Captain O'Reilly's Woman - Ashes of Love 1 (8 page)

BOOK: Captain O'Reilly's Woman - Ashes of Love 1
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Samantha didn’t need to ask if he knew how to fix them. The construction and maintenance of sustainable energy arrays was one of the first things any Army squadron worked on in a community. She’d worked on one or two in her day, only fetching supplies and assisting the more experienced members of her platoon, of course. David had obviously worked with these systems more than she had.

“Did you build this one?” she asked. Lifting her hand, she shaded her eyes from the sun as she looked around. She would have come onto the platform but she was only wearing sandals, not boots. It didn’t seem like a prudent idea.

“Uh huh,” David answered absently. Setting the fresh connection into a junction box, he sealed it up before moving on to the next section of panel.

She liked watching him work. Liked it a lot. The way the sun shone on his tanned skin, his back shimmering with a fine sheen of perspiration. It was hotter up here, between the panels and the steel grating. The thickness of his shoulders impressed her, the way his arms flexed as he worked. His big hands were deft as he followed the connections then pulled them out, one by one, examining them for damage.

“Shouldn’t be too much longer. Maybe another fifteen minutes or so,” he said, looking over at her. He smiled and the sun caught his beautiful, pale-blue eyes, framed by those dark, luxuriant lashes.

“Okay. Maybe I’ll just hang out here then. In case you need anything.”

“Not a good idea,” David said, his head tipping a little to one side and the smile shaping his full, square mouth widened even more. “You’re too big a distraction. You stay there and I’ll be grabbing you instead of that wire. And who knows when this job’ll get finished if I do that.”

“Oh all right pooper,” she grouched and, one corner of her mouth turning up, walked back down the ladder and set off to explore, enjoying the feel of his eyes on her ass as she walked away.

Samantha followed a path to a small, wooden building and she stuck her head in the open door. It was a maintenance building. Inside were tools, a lawnmower, an empty ladder rack and a dust-free section of shelving the same size as the toolbox David was using, along with empty birdfeeders and stacked lawn chairs. She moved on.

Down by the lake she noticed with satisfaction that the romaine leaves were gone. She found a wedge of sandy beach further on, backed by a stone retaining wall with a broad set of steps in the middle. She slipped off her sandals and stood on the shore, letting the wet sand squelch through her toes then waded in up to her knees. She turned back around and noticed small footprints on the sand. Ducks, from the look of them. Maybe a family. A fire pit sat at the far end of the beach. Thinking it would be a great place to sit after dark, Samantha checked her watch. David’s fifteen minutes were up and she walked back to the house. She called out his name. No answer. Knowing he’d be finished soon, she got a soda out of the fridge. He was probably thirsty after working in the sun. Feeling the cans and selecting the coldest one, she carried it back out to the solar array. David and the ladder were gone. She tried the maintenance shed next. Again, no David.

Heading back to the house, she heard what sounded like rain coming from somewhere down by the boathouse. The sound of running water grew louder and for the first time, she noticed a small wooden enclosure near the back of the boathouse. It was set on a concrete pad and sheltered by trees. Four wood panels, each roughly five foot wide by four foot high were raised off the ground a good eighteen inches. Suspended from a pole at one end was a big, flat, stainless-steel showerhead. David’s jeans and a large towel hung over one of the panels. Above the panels, she caught a glimpse of David’s face, turned up to the showerhead and covered in soap.

An outdoor

She walked up to the shower and stood outside the latched door. “Thought you might like something to drink,” Samantha said quietly and grinned when he peered over the top of the enclosure at her.

“I knew there was a reason I liked you,” he grinned and accepted the tin from her. He ducked his head under the water, rinsed the soap away then popped the ring on the can. He poured some of it down his throat, set the can on top of one of the four corner posts, opened the door and dragged her inside.

” Samantha blurted out. Trying to dodge the flow of water, she shook her head when she felt the spray soak through the side of her dress. “I’ll get soaked.”

“Then take your clothes off,” he murmured hotly and reached behind her and, slowly, undid the buttons on her dress.

