Read Cake Love: All Things Payne Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

Cake Love: All Things Payne (10 page)

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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Chapter 11

Payne's Rule Five: There are always answers to every question, find them

We have been in London several days and depart tomorrow, but the major issue of distribution has yet to be solved. Our final meeting of the day has just wrapped up and all the people left in the small mundane conference room are the Mimir brothers, Morgana, Evaleen (which I still can't figure out why she is here), Kara, and John. The British team has left to get to another meeting across town.

"It doesn't make sense. It's as if not just the EU government, but especially the British government, doesn't want any foreign business on their soil," Jacob Mimir bellows out with his baritone voice.

Edgar may be my best friend, but Jacob has always been the big brother I never had. There is no other man on Earth that I look up to the way I admire him. When my family died he made sure I came to his house on holidays and every weekend for dinner so I have a 'family' to visit. When my previous assistant (the bitch who will remain nameless) accused me of sexual harassment, Danni, Jacob's wife of ten years, refused to take no for an answer when she asked me to stay with them until it all blew over.

So, if this has Jacob dumbfounded you better believe that everyone in this room is just as confused and worried. If we can't have a distribution center in Europe and Great Britain, then a third of our profit for the entire company will go down the drain. This is the stuff that not only cements job loss, but has the potential to destroy us.

"I've been discussing this with our lawyer, Mr. Hatter, and the British solicitor here, and they can't find anything that might help," Evaleen points out. I narrow my gaze at her. She lifts her middle finger to scratch her nose and looks at me. That's it; I'm calling a spade a spade.

"Can I just ask why Ms. Bechmann is here on this trip? Last I’d checked she is the head of HR. Are we hiring someone that I don't know about?"

I glance around the table. Jacob looks equally confused while Edgar's eyes widen and he glances over at Evaleen. They share a look and I suddenly get it. They are doing it. Holy shit balls, they are making the monkey sex.

I am so going to call this out. Wait, wait, I can't do that. Shit! I finally have something on Evaleen and I can't even use it against her. Ugh, this is maddening, like an itch in the middle of my back.

Let me explain, Evaleen was nice enough to forge some paperwork for me to get Morgana hired again when I got her fired back in the winter. Morgana has no idea this happened. In fact no one found out about how Evaleen walked in on Morgana and I about to have sex on my desk. Ms. Bechmann lied to the Mimir brothers and told them there was a possible leak of sensitive information that came from my desk. She didn't specify that leak was actually coming from my da dum! Well, I thought that was funny.

She said we had to be put on leave without pay until an investigation could be made. So I owe her big time and it looks like this is payback.

I bring my finger to my temple and tap it. I flick my eyes between the both of them and mouth, "I know" to her. Evaleen covers her face and bows her head. Ha! I got her.

"Yeah, why are you here Ms. Bechmann? I'm a little curious myself." Jacob turns his attention to her.

Shit. Well looks like I better clean up her mess.

"I'm sorry Jacob, I forgot that Ms. Bechmann came along to help coordinate with HR here regarding individuals working in both locations and their taxation."

Jacob nods his head, providentially cutting me off before I ran out of buzzwords.

"Oh, okay. Let's dismiss for the evening as we all have a long flight back tomorrow. I find if I step away from a problem for a bit, a solution usually presents itself. I hope that is the case here."

We get up and make our way out and I slide up along Evaleen.

"Ms. Bechmann, there is something different about you today. It's as if you are glowing and I mean that in a non-sexual harassment sort of way."

I wink at her as she huffs. “I might say the same about you, Payne. This whole week you have been practically dancing with good humor. It seems London agrees with you.”

Most of the group keeps giving us odd looks. Pleasantries are not our usual form of conversation, especially to each other.

I lean in so only Evaleen can hear, “We are square.”

"Fine," she mumbles as we file into the elevator. It's packed and lucky for me Morgana is pushed back into me. Captain Cock starts to salute her ass and I bring my mouth to her ear. Closing my eyes I breathe her in.

"I'm going to fuck you tonight. First you will feast on my cock while strapped to the bed, and then I have a little surprise that I think you will enjoy," I whisper in her ear while opening my eyes back up.

She visibly shivers when I stand straight as my dick twitches, as if giving me a high five.

Morgana winks at me while entering her room. As I enter mine I pull the adjoining door ajar and notice her adjoining door is still closed as I remove my jacket and tie.

I wait and wait but she never appears. Finally I knock on her adjoining door out of vexation. She opens and is standing there in nothing but her glasses. I don't know which I love more, the fact that she is naked or that she keeps those fucking sexy ass glasses on.

"Finally, I thought you would never show," she states matter of fact and then turns. Her ass cheeks bounce as she makes her way back to her baby blue covered bed and sits on the edge.

"Why haven't you come over?" I refuse to move from my spot despite my dick begging to be near her.

She spreads her legs open and I watch awestruck as she takes her hand and dips it down into her pussy; her other hand kneading her breast. Morgana starts to moan and I can see her fingers begin to glisten.

Watching her is like witnessing art being made. She is hypnotically erotic while radiating beauty. I quickly remove my clothes never peeling my eyes from her.

As I move to stand in front of her holding the base of my cock her eyes lock onto my firm member as she licks her lips. My fingers curl into her hair and with a firm grasp I hold her head still before she has a chance to lick me.

"Paint me," I instruct and she moves her hand from her sex to stroke my cock and my hand falls away from her touch. It's smooth and warm and I need her to stop. She goes to remove her glasses but I stop her and shake my head.

"Play with yourself Morgana and suck me."

I witness her body shudder as her breath hitches. She lets go of my cock and replaces her hand between her thighs. Her other hand raises to guide my now throbbing dick to her lips. As her tongue tries to torture me by lightly flicking and licking I yank her head back.

