Read Born of the Night Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born of the Night (19 page)

BOOK: Born of the Night
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"You look so sad."

She held his hand to her cheek, reveling in the feel of his callused palm against her skin.

She moved his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles. "I wish I could take away your

pain," she whispered. "I wish I could go back to when you were born and take you

somewhere safe. Far away from all the people who hurt you."

His eyes were liquid. "You're doing that now." He leaned forward and kissed her lips.

Kiara welcomed the feel of him pressing her down on the mattress. His lips traveled over

her body, blazing a trail of fire where they touched. Nykyrian lifted the hem of her dress

and placed a kiss on her stomach. Kiara clutched his head to her in dizzy ecstasy.

Nykyrian marveled at the feel of her silken flesh. He delighted in the way she quivered

from his slightest touch and whispered his name. He had waited his entire life to feel this

wanted. He wasn't disappointed.

Kiara forgot her shyness as he removed her dress and let it fall to the floor. She watched

him explore her body, each nerve alive and attuned to him. She laughed and jerked as his

lips and whiskers tickled her flesh.

He locked eyes with hers before leaving her and removing his pants.

She lowered her gaze down his magnificent body, warmth singeing her cheeks. She had

never seen a real live naked man before and she delighted in the sight of this incredible


Kiara leaned over him and ran her hand down the scars of his chest to the small trail of

hair below his bellybutton. Nykyrian closed his eyes and drew a ragged breath. When her

hand moved lower, he gasped.

"You're mine now," she said devilishly, nipping his neck. "I'll never let go of you."

He grunted then freed her
. Her breath caught as he moved his hands over her

exposed breasts. Sharp heat pulsed in her veins until she wanted to shout with the bitter-

sweet ache.

His mouth replaced his hands on her breasts and his warm breath drove her to an even

dizzier height. She leaned her head back, surrendering herself to him, to the night. His

strong, warm hands circled her waist and roamed up her spine.

Gently, he leaned her back against the mattress, his kiss deepening. Kiara twined her

fingers in the soft strands of white hair, holding him to her.

Groaning, Nykyrian pulled away and removed her underpants. He lay fully against her.

Kiara smiled at him, never wanting him to stop the sweet torture.

"You are beautiful," he whispered, then reclaimed her lips.

Kiara returned his kiss with all her passion and opened her legs to him. He accepted her

invitation with a heated moan. Kiara gasped at the sudden pain that ripped through her

pleasure as he entered her.

Nykyrian's body went rigidly still against her. He paused and looked at her in confusion

as he realized she was a virgin.

"Love me," she whispered, smoothing the frown from his face with her fingers.

He clenched his teeth and for a moment, she feared he would leave her. She wrapped her

legs around him and held him close.

Finally, he began to slowly rock his hips against hers. "Tell me if it hurts," he whispered.

After a time, the pain ebbed and was replaced by a new pleasure. Kiara breathed heavily

as he moved faster. She ran her hands over his shoulders, feeling the strength of him. He

was hers and she intended to keep him with her no matter what.

A new demand built inside her. Kiara rocked her hips against his. She matched his

rhythm, amazed at the sharp, intensifying pleasure. Just when she thought she couldn't

stand anymore, her world exploded into a titillation she had never dreamed of.

Nykyrian buried his face in her hair and joined her release. He breathed in the sweet

fragrance of the silken strands. Her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, obliterated

all the pain in his soul. Her hand played in his hair, holding him against her.

He lay there unable to believe it was real. He expected to wake at any moment and find

himself alone and that the entire night had been nothing more than a cruel dream. But

then he wondered if the reality of this night would be even more cruel than the dream.

"What are you thinking?" Kiara asked, sensing his distance again.

"Nothing," he said and moved away from her.

She frowned, watching him walk to the bathroom. In a few seconds, he returned to sit on

the edge of the bed. He wouldn't meet her gaze. Instead, he moved her legs apart and

washed the blood from her thighs with a warm washcloth. The dark frown on his face

worried her.

