Read Bred By My Billionaire Daddy (Taboo Stepfather/daughter Breeding Erotica) Online

Authors: Laurence Ford

Tags: #light bdsm, #taboo sex, #family sex, #pseudo incest, #daddy daughter erotica, #daddy erotica, #breeding sex, #impregnation sex, #family breeding, #taboo breeding, #daddy breeding, #taboo bdsm

Bred By My Billionaire Daddy (Taboo Stepfather/daughter Breeding Erotica)

BOOK: Bred By My Billionaire Daddy (Taboo Stepfather/daughter Breeding Erotica)
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Bred By My Billionaire Daddy


by Laurence Ford


Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012


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This book is a work of
fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places,
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imagination and used fictitiously.


Adult Reading Material


Bred By My Billionaire Daddy



Shannon crossed her legs at the ankles
delicately, enjoying the smooth feel of shaved skin on skin. Such a
simple pleasure could almost help her forget the big trouble she
thought she might be in.
Oh Daddy, why
would you even hire me? You know how clumsy and careless I
, she fretted inside her head.

He was running late himself today. That was
unusual for him. In the three weeks she had been working there, he
had always been right on time for anything she witnessed. His suits
were always pressed neat, and his hair was always parted sharply on
the left. His clean-shaven face always looked like it would be soft
and smooth to the touch.

It was obvious to Shannon that the effort he
put into his appearance made an even bigger impression among the
ladies of his company than his professionalism. In just a short
amount of time she had seen secretaries swooning and even the
cleaning lady staring him down lustfully. Yes, her step-father Brad
could have anyone there he wanted. If his good looks didn't catch a
person, his warm personality certainly would.

In fact, if he hadn't been
my step-father I would be all over that in seconds
she mused.

Of course, there was no one stopping her. It
had been years since her mother and him had gotten a divorce. Yet
somehow he still felt like her step-father, since he had never
stopped believing in her and helping her out when she needed it.
Giving her this job was one of his little ways of helping her, and
she was grateful.

Finally Brad entered the large, executive
office Shannon was waiting in. He approached her with a wide smile.
"Hey honey, so glad to see you. Please, be comfortable." He
motioned towards the miniature fridge in the corner, and she shook
her head. He sat down in his large, comfy chair, eyes staying on
her body the whole time.

Brad rested his chin on his hands and
continued to look Shannon over. She felt nervous under his intense
gaze. He began to speak. "How have you been liking the job so

"It's been great!" Shannon said cheerfully.
"Thank you so much for getting it for me. It's so hard to find jobs
straight out of college in this economy."

Brad chuckled. "I couldn't let my
step-daughter go without, even if things didn't work out between
her mother and me."

Shannon looked down. "Yeah, well, she's a
difficult person."

"But I didn't call you in to talk about her."
Brad's face crinkled up with a genuine smile, one that started in
his eyes and trickled down to his bright, white smile. "I have a
proposition for you."

"A job project or something? I would love

"No, not quite my dear." Brad got up and
leaned against the bookcase behind him. "Do you remember when we
all lived together, you, me, and her?"

"I do." Shannon thought back to when her
mother had first married Brad, and how she had always secretly
thought she did it for his money. Brad was a very wealthy man after
all. They had moved into one of his spacious homes briefly, but
Shannon had left for college soon after. Brad had offered to help
her financially but she turned him down at the time, having huge
scholarships to take care of her. She wondered where it had all
gone wrong. Everything was simple and nice back then, for those few
months of happiness.

"I wanted to start a family with her you
know, but she thought she was too old, and wanted other things out
of life after you went off to school." He sighed.

"I... I never knew that."

"It wasn't the only reason we got divorced of
course, but ever since, I have still longed to have a family of my
own. But running several huge corporations like this one takes up
so much time, and the money gets in the way. So many women can't
see past that." He scowled.

Shannon nodded. "Gold-diggers. I get it."

"You were always so kind to me, making me
feel like a part of your family even though you barely knew me when
you and your mother moved in. You adapted so well, even calling me
Daddy so soon. I loved that about you. I loved everything about

Shannon blushed at his praise. "Thank you.
You're a great man, how could I not?"

"When you left our new home and went off to
college, I was so happy for you. You've done a great job with
yourself. But as we kept in contact, I couldn't help but fall in
love with you."

Shannon tried not to gasp. Brad? In love with
me? She thought helplessly.

"And I couldn't help but wonder if you were
really the woman I had been dreaming of all this time, the woman I
would want to start my family with. Now that you're back here with
me, I know the answer."

Shannon gulped, not daring to look away.

"I want you to have my baby."

"A baby? Us? I..." She squeaked as she
finally looked down, not wanting Brad to see the turmoil in her
eyes. "What if I say no?"

"I'm not used to not getting my way,
Shannon." Brad's voice was dead serious. "But you' are your own
person. I would never want to force you into anything you didn't
want. If you say no, it will be as if I never offered. But if you
say yes..."

"Yes?" Shannon looked back to him.

"I'll want you to move back in with me, so I
can love and care for you."

Shannon's mouth was dry and she couldn't
think. This was all just too much to process. "I need some time to
think about this."

