Read Broken Submission: Surrendering Softly (Contemporary Submissive Romance) Online

Authors: Katelyn Skye

Tags: #submissive, #billionaire, #submissive female, #submissive and dominant, #submissive fantasy, #billionaire bdsm romance, #submissive bdsm, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire bachelor, #billionaire affair

Broken Submission: Surrendering Softly (Contemporary Submissive Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Broken Submission: Surrendering Softly (Contemporary Submissive Romance)
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Alas, he’d long
been warned off by the eagle-eyed James. “I’ve seen how you keep
checking her out each time you come here,” James had said with a
scowl that was only half joking. “Lily’s a good girl, Maxwell.
She’s not your usual fare as you can surely tell. And in the past
six months since she started here as a paralegal, she’s more than
proven herself to be a dedicated employee. I’d rather you didn’t
add her to the ever expanding notches on your bedpost.”

“Would it count
if she didn’t actually get to reach my bed at all? I was much
looking forward to rather bending her over this very sturdy desk of
yours,” Maxwell had said, only half joking himself, even as he
added with a smirk, “Unless you’d rather keep that juicy privilege
to yourself. Is that it? It’s okay if you’re saving her for
yourself though there was a time you weren’t averse to

“Fuck you,
Max,” James had replied, grinning. “You know my policy; I don’t
mess with employees. Lily Armstrong’s a pretty peach, but she’s
much too innocent for the likes of you or me to think of biting
into. Just leave her alone, okay? She isn’t used to men such as you
and I won’t have her delicate personality hurt.”

Delicate. Those words had pricked some sense into Maxwell as he
realized James was right. Lily wasn’t at all like the women Maxwell
was used to – the women Maxwell chose to involve with. Women who
knew where things stood and that Maxwell Craig wasn’t looking for
romance. He believed in passion and taking it where it could be
had. And then walking away without a backward glance when it was

Done with his
appraisal of the blushing beauty standing in the middle of the
room, Maxwell turned with a sly smile to James who was saying
mildly, “That’s fine, Lily; you’re quite in order. And Mr. Craig
was just about leaving.”

James cocked a
pointed brow at Maxwell, who smirked and rose, buttoning up his
suit. “I have an appointment with Max Craig Snr. in half an hour
anyway. And the old man lost his sense of humor since…well, ever
since I’ve known him so he wouldn’t find it funny if I’m
fashionably late. See you at the club later tonight, James.”

He nodded
slightly to the shyly smiling Lily, and then left the office.


Lily resisted
the urge to check her reflection one last time, and pressed her
damp hands down the stretchy skirt of her dress as the cab door
closed behind her. Coming round from the other side was Pamela, her
best friend since grade school.

“Relax. You
look amazing,” Pamela said with a warm, encouraging smile as she
hugged an arm around Lily’s shoulders bared by her strapless black
dress. Lily had never worn anything so revealing in her life. Since
she was top heavy she avoided necklines which drew attention to her
upper assets. She also happened to be thick-hipped as well so it
was a trial having to pull off this clingy, sexy black number.

She let out a
deep breath. “You’re sure this is a good idea?” she asked Pamela
with a doubtful look.

Pamela tucked a
stray auburn curl from Lily’s carefully made up face. “It’s the
best idea bringing you with me tonight. It will be a first of all
the fun and excitement to come. I promised you we’d have a good
time didn’t I? Well that’s exactly what we’ll have. This is the
trendiest new club in the city and our dates tonight have paid
heavily for our glamorous companionship. Now smile and live it up,
baby. Your new life starts now.”

Lily couldn’t
help smiling back in capitulation at her oldest friend. Pamela
could talk her into almost anything and tonight was no different.
One moment Lily had been feeling down on the dumps but then Pamela
called and told her she was coming over to take Lily out on a night
on the town.

“One of my
biggest clients is interested in hiring me and a friend for an
evening of fun. I thought of you and how you’ve been too busy to
really relax since you got that new job in the law firm,” was how
Pamela had brought up the idea. “I know you don’t normally do this
but you’ve been complaining all week about how dull your life is
getting. So I’m thinking this would be the perfect chance for you
to enjoy some excitement with no strings attached.”