"What is wrong?" she demanded.

He looked up at her, his eyes blank. "Why?"

She mirrored his stern frown. "Why what?"

"Why did you let me be the first? I wouldn't have touched you had I known."

She smiled. "That's why I didn't tell you, silly." Kiara touched his cheek.

She could tell by his face, her answer didn't appease him. "I love you," she said softly.

"I've never felt this way about anyone."

He looked so sad, she ached. Why wouldn't he let her inside him? How could he close her

out after what they'd shared?

Nykyrian got up and went back to the bathroom. Kiara listened to the running water,

wanting to scream. When he returned a moment later, he still wore a deep, somber frown.

"If you don't wipe that grimace off your face, soldier, I just might shoot you!"

His eyes softened a degree. "I'm sorry," he said, lying back on the bed.

He pulled her into his arms and held her close. Kiara listened to his heartbeat, wishing

she knew a way to really reach him, to make him understand that she needed him, loved

him. For now, she would give him what she could and hope that one day soon he would

realize she could be trusted inside his cozy world of solitude.

* * *

Tiarun surveyed the damaged apartment in fury. As every second passed without a trace

of Kiara, his anger tripled. He would kill those bastards even if it meant his life!

"Commander?" His second in command approached him timidly. "I've issued the

contracts out on the lives of Rachol and Nykyrian."

"Good," he growled. "I want their hearts brought to me in a box!"

Tiarun narrowed his eyes at his soldier. "Seal off this area. I want no one near Kiara's

things." With that, he left the apartment.

The road home was arduous for Tiarun. He ached with guilt knowing he had handed his

precious daughter over to her executioners.

Tears flowed down his cheeks as his mind replayed images of his wife Lasa, her gentle

laugh and the sound of the blaster that had ended her life. At least Lasa's death had been

quick and painless. God only knew what those bastards were doing to his beautiful angel.

If only he hadn't been so over-protective, maybe Kiara would have continued to live at

home with him. It was his fault. He should have given her the freedom she wanted. If

only he could have her back, he would never again allow her to leave his sight.

In quiet desperation, he prayed. She had to come home to him. He couldn't live with himself if she died because of his stupid ideals.

Entering his home, he ripped the pictures off the wall, trying to vent the anguished guilt

and helplessness in his soul. Someway, somehow, he vowed he would kill Nykyrian.

* * *

Nykyrian watched the sky pinken. Kiara, still asleep, snored softly beside him. He didn't

want to move, but he had too many things to do to lie in bed any longer. As gently as he

could, he pulled her arms away from him and slid out of bed.

He watched Kiara situate herself on the mattress, her hips wiggling provocatively. A

smile played at the edges of his mouth. He covered her with a sheet then darkened the

ceiling against the dawning sun.

Kiara was beautiful in his bed.

Reluctantly, he moved to the bathroom to shower. His mind castigated him for what he

had done last night. It was wrong to love her. She belonged to the day, to warmth and

sunshine. Her world was light and wonderful, filled with love and laughter.

And he was born of night. His mother was the darkness, her cold embrace was all he had

a right to crave. Just as the sun destroyed the night, he was sure Kiara's love would

destroy him, provided his enemies didn't kill her first. He refused to watch her die.

A lump burned raw in his throat, his heart pleading with him to let her stay with him, but

he wouldn't listen to that part of him anymore. He would treasure the memory of last

night forever, but that would be all.

He quickly bathed, dressed and headed downstairs without looking at her tempting form.

The lorinas assailed him downstairs, unhappy about being banned from his room.

Sighing, he told himself they loved him enough, what did he need with someone else?

He deafened his mind to the answer.

Nykyrian grabbed a glass of juice and headed to his work. Switching on the computer

terminal, he ran his hand through his wet hair. Without paying much attention, he

scanned the new contracts. He drank his juice and switched the screen. He choked.

