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Authors: Cher Carson

Busted (3 page)

BOOK: Busted
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“’Cause I wanna come all over this sweet ass.” Just the
thought of shooting all over her, the sight of her wet and sticky with his seed,
made him even harder. He ran a finger between her cheeks, using her come to
lubricate the puckered hole. “You ever had anybody take you here, darlin’?”

“No,” she panted.

“I’m going to.” Like a man on a mission, he knew he couldn’t
let her leave him until he’d taken all of her and forced her to take all of him...

“I don’t think…”

“Sssshhh,” he whispered, licking a hot wet path up her back.
“You’re gonna love it, I promise. You’re gonna want it all the time.” He went
still when he thought about her begging another guy to fuck her in the ass.
“Son of a bitch,” he muttered.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, craning her neck to look at him.

“Nothin’.” He had to stay focused on the here and now. He
knew if she liked what he offered, she’d be more open to experimenting with
other lovers, but he couldn’t let that de-rail his plans. He’d never forgive
himself if she left without knowing what he was capable of. He couldn’t offer
her anything more than one night, but he intended to make it one night she’d

“Oh my, oh…” She released a deep, guttural moan as she
tightened around him, pulling him deeper into the hottest, tightest cavern he’d
ever had the pleasure of feeling.  

Her pussy pulsating around his cock finished him off faster
than it should have. He wanted to come all over her, but that would have to
wait until they were inside and he could treat her to a nice, long, hot shower.
Visions of taking her up against the tiled wall or feasting on her while she
sat with her legs spread on the bench in his oversized shower filtered through
his mind, not that he needed any more stimulus to push him over the edge. He
was already there, shooting deep inside of her, digging his hands into her
hips, making her beg for mercy as he drew another orgasm from her with little
more than the flick of his finger on her swollen clit.


He realized he’d been waiting for this; the ache of longing
that filled the air when she cried out his name told him she was as invested as
he was. Neither of them could turn back.



Charlene was still trying to believe she’d actually fucked a
stranger on the trunk of her car with the brisk night air tickling her ass.
Good girls like her didn’t do things like that. They may
about it
from time to time, but whenever they found the courage to act on their impulses,
their sweet mama’s voice would break through the lust-induced fog of stupidity
and slap them upside the head. Where the hell was her mama tonight when Charlene
needed her to be her conscience? Probably down at the bingo hall with all the
other old ladies, smug in the knowledge that her daughter was pure, innocent,
and too smart to give herself to the first sexy cowboy who promised to smack
her ass until she came, over and over again.

Sorry, Mama.   

She followed him into the house, trying to withdraw her hand
from his firm grip.

“You okay?” Cole asked, pinning her against the wall of his
foyer with his big, heavy body.

Lord have mercy, this man was huge. In

“Um, yeah, sure.” She tried for worldly and sophisticated,
like she did this all the time, but she knew the quiver in her voice gave her
away. “I feel great.” At least that much was true. How could she not feel great
after two, count ‘em two, intense orgasms?

How sad was it that she’d never come during sex before?
She’d had a couple of lovers use their hands or mouths to take her there, but
more often than not, they took the plunge long before she was even out of the
starting gate. And instead of asking what they could do to help her, they
rolled over and went to sleep.
That was half the reason she resorted
to battery operated stimulation these days.

“What’re you thinkin’ about, sweetness?” he asked, drawing
her earlobe between his teeth and swirling his tongue in tight circles that had
her writhing against the wall as though she hadn’t already come mere moments

What the hell was wrong with her? When did she turn into a
wanton woman? And who gave this man the key to unlock the sensual side of her
that had been locked away for… ever? “Nothing, I’m…” She tried not to grind
into the hand cupping her sex. This was getting embarrassing. He was going to
think she was desperate.

“It’s okay, baby,” he said, licking her neck. “Don’t tense
up on me. I want you to come again.”

