Read Bound to the Elvin King Online

Authors: Lisa Kumar

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #otherworld romance, #human heroine, #elven king, #elves and fae, #otherworld fantasy, #fae series, #Sensual Romance, #elves

Bound to the Elvin King (6 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Elvin King
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“You’re crazy if you think I’m sleeping with you.”

He bit back a smile. She’d love his news. Hopefully, the whole palace wouldn’t hear her joyful shriek. “If we want to go farther than forty paces or so from each other, then we’ll indeed be repeating the activities of the night.”

A disbelieving laugh escaped her. “What? You’re going to make sure I’m thoroughly drunk and then take advantage of me?”

He prayed for patience. Had she not noticed the first part of his sentence? “Trust me when I say I did not take advantage of you. If anything, it was the other w—”

“Na, na, na.” Her hands covered her ears. “I can’t hear you.”

He frowned. This was his queen? Maybe she was right. He was insane. “Are you done?”

She pulled her hands away from her head. “Only if you stop talking bull.”

Not more of her strange slang. But he caught the meaning well enough. “You’ll believe me sooner or later.” Probably later. “But that’s not my concern.”

“So tell me of your concern, big kahuna.”

Another interesting term, though he hazarded it wasn’t complimentary. “You seem to be selectively hearing only part of what I say. And you’re gifting me with another name?”

A roll of her eyes was his answer.

Such impertinence. Again, why did he want her? “If you really want to test what I’m telling you, walk out the door.” He made his voice a dare. Though he wouldn’t enjoy the pain that would spring up in his chest if she did, the consequences could prove to be most worthwhile.

Her gaze darted to where he’d pointed. The expressions flitting across her face told the tale of her momentary indecision. But the urge to flee must’ve trampled all other feelings, for she lunged off the sofa and flew to the door. Did she fear he’d give chase? Normally, he might so he could corner her in some hallway. But any fun would have to wait until he illuminated his point.

The door slammed behind her, and a shot of pain speared his heart. He grimaced. They could’ve avoided the discomfort if the little witch had just listened. But she had to do everything the difficult way. Damn the Mystics, why was this so alluring? She was a headstrong human who wasn’t exactly queen material. For some reason, that thought sent desire humming through him.

A cry sounded from the hall. He lurched to his feet. So much for the legendary grace of the elves. But with his strength draining away, he’d be forced to his hands and knees in order to move if he didn’t go after her now. And he preferred to crawl to no woman.

He stumbled down the hall, barely aware of where he went. Thankfully, no servants loitered about to witness his undignified state. The bond worked as a tracking device. His feet needed no guidance.

She hadn’t gotten far and was slumped in a corner, a hand fisted into a tapestry. He neared and leaned heavily against the wall. Just a few more inches, and he could touch her. His hand flexed involuntarily with his desire to reach out to her, but he stifled the impulse. He couldn’t be the first to capitulate.

“Talion.” Her voice came out a whisper. “W…what’s happening?”

“That is the bond at work and why we can’t be far from each other for now.” His chest heaved as he spoke. “Foolish woman, you said it yourself, but you still had to push at its boundaries.”

Her eyes closed. “No energy to fight with you.” Her legs buckled, her hand sliding down the tapestry. “Help.”

With the last shred of his energy, he lunged to catch her. He fell to his knees with her. Pain radiated up his legs because of the hard stone, but he ignored it. All that mattered was in his arms. The heat of her skin singed him to the core, and possessiveness roared through him. He wanted to lose control with her, in her. Strip away their façades, leave them raw and bare.

Her hands clutched his shoulders. Their bodies pressed tightly together. Not even a whisper could pass between them. She stared, wide-eyed, pleading for something she’d never say out loud. As vigor returned to him, he removed his arms from around her so he could cup her face. A sigh escaped her, and she leaned into his touch. Triumph soared through his veins. She was finally seeing reason.

