Read Careless Online

Authors: Cleo Peitsche

Careless (7 page)

BOOK: Careless
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Nelson smiled as Samuel clenched the sheets in white-knuckled fists.

Worry colored Kimberly’s face.

“He can end this at any time,” Nelson gasped. Though Nelson knew he’d reached his own limit; he couldn’t hold out much longer.

Kimberly’s expression was serious as she grabbed a pillow and placed it under Samuel.

“Come here, Kimberly,” Nelson instructed. She knelt up and shuffled over to him.

“Feed me.”

She hefted one of her breasts and brought it to Nelson’s mouth. The skin pebbled under his tongue. She slipped a finger between her legs and rubbed her clit.

He was fast reaching the point of no return. The beginnings of an intense orgasm took hold of his balls in a fiery grip, and Samuel shook underneath him. He didn’t want to accidentally hurt Kimberly, so he pulled back. She flopped onto the bed, her legs open. She separated her outer lips with one hand, revealing her tiny clit, pinkish and swollen. She ran the index finger of her other hand over the excited nub, her body so wet that her finger slipped easily over her folds.

“Fuck!” Nelson growled. The man underneath him was pushing back, meeting his thrusts enthusiastically even though it had to be hurting him.

Samuel, suffering for Nelson’s pleasure, and Kimberly so overcome with desire that she was wantonly playing with herself… She came, her luscious body writhing on Nelson’s sheets.

Nelson pumped furiously, emptying everything inside him into Samuel’s welcoming, willing ass. Even after the orgasm released him from its tyrannical throes, Nelson kept moving. Only when he was too soft to stay inside did he allow himself to rest.

He was suddenly exhausted. He bent and gently kissed Samuel’s neck. “Did I hurt you?”

“Yes.” Samuel’s voice was full of wonder and gratitude. He buried his face in the pillow and sighed. The sheets were wet; Samuel had come during their rough sex.

“Good.” With a groan, Nelson pulled himself free of the tight, warm hole. Kimberly was already reaching for the container of towelettes, and she handed him a few.

Nelson fell onto the bed beside the other two. “And how are you, Kimberly?”

“You can’t tell?”

“I always check,” Nelson said seriously. “Always.”

“Oh. I’m great. That was seriously the best sex I’ve ever had.” She frowned and turned toward him, throwing an arm over Samuel’s shoulder. Nelson couldn’t help but notice that Samuel flinched at her touch. Kimberly frowned and pulled her hand away.

“Why do you always check?” she asked.

Nelson tried to prop his head on an arm, but he was too tired, so he just flopped on his back. “I dated this one couple… they were really into the BDSM scene, but they didn’t like to use safe words. So even though we agreed on one, apparently they decided, unbeknownst to me, to never use it.” He rolled his eyes at the memory. Better to act like it wasn’t a big deal than to let on how terrifying the reality had been.

Samuel turned his head and stared at Nelson with those big, innocent blue eyes. His curly hair was an absolute mess. Nelson wished he could take a photo.

“So what happened?” Samuel asked.

“Things went too far. I knew it was happening, deep down, but I was into it, and they didn’t try to end the scene. The next day I got an email from the woman.” Loria was her name. He closed his eyes briefly against the memory. “She blamed me. Even though she hadn’t used her safe word and had known that she wouldn’t, it was my fault.”

Kimberly scoffed. “That’s insane.”

“I should have stopped.” He cleared his throat. “In any event, I’m very careful now.”

Kimberly sat up, and her glossy dark hair tumbled around her shoulders. “How much did you hold back tonight?” There was a tinge of eagerness in her voice.

Normally, Nelson would have been excited by this proof that she’d enjoyed the mild BDSM aspects of their evening, but remembering Loria and Wally had killed the buzz a little. “A lot,” he admitted.

“How much? What would you have done?”

He heaved himself up to sitting and stroked Kimberly’s cheek. “You remember how you taunted me and said not to hold back? And I made like I was going to take your ass?”

She blushed bright red.

“From that reaction, I’m guessing you do. Well, I knew you would react that way, and I never intended to shove my cock into you, unprepared. With beginners, there’s always the possibility that they’ll be too scared or just forget that they have a way to take control of the situation. If you had shut down emotionally, and I forced myself into you even though I knew you weren’t ok with it, you would hate me forever.”

