful ass you have.  It really turns me on..."

"Yes, you did--
I need you inside of me,
," she grated impatiently over her shoulder then reached between her legs to touch herself.  Chase positioned himself behind her, then entered her in one smooth stroke, his thigh muscles quivered against the back of hers.

"Lord, have are so tight," he said in a strangled groan.

Jenny clutched the sheet with her fists, trying to breathe and get accustomed to his fullness.  The stretch and pull of her muscles around him was familiar, but forgotten. And he was not a small man.

"Am I hurting you, baby?" he asked with concern and clutched her hips.

"No..." she panted then moved her hips seeking the friction her body wanted, needed.

Chase growled then rocked back
, before shoving back into her body again.  He reached around her and found her core again and circled her until she let out a gurgled moan and felt her inner muscles contract around him. 

"Oh, god...yes...oh," she moaned as waves of pleasure crashed over her again and her body vibrated with her release.  As her tremors eased Chase straightened, but didn't
pull out of her body.

"Okay, more time and this time remember my name," he said gruffly then grabbed her hips and pulled back then slammed into her and she yelled his name hoarsely.

"Oh, god, Chase..." she said as he set up a steady rhythm pounding his body into hers.  He put one calf over hers and changed the angle of entry then shortened his strokes, finding a spot inside of her that sent her dazed mind spiraling toward yet another climax.  Her core throbbed and she felt herself reaching blindly for the next magnificent peak that was just out of her reach.

"That's it, baby..." he praised, then his hands kneaded her ass while he stroked into her.  He reached between them and wet his finger and tapped her anus, before gently inserting the tip.

Jenny splintered into a million pieces, screaming his name at the top of her lungs, as he lengthened his stro
kes before roaring his release.  She collapsed in a heap on the bed, breathing hard and trying to get her dazed brain to work again.  Endorphins flooded through her giving her a euphoria like she'd never felt before.  Three orgasms...unbelievable, she thought, and closed her eyes.

eased down beside her and pulled her into his arms.  He kissed the top of her head, breathing hard.  "That was're amazing," he told her in a rough voice.

Jenny couldn't speak, so she kissed his chest then snuggled her head under his chin and promptly fell asleep.




Meeting Chase Rhodes had to be some karmic reward for good deeds in a past life or something.  It was like she'd hit the lottery and found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow at the same time. 

The man was almost too good to be true, Jenny thought
, as two weeks from the first time she laid eyes on him, she put the last of her belongings into the back of the box-type truck one his hands from a local rig had delivered yesterday.  The guy who dropped it off said she could keep it as long as she needed  it.  It was a spare used to haul tools on a local rig, he said.

Jenny shut the back door of the truck and her stomach fluttered.  Putting her hand there, she admitted she was
both nervous and excited about seeing Chase again when she got to Amarillo.

Since the night they'd had sex
a week ago, and he'd rocked her world to its core, he'd called her almost every day to calm her mind and encourage her.  Hearing his sexy voice every day didn't calm her at all however, it put her mind on other things that kept her from sleeping at night.  Like his body pounding into hers and making her come three times.  Even now, she couldn't believe she'd had sex with him, but she couldn't find it in her to regret it. 

She hadn't intended it, it was probably a mistake, but there was no fixing it now.  The cat was out of the bag, and there was no way to undo what was done

That didn't mean she was going to let it happen again.

The morning after, when she'd woken up wrapped in his arms to that megawatt smile, it had taken everything in her, but she told him what they'd shared was a one time deal, if he wanted her to work for him.  Office romances never worked out nicely, and she couldn't afford to mess things up, before she even started.

Who the hell was she kidding though?  If he pressed her, she
would probably fold like a poker star without a pair.  She wouldn't be able to tell him no, even though it could mess up what promised to be a golden opportunity for her. 

She was weak
where he was concerned...she'd made that same vow before, and look how that had worked out for her.

Jenny shook her head and decided to try, that's all she could promise right now...she had bigger
things to worry about anyway.

in her notice at the hospital hadn't been easy.  The head of the emergency department wasn't happy about it, but he finally accepted her decision.  What choice did he have? 

had burst into tears, both happy and sad, when Jenny told her, but she hadn't told her friend everything.  She hadn't volunteered that not only had she gotten back in the saddle as Terri had put it, but she'd done that with Chase Rhodes, her new boss no less. 

he'd ridden him like he was a prize pony.  Her friend would probably be proud.  Jenny, not so much.  She and Terri had a deal that's what she'd do, but under the circumstances, now that she was going to work for Chase, she wasn't about to tell her friend it had happened.  She wasn't telling anyone.

