Read Bourbon & Branch Water Online

Authors: Patricia Green

Bourbon & Branch Water (10 page)

BOOK: Bourbon & Branch Water
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“I can forgive you, but there’s a

Whatever the price was, she’d
gladly pay it to make amends for being such a ninny and for being rude to him.
Inwardly, she groaned over all the nasty things she’d said to him and her awful
attitude. “Okay.”

He arched a dark eyebrow. “Don’t
you even what to know what it is?”

Stormy shook her head. It wouldn’t

“A spanking. I’ll spank you’re ass
until it’s good and red, and we’ll call it even.”

This time she groaned aloud. It
would be awful, but she’d humiliated herself so much by now, what would a hot
ass be in comparison? “Okay.”

Jeff nodded sharply. “Put down your
briefcase—unless it’s so stuck in your hands that I have to pry it out of
your fingers.”

She set the briefcase on the sofa
in his office. “Okay.”

“Now raise your skirt and lean over
the desk.”

“What if someone comes in?”

With five strides, Jeff went to the
door and quietly locked it. “They won’t.”

“What if someone hears?”

“The office is soundproof for
client confidentiality. Nobody will hear so long as you don’t scream.”

Reminding herself that he’d spanked
her before, including spankings that made her excited, Stormy pulled up her
skirt and bent over the desk. Fortunately, she was wearing bikini panties that
covered everything up.

Jeff, however, was having none of
that. His thumbs slid into the sides of her panties and he pulled them down to
her ankles, tapping each ankle to indicate that she should step out of the

Heat washed over her face again.
Here she was, half-naked, bent over a man’s desk in the middle of a
work day
. What could be more embarrassing?

The panties removed, Jeff walked
around his desk and got something out of the drawer. It was a wooden ruler. He
slapped his palm a few times with it, testing its strength. That was going to
hurt badly. Maybe this was more than she deserved. It was an honest mistake,
after all. If only she’d brought her concerns to him instead of sniping at him…
Well, she deserved the punishment, so she’d pull up her big girl
panties—though she wasn’t quite sure where they were.

The ruler was cool as he slid it
over her naked behind. “This is going to hurt, Stormy.” He leaned over the desk
and gently put a thick hankie into her mouth. “You can spit it out whenever you
want, of course, but you will probably rather use it to muffle any noises you’d
be inclined to make.”

The whole idea that she’d be punished
that much made her cringe but she was determined to pay her penance. Stormy

The ruler hit with a sharp smacking
sound and a line of fire rose on
butt. She
grunted into the hanky and flinched. Another three spanks made her groan. The
painful spots were growing, spreading all over her fanny. Each new stroke, and
there were quite a few, shot over her body like a torch.

“You will come to me if you’re
confused or hurt about our relationship, Stormy,” Jeff lectured. “Nod if you

She did. But the spanking didn’t
stop. He planted several sharp cracks on the place where her bottom met her
thighs and she couldn’t help but cry out into the kerchief. Tears were pouring
out of her eyes and dripping on Jeff’s desk blotter.

“You will not call me names or
treat me rudely. I am not rude to you and I expect the same polite behavior
from you.”

More smacks made her squirm. The
edge of the desk was hard against her belly, but she crossed her legs anyway.
She could spit out the hanky and tell him the magic word, “stop,” but she didn’t.
This was her punishment and then they’d be even. She hoped that this would be
the last time they’d need to go to this painful place. Jeff sounded like there
was a future for them, but it was possible that too many of these punishments
would turn him off.

Another ten strokes of the ruler
and finally it stopped. Jeff put the ruler down on the desk and his cool hand
soothed her aching behind. After a moment of rubbing, his fingers delved
between her legs, gently searching, coaxing.

“Your red ass turns me on,” he
said, leaning forward to speak softly in her ear.

Stormy shivered, and not with pain.
He knew exactly what to say to turn on her libido, even under this kind of
circumstance. Jeff was amazing. He unbent and increased the exploration of her
pussy, rubbing her clit slightly and then pulling back over her lips.