Charlene whimpered, wishing she hadn’t surrendered control
of her body to this man. She didn’t know when or how it happened, but there was
no denying it. He
her body. It thrilled and appalled her at the
same time. At least she wasn’t frigid, as she often feared. She just needed the
right man to flip the switch, and now that he had, she couldn’t seem to turn it
off. She was a quivering mass of moist need, ready to do anything he said, so
long as he promised this feeling would never end.

“Yesssss….” She clamped her hands down on his wide shoulders
and opened her legs wider, allowing him to do his worst… or his best, as the
case may be. “Cole…”

“Say it again.”

Stringing two words together in her state was difficult, but
when he pulled his hand away as though he was waiting for something before he
continued, she forced herself to ask, “Say what?”

“My name. Every time I make you come tonight, I want to hear
my name on your lips. If I don’t, you will be punished. Understood?”

She thought about his hand coming down on her ass out in the
driveway and the moisture pooled between her legs.

“Say it.”

She tried to remember what he wanted her to say, which
wasn’t easy, since her brain seemed to have moved south. “I, uh, understand.”

He pinned her hands above her head with one of his as he
began to lick and suck her nipples.

Her tortured cry filled the small space just before his hand
zeroed in on her pussy again. She shouldn’t be ready to come again so soon, but
she was. She remembered his warning, and his name fell from her lips at the
same time she started to pulsate against the digits sliding in and out of her.
She wanted to tell him to stop, but she couldn’t find her voice. And a part of
her knew that he wouldn’t no matter what she said. He got off on pushing her
further than she’d ever gone before.

When he finally seemed satisfied that he’d pushed her body
to the limits,
for now
, he began kissing her slowly, intimately, until
she felt a tear streaking her cheek. She didn’t know why the hell she was
crying. Maybe because no man had ever taken the time to kiss her so thoroughly,
as though her pleasure was the only thing that mattered to him. She realized in
that moment that was what set Cole apart from every other man she’d been with;
her satisfaction mattered to him more than his own.

“Hey,” he said, brushing away a tear. “Why are you cryin’?”

She couldn’t tell him the truth, so she opted for a
half-truth instead. “I’m sorry. I just broke up with someone and this is the
first time I’ve been with another man since.” At least that much was true. But
since she and Chad were living in different states since he’d dropped out of
school, they hadn’t seen each other in months.

A muscle in his jaw jerked as he leaned into her, pressing
her back to the wall with his weight. “You were thinkin’ about some other guy
just now?”

She knew of all the excuses she could give for her tears,
that was probably the worst. “I, uh…” She usually prided herself on being
well-spoken and articulate, but when he looked at her like he was intent on
devouring her, she couldn’t even think straight.

“Tell me you’re not gonna start cryin’ on my shoulder ‘cause
some dumbass was stupid enough to dump you.”

It was nice to know he thought so highly of her, given their
circumstances. “No, I just…” The truth is that Chad hadn’t even crossed her
mind tonight, but she couldn’t very well tell him that a simple kiss had moved
her to tears.

“I don’t want you thinkin’ about anyone else tonight.” His
eyes grazed her tits and his hands skimmed her body. “When you’re with me, you
think about me and only me. Got it?”

“Yes.” She could easily see him as the Dominant her friends
claimed he was. He was bossy, a quality she’d never found attractive in a man,
until now.

“Good, I’m glad we understand each other.” He took her hand
and led her into the kitchen.

She felt strange walking through the house without clothing,
but she knew asking him if she could put her clothes back on was pointless. He
clearly wasn’t finished with her.

“Can I get you anything to eat or drink?”

Her eyes landed on crayon art attached to the front of the
stainless steel fridge. Her stomach plummeted when she saw the word
scrawled across the top. “Oh my God, you have a child?” Of course he had a
child. Ruth Braxton always gushed about her youngest grandchild.