Yesterday, Friday,
the last day of her notice, she and Terri had a goodbye drink at Charlie's Bar, then Terri spent the night with her and helped her finish packing.  Now that they were done, she imagined her friend would be leaving soon and felt sadness creep into her heart.  Even though she and Terri had only been friends for two years, she would miss her.  Terri was the best friend Jenny had ever had.

They'd stayed up most of the night talking and packing, and b
oth of them were exhausted.  At least they hadn't had to schlep the boxes and her furniture down the stairs to the truck.  Chase had sent some guys from a local drilling rig to load up the truck.  Another show of his thoughtfulness.  She had no idea how she'd have done it otherwise.

Chase was turning out to be very thoughtful in a lot of ways.
  Her heart did a funny little kick in her chest and she rubbed it.

That still didn't
stop the doubts from creeping into her mind unbidden.  She could be sabotaging her whole career, the career she'd spent ten years establishing.  Those thoughts had been trying to take a toehold in her mind, because she hadn't talked to him yesterday at all.

Having a relationship with Chase was
n't the only thing that had her doubting her decision.  The other was moving back to Amarillo.  She'd left her hometown and the drag of her family drama two years ago, and had peace of mind since.  Going back there now, she knew she was going to be sucked into it again, her father's depression, her brother's next get-rich-quick scheme, and her mother's manic fight to save them all.

Not something to look forward to.

If not for the mindboggling offer stipulated on the contract Chase had given her, Jenny was sure she wouldn't have accepted the job. 

After they'd eaten and recovered their sanity that night a week ago, he'd given
her the contract to look over and her eyes
practically bugged out when she saw the six figure salary and all the other perks it contained.  In addition to paying off
of her student loans, it contained a generous housing allowance for the length of her contract. 

And she was being silly for worrying again now.  It was the answer to all of her problems
, she should be thankful and excited.

With a choice between
Amarillo and Africa, there really hadn't been a choice.  Without a second thought, she'd signed the contract, and just like he said, her student loans were paid off the next day.  Jenny felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.

She was the new Vice President of Health and Safety for Rhodes Drilling
and Exploration, reporting directly to Chase Rhodes, and like their sexual encounter there was no going back.  Her decision had been made, and the wheels were in motion.  She just hoped she didn't wind up underneath those wheels.

When the slightly potbellied man who'd managed the crew that helped her load up her stuff spoke, it woke her from her daydream.  "We're done Miss Jenny, anything else you need to load?"

"I think that's got it...thanks, Sam," she told him.

"Anytime, Miss Jenny.  You have a safe trip to
Amarillo, and maybe we'll see you at the site sometime," he told her with a wink.

The other four
rugged-looking, muscle bound men who'd helped circled behind him and smiled at her too.  "I'll definitely make a point to come out to the rig and have lunch with you guys one day.  You don't know how much I appreciate your help."

"It weren't no trouble, ma'am.  You sure you don't need one of us to ride with you and help drive?" Sam asked her and his gray eyebrows drew together.

"Nah, I've got this.  Ya'll have done enough," she told him kindly and glanced up at Terri who was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Okay, we'll be heading back then, you have my number...if you need anything, you just call."

"I'll do that, and thanks again," she said and smiled watching them walk across the lot to the dual cab truck with Rhodes Drilling lettered on the door.  According to her contract, she'd have one of those trucks soon too.  She'd sold her car at a ridiculously low price in the local discount paper to get rid of it quickly.  The college student that bought it had been thrilled, even thought it had spit and sputtered and sounded like a tank when he'd test driven it.

Shading her eyes, Jenny
watched the crew pull out of the entrance to the parking lot and pass a sleek black Mercedes sedan that was pulling in.  It slowly rolled toward her and she tried to see the driver, but the window was tinted.  She was darned curious who it was, because she'd lived here almost two years and could count on one hand the number of luxury cars she'd seen in the lot.

The car swung into an open space and then parked. 
The doors opened and Chase Rhodes folded his tall frame out of the passenger seat, then she saw a slightly shorter, but no less good looking, dark haired guy get out of the driver's side. Both had on dark aviator sunglasses and looked mysterious...delicious. 

