Read Cat Got Your Tongue? Online

Authors: Rae Rivers

Tags: #cat burgler, #art thieves, #security expert, #billionaire, #murder, #heist

Cat Got Your Tongue? (5 page)

BOOK: Cat Got Your Tongue?
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“Every time.” Still smiling, she settled back in her seat. “Now, Cole, what do you need from me?”

Chapter Four

Alex’s research had prepared her for the handsome, confident, and professional billionaire dressed in a dark blue Armani suit. What her research hadn’t prepared her for was how much she’d like him.

His cell phone rang, a ringtone he clearly recognized. “Excuse me for a moment.” He smiled as he answered. “Yes, we’re still on for next weekend.” He chuckled into the phone. “I promise I won’t let you down and pizza’s good.” He paused, listening. “Okay, then. I’ll see you next Friday.”

A woman?

An unfamiliar pang of envy trickled through Alex, but she was quick to dismiss it. His features had softened and he was talking with such gentleness and ease, somewhat out of the character as the media portrayed him. Articles and news broadcasts of the billionaire had always reported how wealthy and powerful he was, ruthless in his pursuit of becoming the most successful businessman possible.

When he hung up the phone, she glanced his way. “I wouldn’t have thought that you like pizza.”

“Pizza’s great.”

“So where do you go for a good pizza around here?” She knew where she went, but was curious as to where he went.

“My sister,” he replied, shooting her a grin. “They have a garden with a pizza oven and most Friday nights they have a pizza night.”

His sister.

“Sounds like fun.” So normal, so unlike anything she’d ever known when growing up. No, she’d spent her Friday nights worrying about where her mother was. “Does your sister have children?”

“She’s just had her fourth baby a couple of weeks back.”

“Do you visit them often?”

“As much as I can. I don’t often have free time.”


“Mostly. She’s normally quite patient with me but if I leave it too long between visits, she’s quick to rap me across the knuckles.”

“Well, it’s nice to know a billionaire that’s not all about the money.”

He gave her a slow, steady smile and pinned her with a heated look that made her want to squirm. “Oh, trust me,” he murmured, not taking his eyes off her. “I have a lot more to offer than just money.”

She hadn’t doubted it for a second.

“I’m sure you have,” she answered with a grin, not giving any hint of the fact that her heart had just skipped a beat in her chest. Damn, did the man have to be so sexy? “Wow, four kids. Must be hectic. And scary.”

He chuckled. “I spent four days with them at their holiday home at Palm Beach last month with either baby barf on my shirt or pancakes in my hair.”

“Somehow I can’t imagine you with baby barf dripping down your back.”

“Neither could I.”

Alex smiled at the image. “You don’t have kids?” She already knew the answer, as the tabloids would have mentioned it.

“No. And you? Do you have children?”

Hell, no. “No.”

“A husband?”

“No.” The way he was looking at her made her uncomfortable—as though he’d sensed he’d touched a raw nerve.

“Why not?”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “Can you imagine having a husband and a child in my line of work? I’m damn good at juggling, but I doubt I’d manage that. It would be a toss-up of kicking someone’s ass, protecting someone’s ass, or wiping someone’s ass.”

Cole laughed. “True. And I doubt there are many men out there that would be comfortable with your chosen profession.”

“No.” All her previous relationships had ended in disaster because of that very reason. “Most of the men I’ve known have found it fascinating to begin with, but soon got tired of my late nights and my travelling—and not to mention the occasional black eye, bleeding wound, or broken bone.” She grinned. “That kind of puts a huge damper on sex, you know.”

“I imagine it would,” he said softly. His eyes had grown a shade darker and he studied her in silence from his side of the desk.

Alex gave a silent groan and wished she could retract her last comment.

“What did you think of last night’s auction?”

She grinned, grateful for the reprieve. “It was fantastic. I love it when Christie’s or Sotheby’s have an auction night. It’s fascinating. Your Renoir caused quite a stir last night.”

“Yes, it did. At the auction and after.”

“So I heard.”

“What have you heard?”

“What was on the news. That you woke in the early hours of the morning to find a cat burglar after your Renoir.”