He crushed his lips against her mouth. She responded by meeting his kiss with equal force. His tongue dove into her depths and dueled with hers. Her arms wound around his neck.

Both fought for dominance, and neither one would retreat. It was the most erotic moment of his life. If he weren’t careful, he’d take her right there. On the floor. At this thought, blood flowed to his nether region. He willed the stubborn organ to settle down but to no avail. It strained toward her, desiring to be in one place—her warmth. He had to get them back to his bedchamber. Or the nearest empty room.

She rubbed sensuously against him. He wrapped his hands in her hair and bit back a groan. Though he sensed no innate magic within her, she had to be a sorceress to beguile him so. He took one more thorough sweep of her mouth, savoring the taste of her. It would have to be enough for now. He pulled back, though his body screamed a vicious objection.

Her arms slowly slid from his neck, but her gaze remained dark with desire. “Wow, that was some kiss.”

He couldn’t resist a satisfied smile. She was falling in line nicely. “Not too shabby from an old man?”

She licked her lips. “No.”

That sultry movement, along with her pink cheeks, enchanted him. Would the flush of color spread to other parts of her body? And that tongue? The multiple ways he could put it to good use had blood thundering through his veins.

He tugged her up with him. “Come, let us take this to my bedchamber.”

As he pulled her along, she lagged behind. He sighed in impatience. Did she realize how aroused he was? It was sheer torture walking when all he wanted was to be in her.

He sped up his pace, but as she came to a complete standstill, he stopped. A look at her sent all his plans careening off course. The slightly confused but mutinous expression plastered over her face didn’t bode well for him.

“We need to talk.”

He let loose a groan. When an elvin woman said those words, nothing good ever came of them. Did human men live in the same fear of hearing those utterances?

Might as well get it over with. “Of course.”

He strode down hall quickly, though he no longer hoped for a passionate union in bed. No, an argument was the only thing waiting for him. Too bad the lower portion of his body didn’t get that message.




Maggie ground her teeth as she stalked behind Talion. What the hell had come over her again? She’d practically begged him to have sex with her right in the hall. What would they have done if someone happened by? Hide behind the damn tapestry? Yeah, that would’ve been real subtle. Too bad “subtle” hightailed it out the window whenever Talion showed his face. For that matter, her commonsense did, too.

He was like an aphrodisiac. If she could bottle him, he’d outsell any cure for a flagging libido available back home. Women would be rioting in the streets to get their men some Essence of Talion.

All too soon, they arrived at his library. Dread enveloped her. Talion motioned for her to sit, but she didn’t budge from her spot a few feet away from the door. It felt safe, while he…did not. She wanted to cling to the entrance like it was her new best friend.

The overwhelming urge to jump him still pumped through her veins, though she didn’t know whether she wanted to knock him out or kiss him senseless. Both options sounded attractive. She chewed her bottom lip. Maybe she could do both? Kiss him and then knock him out. Or would it be better to hit him first and then lay a big ole—

“Well, my lady, what do you want to talk about?”

Talion’s voice rudely butted into her fantasy, plopping her back to reality. He spoiled everything. A girl couldn’t even daydream, not without Mr. Royal Pointy Ears wrecking the moment. But then again, she probably should be happy he intruded upon that particular fantasy. Anything with kisses had to go, though the hitting could stay.

And she did have a few choice words to say to him. Okay, more than a few. “What the hell are you doing to me? Is it some sort of elf sex magic?”

He lifted a brow. “I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.”

“This”—she motioned between them—”…this crazy feeling that comes over me whenever you’re around. And now it’s even worse.”

His face gave nothing away. “Can you please elaborate?”

Her cheeks heated. He wanted her to elaborate, did he? “When I’m around you, it’s like some orgasm-inducing haze comes over me.”

A smirk formed on his lips. “Maybe it’s my magnetism.”

“Oh, please, let’s be serious.”

