Capricorn (The Erotic Zodiac Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Capricorn (The Erotic Zodiac Book 1)
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illian sat
in the big leather chair with open mouth, unable to form a response. Was he offering what she thought he was? Mr. Walters had clearly lost his damn mind, and Lillian wasn't sure what to do. Hit him? Run out of the room? Considering how badly she needed the job, those options were definitely out.

Isaac stood before her, watching her closely as she wrestled with indecision. His face lost some of its commanding air, and he dropped down to his knees, putting his face even with hers. He rested his hands on each arm of the chair and leaned forward until Lillian could easily smell his spicy aftershave.

"I know this is a bit of a shock. But I guarantee you that this arrangement, even if highly unorthodox, will bring you nothing but pleasure."

The way he said the word 'pleasure,' rolling it seductively off of his sexy lips, made Lillian shiver slightly. She'd been with several men, but the word pleasure wasn't how she'd describe those experiences. Boring, predictable, and anticlimactic were much better suited descriptions for the sexual experiences she had had.

Isaac noticed her continued silence and reached down to take one of her hands from her lap. His large, strong fingers encapsulated her smaller palm, and Lillian felt a spark shoot between them as they touched. "You wouldn't just be some brood mare for me to put my heir into. I'm not going to hump you while you watch TV with your eyes glazed over in boredom. Any woman I conceive with is going to be screaming my name and seeing stars from pleasure. I'll give you the greatest orgasms of your life, in addition to all the money, just to have you bear my child."

"Mr. Walters, this is unusual. I don't know what to say," she stuttered, looking down at their clasped hands. His skin was warm against her own, and she could feel a heat rising in her cheeks. “I might not get pregnant by the deadline. Plus, having a child is a big deal, and I've got school..."

"Let me give you a little taste of what I can do," he said softly, his thumb running over the back of her hand, making her squirm slightly in her seat. “It could be quite compelling.”

"What do you mean?"

"I bet you've never been treated right or had a man worship every inch of you. I can do that; I’ll make sure you feel different about your body and its beauty."

"I don't know if any orgasm could be good enough to convince me to have a baby with my boss," Lillian answered wryly, looking into Isaac’s dark brown eyes. They were so deep, and she felt like she could drown I them.

"Have you ever had one before?"

Lillian dropped her gaze. "A child?"

"No, you know what I mean. An orgasm."

"Of course, don’t be silly. I am an adult, after all."

"From a man, not your hand. Has any man made you come?"

Lillian shrugged and felt the heat on her cheeks become a raging inferno. "With all due respect, sir, that's private."

"So no." He reached up and cupped her face tenderly, lifting her eyes to meet his. "I like the idea of being your first."

Her breath caught in her throat as she looked into his eyes. She sunk into their chocolate depths, and her chest was heavy as she struggled to pull herself together. She knew she shouldn't be so affected by his words, or his touch, or by his absolutely crazy idea, but everything inside of her was screaming out for more of him. A fire had been lit inside of her, and she realized that perhaps she was going crazy too.

Why was he so fucking handsome? Why was she melting into a puddle from his first touches?

"Open your legs; let me show you how good this could be," he said deeply, never taking his eyes off of hers. His authority rolled off of him in waves, crashing into her with his every word.

For one last second, her self-control lingered, yelling at her to get up and leave the room. She knew she could say no and retreat, walking out with her head held high. But then her animal instinct surrendered to the madness that had taken hold of her. She hadn't felt desire in so long, and her body was craving it. She wanted to feel the pleasure Isaac was promising her - the thought of losing herself to passion for the first time in her life made her feel drunk.

Her legs slowly slid apart, and she could feel the black fabric of her skirt tugging up her thigh. She fought the urge to reach down and pull the skirt back into place, keeping her modesty somewhat in check. Instead, she allowed herself to be slowly revealed. She felt dirty, but god, it was turning her on.

Isaac looked down between her legs, and a wolfish grin spread across his face. "You have such great thighs. And very sexy white panties," he said, running his thumb slowly around her knee in circles. “I knew this uniform was a good idea when I ordered it.”

He began to drag his thumb along the inside of her thigh, going excruciatingly slow. the heat of his touch inched up her soft flesh, teasing and taunting her as it got ever closer to her waiting core. However, with just inches to go before he touched her panties, he quickly withdrew his hand from under her skirt.

A short moan of frustration left her mouth, which only made him chuckle.

