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Authors: Katie Allen

Chasing Her Tail (20 page)

BOOK: Chasing Her Tail
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“If you weren’t such a tiny person, we wouldn’t have to keep tossing you around like a football,” Micah informed her, soaping her back.

“Sure, blame the victim,” she teased. “Hand me some of that soap, would you?

Might as well do some cleaning while I’m up here.” She rubbed the top of Hammer’s shiny head. “I can see all the cobwebs from this position.”

“Hey!” he protested, laughing as his soapy hands slid around to cup her ass.

Pressing his chest against her back, Micah reached around to play with her breasts, catching her nipples in slippery fingers. All thoughts of washing or making any more smart remarks completely disappeared from Bridget’s mind. Leaning back against Micah, she reveled in having four big male hands sliding over her body.

“I want to be inside you,” Micah growled in her ear, his voice rough. “I think bath time’s over.”

Both men went into efficiency mode, washing and rinsing all three of them in record time. Although Bridget missed the leisurely and soapy exploration they’d started in the shower, her adrenaline ramped up as she thought of what was to come. As she toweled off, her anticipation built until the brush of the towel across her over-stimulated nipples was almost painful.

Glancing up, she saw that both men were watching her, wearing almost identical predatory expressions. Feeling like a rabbit being stalked by two wolves, she took a couple steps backward toward the door and darted out, dashing into the bedroom.

Hammer caught her and tossed her onto the bed. Right behind him was Micah, who straddled her before she could roll away. After tossing Micah one of the condoms he’d brought up, Hammer rolled one on his own erection.

“Here.” Micah handed his unwrapped condom to Bridget. Touching him more than was really necessary, she eased it over his cock, enjoying the small groan that Micah couldn’t restrain. Hammer caught her wrists and pulled them over her head, holding 104


them there with one hand as he kneeled by her side. Leaning over, he kissed her as the fingers of his free hand played with one of her nipples.

Nipping at her lips, he demanded entrance and she allowed him in, loving how his mouth ravaged hers, how Hammer kissed her as if he was starving for the taste of her.

His hand on her breast plucked at her nipple, his fingers just rough enough to shoot threads of pleasure through her chest down to her pussy.

Her hips bucked impatiently beneath Micah, wanting more. He held her down easily but that just increased her hunger, her desperate need to be filled.

“Wild thing,” he growled, stretching full-length over her, pressing her body into the mattress. She loved that, being restrained, held down by two men. Micah licked her throat, traced her collarbone with his lips. He kissed and nibbled his way down to her breast, stroking the underside with his tongue and making Bridget gasp and arch into the touch.

He drew a twisting spiral toward her nipple with his tongue and Hammer’s mouth joined his there. Bridget cried out at the dual attack on her breast as Hammer continued working her other nipple with his fingers, pinching and pulling as his tongue tangled with Micah’s.

Micah gave a final suctioning pull and then moved to her other breast, sucking and licking her nipple and Hammer’s fingers indiscriminately. Closing his teeth lightly, Micah scored the swollen nub, sending Bridget almost twisting off the bed.

As Hammer teased Bridget’s earlobe with his tongue, Micah worked his hips between her thighs, the head of his cock nudging her pussy. She raised and spread her knees, opening herself to him, and Micah took the invitation. He plunged into the heat and wetness of her body, filling her in one thrust. Crying out in relief and ecstasy, Bridget gripped his hips with her thighs, her hands twisting in Hammer’s hold, more for the pleasure of the restraint than any desire to be set free.

Instead of thrusting, Micah grunted, “Turning,” at Hammer, who released his grip.

Micah rolled them, reversing their positions so Bridget was on top, still impaled by his cock. She tried to sit up, to raise and lower herself on him and create that wonderful friction she craved, but Micah held her still.

When she felt Hammer’s hands on her ass, Bridget knew what was about to happen and apprehension filled her. She’d never had a cock in her ass, much less at the same time her pussy was stuffed full.

“Shh,” Micah soothed. He must have felt her tense, because his hands smoothed over her back as if to calm her. “It’ll be fine.”