Blinking his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Shit!" he snarled, reaching for his link.

It took several nerve wrenching minutes before Rachol answered with a menacing curse.

"I told you Hauk, I'm not going. You can roast your overgrown— "

"Rachol, it's me."

Nykyrian heard a yawn over the link. "Do you know what time it is here?"

Nykyrian didn't bother answering his question. "Biardi has issued a death contract on

both of us. Clear your flat."

"I clear my flat for nothing!"

Nykyrian stifled a laugh at Rachol's outrage. The man loved his place. "Not even Aksel

or Shahara?"

He heard Rachol knock something off his bedside table, no doubt bolting upright in

shock. "Shahara Dagan?"


"Does Caillen know his sister's coming after us?"

"I doubt it. But it doesn't matter. I need you to get information about the two of them and where they're living. As much money as Biardi's offered and after I terminated Arast,

Aksel's not going to stop until my brains are mush-meat."

"Yeah, no kidding. I'll be there shortly."

Nykyrian tossed the link away and rechecked the contract. It made all the other contracts

on his life look like jokes. Biardi had given his enemies full immunity from any

prosecution which meant they could forget League rules and come after him unbarred.

His stomach twisted.

This was just great. Now Kiara was in more danger than ever before. Her father had to

have the I.Q. of a
fruit to do something this stupid. Biardi just might end up the death of his own daughter. Just what the hell was he supposed to do now?

"With a frown like that, you could frighten small children and elders," Kiara said,

startling him.

"I didn't know you were awake," he said and flipped the screen.

Kiara was puzzled by his distant mood. "Is something wrong?"

He sat back and eyed her. "Your father wants me dead."

Her mouth dropped in shock. He had to be kidding. "What?" she asked, crossing the floor to stand beside his desk.

Nykyrian punched up the contract and pulled her around the desk to read it. "For that

amount of money, I'm tempted to turn myself in and collect it!"

Kiara tensed. "You're not funny," she snapped, unable to believe her father would be so ruthless. The contract described how her father wanted Nykyrian executed in minute

detail. "How could he do such a thing?" she whispered.

Nykyrian looked at her, his eyes blank. "He's worried over you. Given the condition we

left your flat in yesterday, who knows what he thinks has happened to you."

She wanted to scream at the injustice of the contract. "I need to call him. Do you have a telelink?"

He shook his head. "Never needed one."

Exasperated, Kiara rubbed her arms. "We've got to get a hold of him before someone acts

on this contract!"

"I don't think your father's going to listen to you right now."

Kiara frowned. "Well take me to him, I can explain."

"Look at the contract. I'm pretty sure he thinks we've killed you. If I go near his airspace, the man is going to shoot me out of the sky long before you have a chance to say a word."

Kiara chewed her thumbnail, trying to think of some way to end this nightmare. "So what

are you going to do?"

He sat back in his chair and sighed. "I'm taking you shopping as soon as Rachol gets


Her hand fell away from her lips as numbed disbelief coursed through her. "You're what?

You can't be serious."

He shrugged. "You don't have any clothes." Kiara was incredulous. "Nor do I have a debit card," she said sarcastically. "Am I supposed to believe you have this
contract out on you, I have one out on me, and all you want to do about either of them, is go

shopping—which you hate. Are you insane?"

A smile twitched around his lips. "Where I'm taking you, it won't matter. We'll be safe


her mind screamed. He didn't seem the least bit concerned over the contract on his life. "If I get shot, or you get killed, I'll never forgive you!"

"If I'm dead, it won't matter."

His blasé tone made her want to slap him again.

In an angry huff, she turned around and went upstairs to change her clothes. "What does

he care anyway," she mumbled, swallowing the clump of tears in her throat as she jerked

her dress off the floor of the bedroom. "If he doesn't care about his life, why should you?"

BOOK: Born of the Night
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