Read Brainy and the Beast Online

Authors: J. M. Cartwright

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Gay, #Contemporary

Brainy and the Beast (9 page)

BOOK: Brainy and the Beast
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Demanding bugger. “Uh-huh.” It felt so good knowing I could get to him. “How’s this?” I brought my other hand to his balls, cupping and shaping them, then pushed two fingers on his taint. When he grunted again, this time louder, I grinned to myself.

He countered by pressing two fingers to my lips, one brow elevated as he met my gaze. “Open up.”

Now, he could have wet his fingers easily in the shower spray. He was clearly trying to make a point…and I let him. I opened my mouth.

“Good boy.”

Damned if that didn’t almost make me come right then and there. And damned if he didn’t know it too. When he pushed those fingers into my ass, I groaned, low and long.

“I know. It does feel good, doesn’t it?” He cupped the back of my head and shoved his tongue down my throat once more. Spreading his feet a little farther apart, he rolled his hips into mine while he finger fucked me, using that hand to press me closer with every thrust. It was unbelievably hot, and I wailed some as he played with my ass, finding my prostate every so often.

I jerked my head back, suddenly coming without any more stimulation on my dick. “Doc. Doc!”

When I could think again, I found myself plastered to him, his extremely hard cock poking my belly. He was rubbing hard, and both his hands gripped my ass, lifting me into him. I wasn’t the tallest guy, but I was solid, so that impressed my lizard brain.

“Doc, let me… Push back a little. Let me get hold of you.” I tilted backward, the tilt pushing our dicks together again, and Henry gasped.

“Hurry. Stroke me off.” His jaw muscles were bunched, and his nostrils flared. I swear they did.

“Okay. Just let me…” I circled his thickness, the feel of it so good in my hand. Using my thumb again, I pressed right under the ridge, then edged my nail into his slit. Some guys liked it—I know I did.

Henry seemed to like it too, since he shoved his dick farther into my hand. “More.”

“Okay. Yeah.” I tugged harder, with both hands now, jacking him, rolling his balls, and using my thumb to fuck his slit. The water started to cool just a bit, and I doubled my efforts, wanting him to come, and come hard, before we lost the heat.

“Yes!” He hissed the word, a drawn-out sound. “God, Nicholas. Keep…keep going.” He lifted his arms against the tile, linking his hands and resting them atop his head. Pressed along the wall like that, tucked between the showerheads, he looked like my prisoner, and I had a sudden image of him cuffed and at my mercy.

“Doc,” I murmured in his ear. “You look so hot right now. I want to fuck you like this. Tear your ass up.”

Henry’s head dipped toward me once more, and his eyes met mine. “Make me come first. Then we’ll talk about that.”

I pushed back into him, rubbing my skin on his, biting at his neck and shoulder while I tugged harder. Suddenly he was coming, moaning into my ear, and he knocked his head against the tile, gasping for breath.

I was practically panting with him. “You’re so hot, so pretty like this, coming in my hand.”

Gusting a final sigh, Henry let his arms drop back to his sides. He eyed me with a calculating gleam in those Jaguar blues. “It seems you like talky sex, Nicholas.” He shut off the main valve, and the sound in the shower died away. “I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”

Feeling ridiculously shy now, which was stupid, I pushed open the door and hunted for a towel. “I guess.”

Following me out, Henry wiped at his wet skin. “Don’t worry. I liked it.” He wrapped a towel around those lean hips and strolled into the bedroom.

I rubbed the water from my hair, watching that tight ass walk away. He was sure as hell one sexy, brainy guy.

* * * *

I woke up at five o’clock, same as I did every morning. Didn’t matter what time I went to bed or the fact that it was Sunday; my frigging internal alarm got me up early. I was facedown, my hands under the pillow, and I could feel a warm presence along my side.


He was snuffling into my neck, head snuggled into the down pillow next to mine. Morning wood was nudging my hip, and I reached down to adjust an answering stiffness of my own. We’d messed around some last night, but after both coming twice, neither of us had gotten it up again, so I was mighty glad to see the return of Nick the Dick. Oh, and Henry’s guy too.

Maybe I could get some of that before I had to get going.

I shifted, trying to turn to face Henry. His arm slid across my back, and he mumbled into the pillow. I moved to my left, attempting to slide over onto my back. Henry tightened his grip.

He had to be awake now. “Henry?”


