Buck (Rope 'n Ride #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Buck (Rope 'n Ride #1)
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“You raced too, didn’t you, Ma?” Channing asked. Anything to steer the conversation away from the one person she didn’t want to hear about. She’d up and left Buck with only a note to explain herself.

The cameras zoomed in around her and Ma as the story was related. Peggy had been a top pick on a national level back in the day before she’d fallen for a handler. Buck Sr. had swept her off her feet and installed her on his ranch with a son in her belly as quickly as possible.

“Did you regret leaving your dreams behind?” Channing asked, aware that the film crew was eating this up.

Ma looked at her surroundings—cozy kitchen and a huge table that seated their large brood. “Not a bit. I took on new challenges is all.”

Reaching across the table, Channing patted her hand and they shared a smile.

“Someday soon you’ll have this too, sweetheart. Buck’s bun in the oven and the love of a good man.”

Channing fought a rising lump in her throat, but it was no use. Tears scalded the back of her nose. Pushing hastily to her feet, she said, “Of course. Thank you for breakfast. I just remembered I forgot to water the chickens.”

She fled the house. Once on the wide front porch, she sucked in big gulps of air. How was she going to continue with this lie? Ma needed to know the truth about her and Buck. Lying to her was no repayment for her good graces.

Soon she’d sit down with her and break the news even if Buck got upset by it. What did she owe him anyway?

The thought had barely skittered through her mind when a truck door slammed. She looked up to see a young film guy climbing out of Buck’s truck. Her heart rocketed into her throat, choking her. She wheezed in more oxygen but it was no use. Buck had spotted her.

And God, did the man look good. Even scruffy from a long drive, he was beautiful. Dark hair shadowed his jaw and upper lip and his jeans seemed to sag around his hips more than usual. Had he lost a pound or two? He couldn’t afford to—he was all lean, ropey muscle. The notion that he hadn’t been eating either…

She snapped to attention as her gaze met his. Sparks zinged between them. If someone walked into the crossfire, he’d be shot down.

He started toward her, his shoulders rolling with each step, his arms swinging loosely at his sides but his gaze burned through her like a match to a dry twist of grass. She pushed the errant tendril of hair from her eyes again and quaked in her boots.

Behind her, the screen door opened and she knew the camera crew was here to witness their exchange just as the young guy who’d ridden here with Buck was filming.

But this wasn’t an act—was it? He looked as though he wanted to eat her up and throttle her all at once. She backed up a step but a firm hand on her back stopped her.

“Go into the yard,” the cameraman said.

Unable to think, she obeyed. Her feet carrying her across the porch and down two steps before Buck was smack-dab in front of her, his chest a wall of muscle she wanted to hurl herself against repeatedly.

With his brown eyes glittering, he loomed over her. Head bent, lips inches away from hers. She sucked in a breath that might as well have been her very first.

Man, leather, musk, mint. Why did she have to be so damn in love with him?

His rough fingers closed around hers, linking them more closely. Her heart pounded. When he brushed his thumb repeatedly over her engagement ring, the camera zoomed in on the action.

Ignoring it all, Buck murmured, “There are things we need to discuss. One of them is you do not leave my bed until I’m damn good and ready, darlin’. And I wasn’t ready.”

A shiver ran through her—emotion and lust and so many other things she couldn’t put a name to. Her fingers convulsed in his hands. As if thinking she was trying to pull away, he tightened his hold. Then he looked deep into her eyes and kissed her.

She unraveled at his caress. Every pass of his tongue sent her into spasms of need. She tore her hand free of his grasp. It floundered in the air a brief moment before latching onto his nape. She drew him closer as he lifted her off her feet.

“Well I see Buck’s home,” his ma said from the porch.

They pulled away and Buck set her back on the toes of her boots. But only for a brief second before he grasped her around the hips and tossed her over his shoulder. She squealed, a grin breaking over her face. This was the Buck she wanted—needed.

But was it all for the cameras?

He stormed the porch as if his boots were on fire. Then stooping, he planted a kiss on his mother’s cheek. Channing kicked her feet to be set down but he clamped a hand on her ass, holding her firmly in place. Ribbons of need curled and knotted her insides. His declaration that he hadn’t been ready for her to leave his bed had ensnared her far more than she wanted to admit.

When he sent the screen door flying open, he said, “Duck.” She dropped her head to avoid bashing it on the doorjamb. He didn’t take a moment to look around his home after being away—he just strode through the house and entered his bedroom.

Where he stopped dead. Letting her slide down his body, he seemed to stop breathing. She tried to figure out what was bothering him but his graveled tones reached her. “Darlin’…you moved your stuff in?”

“I…” Shit. Now was the time to admit what was going on with Luke and tell him about her reasons for dumping her apartment. But his touch on her ass still seemed to brand her skin, and her pussy throbbed for the things his kiss had promised.

She smiled into his eyes. “Surprise?”

With a growl, he grabbed her and tossed her onto the bed. She barely had a moment to gather her bearings before he bore her down with his bulky muscles and his hot, tormenting kisses.

“Put your legs around me, darlin’. Fuck, I need you.”

He did—his erection dug into her mound, feeling larger than ever. She made a noise of surrender and wrapped her legs high on his hips, drawing him down where she needed him most.

* * * * *

How was it possible that Buck wanted Channing more now after two orgasms? She sat on a comfy overstuffed chair giving an interview about their first dates, first kisses and when she’d realized he was “the one.”

Hell, he couldn’t get harder. And he wanted to smooth that honey-blonde hair out of her eye and kiss her swollen lips. Did the others even notice how swollen her lips were? He’d kissed her until she’d come around his cock before she’d slithered down his body and wrapped her pretty mouth around his length for mind-blowing minutes.

