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Authors: Tara Quan

Catching Red (20 page)

BOOK: Catching Red
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He lifted his gaze to the ceiling. Distracting her when she was fixated on something took far too much effort. “Trust me. I made the inference. So have a number of other very important people. We’ll figure out what happened—just not right this instant.”

He spanned her lower back and pressed her into his body.

She narrowed her eyes. “Marcus—”

“Hush. I’m done talking.” His lips closed over hers. He heard a soft moan as her hands flattened on his chest. When he delved his tongue into her, she immediately reciprocated.

He tipped her head back, forcing her to accept a deeper exploration. Her spine arched as she leaned into his hold. Her hands fisted over his shirt.

When he broke the kiss, her lids fluttered open. She had to take several deep breaths before she managed to speak. “There are things I need to talk to you about. The other members of the WITCH—”

Before she could finish, he slid his hands under her sweatshirt. When his palms touched silky skin, he felt her shiver. “I’m working on getting your friends released. It won’t happen overnight, but I promise you they’ll soon be free. Now keep quiet. I won’t answer any more questions until I’m done with you.”

He pulled the thick garment over her head. What he saw took his breath away. Her pert breasts were showcased in crimson lace. Lifted and pressed together, the small globes were too tempting to resist. He lowered his head and pressed his teeth over one creamy swell and sucked.

After leaving a mark to match her underwear, he took a step back. He had always wondered what she would look like in a bra. Now he knew. “Where the hell did you get that?”

She shifted on her feet as a blush stained her neck and cheeks. “I received it along with the rest of my clothes. Am I not wearing it correctly?”

Swallowing became arduous. “No…I…” He took a deep breath before he could manage a response. “You look perfect.”

She turned her face to the side and examined the carpet. “I shouldn’t feel happy. So many things are unsettled. I should be worried. I should be furious at you—”

Marcus heaved a sigh. Enough was enough. A single step brought him within an inch of her. He captured her chin and narrowed his eyes. “Stop thinking. There’s a system in place. With time, the issue will sort itself out. Your family is safe. Your friends are safe. There’s nothing we can do and nowhere else we need to be at this precise moment.”

When she continued to appear unconvinced, he decided to change tactics. Hooking his thumbs on her waistband, he yanked her sweatpants down. Her surprised yelp barely registered as his gaze fixed on the matching red panties. She looked good enough to eat. He intended to do exactly that.

He grabbed her hips and lifted her out of the tangled clothing. He set her down and fell to his knees. Choosing not to dispense with the scrap of lace just yet, he closed his teeth over the satiny waistband. He pulled it down just enough to expose the top of her slit. Searching the neat folds with his tongue, he found what he wanted and circled.

She shuddered. Her hips shifted in a feeble attempt to escape the stimulation. His hands kept her in place. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“What are—”

He drew the swelling bundle of nerves past his teeth and sucked. Her words ceased. The room was drowned in silence but for her harsh echoing breaths. Her hands fell to his shoulders moments before her knees buckled.

Her weight was so slight it didn’t strain his arms to steady her. He continued his torment until her panties grew damp. The scent of feminine arousal surrounded him. Her cries were tantalizing tendrils of seduction. Her helpless moans fueled his hunger.

Knowing his control could only be tested so far, he inserted one hand between her thighs and shifted the protective cloth to the side. He heard a startled cry as he inserted a finger into her.

He continued to flick his tongue over her clit as he drove in and out of her slick sheath. Before long, her entire body shook. “Marcus, I’m about to—”

He savored her muffled keen as her inner muscles pulsed over his fingers. Not allowing her time to recover, he rose to his feet. He wiped his mouth before catching her nape with both hands and angling her head back. He captured her lips. Instinct took over. As he bit, sucked, and devoured, he lowered one hand and yanked down her panties. The lacy fabric whispered to the floor without protest.

He placed his palms on her bared buttocks and dug his fingers into her firm flesh. As he bent his elbows and lifted, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her legs parted to circle his torso. He pinned her to the wall before closing his mouth over hers once more. As their tongues tangled, he pressed into her. Though his clothing still separated them, she shuddered at the contact.

He relinquished her lips and watched. A sheen of sweat coated her near translucent skin. Her lids were heavy; her eyes shone. Knowing he could push her over the edge once more, he ground his erection between her parted thighs. Her head fell back against the wall. He didn’t stop until he sensed her pleasure crest.

Her body turning limp, she rested her head against his chest. Her cheeks were pink from exertion. Her breasts rose and fell with each harsh breath. Her eyelids fluttered closed.

But he was far from done.

He lowered his head and closed his mouth over her nipple. The lacy fabric offered little protection. She whimpered as his teeth scraped over the swollen nub. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. He braced her weight with a single hand, freeing the other to close over her neglected breast. He molded the firm mound as he continued to suckle her.

She writhed. Her fingertips raked his shoulder blades. Her hips lifted to meet his arousal, tempting him to take more. “Marcus…please…”

He lifted his head. Their gazes locked. He reached between their bodies and unbuckled his belt.

Her lips parted, but no words came out.

He pulled down his zipper. As soon as he freed his erection, he returned his hand to her butt. His own labored breaths truncated his next words. “Try to relax. I’ve got you.”

Her eyes widened. Her teeth clamped down on her lower lip. But she unclasped her legs and allowed him to support her full weight. He drew back slightly and positioned her to accept the full impact of his thrust. A drop of sweat traveled down his spine.

He brushed the head of his shaft over her opening, coating the tip. She moaned. Her eyes rolled back, her lashes fluttering like moth wings. He had made her come twice on purpose. She was now so sensitized pleasure would overcome any discomfort.

His restraint was at a tipping point. The moment he penetrated her, his control would go up in smoke.

“Marcus—” Her voice was barely audible through the pounding in his ears.