's heart mule-kicked against her ribs as she smiled and waved at Chase.  That killer smile of his about blinded her in the sunlight.  She hadn't seen him in a week and her eyes reacquainted themselves with his perfect body outlined by the well-worn low rider jeans and tight fitting black t-shirt framing it.  Yeah, the next couple of weeks were going to be a challenge, she thought and swallowed down the lust that sent tingles dancing across her body.  Living at the Rhodes mansion while she looked for a place of her own, probably wasn't the best idea in the world.

When he got close enough, he
pushed his sunglasses up on his head then pulled her to him and hugged her tightly.  With a kiss to the top of her hair, he mumbled, "You are a sight for sore eyes, sugar."

Jenny's nose was against his shirt and she inhaled deeply of his intoxicating scent.  Her head swam and her palms itched to run over his chest, she licked her lips to stop the tingling there.  God, she needed to get a grip on herself, she wasn't a teenager, she could corral these hormonal urges. 
Putting her hands on his chest, Jenny pushed back then smiled up at him.  "So, are you...what are you doing here?  I thought you had a meeting?"

"I did, but it got finish
ed early.  It was in Dallas, so Joel picked me up and we're riding back to Amarillo with you to help you get settled."

Jenny swallowed, then asked
with a squeak, "You're riding with me?"  Although she loved talking to him, Chase was a great conversationalist, being locked up in a truck cab with him for four or five hours would be sheer torture on a physical level.  The more space she could put between them for the next couple of weeks, the better.

"I'm riding with you, Joel is following in his car."  Chase stepped back from her and slapped the dark-haired guy
beside him on the shoulder.  "Jenny this is my baby brother, Joel.  Joel, this is the prettiest doctor in Texas, and our new V.P. of Health and Safety, Jenny Anderson.

"Nice to meet you, Jenny," Chase's brother
said, then stuck out his hand to her.  Jenny noticed that although his words were genial, his lips were pinched and his jaw tense.

She thought Chase might have strong-armed him into helping her, and she wanted to let him off the hook.  "It's nice to meet you too, don't have to come with us to
Amarillo if you've got other plans."

"He's coming," Chase told her firmly, his smile flattening as he looked at his brother.

"Really, it's not necessary," Jenny protested and shot Chase a look, then dropped Joel's hand and stepped back.

"I don't mind helping," Joel said and folded his arms across his broad chest.  His shoulders were wider than Chase's she noticed, his muscles bulkier.  She wondered what color his eyes were, they were
still hidden by the mirrored sunglasses.  Her eyes slid to his hands and she noticed a pale white line on the ring finger of his left hand. 

Ut oh,
Jenny thought, Chase had said Joel was 'happily' married, but the absence of his wedding ring didn't bode well for the state of that union.  That could explain why he seemed agitated, and why Chase seemed so determined that he was going to Amarillo with them.  Getting in the middle of their family drama wasn't something she was looking forward to.  She knew she was going to have enough of her own once she got to Amarillo.

"The guys get you packed up okay?" Chase asked her and took her arm then started walking toward the stairs. 

"Yeah, they did...a lot...thanks for sending them to help," she told him and squeezed his forearm.  Chase looked up and Jenny saw Terri wave at him.  When he smiled
smile at her, tension sparked inside of Jenny and she pulled her arm from his grasp. 

It was easy to forget this
good looking, easy going man was a player, but she needed to remember, because a broken heart was the last thing she needed to start off her new life with. 

Getting attached to Chase Rhodes and making a fool of herself would be too easy to do too.  She'd done that once with the wrong man, and she wasn't doing it again.  Jenny was smarter than that now.

She walked up the steps in front of him and brushed by Terri to go into her now empty apartment.  Jenny walked to her bedroom to check the closet one more time and make sure she didn't leave anything behind.  The room looked lonely with no furniture in it, and she imagined her formerly packed walk-in closet would look the same. 

Feeling around
on the wall in the closet, she finally found the light switch then flicked it on, or tried to.  It looked like the guys had been super efficient and had even removed the light bulb.  She glanced back over her shoulder to see if they'd removed the one from the bedroom fixture too, and her eyes landed on Chase standing in the doorway instead.

"Just checking the closet to make sure I didn't forget anything," she told him nervously.  His face was serious, not full of the laughter and playfulness it usually held.

"You did forget something," he said in that sexy rumbling voice of his and took a step inside.

BOOK: Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble)
10.23Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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