BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two (9 page)

BOOK: BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two
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Marco showered and got dressed.  He knew it was bedtime for the nieces and nephew. He hoped Victoria was busy so that he could talk to his brother in private. 

“Hey Nick, can you talk?”  He could hear his nieces and nephew in the background. 

“Yes.  We are just trying to get the little animals to sleep.”  He could hear laughter in the background. 

“Hi Marc.  Hi Uncle Marco,” he heard in the background. 

“Go.  I got this,” Marco heard Victoria say.  Dominic moved to a quiet area. 

“So have you had a chance to talk to her?” Marco asked.

“No. I was waiting to get the kids to sleep before I speak with her.  I don’t know how she is going to react and I don’t want her stressed.  This pregnancy has been rough on her.” 

“Do what you think is best.  I will support you.  Just let me know what you want me to do.”

“I will call you after I’ve spoken with her,” Dominic ended.

“Okay.  Later.”  Marco said as he hung up.

Dominic disconnected the call.  He sat at his desk reviewing the reports from his investigators again.  There was no denying its authenticity.  Victoria walked into her husband’s office and she instantly knew something was wrong.  By the look on his face as he read the documents, Victoria knew he was withholding something from her.  She walked towards him. It was not until she was almost in front of him that he was aware that she had entered the office.  She took the documents out of his hand and tossed them to the other side of the desk.  He placed his hands around her waist, pulling her into him and rested his head on her chest.  He looked up at her as she ran her fingers through his hair.  “God you’re beautiful.”  He grounded out as he pulled her closer to him.  “I love you so much,” he said as he kissed her stomach. 

Victoria smiled at him, but did not respond; she brought her lips to his and began to place small kisses on his lips and neck.  Whatever was wrong, she didn’t want to hear about it right now.  Right now she wanted to make love to her husband and whatever was causing the stress, she was going to relieve it.  “I want you baby,” Victoria purred as she continued to kiss him.  He stood towering over his beautiful wife as he picked her up and sat her on the desk.  “How are you feeling?”  Dominic asked as he rubbed her slight baby bump.  “I feel amazing in the arms of my husband.”  He ran his hand down the sides of her silk nightgown until he reached the hem, slowly working it up her thighs.  She lifted her bottom so that he could pull it up and over her head.  She was now completely nude. Dominic moaned loudly at the sight of her body. His lips connected with hers as he kissed her passionately. 

He began to trail kisses down to her breasts; he could hear her soft moans and feel the rise and fall of her chest as he kissed her nipples.  The sounds of her heavy breathing and soft beautiful moans teased his ears as he began to suck on one nipple and massaged the other.  He could feel her squirm under his touch.  After giving special attention to both nipples, he moved downward to her stomach and stopped at her heat.  Her shallow breathing turned him on so much.  With a swipe of his tongue he moistened her already wet folds.  Using his tongue, he parted her lips, allowing her wetness to coat his tongue.  She moved her hips slowly into his face.  He stuck his tongue into her heat moving it in and out while using his thumb to massage
her clit.  Victoria moaned louder as he moved his tongue faster and faster, making the speed with his thumb.  The sensation from his tongue and thumb sent her into a frenzy, riding his face until the feeling building up inside her exploded causing her body to shake. 

Dominic lifted her off the desk and laid her on the sofa and positioned himself between her thighs.  She could feel his hardness at her entrance beckoning to enter.  He looked into her eyes as he slowly entered her filling her completely.  Her breath hitched as she felt the continuous motion of him going in and out of her heat, starting slow then gradually picking up the pace.  She bucked her hips forward to meet each thrust until she felt that familiar sensation building within her.  “Shitt baby, you feel soo…awhh.” She was unable to complete her thought as her orgasm came crashing down on her, causing her to tremble.  He could tell by the way her pussy was contracting that she was close.  As soon as she came he followed right behind shooting his load deep inside her core.  “Uhh…Uhh,” he moaned as the last few shots left his body. 