“We’ll go slowly,” Hammer promised, brushing her tight back entrance with a cool, lube-slick finger. He took his time, circling her hole and then dropping to where Micah’s cock stretched her pussy. As Hammer traced where their bodies met, Micah swore.

“You’re not helping,” Micah growled at Hammer, who huffed a laugh. “I’m already dying here, holding still when she’s so fucking tight.”


Katie Allen

Bridget could feel the sweat on Micah. Ducking her head, she licked the dent above his breastbone and felt his breath shudder out of him.

“Now you’re both ganging up on me,” Micah rasped. “Just remember—revenge is a bitch!”

Bridget laughed, abruptly stopping on a gasp when Hammer slid a thick finger into her ass. “Cheater,” she accused him, her body tightening around the intruder. She must have squeezed Micah as well, because when he swore again it was almost a sob.

“You don’t like it?” Hammer drew his finger out and plunged it in again, twisting as he penetrated. “Well?” he asked when she didn’t answer. He began to pull it out again and she clamped around it.

“No!” she cried. “I mean yes! Please, I like it.”

To her relief, he immediately pushed inside her again, adding a second finger.

Bridget caught her breath. The edge of dark pleasure was back and his fingers were suddenly not enough.

“Please,” she begged as he drove his fingers into her.

“Please what?”

“I need you inside me,” she told him.

“I am inside you,” Hammer said, twisting his fingers as he thrust and making her cry out at the lurch of pleasure.

“Please,” she whimpered, desire driving her past pride. “Please fuck my ass.”

Micah groaned. “Do it, you teasing fucker!” Bridget felt better when she heard the desperation in his voice—she wasn’t the only one on the edge.

“I’d be happy to.” Even Hammer’s habitually calm voice was strained and Bridget felt a tremor run through the hand that gripped her hip. If she hadn’t been so desperate, she would have smiled. He wasn’t as in control as he pretended to be.

Then his fingers pulled free and the head of his erection was demanding entrance and all rational thoughts were erased from Bridget’s brain. The tip of his cock slipped into her, feeling incredibly huge despite the generous amount of lube he’d worked into her ass.

Pulling her head down to his, Micah kissed her, distracting her with his lips and tongue. Bridget nipped his lip, not wanting to be distracted. She wanted all her attention on what was happening, on the burning stretch of her rear entrance as Hammer pushed inside her, filling her fuller than she’d thought possible. The heat of pain melted into the most intense pleasure she’d ever felt and she cried out into Micah’s mouth.

“Okay?” he asked. She opened her eyes and, seeing his concerned face, felt a twinge of guilt at biting him.

“Better than okay,” she gasped, as Hammer drove his cock in to the hilt. He rested some of his weight on her back as he leaned in to kiss her shoulder. With a shiver, she clenched around both cocks, drawing groans from the men. “This feels…amazing.”



It was true. Every other sexual experience paled in comparison to this double invasion. She was pinned between them, jammed full of hard, thick cocks—it was heaven. Hammer slowly drew out and then slid back in, rubbing against Micah’s cock the entire way, with just a thin barrier between them.

The two men found a rhythm, pulling her up and pushing her back down, sliding out and then ramming home again, battering her between them. Bridget couldn’t do anything except go with the motion, loving every stroke even more because of how helpless she felt, trapped between these huge, aroused men.

They were moving faster now, pounding into her from both sides. Bridget was caught, thrown higher and higher, pummeled by thrusts that grew rougher and wilder until she screamed her release, her entire body drawn tight as her orgasm crashed over her.

Colors exploded behind her eyelids as her body shuddered, overloaded with pleasure. Reaching behind her, she gripped Hammer’s hip, pulling him tight against her as her other hand scrabbled to grip Micah’s arm. She needed to anchor herself before she flew off the bed in a thousand multicolored bits.

She was vaguely aware of the men coming shortly after she did. Limp and boneless, her brain wiped clear of everything except the leftover fizzles of pleasure, she felt a slight disappointment that they couldn’t be bare inside her, filling her front and back with hot jets of cum.

Hammer pulled free of her ass, setting off another rush of sensation and making her shiver with pleasure. He lifted her free of Micah and she sighed as he slid from her body, leaving her empty. Tucking her back against his chest, Hammer settled them both on their sides and curled his body around her, surrounding her with warmth.