That was round one. Round two had involved much, much more. He couldn’t get enough of her.

“When Buck gave me this…” She turned tear-bright eyes on the camera and twisted the engagement ring around her slender finger, “I didn’t need time to think about it. I knew he was the one for me.”

His throat closed off. Sure, she’d felt like that in the beginning—it was written all over her face. But did she feel the same now?

He didn’t think she was acting for the sake of the cameras. Pressing his lips into a tight line, he let his mind follow a natural path leading to a happy ending. What would happen if she really did marry him and the season finale wedding wasn’t a show?

One thing was certain—she hadn’t faked a single minute in his bed.

The producer opened his mouth to fire one more question at Channing, but Buck waved a hand in front of the camera. “Cut.”

Channing looked up in confusion, but the crew just watched as Buck pulled her to her feet and rushed her from the living room. Lane looked ready to puke as he took his place in the interrogation chair.

Buck snorted. Poor bastard. At least it wasn’t him.

For now, he was going to get Channing far from the prying eyes.

“Where are we going?” She threw him a look over her shoulder that had his balls clenching.

“Get in my truck.”

She made a noise but a minute later she was seated beside him as he swerved around too many vehicles parked in his driveway. They roared down the gravel lane but at the last minute he took a detour, bouncing across the field.


He shot her a look. “Hold on, beautiful.”

She curled her fingers around the holy shit handle as they barreled across the field where no cattle grazed. This patch of the ranch was untouched. It funneled down into a group of trees and the high grasses were uncut. Perfect for hiding with a woman.

When he braked to a stop, she relaxed her hold on the handle and looked at him. A heavy silence strung between them.

“Why are we here, Buck?”

He lowered his eyelids and raked his gaze over her flushed cheeks and her cleavage spilling from her plaid top. The ends of that top were tied at her waist and he’d been itching to work the knot free and feel the smooth, warm skin of her midriff.

“You know why. Get out of the truck.”

* * * * *

Channing’s skin felt ten times too hot as Buck stripped her completely. His callused hands were driving her insane. And she swore he was purposely brushing his knuckles over her nipple every so often.

“You have no reason to have…your hand there. You already have my top off.”

“Don’t I?” He crouched at her feet and urged her to lift each leg so he could remove her boots. As he let each drop and then worked her skinny jeans, panties and socks off, she quivered with anticipation. When Buck got this way there was nothing to do but go along with him.

As if I want to do anything else.

He knew it too. He was in total charge of her, from taking off her clothes to her final scream of pleasure.

Reaching out, she waited for his touch but it didn’t come. Instead he gripped the handle of the tailgate and lowered it. Then giving her a smoldering look, he said, “Bend over.”

She sucked in a breath. “What?”

“You heard me. Bend over that tailgate.”

Oh God.
She slowly turned and placed her palms on the truck bed. The metal was still warm from the sun.

“Lie flat on it.”

She jerked and shot him a glance.

“Fuck, I love it when you plead with your eyes like that. Do as I say, Channing.” His voice washed over her senses and she found herself obeying without thought. Lulled by his voice even as it knifed through her.

Slowly she lowered her breasts and belly to the truck. It was high enough that she had to strain a bit on tiptoe.

Buck issued a gritty noise. “Such a beautiful ass. Spread your legs wide.”

A snake of excitement slithered down her spine and she could barely hold still as she did his bidding. The high grass tickled her calves, heightening her awareness even more.

When she heard the
of a belt buckle followed by a zipper, she twisted to see him. Watching Buck Calhoun take his clothes off was a sight to behold. Hell, women would pay huge money just for a glimpse of him shirtless. But she knew how glorious he was in the buff. Tan lines ending low on his waist, his carved muscles on full display.

“Face forward.”

Before she’d even gotten a good look at him? Shame.

Buck’s body heat enveloped her, and she stopped feeling sorry for herself. Her skin broke out in light perspiration. Her pussy clenched hard, and a bead of juice ran down her inner thigh.

Sure enough, Buck caught it with his forefinger. He followed the wet trail up to her soaking center, massaging her needy folds without giving her time to warm up.

Gasping, writhing, she fought to encourage his fingers right where she wanted them.

“You’re soaking wet for me, my pretty little slut.”

“Y-yes.” She dropped her shoulders, letting her weight rest on the truck bed, unable to hold herself up anymore. He slid his fingers up and down her wet seam, over and over again, until she was panting.

Suddenly he removed his fingers and gathered her long hair in his fist, drawing her head back a bit. She moaned and her nipples hardened even more. She’d let him do anything to her. She adored every moment she spent in his radar, and she had to admit, that was more often now that she’d dumped him.

He tugged her hair. She cried out at the pleasurable sting on her scalp just as he tapped her ass with his palm. Not a hard slap but enough to let her know his intentions.

He was warming her up.


“That’s it, my little slut. Beg for me. Beg for what you need.”

“I need…your fingers. Your cock.”

Another slap—harder this time. “Oh you’ll get it. Or will you?” He spanked her harder. She arched into his hand at the same moment he pulled her head up and back. She wiggled like a worm on a hook.

Five more slaps on her ass cheek and her flesh felt as hot as the surface of the sun. Leaning over her, he trailed his lips over her shoulder. The prickly hairs of his stubbled upper lip sent her into the nether-world. She cried out for more.

He kissed a path across her shoulder and down her spine while still latched onto her hair and smacking her ass. When he switched to the other cheek, she issued a primal moan.

“Mmm, you
needy. I didn’t appreciate you leaving my bed so soon back in Waco, though.”

BOOK: Buck (Rope 'n Ride #1)
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