Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Drake has a private island. It’s really nice. I’ll call him and make the arrangements. On your next stop, call me back. Oh, and by the way, a friendly village found the wounded soldiers. They were picked up by our guys.”

“Are they going to survive?”

“Too soon to tell, but for now they’re alive. By the way, the
are clamoring to know what happened to the war correspondent.

“They say when the soldiers raided the camp and killed or took the rest as prisoners, she wasn’t there. That’s all over the news right now,” Brent said.

“Yeah. Exactly the reason we’re going to hide out for a while. It’ll give her time to decompress.”

Dirk put down the phone. He was glad to hear the men were still alive and that Chelsea had disappeared. He had an idea it was best if she stayed that way. At least for a while.

Mick was waiting for him at the door to the plane. “Did you make your call?”

“Yes, Brent will let me know if we can use the island when I call him back at our next stop.”

“He’d better, because that’s our last stop before flying into US territory. What are you going to do about a passport for her on your return?”

“I’m not sure. I have some ideas. You’re going to explain my absence, that I stayed on vacation and you all had to get back to work, right?” Dirk asked.

“Right, no problem.”

* * * *

Chelsea heard them talking about her, but it didn’t register. She didn’t care where they were taking her. Fatigue had soaked into every pore in her body. If she lay down on a comfortable bed, she’d sleep for days. If the nightmares didn’t wake her. Now every time she closed her eyes she saw the tribal leader’s face, the shock of the knife going in him to the hilt. It had slid in easier than she’d expected. Blood poured out, and then the crack when she hit his head with the unlit lantern.

She’d never harmed anyone or anything. Her stomach rebelled, and she’d heaved her guts out in the corner of the tent. If any of his men had come in, they would have killed her instantly. Tremors raked her body even now when she thought about how afraid she’d been. The metallic smell of the blood wouldn’t leave her nostrils.

Dirk must have seen her shaking. He came over, pushed the arm up between the seats and pulled her into his arms. “It’s all right, baby. In war you do what you have to do to survive.”

Chelsea raised her head. “I killed a man.” Tears poured down her face.

“I know.” He brushed her hair back and wiped the tears off her cheeks with his fingers. “The good news is the two soldiers are alive and getting medical care. The bad guy you killed was one of the leaders of the resistance. And we’re headed home.”

“I can’t go home.” She grabbed his arm. “All the
will want to hear my story again and again.”

“I agree. You and I are going to make a stopover for a few days.

“Where. The news is all over the world.” She straightened in her seat away from his closeness.

“I’m trying to set up a vacation on a private island.”

“How many people live there?” The thought of facing anyone right now made her want to crawl into a hole.

“It will be you and me.”

“I don’t want any kind of relationship. Not now.”

“I didn’t think you would. We’ll take the time to get reacquainted in a more civilized way than our past experiences.”

“You’ll leave me alone. I need time to think.”

“To a certain extent. I don’t intend to stand by and watch you go into a deep depression and not do something.”

Was she depressed? This world she’d been thrown into was dark, and gray, and scary. She shivered. Dirk pulled her tight against his warm body.

She threw out her arms and pushed him away, hitting at his arms and chest. “You’re too close.”

He stood. “Try to lie across the seats and sleep.” Dirk turned and went up front to join the other men.

When Dirk had pulled her tight, he brought back the memory of the man who kidnapped her. He’d pulled her tight and forced a kiss on her mouth before he sent her to the tent where the soldiers lay barely alive. He’d warned her when she came back to his tent he planned to make her his for as long as she pleased him. She’d wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and spit in the sand.

Fury had reddened his face. He’d hit her with his fist in her stomach, then kicked her out. His men had laughed, and then had taken her to another tent. They’d thrown her inside. She’d known when he sent for her again, he’d not only rape her, but beat her.

While she sat in the tightly guarded tent she’d tried to help the soldiers. She dribbled small amounts of water between their lips and talked to them. She told them to hang on, that help was coming. And all the time she hoped she wasn’t lying. Late at night she thought of how she might kill her attacker before he could hurt her.

She wasn’t ready for a man to touch her or hold her close. Not Dirk or anyone. She’d try to sleep and forget for a few minutes.

The plane landing woke her. She’d slept restlessly for short periods.

“Would you like to get off and walk around?” Mick asked. “Dirk is going to be making some phone calls.”

Chelsea stood and moved her arms and legs. “I am getting stiff. Thank you.”

Mick handed her a scarf. “Wear this to keep anyone from recognizing you. We’ll stay close to the plane.”

She followed him off and walked around on the tarmac. Although her hair and the lower part of her face were covered, she enjoyed the cool breeze blowing over her. Mick stayed by her side.

“Do you do this type of work all the time?” Chelsea asked him.