“You’re getting wet baby. You like
your hot ass too?”

No answer was required but a small
moan. Jeff had spanked her during sex, and although it was always with his
hand, not a ruler, it had heightened her excitement considerably. The idea that
punishment like this could lead to something as enjoyable as sex had never
occurred to Stormy.

“Yeah, you’re getting plenty wet.”
He slipped two fingers into her and moved them in and out for a minute. She could
hear the wet sounds. The sound and sensation of him inside her made her arch,
offering more.

“You’d like me to fuck you, wouldn’t
you?” It was a statement requiring no answer. She had none to give. Yes, she
wanted him to fuck her, but she couldn’t come to grips with how they’d gotten
to this point, here in his office, with that rotten ruler on his desk.

And what if she went along and
joined with him? Was it one last time for the memory album followed by
good-bye? There was no reason to think Jeff was going to put up with continued
misbehavior, even if he forgave her this time. But why would he correct her
with a spanking if he
going to send her on her
way? He wasn’t a vengeful kind of man and he hadn’t seemed angry when the truth
had come out.

Oh, his fingers felt divine.
Between the emotional turmoil and the fact that she was wildly attracted to
him, it was no wonder she was putty in his hands.

He spread her wetness around and
over her clit, manipulating the bead firmly and gently, repeating the movement
until Stormy couldn’t take anymore. She moaned into the handkerchief, putting
her hot cheek down on the cool surface of the desk.

Harsh breaths warmed the kerchief
in her mouth, and she gritted her teeth as the rising pleasure spread from her
pussy to her flattened nipples and back again.

Once again, she moaned, this time a
little louder, lifting her hips to encourage him to touch her screaming clit a
little more, a little rougher.

He read her like a book. “Baby
wants to come.”

Stormy tossed her head and bounced
on her toes.

“Come for me now, Stormy.” Jeff
rubbed harder and faster and Stormy emerged from the long tunnel of excitement
into the light. Her body went rigid, muscles tense for a heartbeat, two, but
finally the light softened.

She heard Jeff’s zipper and sensed
him leaning to speak to her again. “I put a fresh condom in my pocket this
morning,” he whispered. “I was thinking of you.” The empty foil wrapper landed
on the desk about a foot from
face a moment

Within seconds, there was a welcome
prodding at the mouth of her pussy. She wanted to groan, but she had to be
quiet. It was quite hard to do. Jeff slid home and let out a soft sound of

“That’s good. It’s such a joy to
take my Stormy.”

. Was that what she was? Was there more to this interlude than a
souvenir? She spit out the kerchief.

“Yes,” she breathed. “More. Take it

He chuckled and pumped his hips,
his rhythm building like the slow, steady progression of a steam locomotive.
There was power in his thrusts, barely leashed violence that made Stormy
thrill. She squirmed.

Jeff put his hands on her hips and lifted
her pelvis a bit. “
, even better.” His breath was
quickening and
had never quite recovered.

She had to be quiet. Quiet. Stormy
let go of the far edge of the desk and stuffed the hanky back into her mouth barely
in time to stifle a loud moan.

“Good girl,” he said. Their bodies
made the desk thump, thump. Not so loudly that they’d be caught, but with a
drum beat
that sped up as they came together.

Jeff’s hand connected with her
still-smarting rump and she squealed into the gag. The pain drove her to a
deeper sensual space.

“I’ll bet you can make me come just
by squeezing those wonderful pussy muscles, babe. Show me how you can steal the
orgasm from me.”

That was all she could take. He’d
said exactly the words that toppled her over, and she squeezed her pussy tight,
relaxed, pulled tight again, and repeated the sequence. Jeff groaned softly,
never stilling.

“Good girl. Good, good girl. Oh

One last hard squeeze and soon she
could feel him pulsing within her. She used her pussy muscles to milk him, stealing
his ejaculation like a bandit.

Jeff relaxed against her, stroking
her hot behind absently. “We might be onto something, Miss Stillwater.”

She giggled, though her breath was only
barely beginning to slow.