Lillian bit her lip nervously. It wasn't like her to be so wonton or to whine for a man. But something about Isaac was undeniably attractive - every cell in her body was crying out for him now that he had touched her, and she wouldn't be happy until he had finished what he had started.

She was sure she was going crazy now, but she didn’t care anymore.

Isaac moved to her other leg, starting his slow torment of her all over again. She shifted her hips forward, trying to make him speed up, but her impatience only caused him to go slower. She wanted to cry out and beg for more, but she kept her mouth clenched shut.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he let his hand reach the promised land, and he gently ran his fingers over her cloth-covered mound. He rubbed in a circle, pressing against her panties lightly. Feeling electricity shoot up her core, Lillian laid her head back and spread her legs wider, giving him more access.

As he continued to rub with his hand, Isaac planted a small kiss on her right knee. His lips began traveling up her leg, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Higher and higher he kissed, until his head was under her skirt. When his tongue first hit her panties, tasting her wetness, Lillian couldn't help but reach out and grab his hair.

"Eager?" he asked playfully, his voice muffled by her panties.

The vibrations of his speech only made her hotter, and she squirmed in the chair. She was torn between pulling his face as close to her center as possible and trying to keep some dignity. However, the debate was short lived because within seconds he had pulled her panties down her legs and was working her wetness with his tongue.

“Oh my god,” she squealed, breathless. It truly was unlike anything she had experienced before. All the other men melted away from her mind, and only Isaac remained. He was obliterating the competition with every touch and caress.

He expertly sucked on her sweet nub, making her see stars and whimper incoherently. Then he backed off and began to play with her waiting hole, lapping up her juices gently with his rough tongue. He'd raise her up, testing her limits, and then back off and force her to come back down. Over and over, he took her to the brink before pulling her back from the edge.

Lillian could do nothing but wiggle closer to him, trying to force his tongue deeper inside of her. Her nipples were practically bursting out of her uniform, and her legs were shaking with pleasure, but she wasn't getting the relief she needed. She had to come, and come soon, or she thought she may pass out from sexual frustration.

"Please, Mr. Walters," she yelped, as his tongue grazed her clit once again.

Isaac pulled back and looked up at her. "Do you want to come?"

"Oh my god, yes."

"You are ready to come?"

"Yes, just do it." She tried to grab his head and push him back under her skirt.

"Then hold on tight."

He roughly slammed three fingers into her pussy and began pumping in and out as he leaned down to suck on her clit. The combination was electric, and within seconds, she was screaming out as the most intense orgasm of her life took over her body.

Isaac had been right – it was way better than the climaxes she gave herself. It started in her feet, her toes curling in her stilettos and her calf muscles clenching tightly. Then it shot up her body, racing like fire up her nervous system as she fell over the abyss into absolute ecstasy. Her skin tingled, and every inch of her felt like it was trying to vibrate and pull apart.

He hadn't just made her lady parts feel amazing - he had managed to make her entire being feel like it was pulled inside out.


oly crap

Lillian sat back in the chair with her eyes closed, trying to catch her breath. He had ripped her soul in two with that orgasm and she was exhausted.

An energy had passed between them, and she could still feel it flowing, binding them together. Her post-orgasm brain was too confused to make sense of it, but what had just occurred seemed monumental.

"I believe I warned you it'd be like that," he replied, pride and amusement in his voice.

Lillian’s eyes fluttered open, and she looked down at her smirking boss. He sat at her feet, his hands resting on her knees. Her wetness was on his lips still, and the shiny surface captivated her gaze. It was proof that she hadn't imagined what had just happened. Her boss - her sexy, aloof, charismatic boss - had just been between her legs eating his heart out.

"Oh my god," Lillian said, her voice now a ragged whisper.

She realized that perhaps she should feel ashamed or embarrassed by the naked lust Isaac was looking at her with. Other girls might, and she certainly would have too just a few hours before. But instead, she felt exhilarated and liberated. Never had she felt so beautiful as she did then, spread before him with happiness written all over her body.

"I told you I could make this deal very worthwhile." He chuckled and gave her a roguish wink.

"No kidding," she said. She took a big breath and tried to collect herself. "So we'd do this...often?"

"Well, obviously I need to come inside you as much as possible. But I promise I'll be taking care of your every need while we are working on conceiving. You'll hardly be able to walk when I'm through with you."