Lily had been
dubious at first. She knew the kind of work Pamela did in her spare
time and though Lily would never judge, she couldn’t help thinking
that such an exciting lifestyle had to have its drawbacks. There
was always that sense of danger. A sense of the unknown and it
frightened her a little. What of the men weren’t who they claimed
to be?

Pamela took
time in assuring her that every client was screened thoroughly
before being provided services from the agency Pamela worked with.
So Lily had nothing to worry about. Right?

It took only
minutes for both ladies to be let through the long line waiting in
front of the exclusive club’s entrance.

Lily found her
heart pounding in anticipation when she entered the state of the
art interior. The lights, music and décor were a perfect setting to
raise her excitement as Lily clutched harder on her purse, staring
around the place.

“This way,”
Pamela, who’d been to the club before, guided Lily through the
crowd of snazzily dressed clubbers to the VIP section of the
ultra-modern club. Lily had never been to a place like this before
and she felt the atmosphere cut through her like a high-grade drug.
She loved the pumping music, the press of the crowd, and the looks
of admiration she got from the men whom she passed by on her way to
the table Pamela was leading her to.

“Ah, there they
are,” Pamela said in Lily’s ear as they neared the table where two
men were seated. Pamela had met the client before as they’d had a
past appointment. His friend and business associate would be with
him and that was why a second escort, Lily was needed.

Lily hadn’t let
herself wonder about who she’d be meeting tonight. She had absolute
trust in Pamela not to get her involved in anything she’d be
uncomfortable with. So Lily had a ready smile on her face as she
walked up to the table, lifting a hand to tuck a wayward curl
behind her ear.

The two men
stood once they caught sight of Pamela and Lily. Lily’s curiosity
had her fixing her gaze squarely on the two well-dressed gents. Her
eyes caught with a familiar, dark-haired face and her steps

She saw the
same look of recognition dawn on his face to mix in with his manly
appraisal. He seemed to blink as if in stark disbelief, and Lily
couldn’t say she blamed him. She was in total shock herself.

Maxwell Craig.

Those thoughts
registered and Lily almost wanted to turn and dash from the
vicinity. Maxwell’s eyes narrowed and then he schooled his features
into a detached expression. Before Lily could even think of
escaping, Pamela was introducing them.

Vincent. I’d like you to meet Liliana. She’ll be joining us

Hello, Liliana. My name’s Vincent Price and this is Maxwell Craig
my good friend,” said the handsome, young and slightly balding man
who’d arranged for the two women to join him and his friend that

Liliana. Nice to meet you,” Maxwell Craig said coolly, showing no
signs of recognition as he took his hand in hers. Working on
autopilot, Lily could do nothing but stand there still as a statue
as she felt Maxwell’s gaze run over her from head to foot. “I must
say this is a pleasant surprise,” he added with smooth admiration
as his eyes lifted back up to meet hers. Lily was sure she was the
only one to catch the innuendo.

“Th..thank you,
Mr. Craig. And it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Price,” Lily finally
managed, feeling a tremble from Maxwell’s touch. His hand had
enveloped hers completely in warmth and strength. She swallowed

please,” he said while finally releasing her tingling hand. “And
I’m sure Vincent wouldn’t require you to stand on ceremony either,

Maxwell held
her gaze for a few seconds and Lily had to gulp in another
difficult breath. Shit. She had so not seen this happening, ever.
Just how much trouble was she in now and should she play along with
his game of strangers?

“Of course
not,” Vincent said with a grin, as both women were guided to their
seats; Pamela next to Vincent while Lily took her place beside

At once she
felt that same magnetic power emanating from the man; his expensive
cologne, his masculine presence. He looked like a sex god in the
impeccable, fashionable suit he wore. The dressy shirt beneath was
unbuttoned at the throat and a monstrously expensive watch glinted
at his wrist. Lily had never got this close to him before and the
mere proximity to this man of her fantasies was making her head

She could hear
Vincent offering to order them whatever they’d like to drink. Lily
managed to pick something suitable while very much aware of Maxwell
Craig’s gaze upon the slightly heaving thrust of her breasts. She
knew he could sense her quickened, almost frightened breath.

Which was
silly, wasn’t it? Yes seeing him had shocked her to the marrow. He
was her boss’s best friend and he was here, seeing her like he
never saw her before. But she wasn’t afraid of him. And she wasn’t
doing anything wrong.