He patted her bottom gently and
withdrew with a soft sucking sound. They cleaned up with most of a box of
tissues and tried to comport
professionals, though Stormy could sense his warm gaze on her and the remaining
sexual tension was slow to dissipate.

She reached up and gave Jeff a kiss,
hoping with all her heart that she hadn’t been so offensive that he’d rethink
their relationship, and grabbed the handle of her briefcase. “I’m ready, Mr.

“Very good, Miss Stillwater.”

Stormy took a deep breath, calming
, and exited Jeff’s office. They walked down a few
paces and Jeff made a soft sound. She looked over at him and, grinning, he
pulled her panties
out of his suit coat

All she could do was gasp. Had
anyone seen her bright blue underwear peek out from his pocket. She could tell
Jeff was pleased with himself, the teasing

“I’ll get you for this, Mr. Hand.”

“I’m going to have quite a
collection of your unmentionables pretty soon.”

Stormy ground her teeth together.
She knew he was teasing, but her heart hoped he was telling the truth. She’d
gladly give him her whole lingerie drawer if they could keep their relationship

* * *

The meeting with the
went poorly. Jeff was totally on his game and
Stormy knew she was seriously outclassed. To top it off, Ella
realized that Stormy was at a disadvantage and
made snide remarks throughout.

Fortunately, Jeff was kind during
the dreadful interview and although he made his points, he didn’t point out her
feeble attempts to represent the
’ side. If
she won this case, it would be a miracle. But, seeing the look in Jeff’s eyes,
the sympathy and affection present helped her deal with her inadequacies
better. The case was important, however, and no amount of sympathy was going to
make Jeff take a loss on purpose. She wanted to comport herself professionally
and do her best. Losing wasn’t an option she could explore further.

harped on the moral implications of having the bourbon distillery upstream from
them and so close to Fire Gorge and the reservation. It was exactly the tack
Stormy didn’t want to take, but she was at a loss over how to still the woman.
was visibly uncomfortable,
squirming in his chair, and though he tried to make light of Ella’s insistence
that the water rights were less important than the danger to the community, the
situation deteriorated steadily.

Finally, Jeff took mercy on her. “Well,
Mr. and Mrs.
, I think I understand your
opinions on the matter. I’ll have to take them up with my clients and see how
they want to proceed. I can safely say that they’re not going to discard their
plans for the distillery based upon a dubious moral argument.”

“There’s still the water issue, Mr.
Hand,” Stormy said, trying to get things back on track.

“The environmental impact study
indicated that there would be no harm to the water, Miss Stillwater.”

He was right. The impact study had
hit her desk the week before and she’d studied it carefully. There was nothing
in it that gave her leverage. She didn’t want the conversation to turn on that
report. She’d been hoping to bluff her way through the water matter. Obviously,
Jeff was not going to let that happen.

spoke up again. “I want to talk to the
about this. They’ve been avoiding me at church. I think they’re ashamed.”

“You’re entitled to your opinion,
ma’am,” Jeff pointed out. “I’m sorry they were unable to make this negotiation
session. We’ll reschedule, of course. It would be best for all if we can find a
solution to this matter out of court.”

Ella did not back down. “I think it
ought to be decided by a jury. I’m sure they’d realize exactly how
inappropriate it would be to have a distillery in our community.”

“That’s a very expensive way to go
about things,” Jeff said reasonably. “And if you lose, you may have to pay my
legal fees as well as those of Ms. Stillwater.”

“Ella,” Russell said, “we ought to
give this another try. Let’s not give up without trying.”

“Whatever. But I will never agree
to this threat to Fire Gorge. Never.”

Stormy cleared her throat. “I think
we’re done here.”

“Yes,” Jeff said. “I’ll see you

Jeff patted Stormy on the shoulder
as she walked behind her clients. The idea that they’d have to go over this
territory again made her quail, but she tried not to give up. If the
could be convinced that the distillery would
bring jobs and money to the community, maybe they’d give up this debacle. Of
course, that sentiment put her firmly on Jeff’s side of the argument.

BOOK: Bourbon & Branch Water
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