It sounded like both a promise and a threat, and Lillian’s pussy clenched in expectation. "And I won't need to do my regular chores?"

"No, the only thing you'll be cleaning up is my cock with your mouth."

Lillian put a hand to her mouth to hide a small giggle of surprise. "I never would’ve thought you had such a dirty mouth, Mr. Walters."

"I'm sure there are lots of things you don't know about me." He looked at her meaningfully and reached up to tenderly tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "And I’m serious about the money. One hundred thousand dollars beforehand, as a down payment. The rest will follow after the birth."

Lillian thought about all those zeros and felt a little dizzy. She had never had ten thousand in her bank account, let alone one hundred thousand. She'd be able to finish school, help out her parents, buy a better car than the broken down piece of crap she currently had, and maybe even spend a little bit on herself. Yeah, having a baby hadn't been in her plans, but it was only nine months. She would be getting a lot of money for nine months of work. She could change her family’s life.

"Alright, I'll do it. I'll take the deal," she said softly, her voice so low that even she almost didn't hear it. Part of her couldn't believe she had said the words, allowing herself to get swept up into this mad deal. However, now that she had agreed, she didn't find a bit of regret in her heart. Something about Isaac made her feel like he’d keep her safe, even through this incredibly mad plan.

Isaac grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet and let his arms encircle her waist. His mouth found its way to her neck, trailing hot kisses up her skin. "You won't regret this," he growled into her flesh as he eagerly claimed her body.

His hands were everywhere, running along her hips and up her back. He seemed to be desperate to touch every inch of her. She pressed herself tighter into his hard chest in response, nuzzling her face into his body. God, he smelled manly and delicious – spicy with a hint of cinnamon.

He fingers eventually strayed back under her skirt, gripping onto the bare flesh of her ass. "I'm glad we got rid of those panties. They'll only get in the way," he growled as he sunk his fingers into her skin.

Lillian pressed her thighs together, hoping to keep her wetness from sliding down her legs. However, she was too excited by that point for it to make any difference. Her previous orgasm had made her wetter than a waterfall, and the sweet smell of her arousal filled the air.

"How will we do this?" she asked, tilting her head up to look at him at last. "When should we start?"

Isaac considered her questions for a moment, his fingers continuing to grip her ass. After a short silence, he stepped back and pointed to the desk. "It’s never too early to start. Put your elbows on the desk and bend over, Lillian."

If three hours earlier someone had said she’d be bending over like a bitch in heat for her boss, she’d have said they were crazy. But that was exactly what she did. Lillian placed her forearms on the dark cherry desktop and arched her back slightly so her rear was in the air. Her skirt swayed, and she knew it was only barely covering her bare ass, if that. The position was animal and primal, and her heart thudded loudly in her ears. She felt exposed and vulnerable, yet also deeply aroused. She wanted Isaac to touch her so badly it almost hurt.

His hands admiringly ran up the sides of her thighs, releasing goose bumps in their wake. Then they found the hem of her skirt and slowly lifted it up and over her rump.

"Dear lord, Lillian," Isaac said deeply, one palm gently caressing her soft skin. "You have the type of body people write love songs about."

Lillian stifled a giggle and waved her hips at him. "I'm sure you've seen plenty of other nice butts, Mr. Walters."

"I’m serious. I might write a love poem about this ass when we’re done. But, I had thought we had moved to the point where you could call me Isaac," he said in mock chastisement, giving her left cheek a firm slap of his palm.

"I like to call you Mr. Walters," she gasped, her body shivering at the unexpected contact. "It makes it hotter."

At any other time, she would have died of shame to talk like that. Her previous partners had barely managed to get a word or moan from her, and she certainly hadn’t been comfortable making eye contact with them as they humped her into boredom. Isaac was different, however. He was bringing out a new, dirty side of her, and her body was calling to him like a siren. She felt drunk or tipsy from the hormones racing through her body as she stood presented in front of him.

He loved her confession too, based on the way he growled at her words. His fingers dug into her hips possessively, and he pulled her closer to his groin. She could feel his hardness rubbing against her wet heat through his pants. It was definitely much thicker than anything else she had ever taken, and she swallowed hard in anticipation.

"You are shameless. That's how I like my women."

There was the clank of metal as he undid his belt buckle and the quick zip of his pants being undone. Lillian tried to look over her shoulder, but he quickly slapped her ass again. She yelped and turned forward.