"I'll be in here." Brad spun the chair
away, dismissing Shannon for a while. She walked quietly to the
door, thoughts blazing through her mind. A baby with Brad? She was
just now becoming independant! She wanted a family and all, but
with him?
I do like the
, she admitted to herself.
But can I really just hand over my body to him like that, for
him to do what he pleases?
She slumped against the
wall. Shannon was baffled, torn, and slowly realizing that she was
also completely aroused by the idea of Brad knocking her

, she
thought to herself.
I think I might be
. She turned and walked back into his

Shannon trembled as she approached his large,
executive desk. Brad was turned away from her, facing the wall with
his arms behind his neck in a relaxed stretch. "Daddy, I..."

The chair spun around and Brad stared at her
with his piercing eyes. "Yes Shannon? I trust that you have thought
about my proposal?"

She looked down at her hands, fingers
clutching the front of her dress tightly. "I did."

Brad smiled warmly. "Whatever you decide my
dear, I just want you to be happy. Of course..." He stood up and
walked towards her. "I like to be made happy too." He stroked her
auburn hair lightly.

"I've decided that I want to do this. I want
to have your baby." She bit her lip.

Brad folded her into his arms. "Oh, my dear.
This makes me the happiest man alive. Now... I have given this
thought as well, and I think I would like to start this venture
now. Today."

Shannon thought her jaw would drop at the
bold suggestion, but she kept herself calm and tried to keep a calm
face. "Is... Is that a good idea?"

"The more chances we give it, the more likely
it is it will happen." Brad put his arms around her waist in a
loose embrace. It sent a warm feeling through her body.

Shannon blushed. "Okay. Shall we go back to
my place? Yours?" She bit her lip nervously.

Brad looked her straight in the eye. "What if
I said I had a bit of a thing for office sex?"

"But there's people around!" Shannon said
frantically. "I mean, won't we be heard?"

"You'll have to learn to trust me. Besides, I
sent everyone who works on this floor home when I had you come
here." Brad smiled deviously and pulled her closer.

Shannon gasped a little, suddenly able to
feel Brad's growing erection hard and sturdy against her thigh.
Brad tucked his fingers under the hem of her sundress and lifted it
so she could feel his hardness against her bare skin.


"I never thought this would happen..."
Shannon groaned as Brad started to grind against her thigh. "But I
wanted it to," she confessed. The feeling of his obviously aroused
member on her body was getting her very wet between the legs, and
knowing his intentions for their meeting only made her feel hotter.
"I want your cock in me Daddy," she said breathlessly.

Brad moved his fingers against her crotch,
feeling her now-moist panties. "Oh, I can tell." He laughed a
little, continuing to rub against her sensitive spot through the
wet fabric. "But I don't want this to end too quickly." He arched
one of his fingers around the waistband of her underwear and tugged
them down to mid-thigh before nestling his hand against her clit.
The pressure of his palm against her sensitive nub drove her crazy,
and her body bucked wildly. Just as soon as she was starting to get
into the rhythm of his hand on her, Brad stopped.

"What are you doing?" Shannon pressed her
lips against his neck as he turned around and began to fumble
around in the drawer of his desk. "Don't stop! Please!"

He pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "I want
you to take your clothes off, now."

Shannon was shocked at Brad's sudden
firmness. "Yes... Daddy..."

Brad smiled. "Good girl." He leaned against
the desk and motioned for her to start taking her dress off.

Shyly, Shannon lifted the rumpled skirt of
her dress and pulled the whole thing over her head. Her underwear
was still pulled down, showing off her smooth mound rising between
her pale, creamy thighs. She looked around, wondering where she
should put it before settling on putting it on the chair behind

Brad looked on her body appreciatingly,
nodding slowly. "Now your bra."

Shannon unclasped the black bra she was
wearing clumsily, almost snagging her finger on the fancy
embroidery. "Yes Daddy." She laid it next to the dress, her large
breasts freely moving against her chest.

"You have amazing breasts Shannon," Brad

"Thank you." Almost as an afterthought,
Shannon tugged her panties down to the floor too. She was just
starting to step out of her high heels when Brad stopped her.

"No... Leave the heels on. I like it that
way." Brad grinned.

"Okay Daddy, whatever you like," Shannon said
submissively. She stood before him completely naked except for her
shoes. Brad got up and turned her around roughly so her back was
facing him and started cuffing her hands together behind her. She
whimpered as the cold, hard metal restrained her.

"Sorry love, this really gets me off. And you
want me to really get off if we're gonna make a baby, don't you?"
He caressed her cheek and she closed her eyes, nodding.

His left hand was on her hip, holding her
naked body tightly against him. She couldn't struggle, the cuffs
held her fast. When his right hand moved down to her breasts and
started playing roughly with her nipples, all she could do was
whine and arch her back as her pink nipples grew hard under his
fast moving fingers. He rubbed one in circles, over and over until
it was almost painfully erect and tingly.

"Oh God," Shannon moaned. She wiggled so her
chest was more comfortable positioned for him to play with. For a
few minutes, he continued to squeeze and fondle her breasts as she
threw her head back and cried out, but then stopped abruptly. "Get
on your knees," he growled.

"Yes, anything you want Daddy." Shannon could
tell how much he liked being in control. She dropped to the floor
and waited as Brad unzipped his black slacks.

Shannon gasped as Brad freed his cock and she
finally saw how big it was. Big money wasn't the only thing big
Brad had! "I... I don't know if I can take it... It's so big!"

BOOK: Bred By My Billionaire Daddy (Taboo Stepfather/daughter Breeding Erotica)
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