“That you don’t think it comes from my potent charm wounds me deeply. Would you believe me if I said it’s due in part to our growing bond? Right now, the draw and attraction we feel for each other doesn’t allow us to venture far from the other’s side.”

Relief and alarm battled within her. A magical, freaky bond made her horny for his highness? “How do we make the bond ease up? We can’t be glued together for the rest of our lives, frolicking around the halls.”

He chuckled. “No, that wouldn’t be proper of us, would it? There is a way, but you won’t like it. And I must warn you, it won’t get rid of the attraction between us. Our desire will only return to a more normal, bearable level.”

Great, she’d still find him hot? Just her lousy luck. “Anything that will cut me loose from you is worth it.”

“I’m glad you’re so eager to make love again.”

Her mind crashed against the wall of his words. He couldn’t mean…. But as their previous conversations flowed back to her, she wasn’t so sure. “What are you talking about? Because I’m
not eager to”—she made air quotes with her fingers—“make love to you.”

Talion moved from the center of the room toward her, his gaze pinning her in place. “Your body sings for me. Even now, I can feel its hum.”

“You said my attraction to you is because of the bond.”
So there

“I said it’s only in part due to it.”

He stood inches from her, but she forced herself to remain rooted in place. Didn’t he know it was impolite to tower over others? And didn’t he know about an individual’s personal bubble of space and not to breech it? “Close enough.”

As soon as the words flew out her mouth, the irony—and double meaning—of them socked her in the gut. Ha, had she vomited them in response to what he said, or was it because he’d inserted himself into her precious space?

She glowered. “What’s this about being with you?”

“If we want to stabilize our bond, we need to join again.”

Damn it, she was right and never hated it more. “I’ve got to have sex with you? Just to get away from you? But we slept together last night. Wasn’t this enough to satisfy the bond?”

He shook his head. “For us, it was the equivalent of both the binding and bonding ceremony. We need to consummate our relationship again so the bond can settle.”

“Let me get this straight. Since we didn’t have a ceremony where we exchanged bonding bracelets or a ceremony where we pledged our bond to each other, we have to have sex to subdue the bond flaring to life because we had sex?”

“You’re mostly right. The bond was forming before we slept together. Last night just cemented it. As we didn’t have the binding bracelets on, the bond’s magic overwhelmed us. We felt its full effects when we joined, something the binding prevents. Indeed, we’ve experienced the stirrings of it right from the start. It starts out weak and grows stronger over time.”

He confused her, but that was nothing new. “But I thought couples undergo the binding ceremony to see if they’re complete-bond mates. If the bond starts forming before then, why do they have to even perform the ceremony to find out? They should only have to do it to control the bond they already know is forming between them.”

“Ah, but infatuation and love can mimic the emotions brought about by the stirrings of the bond. We can’t be certain if a total bond is possible unless a binding is performed.”

“You and Relian never told any such thing to Cal.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know what he has since told her. But at the time we’d talked about it, this detail didn’t seem important, given you and Cal had just arrived in a foreign land in another dimension.”

Okay, he had a point, but the lack of information now came back to bite her on the ass. “Well, the primer you gave us on bindings and bonds sucked.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I can’t believe I have to have sex with you because if I don’t, you’ll be like a ball and chain choking the life outta me.”

His brows lifted. “You make it sound very sordid. After all, you did about ravish me in the hallway, so it’s not one-sided.”

He wasn’t going to let her live that one down. Not that he was any better around her, but he openly admitted his attraction for her. Though he was as sexy as all get out, she’d rather die than tell him that. But with the bond in place, it was a no-brainer to see her response to him. Why not use it as a copout to enjoy a little nookie time with him? This might get him out of her blood.

A small part of her yelled she was playing with a fire she couldn’t control. Though she wasn’t a prude, sex wasn’t something she treated lightly. She clamped down on the annoying voice and stuffed it back in the recesses of her mind.

BOOK: Bound to the Elvin King
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