"No peeking. I want to surprise you," he said, his pants making a final noise as they slid down his legs.

If Lillian hadn't already been soaked, his teasing would have done the job in seconds flat. Isaac was commanding and had an aura of raw sexuality that demanded her complete submission. Which she happily gave, because if his early ministrations were any indication, he was about to rock her fucking world.

"And in response to what you said earlier, yes I have seen plenty of asses pointed up in the air for me. Yours is by far the most alluring," he said as he began to press the tip of his rigid member into her entrance.

"Why? I’m not that special." Lillian thought about her flaws – the hair she never bothered to style, the freckles on her face. There was no way she could match up to the women Isaac saw weekly at his country club.

“Don’t speak about the mother of my child like that,” he said with another smart slap to her ass.

He continued to tease her opening with his thick head, gently pressing it against her entrance but refusing to sink inside. Lillian whimpered in need, hanging her head down onto her arms to try to keep from begging. There was a long silence between them before he spoke further.

"Because I can't stop imagining the way these hips are going to get round and plump as you carry my child. You’ll be glowing and irresistible. This ass will be mine, claimed in every single way," he said at last, just as he rolled his hips forward and pushed inside. “It’s fucking perfect.”

He was big. Bigger than she had even imagined. There was the briefest burning sensation as he stretched open her tight little hole, but then Lillian felt nothing but pleasure. In and out he worked his thickness, getting deeper with every thrust.

"Mr. Walters," she gasped out, her hands scrabbling around the desk to try and get a good handhold. She needed something to grab onto, to steady herself as her body reeled in pleasure.

He was halfway in now, hands firmly on her hips, and his dick working her tight pussy relentlessly. "You like fucking your boss, you dirty girl?"

"Yes," she gasped, closing her eyes and letting herself get lost in their rocking motion.

He slammed a palm down into her ass firmly, making her squeal. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, Mr. Walters."

He rewarded her by pulling his hips all the way back, so his tip was just barely in her entrance, before slamming as deep inside of her as far as he could. "That's right; this little pussy belongs to me."

"Yes, Mr. Walters!" Lillian bucked wildly underneath him.

"And it's going to get filled up with my cum, isn't that right?"

"Yes, Mr. Walters!"

He began to slam into her with abandon now, his thrusts erratic as he pummeled her delicate folds with his thickness. Lillian could merely hold onto the desk for dear life, feeling his dick ram impossibly deep. His dirty talk was rapidly sending her towards another orgasm, and feeling him ravish her pussy was only hurrying along the sensation.

"Beg for my cum," he commanded, reaching down to twist her chestnut hair around his hand. Using her hair as a reign, he gently pulled her head back, arching her neck and reminding her that he was in charge.

"Please, Mr. Walters."

"Please, what?" He pulled harder on her hair, his other hand holding on tightly to her hip.

"Please give me your cum. Fill me up with your cum."

"So you can get pregnant with my baby?"

"Yes, please, put your baby in me." The words poured out of her mouth, hot and needy. They were also true. She wanted nothing more right then to feel him burst inside of her, marking her in the most primal of ways as his.

He growled fiercely in response and buried himself to the hilt a final time. He shuddered and cried out her name as he unleashed inside of her.

Hearing Isaac call her name, knowing he was possibly getting her pregnant right at that moment, sent Lillian over the edge. The thought of becoming impregnated by him was naughty, forbidden, unexpected, and erotically divine. She cried out helplessly as a climax ripped through her body, making her writhe underneath him on the desk.

Isaac released her hair, letting her fall gently forward. As aftershocks rippled through her body, she allowed her cheek to rest on the cool wood, her eyes closed, and her breathing labored. Every part of her tingled with pleasure, from her toes to her scalp, and she needed several minutes to process the sensations that were flowing through her.

Isaac bent down and kissed her shoulder softly with a tenderness that deeply surprised her. "I've been waiting a long time to do that," he said into her skin, his voice muffled. Before she could ask him what he meant by that, though, he scooped her up into his arms. "Now, let's get you showered and cleaned up. I'll have the cooks make a special meal. I feel like we should celebrate our deal tonight."

Lillian wrapped her arms around his shoulders and could only hang on tightly as he began walking upstairs. She was exhausted after two mind-blowing orgasms, and she snuggled safely into his arms. The world seemed entirely different now that she had entered this taboo and delicious deal.

BOOK: Capricorn (The Erotic Zodiac Book 1)
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