He wanted to collapse on top of her but knew he couldn’t so he picked her up and flipped their bodies so that she could lay on top of him.  “Baby we need to talk,” he whispered in her ear. “No Nick, not right now.  Whatever it is, I know it’s not good and I just want to lay here for a few minutes enjoying the afterglow of just having fucked my man.  Victoria purred as she pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and snuggled tighter to Dominic’s body.  Victoria laid on his chest for a few more minutes before looking up and staring into the gray eyes that had not stopped looking at her.  “Okay, tell me what it is because you are really quiet and now I’m getting worried.”  Dominic looked at his beautiful wife trying to figure out how to explain that she has a twin sister living in Tokyo, of all places.  “Baby, I know you were adopted but did your mom tell you anything about your biological mother?”  Victoria sat up and looked at Dominic strangely. 

“Where is this coming from, baby?”  You know Monica asked me the same question yesterday.”  “Vic, I need you to stay calm because I have something to tell you that might sound crazy but I was able to verify the validity of it.”  He used the crook of his index finger under her chin, causing her to look into his eyes.  “Can you promise me to stay calm, for the baby’s sake?” 

“Nick, you are scaring me; just tell me what it is.”

“Alright.”  He sat up and pulled her naked body into his arms.

“I spoke with Marco…”

“Oh my God!  Did something happen to Monica?  Please tell me she’s alright.”  Victoria instantly thought the worse.  Her heart began to pound as she waited for Dominic’s response.  “Vic, calm down.  Monica and Marco are both fine.  Now please, just listen.”  She laid back into his arms and allowed him to continue.  “The reason I am asking about your biological mother is because it appears you may have a sister…”  “What? Wait.  How does Marco know?  I don’t understand.”  Victoria said confused.

Dominic began to explain the entire story as he knew it. She sat and listened without any more interruptions as she put her hands over her mouth.  The tears ran down her face but she continued to be silent.  She was actually too quiet which concerned Dominic.  When he finally stopped speaking he could feel her entire body shaking.  He grabbed the blanket and wrapped her body.  She was so shocked that she didn’t realize she was even covered. 
Could it be true? Do I have a twin sister?  How could this be?
She then thought of Monica. 

“Why didn’t Monica call me the minute she found out I had a sister?” she asked angrily. 

“Marco asked her not to tell you until we were able to verify the information.  We did not know if they were trying to be fraudulent or trying to extort money from us.  We need to be very mindful of that now,” He said softly.

She knew he was right; they needed to be careful. Then she remembered, she stood and walked quickly to the storage room.  She remembered the box she got from her mother’s attorney’s office.  It was the last thing he gave her before she left his office. 

“Of course!  The final piece of business is a box of paperwork that your mother had in our office and it now belongs to you.”  The attorney put the box on his desk in front of Victoria and asked, “Do you need help taking the box to your car?” Victoria reached for the box to gauge its weight. “No.  I can manage.  Thank you.”  Victoria shook the attorneys hand, grabbed the box and made her way out of the office.  When she got home she stared at the box, unsure of what she would find in it.  Finally, she mustered the courage to go through the box.  She opened it and the first few documents were contracts her mother had signed with various publishers.  She placed the documents back in the box and placed the box in her storage closet; she would look at the entire contents another time.

“Babe, where are you going?  You don’t have any clothes on baby, wait…” Dominic called out but she didn’t respond.  She wrapped the comforter tightly around her body as she walked quickly.  Dominic followed her, concerned about her behavior.  She walked into the room and tried to reach for the box on the shelf.  Dominic came up behind her and retrieved the box. 

“What are you doing?  You know you should not be reaching for things or carrying heavy boxes,” he scolded.  “I just remembered this box; it belonged to my mother and I never went through it completely.  Maybe there is something in hear about my sister.” 