So why did she
feel the heavy weight of guilt bearing down in her belly.

“Now what have
we here,” murmured Maxwell right into her ear. Lily had to use
superhuman effort to keep from jumping out of her skin at the husky
sound of his voice. “Quite a transformation, Liliana. Or is it
Lily? I must say I wasn’t expecting this. James’ mousy little
paralegal is actually a high-priced independent escort. A very sexy
one at that. How intriguing.”

“It’s’s not what you think,” Lily breathed, glancing his way and
catching the mocking glint in his eyes. She’d been wrong; she was
scared of him. Scared to death. He excited her; filled her with
equal amounts of mortification, lust and desperation.

“Oh I’m sure
it’s exactly what I think,” Maxwell said, leaning into her ear
again. Lily stared straight ahead, unable to breathe. The music
around them grew distant and her eyes glassed over while both
Pamela and Vincent chatted amiably to themselves, unconscious of
the tension between the couple seated at the opposite end of the
VIP table.

“Now that I
know your dirty little secret…,” murmured Maxwell Craig, “What’s to
be done hmm?

Her dirty
little…? Confused and alarmed, Lily twisted round in her seat to
stare at him with a gasp but their little head-to-head was
interrupted when the drinks arrived.

Lily’s head was
in a whirl. Her date with ‘excitement’ was turning into a nightmare
of epic proportions. She found herself grabbing her drink and
gulping the lot down in seconds. Conversation began to swirl around
the table as both men chatted while the ever professional Pamela
chipped in, laughing elegantly at the men’s wit.

conscious of the man seated next to her, Lily felt the shake in her
fingers as she placed down her empty glass. There were bottles of
choice liquor and wine filling the table and soon her glass was
refilled. She couldn’t process, couldn’t reason. She snatched up
her glass again and took another fortifying swallow. She was

She knew that;
but she just wasn’t sure exactly in what manner.

Fate was
playing a cruel trick on her and Lily told herself she deserved it
for looking to bring more ‘life’ into her dreary existence. Whose
bright idea was it again to indulge in something fun and exciting?
Pamela had made it sound like a great adventure. Lily now wished
she’d never listened to her best friend. She’d certainly had never
dreamed it would entail running into the last man she’d have
expected to meet in such circumstances.

She was
suddenly conscious of Vincent and Pamela rising to have a go on the
dance floor while Maxwell laughingly declined. The music pounded as
loudly as ever but nothing really registered, not even the alcohol
she now had swirling through her system. All she’d been conscious
of all this time was Maxwell. So close next to her she could reach
out and touch the hand he had placed negligently next to his glass
on the table. Thinking about the ways she’d fantasized about his
hands touching her body had goose bumps rising on her exposed

Something made
her glance his way and sure enough, he was regarding her with deep

“Now that we’re
alone,” he said thoughtfully, before tilting his lips in a mocking
smile. “If you can call this alone. But then the night is young and
who’s to tell where it might lead us. I’ll admit, sweet Lily, that
there’s always been something about you. Knowing as much as I do
about women – which is a whole damn lot – you always struck me as
not being exactly as you seemed. And now tonight has proven for
certain I was right.”

“I don’t know
wh…what you mean,” Lily stammered, hating the tremor in her voice.
Showing him any kind of fear or nervousness was a mistake but she
couldn’t seem to stop the way her heart ran so fast she could
barely breathe.

“The point I’m
trying to get at, Lily…is that I’m suggesting you buy my silence,”
Maxwell said plainly, meeting her wide-eyed gaze squarely even as
he smiled with barely veiled satisfaction. “If your boss – my best
friend – ever gets to discover his trusted and virginal-type
employee actually moonlights as a call girl, what do you think
he’ll do?”

Lily almost
fainted. She felt torn with injustice as well as anger and shame.
“I’m not a …”

“He’ll fire
you,” Maxwell went on with a cold gaze that froze her. “Kick your
bouncy little butt out on the street for daring to try and sully
the name of his prestigious law firm. James for all his magnanimity
wouldn’t like to know he’s been made a fool of. He’ll probably make
sure you never work in this city again.”

BOOK: Broken Submission: Surrendering Softly (Contemporary Submissive Romance)
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