Bullwhipped (A Cowboy Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: Bullwhipped (A Cowboy Romance)
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Nipping at her bottom lip, his hand traced her jaw line. “Who needs physical therapy when I’ve got you? I plan on you strengthening me up real nice.” The corners of his eyes crinkled, a clue that he was being mischievous. Though she was used to him by now, she still felt her cheeks heat up. Wagging his finger at her, he shook his head and took a step back. “And don’t play that innocent act. I’ve seen you in action. I’ve said from the get go that you’re hustling me.”

Before she could refute, Dean and Sammy came in the room, each of them carrying bags to gather up the last bit of gifts. “Finally busting out of here, huh?” Dean patted him on the back. “You’re free to stay at the house as long as you need. A motel room is no place to recuperate.”

“Thanks, Dad. As long as Livie can come too. I told her to get back out on the road, but she’s a stubborn ass.”

Dean smiled. “Of course. I’d love to have her.”

It’d feel awkward at first, but Olivia was glad to be there for Cale. Part of his recovery was physical, and part of it was getting back on good terms with his father. Tucking her arm in Cale’s, she walked with him to the door, each of them taking one last glance at the hospital room.

“Good riddance. Let’s get on with life,” Cale replied, ambling down the hallway. Waving to the nurses, he stopped at their desk. “Thanks for everything, ladies. I plan to not see you for a very, very long time.”

“Yeah, yeah, Cale. Next time,
trample the damn bull,” one of the nurses said, looking up from her monitor. “Get outta here! But come visit, preferably not as a patient next time.”

Winking, he said, “Count on it.”

Chapter Thirteen


A few weeks had passed since Cale had been discharged from the hospital. Physical therapy had been going well and he was making great progress in his recovery. He found himself getting winded a lot easier than before the injury, but it was something he told himself he’d have to live with.

His father was also coming around. Cale had his reservations about the man – he feared it was just an act and Dean would soon revert back to the man he knew him to be, but there was also sincerity in everything he did for Cale. During the day his father was busy on the farm, and in the evening he made sure Cale and Olivia had everything they needed.

As time passed, he also thought about his future. Would he ride bulls again? Dr. Chambers was right – he had to think about the next time he got injured. He had been lucky up until now. Was it a risk he was willing to take? The thought of not doing rodeo anymore hurt almost as bad as getting bucked off and trampled, and he’d have to face making a decision soon.

Sitting on the back porch, he admired the sunset against the trees. The orange and blue hues were breathtaking, like a painting spread for miles. The breeze was humid, but cool, and he laughed as Olivia approached, tripping over several of his dad’s hound dogs that begged for her attention. Squatting, she reached out and scratched one behind the ears, talking to him as if he understood everything she was saying.

Catching his stare, she smiled and sat beside him on the swing. “Penny for your thoughts, Cale.”

He spread his hands in front of him. “I want your opinion.”

“Okay. What’s up?”

Taking a deep breath, he thought about it for a second. “It’s getting to the point where I’ve gotta figure out what I want to do about the future. Should I go back?”

“What does your heart say?” she asked, resting her hand on his leg.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Cale scoffed. “It’s telling me more than one thing, Livie. I want to hop back on. I want to get back out there. But I also know my body isn’t as tough as it once was. You know how it is. Do I want to become the guy who can barely crawl out of bed in the morning because of rodeo? Or worse. What if I’m not so lucky next time?”

Olivia squeezed his knee, glancing out at the sky. “I know you love rodeo. It’s all you’ve known. But if you decide to hang the spurs up, I support you. No one would think you’re any less of a man if you do it. I’ll support whatever you decide to do.”

“What exactly would I do if I’m not bull riding?” The uncertainty was terrifying.

“You could always travel with me. You’d still be around the life. And once we save up enough, we’ll start that riding school I have talked about and you can help me with that too. That is, if you see me as part of that future you’re thinking about.”

He caressed her hand. “Of course you’re part of it, Livie. And I like that idea. I wouldn’t be completely eliminating rodeo. But what about Sammy?”

She waved her hand. “We’ve talked. He’s ready to get back home and work my daddy’s farm. So if you want, I have a spot open on my team.”

It was finally an option that didn’t scare him and felt appealing. “Let’s do it, Livie. I want to be around for you. I want to be able to play out in the yard with the kids. If I keep riding, I have a feeling none of that will happen.”