I smiled into my pillow. “Hey.” My voice was rumbly with early morning roughness. “Are you up? I mean, awake?”

His chuckle wafted across my shoulder. “Yes, indeed.”

“You, uh, you want to hit it before I have to get out of here?” I rubbed my cheek into the bedding, moving one knee up. My dick was getting anxious. I propped myself on both elbows. It was hard to see him in the dimness, but I could just make out his features.

“I think so, Nicholas. In fact, I don’t think I can let you out of this bed without it.” Rolling onto his back, Henry pushed the covers down. He flicked on the lamp next to him, then watched me as he slowly began jacking himself.

“You going to let me?”

Henry piled another pillow behind his head. “Perhaps.”

My mouth twisted. Perhaps? “What? Do I have to beg?” I wasn’t sure if I should get pissed or not, but I could feel it coming.

“Not at all. But you could kiss me.”

Oh. “Uh. Well, I don’t do that too much.” I scratched my brow. Now, when I was thinking clearly, I could remember why I didn’t like kissing. Messy, emotional, girl stuff.

His husky laugh was sexy. Everything about him was. “Really? You seemed to like it last night.”

I know
. “I…was just going with the flow.” I flopped on my back. “Besides, there’s the whole morning-breath thing.” I figured that would get me out of it.

“We can easily fix that.” Henry kicked the covers all the way down and got up. He gestured toward the bathroom. “Follow me.”

. Now I had to put up or shut up. Getting out of bed, I trudged after him. My dick was still hard, because of course it didn’t give a rat’s ass about what I had to do to get it stuck in a hot, wet hole.

Henry was standing at the counter, toothbrush in hand. “Here’s a brush for you.” His eyes met mine in the mirror, then dropped to my cock. I was glad when he didn’t say anything else, just grabbed toothpaste from a drawer.

It felt a little funny to be standing side by side, brushing our teeth. I couldn’t help but dart glances at him through the mirror. He didn’t appear to be watching me; at least our eyes didn’t meet, but I wasn’t completely sure.

We both rinsed; then Henry set his brush back in its rack. “You can set yours there too, if you like.” He didn’t wait for me to comment before walking back into the bedroom.

Was I coming back here? Why would I need to store a borrowed toothbrush?

“Coming, Nicholas?”

Shit, who cares?
I tossed the brush next to Henry’s.

He was spread out for me again, this time lying on his side. It was like every centerfold dream I used to have as a kid—at least once I’d realized which protruding parts I liked to stare at. My dick led the way, standing straight out, pointing toward true north.

“Condoms are over there.” With a desultory motion of his hand, Henry indicated the nightstand on my side of the bed.

“Uh. Okay.” I yanked open the drawer and found the mother lode. “Whoa.” Two plugs, one of them very nicely sized, and a big, flesh-colored dildo. Bigger than me, that was for sure. “Doc. You do surprise me.” I poked through everything, sucking in a satisfied breath when I uncovered a pair of nipple clamps. “Sweet.” I grabbed those along with the rubbers and lube.

“You can wear those while I ride you.”

“What?” I was thinking
could wear them.

“Yes. Let me help you.”

I found myself with one knee on the bed. “Easy, Doc. I was kind of planning on, um, you…”

He tweaked one of my titties as he met my gaze. “I’m sure you were. But let’s try it this way for now, all right?” A couple more tugs and twists and the clamp went on, the rubber-coated teeth making an impression.


“Shh.” His fingers went to my other nipple. “You’re quite beautiful, you know. So strong. A workingman’s muscles.” He ran a hand up my right arm as he continued to tease my tit. “I pictured this underneath your garage coveralls. Those should be outlawed for hiding your body.”

I moaned as the second clamp went on, and my hands came up reflexively to pull them off.

“No. Don’t.”

“But I—”

“Lie down.” Henry tossed the pillows to the side.

Whimpering, I obliged, very carefully. Those damned clamps were serious. And, God, they were seriously making me hotter. Harder. Wetter.

“You can get me ready, Nicholas.” He lifted my hand and squeezed lube onto my fingers, then swung a leg over my middle, balancing with his hands on my chest. “I’ve been thinking about your long, thick fingers inside me. It was difficult to concentrate at work on Friday, you know.”

I didn’t know. I shook my head, not sure how to answer, as I slid my wet hand around his hip.

“Ah, yes.” Henry settled his weight over my belly, his dick leaking onto my abs. He kept his back arched, his ass open for my probing fingers.