“There were two burglars in fact,” he murmured and Alex had to use every bit of willpower she owned not to flinch at the venom in his tone. “But yes, that’s pretty much it, although it felt far worse when it was happening in reality.”

“I’m sure it did. Gunfire is never pleasant whether it’s from the good guys or the bad guys. Why did you take the Renoir home with you last night and not have Christie’s deliver it for you?”

Cole shrugged. “Because I could. It fit in the limo and I was reluctant to let it out of my sight after having just spent a fortune on it.”

“I heard on the news that the painting was in the library.” She didn’t dare tell him she’d heard him instruct his driver and butler where to set the painting.

“Yes. Warren and Charles carried it in for me.”

She hesitated, choosing her questions with care. She needed clarification on how much he knew about the robbery last night and mainly, what he knew about her presence there. Having a mother as an art thief and then placing herself in the middle of a heist made her look guilty. She’d gone into his townhouse without thinking it through, but her instincts had ruled her and had been spot on. Had she not shoved Cole out of the way when she had, he’d be the one with the gunshot wound, not her. The fact that he’d mistaken her for another cat simply annoyed her.

“Why the library?” she asked.

“The Renoir was placed under a Monet painting hanging on the wall which is covered with motion sensors and an alarm. I wanted the Renoir under the same protection until it could be relocated to its own location.”

It made sense. A true collector wouldn’t buy an extraordinary and valuable painting and leave it unprotected, not even for a minute. “What happened next?”

“We locked up and went to bed. Next thing I knew, there were two cat burglars in my house trying to steal the painting.”

Alex forced herself not to cringe. She wasn’t a cat burglar. She motioned to his head. “You were hurt.”

“Just a scratch from the scuffle with each cat.”

“And you didn’t get a good look at them?”

“No. It was too dark. The first attack was in the library and we fought for the gun. The second attack was from the side and caught me by complete surprise.”

Second attack? That would have been where she’d come in. Oops.

“I know the first cat was male because his build was bigger and his voice was definitely male. The second cat seemed smaller, unsure.”

Alex swallowed. “Was the Renoir damaged?”

“No. The cat was a professional and knew its value. Even while waving a gun at me he still handled the painting with great care.”

“For eighteen million dollars, his cut would be high,” Alex replied. “You do realize he’ll be back for it, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Cole’s blue eyes darkened and he frowned at the thought. “And that’s where your company comes in. I’m in the process of working on some high profile deals at the moment. You know my background and you know the kind of attention I attract. I have the necessary security in place in all of my homes and hotels. I haven’t needed any personal protection—until now.”

“Why is that?”

“I’m not a paranoid man, but lately I’ve been feeling a little more jumpy. Strange things have been happening. Last night’s episode is an example. I’ve also had the feeling that someone’s watching me. I know it sounds crazy and I have no proof but it’s a hunch.”

Alex knew all about hunches and when to trust one. “What exactly is it you need from me?”

Cole didn’t answer immediately. “I need someone to take over my security for me. I don’t have time to deal with alarm companies, my security guards, and upgrades to my security systems—that sort of thing. But most importantly, I need someone to accompany me to public events and act as a buffer between me and the press as well as the general public.” His eyes narrowed. “I’m not the most patient of people when I have reporters flinging themselves at me when I’m out. I cannot fob them off and I can’t be rude to them either. That’s where you’d come in.”

“I’d be the one telling them to back off?”

“With a lot more tact than what I’d use. I’d also like the bodyguard to move into the townhouse with me for a while and accompany me on business trips if need be.”

He was anticipating her reaction and she made sure not to flinch. The request wasn’t unfamiliar to her, as she’d often performed similar duties in the past with her clients.

“You do realize the cost will almost triple if I have to move in with you?” she cautioned. The idea of living in such close proximity with this sexy man sent her stomach into a knot.

He grinned. “I can afford you.”

Just the way he said it made Alex’s heartbeat quicken. She found him attractive, his grin so damn sexy that it bordered on the verge of lethal.

Blue eyes met darker ones.

“Okay,” she finally said. “I’ll have my office draw up a proposal for you and have it sent to your office in the morning. In order to determine your security needs, I’ll need to do a full assessment of you, your contacts, and your environment.”