"Suck it, now!" I demand.

She moans. Her mouth locks to my tip and in a swift move she pulls me inside. It's warm and she adds some suction while her tongue swirls around. In other words it's heaven.

As I start to gyrate into her sweet mouth I grab her hand from around my dick and push it back until she is cupping my balls. It feels good but it isn't enough. I guide her further until she is at my tight little entrance.

She instantly understands my need and I feel the tip of her finger start to wiggle inside.

"That's it Morgana. Nice and deep for me. I want to come hard in your mouth."

Looking down I watch my thick shaft that's coated in the wetness of her mouth disappear between her lips. Her muffled moans are sending vibrations through me. God she’s good at this.

Morgana gazes up to me and in that moment I float away. Her eyes sparkle as if willing to endure whatever I have to give her because she craves it. Her stifled cries and caresses are too much and I know I will come soon.

"Fuck, Morgana I think I'm going to come."

Right after I feel her shiver as her eyes close. Her moans grow intense along with the slick sounds from her mouth. She is in the throes of her climax and it is breathtaking to witness.

My balls tighten as my cock swells and I release everything I have in her willing mouth. Her hand comes up from between her legs as she pulls the last of my orgasm from me. My grip loosens from her hair as my head bows.

When my breath comes back to me and I finally come down off my high I kneel between her legs. Bringing my hand up I finally remove her glasses and place them on the bed beside us. We wrap our arms around each other and I bury my head into her stomach. This feels good, so right.

Listening to the muffled tune of heartbeat and grumbling of her stomach I shudder at the gentle caress of her hands going through my hair.

"You never told me about your scars, Henrik."

That was a bit on purpose. We fell asleep the other night and by the time we woke the next day, she had forgotten so I conveniently did too. It's not that they are from some dark secret that haunts me and she will run for the hills when she hears how I got them. I guess I am just not used to opening up. When I do that, people, especially the women in my life, tend to use the information against me. I have a feeling Morgana isn't like that, but it still is not an easy habit to break.

"Fine. I did promise you. Let me get off the floor first."

I stand and before I get into bed with her an idea pops into my head. I hold up a finger.

"Wait a minute. Let me get something from my room and I will be right back."

Confusion is written all over her face but she nods and gets up to go into the bathroom. I grab her glasses and place them on the small round table by the adjoining doors and head back into my room. Going to the closet I pick up what I need and after a minute I am back in the bed beside Morgana as she rests in the middle. I sit up on my knees next to her.

"Morgana, I am going to tell you everything, but in order to do that I am going to have to tie you up. Just your hands as this isn't a four poster bed so I have to make do. Then after I inform you about each major event in my life I am going to play a little with you using this."

I reach into the white plastic bag in my hand and pull out a very pink vibrator with clit tickler and a matching butt plug.

"Potatoes," she yells, her eyes growing large.

I can't help but laugh. This woman has no trouble with expressing her feelings on things, even if it scares her. I dig deeper in the bag and pull out a tube of lubrication.

"Don't worry, the big one is for your vagina and the small one is for you sweet ass. We can take it slow."

She nods but I know she is still a bit nervous. I take one of my ties I grabbed from my closet and start to secure her wrist to the bed. Then I proceed to the other wrist.

"Don't tell me you never used a vibrator before?"

"Yeah, I have James at home but he is rather simple compared to that pink thing."

"James? You named your vibrator James?"

"Yeah, after the actor, James..."

I hold up my hand to stop her and shake my head.

"Wait, don't tell me. I really don't want to know that you fantasize about anyone but me."

Her lips curl into a wicked grin as her tongue darts out to play with her upper lip.

"Well, I haven't thought about that actor in many months, so I should really rename him Henrik because that's what I yell out with him."

I trail my finger over her mouth and can already feel my cock coming back to life after the epic orgasm she sucked from me.

"Good girl. Now let’s start playing. You wanted to know how I got the scars. Well, about nine years ago I was in a drunk driving accident. I slammed my car into a tree. I had fractured ribs, a punctured lung, whiplash, and both legs were broken so severely that when they healed I had to learn to walk again. The scars I don't care about, it's what they represent that I don't want to see. So, I got the tattoos to camouflage them."

"Does that work? Do you look at your chest and forget that the accident took place?" Morgana asks but I just smirk at her.

"Oh no Sweetcakes, no more questions until I have a little fun with you."

I previously added the batteries so I flip on the vibrator and circle it around her already sodden pussy. Morgana squirms and almost jumps from the first touch.

"Shhh Sweetcakes, this is just the beginning."

I smile at her intense reaction loving that I am giving this to her. Slowly I push inside and just as quickly remove the pink device. I move in between her legs and push them farther apart. Right as I get the entire vibrator inside her and she starts to moan closing her eyes, I pull it from her and shut it off.

"Okay, that was fun, now next question."

Morgana is actually gritting her teeth at me. Oh it seems my little temptress doesn't like to be teased back. Hmm, I will have to work on that with her.

"You’re a bastard," she growls at me.

"No I wasn't. I had a mother and father. Which I am sure you would like to know about. My father was an amazing man. He was an engineer for the city and loved me and my sister. He would take us to O'Hare airport every Sunday and we would have a picnic in his car and watch the planes go by. I was really into planes when I was young. Even considered getting my pilots license once, but things change I guess. Anyway, I had a cool dad and my sister was twelve years younger than me, so she was too tiny to get it, and when she was really little we didn't bring her. I loved my dad a lot. My mom on the other hand? Well if she had a chance to do things differently she would never have had kids. She loved her career more than us."

BOOK: Cake Love: All Things Payne
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