Oh God, what had she gotten herself into? Sex with the son
of one of her mama’s closest friends. If her parents found out about this,
they’d have her married off to Bruno from the carwash before some sexual Dominant
could corrupt their baby girl.

“Yeah, is that a problem?”

It shouldn’t have been, since this was a supposed to have been
a one-night stand. “Are you divorced?”

“No, my wife was killed in a car accident,” he said,

She remembered hearing the story from her mama, and even
then her heart had broken for the baby girl who would grow up without a mother.
She instinctively reached out to touch his shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

“We were having problems, talkin’ about gettin’ a divorce. I
guess that’s why she went out and tied one on with her girlfriends that night. I’d
told her I wanted a divorce and planned on suin’ her for shared full custody of

Charlene pressed her hand to her lips to prevent her from
saying more than she should. She suspected he wouldn’t appreciate her pity.

“I hate that it had to end that way.” He glanced at the
crayon drawings decorating his fridge. “She was a good woman. She loved our
little girl, but…”

“But what?” She knew she shouldn’t ask. Getting to know him
wasn’t part of their deal. This was supposed to be about sex, nothing more.

“We were two different people.” He cleared his throat. “She
pretended to like the lifestyle for my benefit, but after a while, I knew she
was just goin’ through the motions. She wasn’t gettin’ off on it and I didn’t
know how to get off any other way.”

Charlene frowned, trying to make sense of what he was
telling her. “You were going to end your marriage because you weren’t sexually compatible?
But you had a little girl together. Weren’t you thinking about what was best
for her?” The look in his eye when he turned to face her had her taking a step
back. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” He walked back to the foyer where
they’d left their clothes. Without another word, he picked hers up and thrust
them into her hands. “No one, and I mean no one, questions my love for my
little girl. She means everything to me.”

“I didn’t mean—”

“Just go.” He raked his hand through his hair. “This was a
bad idea. You just need to go.”

Stunned and hurt by his dismissal, she forced her trembling
hands to work so she could replace her clothes. With hatred in his eyes and
remorse in her heart, she couldn’t utter a word as she brushed past him,
praying she had the strength to wait until she was far away from him before she
gave into the tears. 


Chapter One


Cole had anticipated this day ever since he found out who
his daughter’s second-grade teacher would be. Shortly after she walked out on
him, he did a little digging and found out that his one-night stand was also the
little sister of one of his best friends. She’d been away at college, so they
never crossed paths before, with the exception of that one night. The night he
couldn’t seem to forget.

As soon as her tail lights started fading into the night, he’d
regretted his decision to send her away. He knew he overreacted to her question
about his marriage, but he felt guilty about his role in his wife’s death for
years. Was
the reason she got behind the wheel while drunk? Was she
trying to punish him or teach him a lesson, or was she just so terrified at the
prospect of losing the child they both loved that she did something completely
out of character and paid with her life? He would never know the answer to
those questions, but he knew it would haunt him for the rest of his days.

That was the reason Charlene’s innocent question had set him
off. A rational person would have calmly explained his reasons for wanting out
of a marriage that no longer worked, or better yet, he could have told her he
didn’t want to talk about it and carried on with their evening. Instead, he
overreacted and threw her out of his house, practically naked, with a pained
expression on her face and hurt and confusion clouding her eyes.

They’d seen each a few times since she returned to accept
the teaching position in her hometown, at the grocery store, the post office,
and once at a barbeque at the mayor’s house. But she wasn’t interested in
picking up where they left off, that much was obvious. In fact, she told him if
he ever told anyone about what happened that night, she’d deny it, making him
look like a desperate, delusional fool.

So he’d kept his mouth shut and tried to keep his fantasies
in check. But every time he saw her, his mind wandered to what it felt like
having her bent over her car, at his mercy…

“Daddy, do you think my new teacher’s gonna be nice?”
Cassidy asked, bouncing up and down in the back seat of Cole’s big truck.

BOOK: Busted
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