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Authors: Rachel Caine

Cape Storm

BOOK: Cape Storm
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Table of Contents
Praise for
Gale Force
“Rachel Caine is still going strong, throwing one curve-ball after another as she continues to shake up the status quo. She successfully maintains a sense of impending doom and escalating tension as the stakes get ever higher. . . . I really like this series, because it’s urban fantasy that . . . tell[s] something exciting and original and ever-changing.”—SF Site
“Light, wry wit keeps things from getting too heavy, but even at the funniest moments, there is an intense drama that makes this a magnetic book.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“Captivating. . . . Caine is a top-notch writer and her skill in weaving a mesmerizing tale is easily seen. Her characters are wonderfully dimensional, and the world they live in is solid and believable. The chemistry between these strong characters always sizzles and
Gale Force
stands out with deep and fluctuating emotions.”
—Darque Reviews
“Caine jumps the reader into the middle of another epic battle, pitting Joanne Baldwin against supernatural evil unlike any she’s seen before. . . . Fans of dynamic, fast-paced action, strong on magic and characterization, will enjoy this new installment of Joanne Baldwin’s adventures.” —SFRevu
“The Weather Warden books are an addictive force of nature that will suck you in.”

News and Sentinel
(Parkersburg, WV)
“Another great addition to the series. . . . The action never stops, and like every other book in the series, this is a roller-coaster ride through all the elements Mother Nature can throw at Jo.”—ParaNormal Romance
. . . and for the Weather Warden Series
“The forecast calls for . . . a fun read.”—Jim Butcher
“With chick lit dialogue and rocket-propelled pacing, Rachel Caine takes the Weather Wardens to places the Weather Channel never imagined!”—Mary Jo Putney
“A fast-paced thrill ride [that] brings new meaning to stormy weather.”—
“An appealing heroine, with a wry sense of humor that enlivens even the darkest encounters.”—SF Site
“A kick-butt heroine who will appeal strongly to fans of Tanya Huff, Kelley Armstrong, and Charlaine Harris.”

Romantic Times
“The Weather Warden series is fun reading . . . more engaging than most TV.”—
“A neat, stylish, and very witty addition to the genre, all wrapped up in a narrative voice to die for. Hugely entertaining.” —SF Crowsnest
“Chaos has never been so intriguing as when Rachel Caine shapes it into the setting of a story. Each book in this series has built in intensity and fascination. Secondary characters blossom as Joanne meets them anew, and twists are revealed that will leave you gasping.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“Caine writes with a super-quick pace that carries the reader from beginning to end effortlessly. Caine’s writing reminds me of Laurell K. Hamilton in her early days. . . . Dig in to this great new fantasy series.”
—Purple Pens
“I dare you to put this book down.”

University City Review
“Fans of Laurell K. Hamilton and the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher are going to love this fast-paced, action-packed romantic urban fantasy.”

Midwest Book Review
“Overall, the fast pace, intense emotion, cool magics, and a sense of hurtling momentum toward some planet-sized conclusion to the overarching story are keeping me a fan of the Weather Warden series. I continue to enjoy Joanne’s girly-girl yet kick-ass nature.”
—Romantic SF & Fantasy Novels
Books by Rachel Caine
Ill Wind
Heat Stroke
Chill Factor
Thin Air
Gale Force
Cape Storm
Glass Houses
The Dead Girls’ Dance
Midnight Alley
Feast of Fools
Lord of Misrule
Carpe Corpus
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First Printing, August
Copyright © Roxanne Longstreet Conrad, 2009
eISBN : 978-1-101-10537-5
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To Ter Matthies.
For courage, for peace, for sailing on ahead.
We’ll meet on the shore.
Jim Suhler & Monkey Beat
Joe Bonamassa
Lucienne Diver
Charles Armitage
Katherine Gunther
P. N. Elrod
Jackie Leaf
Christina Radish
Joya Manning
Jenn Clack
Kari Phillips
Jackie Kessler
Richelle Mead
Kaz de Winter
. . . and, as always, my lovely and very patient husband,
Thanks for sharing the voyage, and making all the
lovely, fruity drinks.
What Has Come Before
My name is Joanne Baldwin, and I used to control the weather as a Weather Warden. These days, I can also control the forces of the earth, like volcanoes and earthquakes, and the forces of fire.
Sounds like fun, eh? Not when it makes you a target for every psycho crazy world-killing danger that comes along.
Good thing I’ve got my friends at my back—Lewis Orwell, the most powerful Warden on the planet; Cherise, my best (and not supernatural) friend; and a wide cast of sometimes dangerous allies who’ve got their own missions and agendas that don’t always match up with mine.
And I’ve got David, my true love. He’s also a supernatural Djinn, the fairy-tale three-wishes kind, and he’s now co-ruler of the Djinn on Earth.
What I
have is peace, because even while I walked down the aisle to get married to my true love, an old enemy totally ruined my chances for a happy honeymoon and possibly even my survival. I’m not just in danger now, I’m dangerous—to everyone I love.
I’ve got to go and fix this, before the whole world suffers the consequences.
Chapter One
BOOK: Cape Storm
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