Micah turned to face them, leaning in to kiss first her and then Hammer.

“Thank you,” he said quietly, before slipping off the bed and heading for the bathroom.

Hammer’s arm tightened around her waist. “You running off again?” he asked. She shivered as his warm breath brushed across her ear.

She shrugged.

With a sigh, he gave her another squeeze and then released her. “I figured.”

Bridget bit her lip as she slid off the bed and stood, pausing when Hammer spoke again.

“If you ever want to have a normal date—you know, knock on the door, wear clothes, grab a bite, that sort of thing—just let me know. It might be kind of nice. You can even bring your cute boyfriend along, if you’d like.”

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw he’d propped himself up on his elbow and he was smiling his usual crooked grin. For some reason, the sight made tears pop into her eyes. Turning her head quickly so he wouldn’t see that she was about to cry, she gave an awkward nod and hurried toward the bathroom.


Katie Allen

She knocked before opening the door but Micah had already gone, having slipped through the other door into the hallway. As she stepped into the bathroom, Bridget’s foot bumped something. Glancing down, she saw it was her collar. She picked it up and buckled it around her neck, trying very hard not to bawl her eyes out.

Hammer found her downstairs ten minutes later, gazing out the living room window.

“There you are,” he said. Walking over to stand next to her, he reached down to scratch her ears. “I wondered where you’d wandered off to.”

They both stared into the night for a few moments.

“Did she go out there stark naked or did she have clothes stashed in the bushes?”

he asked. Bridget didn’t answer but leaned against his leg, tilting her head so he would get the itchy spot.

“At least they didn’t take my wallet,” he sighed, moving over to close the vertical blinds. “Or the TV.”

Bridget looked at him sideways, insulted.

“I don’t know what those two are up to but I wish they’d just tell me.”

I wish you’d believe me if I did tell you.

Hammer headed for the stairs. “Come to bed, sweet pea,” he said over his shoulder.

“I don’t feel like sleeping alone tonight.”

Bridget watched him climb the stairs, wishing that things weren’t quite so complicated. With a sigh, she followed him up to bed.



Chapter Ten

Hammer had just swung the car door shut when a dark blue SUV pulled up next to them and Mac hopped out of the front seat.

“Hammer! Hang on a sec,” she called.

He waited for her to circle around the front of her vehicle. “What’s up, Mac?”

“I ran those prints you gave me.”

Hammer’s eyebrows shot up. “Already?”

“Slow crime day, what can I say. So most of them were you of course, there were a couple that didn’t match anyone in the system, then there was a realtor, Maggie Braiser, who’d had a DUI ten years or so ago—I assume she was involved in the sale of your house?”

He nodded. “Maggie had a DUI? Huh.”

“And then there was another woman, Bridget Grace. She’d been fingerprinted four years ago for her public school pre-employment screening. She’s a teacher at Roosevelt Elementary. First grade.”

“Bridget?” Hammer repeated.

In all the excitement, she’d forgotten about the whole fingerprint deal.

“That’s her. She mentioned something about a kid in her class. What’s a first-grade teacher doing in my house in the middle of the night?”

Mac shook her head. “That’s not the most interesting part. We set off a bunch of red flags by running her print. Apparently this woman’s been reported missing. Walked out of an emergency room without being treated, dropped her purse and all her clothes in the parking lot, left her car and hasn’t been seen since.”

I have to call Jodi, let her know I’m okay
, Bridget thought, guilt swamping her. She hadn’t even considered how her friends would be feeling when she disappeared.

“What the hell?” Hammer rubbed his head, staring at Mac. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“Don’t look at me—I know less than you do. All the contact info for the Missing Persons guy is in here. I told him you’d call.” She handed him a large manila envelope and moved back to her driver’s side door. “Let me know what happens.”

“Thanks, Mac,” Hammer told her, frowning as he watched her back out of her spot and drive away. He looked at Bridget, who was doing her best not to look incredibly guilty. “What the
is going on?”


Katie Allen

Hammer parallel parked on the side of the road a few blocks down from Bart Carlson’s gym and lowered his and Bridget’s windows to the halfway point.

BOOK: Chasing Her Tail
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