She bit her lip. “I wouldn’t. It would have been my own fault.”

“Maybe,” Nelson said as he stood. “But that would still make me an asshole.” The clock said it was almost 1:30. He had to teach Grace’s morning class, which meant he needed to get to sleep soon. “I propose we sleep in another bedroom as it seems these sheets are dirty.”

Samuel pushed himself
onto his hands and knees. His body was sore. Being fucked mercilessly by a man like Nelson was hard on all of him, and he knew his lower back would have something to say about it in the morning.

Kimberly was sitting on the bed, her knees pulled into her chest and her hair a curtain around her body. But he couldn’t look at her.

“I need to get going,” Samuel mumbled.

“What? Why?” Kimberly stretched out her hand like she was going to touch him, then thought better of it.

There it was. The subtle disgust. He’d known that Kimberly wouldn’t reject him completely like Muriel had, but he recognized revulsion when he saw it. He looked into her eyes, and she blinked uncomfortably.

“I’ve got contractors coming in the morning to give me an estimate on tearing down a wall.”

“You did mention that earlier,” Nelson said smoothly as he shuffled through the pillows that had fallen to the floor. “If someone can tell me where my pants and phone are, I’ll call you a cab.”

“No need. I’ll flag one down.” Samuel cleared his throat. He stuck out a hand. “Thanks a lot, Nelson. That was enjoyable.”

And now he had to say something to Kimberly. He awkwardly leaned in to kiss her cheek, and the scent of her almost brought him to his knees. “See you later, sunshine.”

He walked to the door feeling like he was going to his death, then turned. He had to do this right. “Hey, Nelson, any time you want a fuck, give me a call.”

“No dinner and movie tomorrow?”

Samuel fixed a smile onto his face. “Afraid not.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Nelson squeezed Kimberly’s knee. “Be right back.”

The moment they were out of earshot, Nelson backed Samuel up against the wall. Fury burned in his eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Samuel pushed him back two steps. “Just because I submitted to you in the bedroom doesn’t mean you get to tell me what to do,” he snarled.

Nelson shoved him harder and held him against the wall by his shoulders. Samuel could have gotten away, but what was the point? “Say what you wanna say so I can leave.”

“You know why I covered for you in there? Because you are breaking that woman’s heart. Either you’re too stupid to see it, or you’re a cold bastard who goes around hurting people simply because he can.”

“Guess you would know,” Samuel said. It was his anger speaking, but he regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. Nelson had taken a risk by telling them about his previous bad experience. Samuel shrugged out of Nelson’s grasp.

“I’m going to let that slide only because I don’t want to explain to Kimberly why I’m covered in your blood. Get out.”

Samuel snorted. “No problem. Don’t forget to call me if you wanna fuck, though,” he said. He thought that would get a bigger reaction, but Nelson shook his head sadly.

“You don’t deserve her.”

On that point, at least, they were in agreement.

Samuel found his clothes around the white couch. Not his boxers or socks. They were in the bedroom, he remembered. And there they would stay, because he wasn’t heading back.

When he got outside, he didn’t bother looking for a cab. A warm tear plopped onto his arm. He stared at it in confusion, then jammed his hands into his pockets.

How had the night been simultaneously the best and worst experience of his life?

He didn’t regret it, though. No matter what happened, he’d always carry the memory with him. Kimberly, orgasming around his finger, her hot mouth desperately entreating him for more. Nelson, choking him with that blessing of a cock. And getting fucked in the ass while he wrung those provocative little cries from Kimberly’s throat? He’d still be jerking off to that when he was 85 years old.

Why did it have to be so complicated? Kimberly hadn’t reacted in overt disgust. She hadn’t screamed that he revolted her, which was already a step in the right direction. Maybe she would consider…

No, he shouldn’t get his hopes up.

Samuel stopped and turned to look at the building. Nelson’s condo was the one at the top. The light was still on. As he stared, a figure approached a window. A moment later, a second, taller figure appeared. The smaller one raised an arm.



But he stood frozen. Toward home or back inside… he needed to make a decision.

One night of absolute bliss. Most people would never be so lucky. No regrets, and no wishing for something that could never happen.

He waved back, a weight lifting from his shoulders, then he headed home.

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BOOK: Careless
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