Read Buying a Mate (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 8) Online

Authors: Celia Kyle,Mina Carter

Tags: #shapeshifter, #Romance, #Series, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

Buying a Mate (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 8) (6 page)

BOOK: Buying a Mate (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 8)
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Her panties pulled tightly then and were gone with a sharp snap, letting a cool wash of air lick over her exposed pussy lips.

“You’re mine, baby girl, and I’m going to make sure you know it.”

She grabbed the nearest pillow, using it to muffle her cries of pleasure as he dragged two fingers the length of her lower lips. His seduction wasn’t as slick as before, tension filling the air around them. He found her clit and rubbed over the tiny bundle, back and forth. A flare of heat teased her and then she felt soft scales against her skin. Rough and smooth at the same time. She bit the pillow. God, that felt so… awesome.

“That’s it, baby girl, scream for me,” he whispered, bent over her so his solid chest brushed against her back. She wasn’t a small girl by any stretch of the imagination, but he was so big and muscled she felt tiny and delicate.

His lips found her neck, nuzzled the soft spot below her ear and a shudder rocked through her. The familiar tension built again, impossible when she’d come so hard just minutes ago but undeniable.

She couldn’t scream, couldn’t do anything but hold her breath as he stopped stroking and moved into position. The broad head of his cock pressed against her and a whimper broke free of her lips. Now she understood why he hadn’t let her see him unclothed.

He. Was. Freaking. Huge.

He must have felt her pause because he stopped, kissing along her neck as his hand snaked around her hip. She sighed as his fingers found her clit again. This time he wasn’t playing. His touch was ruthless, designed to drive her to fever pitch as quickly as possible.

She gasped, hips bucking as she tried to get more sensation, more everything. Her panic at his size dissipated. Who cared how big he was. Women were built for this, right? And it wasn’t like he’d shifted forms, was it?

He scraped a fang across the sensitive skin of her shoulder. Pleasure erupted through her and she bucked against him, shoving her ass back. He hissed as the move forced him half an inch inside her. Stretched her.

“Oh god…” That felt so good.

“You can call me that if you like, baby girl. I am a god...the god of your pleasure.”

She didn’t argue. Right now, that’s exactly what it felt like. He played her body like a master, knowing exactly when and how to touch her. Clever fingers stroking her clit, he eased himself deeper, ever deeper, stretching her as he went in the most delicious way. When the fit became too tight, he pulled back a little only to push again. Sliding deeper. Increasing both their pleasure.

Her body wasn’t her own. It had become a thing that craved the feelings and sensation he gave her. Moving restlessly, she rocked against him, until finally he was balls deep inside her.

“Fuck! You’re so tight.” His groan was obviously unwitting, the words escaping him as he braced himself over her. Still. Frozen in place. His hands were hard fists on the covers next to her and she marveled at the corded muscles there. Such strength, such control.

Experimentally, she rolled her hips, only to have his arm clamp around her waist and hold her still.

“Don’t move,” he begged, voice rough. “I want this to be good, not to fucking shoot my load within two thrusts.”

Oh. Her eyes widened as she realized he was near to the edge of his control. The admission warmed her heart. She’d done that, brought her man to the very edge, where he couldn’t control himself around her.

“Claim me,” she whispered softly, turning to try and kiss him. “You know you want to.”

His answering groan-cum-growl was all the answer she needed. There was nothing human left in the sound. He pulled back and drove into her again. She cried out as he did, arching her back to urge him on. The feeling of him over her, moving within her, was indescribable. Pleasure swirled within her mixed with a sense of rightness

She loved him. Everything about him, from the white streak in his hair and everything it represented to the sweet way he defended her with her family. His rocking hot body didn’t hurt either. Hell no, that felt awesome as he wrapped an arm around her, hauling her upright easily and supporting her weight as he drove into her.

“Not going to last long…” he grunted by her ear. “Next time…”

His fang scraped the side of her neck and she moaned as heat cascaded through her. Without speaking, she tilted her head to the side, giving him permission. Asking. No, begging, for his bite.

If he didn’t do it soon, she would explode. Like seriously. Into a puddle of hot need and pleasure.

He kissed her neck, thrusts becoming harder and faster. With a roar, he buried himself in her one last time and struck. His fangs pierced her skin and ecstasy exploded behind her eyes. White hot and so intense she felt his heartbeat through his cock where it pumped his seed deep into her silken channel.

Mine. Ours. Forever.
She heard the voice in her head, the smug tones possessive and sibilant. His dragon,

“Forever,” she agreed and turned to claim her outcast dragon’s lips for a kiss to seal all their tomorrows.