Samantha didn’t protest. Especially when she took her first good look at his body. His very naked, very wet body. Her hand went to the thin rivulet of soap that trailed down his abdomen then crossed his hip before sliding down his thigh. There was a tan line bisecting his belly and the pale skin below only highlighted the dark nest of hair guarding his groin. And the long cock that hung down from it. She couldn’t help but gasp. She’d never seen anything like it. Well, she had actually. She was, after all, a medic but somehow David’s penis was different than a patient’s. It began to stir.

“I like it when you look at me,” David said quietly. “So does he,” he added with a wry grin as his cock began to thicken and grow even longer. And then her view was obstructed as David lifted her dress over her head and threw it over one of the enclosure walls. He touched her satin bra. The thin strap and the top of one of the cups. “Take this off,” he ordered in a deep, arousing tone. He watched intently as she reached behind her, unhooked it and, slowly, drew it off and tossed it over her dress.

His mouth opened as he reached for her. He fit his big hands to her breasts and molded them carefully. When he stroked her lightly then drew his rough thumb across her nipple, she gasped.

His cock continued to rise until the tip of it nestled beneath her breasts.

Wordlessly, Samantha gave in to her curiosity and touched him, smoothing her wet fingers across the head then down the length. He had no foreskin and that caught her off guard. But then she remembered he’d been born before the Great War. Elective surgical procedures like circumcision had been common then. She found she liked the look of his cock this way.

Samantha sighed in dismay when David bent quickly, pulling himself from her fingers. Then sighed again when she felt his thumbs slip beneath the sides of her panties and, slowly, draw them off her body and toss them aside. He touched her mound as he straightened. Teasing his fingers into her wet curls, he played with them while she resumed stroking his now fully hard cock.

The skin on it was delicate and intriguing. The way it moved, like satin over granite. Responding to her lightest touch. Suddenly hungry for the taste of him, she leaned forward and licked droplets of water off his abdomen, humbled when he moaned and trembled.

Despite the water, his skin still tasted like sweat. Salty and sweet and she reached past him and grabbed the fresh bar of soap sitting on a rack beneath the showerhead. Walking around him, she smeared it across his skin. Dragging her nipples across his arm. The curve of his spine as she reached up and caressed every inch of his magnificent, ripped back. With a quiet sigh of pleasure, David settled his hands on the wall of the enclosure and leaned forward, inviting her to explore his body.

She particularly liked soaping his ass. Then the long, powerful lines of his legs. And when he turned and drew her hands to his cock, she didn’t resist. Her soapy hands slid along his length easily and he showed her how to hold and stroke him. How to cup his balls and tease them with the tips of her fingers until he was moaning and his hips bucked.

“Ahh, you’re going to make me come,” he breathed harshly, yanking her hands away from him.

“I want you to come,” Samantha murmured hotly. Nudging his darkened nipple with the tip of her nose.

“Inside you. I want to be inside you when I come,” David grit out then took the soap from her and slid it down between her breasts. Across one. Then the other.

“Then take...”

“No,” David insisted firmly. Stopping the movement of his hands and staring down at her intently. “No,” he repeated, with an obvious effort at gentling his voice. “You have to be ready before I take you. Especially the first time.” With a slow, deliberate breath, he soaped her stomach then her hips.

“How do you know?” Samantha inhaled sharply at the feel of his warm, rough hands on her. “Have you...?”

“Have I made love to a virgin before? Yes,” he answered with naked honesty. “The last time
was a virgin. And I don’t want to talk about it right now.” David lifted his bright eyes to hers and something in them softened. “Ask me later. If you want. My life’s an open book for you, Sam.” He set the bar aside then slid his fingers between her legs.

Samantha’s head fell back and she sighed wantonly, clutching his shoulders when her knees threatened to give. Nothing had ever felt as good as his thick fingers, stroking her pussy. Caressing her fleshy nether lips. She didn’t know what was wetter—the water drizzling down her body or her. Then she began to shake when she felt a single, rough finger probe the opening to her body and slide into her.

She arched her hips into David’s hand, driving him deep. Then she gasped and winced when she felt a tiny pain. Even as it faded it radiated into her belly and thighs. Samantha kept her face down, not wanting to show him her discomfort. Or her unease. But David slid the fingers of his free hand beneath her chin and lifted her face to his.