Dominic sat the box on the desk in the storage room and turned on the light.  He began to unpack the contents of the box.  Victoria, in her impatience, flipped the box and dumped the contents on the desk as baby pictures scattered over the desk and some falling onto the floor.  Some of the pictures had two babies in them.  Tears sprang in her eyes as she looked at the pictures.  “Two years, two years I had this box. Why didn’t I go through it sooner?  I could have known two years ago,” she said softly as she slid to the floor and gathered the photos.  Dominic bent down in front of her.  “Baby, this is not a comfortable place to look through this stuff,” he said as he started gathering the fallen materials.  “Let’s take the box to our room and you can go through it there where you will be more comfortable.”

Dominic helped her up as she clutched the pictures to her chest. After replacing the items in the box, he grabbed the box and gently guided Victoria out of the room and into their bedroom.  When he was putting the items back in the box, Dominic noticed a hardback notebook that said ‘to my beautiful daughter Victoria.’  She sat on the bed.  “Get comfortable, baby.” He placed the box on the nightstand and retrieved the book.  “Maybe you should start with this,” he said as he handed his stunned wife the book.  “Do you want some privacy?”  She took the book as she nodded.  Dominic did not want to leave her alone, but realized that she needed space and an opportunity to process everything that was happening. 

Victoria looked at the book addressed to her and began to read.  Dominic walked towards the door as she read; he hoped that it would answer most of the questions that lingered about her birth mother.  She began to read:


My Dearest Victoria,

If you are reading this, I must have passed away.  Baby, I am so sorry I am not there to help you deal with the major changes that are about to occur in your life.  I was hoping to get more information on the whereabouts of your biological father.  However, if you are reading this, that means I was unsuccessful and you now have all that I was able to uncover.  I know this is going to come as a shock to you, but you have a twin sister. Yes sweetie, you have an identical twin sister.  Please forgive me for keeping this from you, but I made a promise to my best friend, your biological mother.

              Please know that I have loved you from the first moment I saw you.  While I have never hid the fact that you were adopted, I was not truthful when you asked questions about your biological mother.  The truth is your mother was my best friend.  She was in an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage.   She had decided to divorce your biological father when she found out she was pregnant.  Shortly after finding out she was pregnant, she was given the blessed news that she was having twins and then the devastating news that she had cancer.

She could have had an abortion and fought the cancer aggressively, but she could never kill her babies.  She devised a plan to deliver the babies and if she could, she would fight the cancer after your birth.  It was evident during the pregnancy that the cancer was so aggressive that she needed to do everything she could to keep you and your sister healthy until she gave birth.


              The tears that were streaming down her face began to cloud her vision.  She raised her head upward in an effort to stop the tears and clear her vision.  She continued. 


Your biological mother had already arranged for me and her other best friend to each take one of her daughters and keep you safe from your father.  She knew if he raised you under that control, he would have destroyed everything that was good in you. He had a way of manipulating and destroying everything he touched and she didn’t want him to raise her daughters. I was aware that he located your twin sister and took her from her adoptive mother.  I made sure that he never found us.

              When your mother placed you in my arms, she asked me to love you, care for you, protect you, and raise you with all the morals and values we were raised with.  I looked into your beautiful innocent face and I knew I could do nothing less than what she asked of me.  I have always taught you to believe in yourself. I gave you wings and taught you to fly.  You, my precious Vicky, have spread your magnificent wings broader and farther than I could have ever imagined.  You are a phenomenal woman and I am honored to be called your mother.  Over the last several years, I have tried, with no success, to locate your father and sister.  I believe life has a way of softening hearts and minds.  I thought it was time that your father and sister were aware of your existence. 

Now, unfortunately, you have to fly solo on this journey.  I wish I could be there to support you, but know that you were my entire life.  You gave me more joy than I could have ever imagined. My heart burst with pride with I thought of the woman you had become. Please forgive me and know that even though I am not with you physically, I will be watching over you and will forever be in your heart.  I love you, my beautiful Victoria, and I did everything I could to protect you.  Never ever forget that. 

BOOK: BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two
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