“No. Most of our work is finding someone stateside or protecting a person, a variety of different types of jobs. Still, occasionally we get a request to rescue people held against their will. Often it’s not a job that can be done by the government for various reasons. We’re paid to quietly do difficult jobs.”

“Soldiers of fortune.”

“Some would call us that. But we only work for the good guys.”

“Thank you for rescuing me. All of you.”

“It was our pleasure. I see Dirk heading our way. We’d better get on board.”

* * * *

They all boarded the plane, and Chuck took off. Dirk spread out a map. “It’s all arranged. Here’s the spot. If you can drop us off first, it would be a real help. But we could be left off at one of the nearby islands and take a boat over to Drake’s place.”

“We’ll take you. No need to chance someone recognizing her before you can get her safely hidden away.”

“Thanks. After this is over, send me a bill.”

“No way. You’re like family.”

“I appreciate the thought, but I insist. I can afford it. Take advantage of me.”

“I’ll send you the cost of the trip, and the salary for Chuck and Devil. My part was free gratis. I won’t change my mind about that.”

“You are a hard man to negotiate with, but thanks for all the help and being quick.”

Mick glanced back to where Chelsea lay on her seat. “She’s a good lady, tough. She’ll come through with patience and help.”

“I hope so. I plan to marry her.”

“Does she know?”

Dirk grinned. “Not yet.”

The last part of their trip seemed to take forever. Dirk checked on Chelsea several times. If she wasn’t sleeping, she was a good actress. He wanted to run his fingers through the short, fiery strands of her hair and kiss the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

Her shirt and slacks were grimy from wearing them so many days. What could he do about clothes? They could leave off clothes and go naked. He didn’t have a problem with running around sans clothing. But he doubted Chelsea would agree to that plan.

Brent had said Drake would be sending the plane to the closest island, so it would be there when they wanted to return. If it hadn’t left yet, perhaps Drake’s wife could buy her some essentials and send them along?

“We’re close. We’ll be landing in about fifteen minutes,” Chuck hollered back to them.

Chelsea groaned and sat up. She stared out the window.

Dirk moved to the window seat in front of her. The sun sparkled on beautiful, clear, aquamarine water. To the right was an island. From the air, it looked small, but got larger as Chuck went into his landing pattern. Dirk saw a long runway, a winding road up into the hills and at the top a gorgeous house with windows shining in the sunlight.

Just seeing the pretty jewel in the vast ocean with no one nearby raised Dirk’s hopes that it would bring peace to Chelsea. He turned his head and smiled at her.

“Better fasten your seat belt. How does the island look to you?”

“Like heaven.”

“I think so, too.” He turned and moved up front to sit by Mick.

The exchange was quick. Mick and the guys were anxious to get home. Once Dirk and Chelsea had gotten off, they said their good-byes, and in no time the jet was a spot in the distance.

Dirk walked across the tarmac to a Jeep parked at the side. A key hung in the ignition.

“Brent said the caretakers would leave the Jeep for us to use to get to the house. They’ve already left the island.”

Dirk swung inside and motioned for Chelsea to join him. She got in. He started the engine and turned toward the curvy road.

Flowers of all varieties and colors grew along the roadside and further inland. Their scent sweetened the salty air. Gentle waves crashing to shore provided a soothing sound as they rode along.

“This really seems like paradise. I don’t see how Drake and his wife stay away from here.”

“Brent says all the family visits from time to time, and Drake and his wife come on their anniversary and in the summer with the kids. But they love the ranch life, too.”

Chelsea glanced at her clothes. “I can’t wait to get a bath, but I have nothing clean to put on.”

Dirk explained how he hoped to get clothes sent to her. “Until then, you can always go naked.”

She threw him a frightened glance.

“I was teasing. I promised to keep my distance, unless you want to change the rules.”

“All right.” She rubbed her hands on her legs. Her body had tensed up.

“Smell the flowers, look at the ocean, listen to the waves,” he encouraged her.

Chelsea gave him a shy smile. Not at all like the old Chelsea. “I’ve been a lot of trouble for you. What about your ranch?”

“Ty will handle things until I get back. I’m going to call him later.” He turned right onto the curved driveway. He got out and came around to open Chelsea’s door, but she was already out and slowly turning to take in all the view.

Bright sunlight made her red hair glow and caressed her cream-colored skin. The wind whistled through the trees.

“This is so beautiful,” Chelsea said, and raised her face to the sun.

“Let’s go inside and explore. You must be hungry. If I never see another energy bar, it will be too soon.” Dirk put his hand at her waist and walked her to the front door. The key was in the lock. “I guess if no one else is on the island, there’s no reason to lock up.”

Sliding glass doors to the verandas had been left open. The scent of fruit and flowers filled the air.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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