I pushed first one, then two inside him, loving the tightness of his anal ring, and I once again felt back in my comfort zone. “Going to open you wide. Stretch this little hole. Going to make you ride me. You won’t forget this soon, Doc.”

“Talky, talky.”

It didn’t seem to bother him, though, because he moaned as I nudged deeper. I must have found his gland. He sighed when I removed my fingers. “More lube.” I stared at him, waiting. I was damned sure keeping the upper hand this time. The fact that he was able to pop open the lube with one hand while keeping that superior half smile on his face made me all the more determined to get him to acknowledge I was in control.
Damn it.

When I shoved three fingers inside him, Henry dropped his head back and rolled his hips, fucking himself on my digits.

“You look so hot, Doc. You don’t know how hot.” I jacked his cock, spreading the leaking precum with my thumb.

“I do like the way you chatter during sex.” Henry trailed a finger over the rise of my chest muscle, and I held my breath.

“Shit!” His tug on the chain between the nipple clamps made it hurt so good. I whimpered again, which kind of made me pissed. I bumped his ass a couple of times with my cock, flexing my glutes to poke him. “You better get a rubber on me right now. I’m ready to rock.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

Far from being intimidated, Henry looked amused. In fact, he actually tsk-tsked me. With deft hands, he ripped open a condom and slid back on my thighs. His balls skated along my dick as he did so, and the feeling was indescribable. Biting his lower lip, he concentrated on getting the latex rolled down, and I hissed as he covered me.

“Finally!” I lunged upward with his final stroke down my cock, flattening him to the mattress. I didn’t even care how that tugged at my titties, I was so worked up. The chain swung forward and back as I loomed over him, and I kneed his legs apart, deliberately being a little rough.

He grunted at my movements, then brought his hands up, laying his wrists flat on either side of his head. I could see the challenging look in his baby blues, and it was ratcheting me up even more. He was lying there, letting me do the work.

“Okay. You want it? You got it.” I pushed my still-slick fingers inside, two of them, and I quickly spread them, scissoring and plunging, opening him. “You like that? You want me to pound you?” He never stopped watching me, but he tipped his head forward just enough to show me he was in it all the way.

That was all the go-ahead I needed. I lined up, then pushed through. We both grunted when the head popped in, and I groaned at the tight grip on my dick as I slid forward. I froze, trying to give him time to relax, but it was agonizing.

“Move.” His voice was gritty, but when I met his gaze, he gave me a tiny nod. “Now, Nicholas.”

I started slowly, inching in deeper, then retreating. In. Out. In. Out. I bottomed out on the third try, and that made me groan again. Soon the shallow thrusting wasn’t enough—for either of us. Henry brought his legs up one at a time, wrapping me tightly. Now his hands were on the headboard, and he was pushing his ass into my hips.

“I knew it. I knew you’d like me going at you, giving it to you.” I couldn’t help the triumph in my voice.

Henry picked that moment to tug the chain on my nipples again, and I’m ashamed to admit I squeaked. It also made me jam my dick inside him, and he gasped. When he brought both his hands to my chest, I froze, suspended on my hands above him. “Fuck, Doc—don’t!”

Ignoring me completely, Henry pulled both clamps off at the same time, the bastard.

“Fuck!” The burn was so hot, so good, so much, I started jackhammering him, and he had to slam his hands back against the headboard. “Yes!” I desperately pulled at his dick, because I was seconds away from blowing my load.

I couldn’t hold on any longer; with a loud groan, I came, shuddering, thrusting a few more times. His ass squeezed me, prolonging the sensation, and I cried out. “Doc! God, oh God.” My voice died away into a moan. I could barely hold myself above him. In fact, I dropped onto my elbows, panting, my forehead practically touching his chest.

“Nicholas!” Henry’s voice rumbled from his throat, and he sounded so unlike himself. He was still stretched and arched under me, his ass chasing my shrinking dick.

Yo! Nicky. Wake up. The man needs to come
. “Sorry. Sorry!” Resting on one forearm, I managed to get my other arm down, then wrapped my hand around him. His thickness was pulsing in my hand. “Just let me—” I tugged, twisting my hand as I jacked him. “Come on. Cover me with your spunk.” I peeked at him through my lashes. “I kind of liked that last night, you know, when you shot on my…on my face.”

BOOK: Brainy and the Beast
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