“Okay, Cale. Let’s do it,” she repeated, leaning in. “Where’s your dad tonight?”

“I think he went to an auction in Austin.”

Olivia smirked. “So he’ll be gone a while?”

“I like where your mind is, Livie.” Standing, he gently pulled her arm, leading her into the house and up the stairs. “Seems we haven’t been alone since before I got hurt.”

“Can you handle it?” she asked.

“Can’t be any worse than physical therapy, but a lot more enjoyable.” He spun her around, pinning her against the wall. Her back pressed into him and he glided his hips against her ass, enjoying the contour of her curves. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.” He lifted the hair off of ear and nibbled on her lobe as his hand cupped one of her breasts, feeling the nipple harden against the cotton of her shirt.

She closed her eyes and moaned. “My pleasure, Cale.”

You got it, Babe.”

His hand moved to her belt and he fumbled with the buckle, getting her pants pulled down over her hips. His index finger skimmed over her panties, massaging her. Reaching around, she cupped the back of his head. His finger danced between her folds, soaking her panties. There was something so seductive about keeping them on and teasing her, but she took it upon herself to slip them down with her jeans, until her bottom half was completely exposed for him.

He gasped when her hand followed suit, making contact with the bulge in his jeans. She spread her legs to allow him better access, and he plunged two fingers as deep as he could get them as she continued to toy with him over his pants. Her ass ground into him and her seductive glance over her shoulder made him lose control.

Grasping her hips, he backpedaled toward the bed, gently pushing her onto the mattress. He needed release. It had been too long and he had to make love to the woman who had stolen his heart. He tossed his clothes in the pile with hers and she followed his lead, pulling her shirt and bra off.

He stood at the edge of the bed, admiring her.

“Everything okay?” she asked, spreading her legs.

“You have no idea,” Cale replied, kneeling between her thighs. He smoothed his hands up and down her skin. It was like silk against his palms. “I love you, Livie.”

“I love you too.”

He kissed her hard, tasting her on his tongue as he dipped it between her teeth and into her mouth. Her fingernails dug into his back as he gently eased inside of her, thrusting as slow as he could muster without completely losing himself in the moment. Her legs wrapped around him, tightening with each movement. He didn’t break the kiss as he continued to move.

There was nothing kinky about it, but it was arousing and incredible, all wrapped in one. It wasn’t just sex – he was making love to Olivia, the woman who came into his life at just the right time.

He pulled out and plunged back in, all while she bit down on his bottom lip, making him growl. Her breasts bounced and he couldn’t resist tugging on one.

“You good?” Olivia asked, breaking the kiss.

“Never been better.”

His pace quickened and he placed his hands on either side of her for leverage, knowing he’d soon be done. Moving faster, he looked deep into Olivia’s eyes, brushing some of her hair from her face. Her head moved to the side and she buried her face in the pillow as she called out his name several times, coming with him as he finished deep inside of her. Pumping a few more times, he couldn’t bring himself to pull out completely until he was certain it was over.

Lying beside her, he didn’t break the skin on skin contact, their body meshed together. “You saved me, Livie.”

“How did I save you, Cale?”

He pulled the covers up around them as their naked bodies finally calmed down from the physical endeavor. “I was on a quick path to nowhere. I’m not sure I could’ve gotten through all of this without you, and you got my dad and I on good terms again. How is one person capable of so much good?”

“It was teamwork, Cale. We did it all together.”

He nuzzled his face into the back of her head, taking in the fresh scent of her hair. “You’ll never take credit, but without you this never would’ve happened. I’ll say it again. You saved me.”

“I’m glad I found you,” Olivia said, her voice fading between breaths, her body relaxing against him. She’d be asleep soon.

“You say it’s teamwork and we did it together,” Cale repeated. “I can’t wait to see what else we’re capable of together. Barrel racing, horse riding school, and whatever else comes in between – it’s going to be a beautiful ride for both of us.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Cale.”

For the first time since Cale could remember, he was happy and looked forward to what the future had to hold. With a wonderful woman like Olivia Hayes by his side, he felt invincible. He was a better man because of her and with his new found confidence, he was ready for whatever came their way.


The end


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BOOK: Bullwhipped (A Cowboy Romance)
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