“That’s your maidenhead,” he whispered. Eased his finger out of her then pushed it back inside. Slowly. Barely penetrating her. Then did it again.

“Will it...will it hurt?” Samantha asked. Hating the uncertainty in her voice. Wishing she wasn’t scared.

“Yes,” he answered. “It has to tear when I put my cock in you. But after it’s done, you won’t feel it again.”

“Okay,” she said, exhaling deliberately. “But you’re big—
big,” she continued, touching the head of his cock. “And I’m not exactly giant-sized over here.” She wanted to make it sound light, made one corner of her mouth turn up. But couldn’t quite pull it off. “That’s just one finger you’ve got inside me and don’t get me wrong it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt but even that I can feel stretching me.”

David kissed her forehead, then leaned his head against hers. “I know. And I can’t describe how fantastic and hot and tight you feel.” He kissed her forehead again, still easing the tip of his finger in and out of her. “That’s why I’m petting you like this,” he explained gently. “So you
be able to take me inside you and feel only pleasure.” He swallowed harshly. “I could hurt you—I know that. But I never will.”

Something twigged in Samantha’s head and she thought about her obstetrics training. Which she’d specialized in. Women in labor seemed to like having another woman attend them during delivery, rather than some guy in a brush cut and fatigues.

David was doing what she’d done a dozen times before to prevent having to perform an episiotomy: massaging the mouth of the vagina.

All right enough with the technical references.

Samantha slapped herself mentally and again focused on David. His delicious mouth was drawn. His eyes watched her intently, searching her face for signs of discomfort or unease. They were overshadowed by a growing desire as he touched her.

She nodded slowly. “It feels good,” she breathed. Her smile felt genuine now. Genuine and womanly and she relaxed into his hand and let the feelings inside her build.

David kissed her. His tongue touched hers and caressed it gently, like he was caressing her between her legs. Then he pulled back from her, slid his finger into his mouth and tasted her juices. His eyes, hot and aroused, were on hers. “Sweet,” he said as he pulled his finger out of his mouth. His voice was low and rough. Then he turned her into the flow of water and began rinsing the soap from her body.

He made quick work of it then twisted his large body under the showerhead until all traces of the soap were gone, turned off the water, took her hand and led her out of the enclosure. David grabbed the towel and started to drag Samantha up the grassy, overgrown incline, back to the house.

“Wait,” she gasped. Clutching his thick biceps, she pawed at him anxiously. She felt overwhelmed by the blatant sensuality of him, the way he’d touched her, the look in his eyes. The way he’d...tasted her. She’d never been so horny in her life and her legs didn’t have the strength to carry her any further. He turned back to her. His eyes were dark with arousal, his cock thick and straining upward.

Then he touched the side of her face, pushed back a thick strand of her wet hair and swallowed audibly. “I can’t wait either,” he breathed, tossed the towel onto the ground and dropped to his knees in front of her.

Samantha cried out softly when David shoved his rough chin between her thighs and slid his tongue over her pussy.

Ah sweet...

She’d never felt anything so delicious—so indescribably arousing as the feel of his tongue licking the fleshy folds of her sex, then caressing her clit.

Trembling and crying out again, she opened her legs for him, wanting him closer. His hands, on her hips, held her firmly. Stroking and kneading, a single, impudent finger slid between her legs and lightly worked the mouth of her sheath.

When her knee buckled, she grabbed on to him. David wrapped a strong hand around her waist and she cried out at the loss of his touch on her body. She watched in breathless anticipation when he yanked at the corners of the big towel, spreading it on the ground then tugged her down until she lay down. Needing to feel his strength against every inch of her, she held her arms out to him.

When he lay his body down on hers, Samantha didn’t know who moaned louder. It was so erotic—the feel of him against every inch of her. His size eclipsing her, his strength against her softness, his breath, on her neck. The crisp, damp curls on his chest abraded her nipples deliciously before crushing them. His belly was hard on hers. The shifting firmness of his body over her sex, his cock digging into her thigh so insistently made her squirm.

BOOK: Captain O'Reilly's Woman - Ashes of Love 1
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