He managed a monosyllabic reply. “What?”

“Stop teasing me and finish this.”

Even as his entire body tensed in anticipation, he laughed. Despite being pinned against the wall—helpless and at his mercy—Red still made demands. No matter what happened, she would keep his life interesting.

“Ask me nicely.” He pushed halfway into her. “I can draw this out for hours.” It was a threat he had no hope of carrying through.

He pulled out and eased into her inch by torturous inch, stopping long before she was completely impaled. She shifted her hips to meet him. He tightened his grip and held her captive. For a few more seconds, he would call the shots.

Her brows furrowed. She made a frustrated sound. “I can’t take much more.”

He thrust forward—deep enough to elicit a surprised gasp. “Is this what you want?”

She nodded.

“Then say it,” he rasped against her ear. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you…Hard and fast…Please…”

His hips jackhammered. His vocabulary devolved into harsh growls. Her small body was soft, tight, and perfect. Her breasts flattened against his chest. Her arms tensed around his nape. With each breath, his lungs filled with the scent of sweat and arousal.

Her pupils dilated—the dark center eclipsing the ring of green. He quickened his thrusts, hitting her deeper with each impact. Soft high-pitched cries urged him to fill her. His entire body strained with pent-up desire. The reins slipped just before her back arched and her eyes snapped shut. A moment later, he felt her inner muscles milking his shaft.

No longer held back by the need to give her release, the burning coil of possession drew taut before bursting into flames. All thought ceased. His only awareness was the woman in his arms. His shouts joined her shallow pants as instinct took over and hurled them into the abyss.


Scarlet locked gazes with the woman behind the glass. The dark gray jumpsuit did little to diminish her grandmother’s commanding presence. Eleanor was born with the innate ability to inspire loyalty. For five decades her gift had kept hundreds safe and alive.

Eleanor pressed a button on her shirt collar. Hearing a crackle through her earpiece, Scarlet mirrored the motion and activated her microphone. She had no doubt someone was listening. The entire conversation would be recorded and analyzed. This city had its drawbacks.

“I never expected to see you again.” Her grandmother’s gentle voice coiled around Scarlet’s heart and squeezed. Knowing she was being manipulated did little to diminish its effect. “It seems you convinced these men to let you go. I wonder what was sacrificed to earn your freedom?”

Scarlet sighed. “I’m free because I’m not a threat. The same can’t be said of you.”

Eleanor lifted a snowy eyebrow. “Are you trying to convince me you didn’t spread your legs for these men—that your betrayal didn’t destroy everything I’d built?”

Scarlet touched the rose gold band on her left ring finger. Her lips parted to present a defense, but she stopped herself. She didn’t owe this woman an explanation. “My personal life is none of you business. You asked to see me. I’m here. What do you want?”

“Information.” Eleanor smoothed her hair. “For one, I’ve confirmed you’re no longer a virgin. Don’t look so outraged. You’re not the first woman to debase herself in order to survive. Your choice doesn’t surprise me.”

Taking a deep breath, Scarlet waited in silence. Sometimes, the best way forward was to do nothing at all.

Eleanor’s eyes narrowed. Her lips firmed into a thin line. “I’m curious about the fate of all my followers. These men have told me nothing. You’ve whored your way into their good graces. Tell me what’s been done.”

Scarlet couldn’t dispel the shadow of guilt her grandmother’s words triggered. Change had come with a cost, and the final tally wasn’t yet complete. “The children taken from this city were reunited with their families. Most adult members were given the option to stay or leave.”

Her grandmother’s manic laughter made the earpiece screech. Scarlet winced but didn’t pull it out. If Marcus was listening in, staying much longer would end in a fight. He hadn’t wanted her to come at all.

Eleanor composed herself. “Most adult members—but not all of them?”

Scarlet sighed. “I’ve been told further interrogation was required of a select few. Mar—The city officials assured me they’re safe. I just haven’t been permitted to see them.”

Eleanor shook her head. “How can you believe these monsters? Chances are they’re dead.”

Scarlet bit her tongue. There was no point explaining the concept of trust. She decided instead to focus on the positive. “Most younger members, including Angie and Michelle, chose to build a life here. Mother, along with some of the older women, has returned to the fort.”

Eleanor raised her eyebrows. “How do you even know the members who left are back in the woods? It’s impossible to sustain a settlement without enough people. I know this better than anyone. Your mother may still be imprisoned in this very building.”

The insidious suggestion fell on deaf ears. Scarlet had just returned from the outpost that was once the WITCH. “I’ve seen them there. Mother is happy. They’re all happy. You needed large numbers because you wanted it to be self-sustainable. By trading with the city, they can thrive with far fewer members.”

Tiring of the conversation, Scarlet stood. “I’ll visit you later, Grandmother. Maybe next time, you won’t try so hard to make me miserable.”

She struggled to collect her thoughts as her footsteps echoed through the hallway. Part of her had hoped Eleanor would change—that separating her grandmother from power would somehow awaken a side of her Scarlet had glimpsed when she was young. The hope was fading, but it wasn’t yet gone.

Straightening her shoulders, she walked through the sliding glass doors. Marcus was waiting for her outside. They were going to meet Angie and Michelle for dinner. She couldn’t imagine a better end to her day.

The End

Publisher’s Note

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About Tara Quan

Globetrotter, lover of languages, and romance author, Tara Quan has an addiction for crafting tales with a pinch of spice and a smidgen of kink. Inspired by her travels, Tara enjoys tossing her kick-ass heroines and alpha males into exotic contemporary locales, fantasy worlds, and post-apocalyptic futures. Armed with magical powers or conventional weapons, her characters are guaranteed a suspenseful and sensual ride, as well as their own happily ever after.


BOOK: Catching Red
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