“Fine. In the meantime, can I interest you in lunch?” His voice was lighter, his mood easing.

Alex checked her watch. It was late, and she had heaps of admin waiting for her at the office, but she was reluctant for the afternoon to end. “Don’t you have work to do?”

“I’m the boss. I work when I want to.”

She smiled at him. “Cool.”

Chapter Five

Tuesday afternoon

Alex should have known that a run in with Vera was imminent. After all, the crazy woman had been quiet for far too long. She might have been more prepared for it when she pulled up outside Max’s office, had her mind not been on Cole. They’d only left the restaurant he’d chosen for lunch around six yesterday, and she was due to meet him again at his townhouse later that evening.

The thought sent a shiver of anticipation through her and she was quick to scold herself.

Cole was a potential client and she was being very unprofessional. The inappropriate thoughts that had plagued her all night had been unsettling. The image of that gorgeous face, hot body, and sexy grin was so vivid in her mind that she was having a hard time keeping herself in check.

She also had to keep reminding herself about the issue of her being in his house with a cat burglar. At some point, she’d have to explain to Cole what had happened but she pushed the thought out of her mind, delaying the inevitable.

She took the elevator up to Max’s office, eager to tell him about her meeting with Cole. The door to the elevator opened and Alex stopped dead in her tracks.

“Oh, isn’t it the watchdog?”

Yip. She should have known. As if she needed Vera Slade in her face right now. Alex ran a casual gaze along the length of her, took in her wild red hair and ferocious frown. “Hello, Vera.”

“I see you and my husband were at Christie’s last night,” Vera said, her voice dripping with venom and resentment.

Alex sighed. “Are you spying on us again?”

“I saw it in the news.”

“How sad. Why are you here anyway?”

“I had to talk to Max. I don’t need your permission for that.”

“Well, then excuse me, as Max is expecting me.” Alex tried to move past her but Vera blocked her way.

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? You think you’ve got your clutches in my husband—”


“Max will never be free of me in his life and until then he’ll never commit to you.”

“I don’t need commitment, Vera. I’m just here for the sex.”

Vera launched herself toward Alex. “You bitch! You have—”

Alex caught Vera’s wrist in mid air. The simple pressure she applied drew an immediate cry of alarm. In one swift movement, Alex twisted Vera’s arm behind her back and shoved her into the waiting elevator, then watched with satisfaction as Vera stumbled into the back mirror. Alex punched the number for the ground floor and retreated. By the time Vera had orientated herself and spun around to face her, the elevator doors were closing.

“Bye, Vera.” Alex couldn’t resist a smug smile and wave. Bitchy, but deserved. She was getting fed up with these encounters.

She blew out her breath and turned toward Max’s office.

To her horror, Max and Cole and several employees stood outside Max’s office, watching the confrontation with interest.


“Tell me again why you married that bitch?” she shot at Max as she walked past and toward his inner office.

“I wish I knew,” Max said, a half smile making his lips curl. He waited for Cole to follow her inside, then closed the door.

Alex looked at each man, trying not to notice how Cole’s presence seemed to fill the room. “If you’re having a meeting, I can come back later.”

“No, we’re done. Are you okay?” Max asked.

“Just peachy. Why was Vera here?”

“No reason. She was bored with nowhere to go. I didn’t talk to her much as I was in a meeting with Cole.”

“I’m going to instruct your security downstairs not to allow her in anymore. She’s going to hurt someone with all that pent up anger she’s carrying around with her.”

Cole cleared his throat. “I have another meeting. Max, I’ll see you on Thursday. I appreciate the advice.” He looked at Alex, a slight grin toying at the corner of his mouth. “And I’ll see you tonight.”

Alex nodded, still annoyed about the attack at the office elevator, and embarrassed that Cole had witnessed her catfight.

The men shook hands and with a final glance in her direction, Cole disappeared.

“What was the comment about the sex for?” Max asked Alex with an amused grin.

“Vera refuses to let up on the accusations about us sleeping together. I’m getting tired of it.”

“You shouldn’t aggravate her.”

BOOK: Cat Got Your Tongue?
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