Chapter Seven


The M&M Mating Agency


We deal in matings, not chocolate.


The M&M Mating Agency announces…


Marilyn M. Rowe nibbled her lower lip. What the hell could they announce? She needed a
to send out notices and newsletters, but since she’d sorta fudged the number of mated couples with her last mailing and the agency had no incoming hopefuls…

She wouldn’t outright lie, but dang it she was tempted.


The ding of the elevator announced someone arriving on their floor, and it was easy for her to identify the voice of the newcomer.

“Mari?” It was River!

Mari popped up, mind whirling and ideas spinning. She loved her friend dearly, but she was totally ready to use River—and her connections—for her own gain. Desperate times called for, er, desperation.

“Rivs!” She rounded her desk and rushed into the lobby to greet the newly mated woman. “How are you? How’re things?”

The woman’s smile was radiant, the happy glow easily seen and it reminded her—for a moment—why she’d gone into the matchmaking biz.

Then she remembered she had bills to pay and, uh, River had money. Not that she wanted
money, but the money of River’s friends was fair game.

“Perfect!” River sighed, a dreamy expression on her face. “Perfectly perfect.”

“Really?” Mari raised her eyebrows. The girl looked like she was getting all the right loving with that glow, but Mari had

The dragon was sexy but very far from perfect.

“Your mating is good? The family?”

River rolled her eyes. “C’mon. Let’s talk in your office. The Boston Brownings are riding the will to the bitter end and I’ve gotta get married.”

Mari led her toward her area and River—prim and proper, prissy River—slumped and sprawled on the office couch. And were those holes in her jeans? Dear God, the hems were frayed.

“Well, uh, he’s your mate but humans don’t recognize matings like marriages so it makes sense.”

River snorted. “I’m just done with them, with the mess. I have money without them, but I refuse to let them win. I’ll get married and claim the company but I can’t promise I’ll remain on the payroll.”

Shock had Mari gasping. “Browning Industrial is your life. You’ve always wanted to lead the company.”

She shrugged. “Taron is my life. Browning Industrial is just a job now. And if it wasn’t for the fact that I
they’d destroy the company within the year, I’d let them have it. But they’d tear it apart and there are so many who depend on us—me.”

She gave her friend a small smile. It was obvious River spoke the truth. Mari had never seen her so happy and content.

“I’m glad. Truly happy for you, Rivs.”

That had her friend’s smile turning mischievous. “How happy? Happy enough to plan my wedding and be my maid of honor?”

“Maid of Honor is a given but they
have professional wedding planners, you know.”

River shook her head. “No, this isn’t going to be some big frou-frou event that half the world is invited to. This is friends, a few business associates, and the nicer people in the family.”

“And you want me to plan it.”

River nodded.

“Me.” Mari pointed at herself just to be sure.

“Yup, you. No budget, do what you want. It should be fun. Nothing stuffy.”

“Anything I want?” Mari’s mind spun with the possibilities.

“We were going for three days, but now that I know he’s my true mate, I want to celebrate. I need the best you can do in two weeks. So, anything except strippers and the officiant has to be licensed to perform weddings.”

“Anything,” she whispered and then realized how she could make her friend happy and maybe leverage the M&M Mating Agency as well. Just a tiny bit. Inconsequential when compared to everything else, really. Just, like, a mention in the program… or on the invitation.

The M&M Mating Agency

(Entirely responsible for matching the happy couple. See for details.)

Request the honor of your presence at the wedding of River Browning and Taron Jones...


The End


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By the way… below are some links to help you hunt up the rest of the series:


M&M Mating Agency #1: Wanting a Mate –

M&M Mating Agency #2: Hunting a Mate –

M&M Mating Agency #3: Protecting a Mate –

M&M Mating Agency #4: Buying a Mate –


About the Authors


Mina Carter


Mina Carter is a
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling, multi-genre author. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter, and a very bossy cat.


If you’d like to be notified of new releases, special sales, and FREE eBooks, subscribe here:


Connect with Mina online at:



Celia Kyle


Ex-dance teacher, former accountant, and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson,
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author Celia Kyle now writes paranormal romances for readers who:


1) Like super hunky heroes (they generally get furry).

2) Dig beautiful women (who have a few more curves than the average lady).

3) Love laughing in (and out of) bed.


If you’d like to be notified of new releases, special sales, and FREE eBooks, subscribe here:


You can find Celia online at:


Copyright Page


Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Buying a Mate. Copyright © 2015. Mina Carter and Celia Kyle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the authors.


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues in this book are of the authors’ imaginations and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.



BOOK: Buying a Mate (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 8)
12.56Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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